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If Our Captains Could Talk... again.

Ensign Cthulhu

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3 minutes ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:
4 hours ago, thornzero said:

From (etc)

Nicely done. You've captured the spirit of it very well from the serious side.

Don't forget to have a bit of fun with it along the way! Have the ships' captains complain about their ships or their progress from time to time, backstab each other over who did or didn't get promotions; that sort of thing. If you think naval officers would be far too professional to behave in such a manner, oh boy, do you have a surprise coming to you! 😜

The "spectrum" of various writing styles and perspectives (from the player and the ship's captain's and reserve commander's points of view) is entertaining and a welcome form of diversity.
Variety is the spice of life, eh?

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CNO's office, after dinner. Commanding Officer, Sir John Vincent of HMS Tiger is summoned. There is a rap at the door.

CNO: "Enter" "Captain, step into my office." "This won't take too long, I imagine you intend to spend some time with the wife after your duties for the past two days." "I've been reviewing your report from the Random's ops since Sunday. It looks like you were commanding the Tier IV Queen Mary for 12 battles and then cross-decked to the Tiger for the past 8 battles." 

SJV: "Yes indeed sir. It was a bank holiday week-end and I was headed home when I received your missive to report. The past two days of duty were intense."

CNO cracks open a bottle of Laphroaig and pours a bit into a pair of glasses.

CNO: "Since you are from the U.K., John, I am willing to bet you are familiar with this spirit from Scotland." "I thought you would enjoy a drop." 

SJV: "It has been a long time; Admiral, but perfect timing. What are we drinking to?

CNO: "To the uncanny pursuit of success." "And that my friend is why I have postponed your liberty for this quick meeting." "As you are well aware the Joint Task Forces generally focus on DESRON activities and have recently added some additional focus and interest in fighting battleships. The fleet has gained some experience in Brawl's ops and this looks as if it has paid some dividends while fighting Randoms."

SJV: "Certainly sir. We had an excellent couple of days; but I must admit we had some good teams."

CNO: "Well according to these stats, damage output is up, PR is up, and WR is 7o% for 2o battles." "Methinks it is not all luck; but then some men make their own luck."

SJV: "Well the plan is to follow the track to the mighty HMS St. Vincent. We received a special camouflage for her during regular training scenarios. I do hope to be assigned to her in the future; however, it will be a long row to hoe. Balancing DESRON activities with our battleship directives will be challenging. 

The men enjoy a moment with their spirits. There is a reason this stuff tastes like a liquid camp-fire. 

CNO: "Focus on the Tiger in the meantime. We need to gain proficiency in manoeuvres and positioning. We also need to make sure we are contributing to the team in a consistent top 5 manner. Our problems with DESRON objectively lacks the damage output due to the slew of duties destroyers content with. Damage is typically an after thought."

SJV: "Indeed sir. Further, we are still getting accustomed to british HE. Generally, we are finding better luck with AP. We were hoping the increased fire chance would be making an influence on our numbers but that is not the case. Part of the problem is routine and consistent aim. This will take some time to iron out." 

CNO: "Thank you for your contributions thus far. That is all." 

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Posted (edited)

[Narrator]  The scene is the office of the Alpha of the Port, Wolfswetpaws.  
The Alpha is standing behind his desk.  
The Adjutant of the Port, Fubuki Shirakami (the 1st.) is similarly standing an arm's span to the Alpha's left.  
Also standing in front of the Alpha's desk is a recently arrived newcomer to the Port, holding a gift-basket.
Captain Bert Dunkirk has just arrived at the open doorway and knocked upon the frame.

[Dunkirk]  Reporting as ordered, Alpha.

[Wolfswetpaws]  Enter.

[Shirakami]  Welcome Captain.  We have someone to introduce to you.

[Newcomer]  ::: turns around to face Bert Dunkirk, then extends the gift-basket towards him and says :::
[Newcomer]  "You may have this premium velvet chocolate cake, courtesy of the Royal Navy! Be grateful for it! As you see now, I am a magnanimous queen who treats her subjects well!"

[Wolfswetpaws]  Captain Dunkirk, this is Captain Azur Lane Queen Elizabeth.

[Dunkirk]  Ahem...uhh... Thank you, Captain Queen Elizabeth.  ::: accepts the gift basket :::

[Queen Elizabeth] "Heh heh~♪ Captain, what are you spacing out for? Are you starstruck by the glory of my velvet chocolate cake?"

[Dunkirk] ::: momentarily stunned with surprise :::

[Wolfswetpaws]  ::: Roars the command :::  AAHH-TENN-HUT!

[Narrator]  Shirakami, Dunkirk and Queen Elizabeth immediately lock their bodies in the military position of "attention".

[Wolfswetpaws]  Adjutant, you may be "at ease".  All of you, listen-up.

[Wolfswetpaws]  Queen Elizabeth is recently arrived from Azur Lane and may need some time to process the sudden transition to the Port's environment.
[Wolfswetpaws]  That being said, she is going to be assigned as Captain of the ship Queen Elisabeth, which has been in the good care of Captain Dunkirk for some time.
[Wolfswetpaws]  This is intended to be a friendly introduction.  The cake is a nice gesture, actually, and it does smell yummy.  But, I digress.
[Wolfswetpaws]  Bert, you'll be assigned a newer and higher-tier ship.  I'm going to expedite the research of the Tier-9 Duncan battleship, and you'll be assigned as her Captain when she arrives.
[Wolfswetpaws]  All of us will be attending the "change of watch" and "captaincy assignment" ceremonies which will take place in two days.  Meanwhile, there will be an "inspection and familiarization" period aboard the ship Queen Elizabeth as per the usual protocols.  
[Wolfswetpaws]  Queen Elizabeth, your vitality and uniqueness are valued.  There are plenty of cultural nuances here that you'll learn about and adapt to, in time, as you acclimate to your new home.  
[Wolfswetpaws] But the first one that I'll inform you about is that no one is required to kneel before you in my Port.  They may choose to do so, voluntarily, but it is not required.  Therefore, I counsel you against commanding others to kneel, because I will consider it an unlawful order within *my* *realm*, known as The Port.

[Narrator]  There is silence as each absorbs the Alpha's words.

[Wolfswetpaws]  Does each of you understand what I've just spoken?

[Dunkirk]  Yes, Alpha.

[Shirakami]  Hai, Ar-Alpha.

[Queen Elizabeth]  ::: is thoughful for a moment ::: I am gaining clarity, ... Alpha.  I understand your words.  
[Queen Elizabeth]  ::: regaining some of her spirit :::  This will be a "Piece of cake!", Alpha.

[Wolfswetpaws]  Very well, everyone.
[Wolfswetpaws]  Meeting adjourned.  Carry-out the plan of the day.

[Narrator]  With that, the Captains and the Adjutant exit the Alpha's office and return to their perceived duties.  In the corridor outside the office, they encounter Captain Belfast.

[Captain A.L. Belfast]  ::: dipping in a curtsy :::  Your Majesty, I'm here, voluntarily, to offer my help.

[Narrator]  A.L. Queen Elizabeth stops to speak with Captain Belfast, as the Adjutant and Captain Dunkirk continue on their paths.  
Then the scene fades.

Edited to add:  https://azurlane.koumakan.jp/wiki/Queen_Elizabeth/Quotes

Edited by Wolfswetpaws
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Ship's Log entry   June 8th, 2024 19:50 Hours    

Sortied into a Co-op zone.  
Scored enough hits to finish the left-over Wisconsin dockyard mission task to "Cause 2,400,000 HP of damage".

Yi Sun-Sin
Captain of the Harbin


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To:  All Ships and Citizens of the Port

Announcement:  Holiday Routine

With the completion of the Wisconsin dockyard event and some of the "left-over" mission tasks, I've decided the Port deserves some rest & relaxation.

For Sunday and Monday June 9th. & 10th., 2024, the Port will be on a "Holiday Routine" schedule.

Alpha of the Port


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TO: All Captains

FROM: Adjutant of the Port, Frederica Greenhill

RE: Research programme.


As you are aware, the last two days have been busy - and surprisingly successful. So much so, in fact, that the planned order of research was changed twice within the course of this very day. Ships have been selected with a view to anticipating the release of new lines and easily completing others before the prize season (Anniversary then Christmas "Snowflakes") supervenes.

The current course (at 1000 ship XP per day) is:

HIJMS SHIMANTO: 49,946/170,000; approx. 120K XP to go; Estimated Date of Completion 7 October 2024.

VMF RIGA: 123,601/240,000; approx 117K XP to go, EDC 4 October 2024

RM BRINDISI: 174,970/238,000; approx 63K XP to go, EDC 10 August 2024

PANS1 CORONEL BOLOGNESI: 11,467/140,000 (estimated); 129,000 (est) to go, EDC 16 October 2024.


If there is an opportunity to accelerate the completion of RM BRINDISI, it should be taken. Yesterday's achievements show that this should be relatively easy to do. The next reliable window to achieve such a feat is in two weeks. In the meantime, the current pattern of small daily gains should be continued in order to further reduce the task when the time comes. Once BRINDISI has completed its task, both RIGA and SHIMANTO may accelerate their quotas to 2000 XP per day.

Purchase of RM VENEZIA is NOT authorized until extensive research in the test environment has occurred. Purchase of VMF PETROPAVLOVSK at the first opportunity is authorized, as the decision to acquire this ship was taken earlier and with more certainty.



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TO: Adjutant of the Port, Frederica Greenhill.

FROM: Fleet Medical Officer Amelia Watson.

RE: New recruits.


Hi, 'Rica;

I just finished doing the medicals for all the recruiting candidates who've been flooding through the port lately. I referred the supernatural ones direct to Head Office if you know what I mean (He's the only one who's competent to pass judgement on them, being something of a God Himself) and the Minotaur to a veterinary colleague of mine. That left just the two lady warriors and the swimsuit girls. We have one of the warriors in reserve already (the Ironfist lady), and this one just seems to be a more skilled duplicate; the archer seems fine from the medical viewpoint if you think there's a place for her. Both of them are fit as all get-out and spoiling for a fight; I think they'd give some of the male captains a run for their money.

The swimsuit models are the exact opposite. Both are a venereologist's wet dream, not to mention that both of them seem to suffer from a more than mild case of nymphomania. Very keen to undress for the examination, to the point that even I had to call a chaperone into the room (and being a woman myself, I've never needed to do that with any of the female captains already on strength). I can only conclude that they were sent here by our enemies for maximum disruptive effect. Oh, and did I forget to mention that they seem to have basically nothing between the ears? Their brains are in their hips, if you catch my drift, and their demeanor is so unprofessional it isn't funny. All things being considered, it gave me great pleasure to fail them both. 

I hear there's another bunch drifting through later; more of those weird space captains. Let me know the details ASAP, so I can start hitting the books and know how to properly screen the less human ones when they show up.




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TO: O/C Pan-American and German Contingents

FROM: Adjutant of the Port, Frederica Greenhill

RE: Research.

New information coming to light has cast doubt upon the wisdom of re-researching CORONEL BOLOGNESI at this time; it may be that IGNACIO ALLENDE is the correct ship. For this reason, progress on BOLOGNESI is ordered to be suspended, effective immediately.

When the pre-release of the new Pan-American battleships is announced, one of the two aforementioned cruisers will be stripped of its elite status to become the branch-point ship in the research path. When this happens, commence research on that ship immediately.

In the interim, research into KM FELIX SCHULTZ is ordered to be recommenced.



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TO: Fleet Medical Officer Amelia Watson.

FROM: Great Cthulhu

RE: Medical Examinations.





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Personal Log   06-12-2024  19:52 Hours   

Well, *that* was a pain-in-the-aft.
Welcomed the Minegumo to my Port, via the "trade-in" event in the Armory.
The experience left a sour sensation on my mental tastebuds, though.




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From:  Capitán de Fragata Miguel Blanco, aboard the good ship Coronel Bolognesi

To:  Adjutant of the Port, Fubuki Shirakami (the 1st.)

Subject:  Inspection & Audit findings

A surprise inspection of the ship and audit of ship's records was conducted by
Capitán de Fragata Federica Estival.

The ship passed mechanical inspection.

However, during the audit of the ship's records, it was discovered than an excess of 32,586 research points were accumulated without being properly reported.

On her authority, in her role as an Auditor, Capitán de Fragata Federica Estival placed the entire crew on 48 hours of "restriction to ship" and ordered remedial training sessions at the Academy upon expiration of the restriction.
She also ordered me to write this letter, as an acknowledgement & compliance effort.

I pledge my full cooperation and await your disposition of this matter.

The good news is, "Project Ignacio Allende" can move forward.

In service of the Port!

Miguel Blanco
Captain of the Coronel Bolognesi


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TO: All Captains

FROM: Adjutant of the Port Frederica Greenhill

RE: Candidate List for Fleet Admiral First Class.


As you are aware, the candidate list is at the present time populated by those captains identified as "Unique" or "Legendary", and possessing certain talents. The current candidates in order of priority are:






Total commander experience required to promote all: 12,211,599

These commanders, in this order, have first call on all Elite Command Experience Credits. Note that commanders not on this list are at liberty to proceed to Fleet Admiral Rank (Rank 21) by their own efforts, but will not be eligible to be fast-tracked until after the current priority list is cleared. 



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Classified Secret

From: CNO thornzero; Office of the Chief of Naval Operations

To: All Commands; Joint Task Forces International

Re: Aslains 

Caveat: Commanders Eyes Only

     Commanders; be advised. Aslains has been removed from client side operations until further notice. I realise that some of the features were indeed extremely useful; however, we had several crashes that resulted in check and repair features to actually repair corrupt files. In any event your progress should not be hindered without these features and you are encouraged to 'carry on, smartly'.

That is all.

Fair winds and following seas.



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After-action report summary, June 20th., 2024  19:15 Hours
Cruiser Chungking, Captained by Commander Sun Yu

Neighbors map -- Co-op Battle

~Completed the "Get 3 Citadel hits ribbons" task of the "Treasures of the Three Kingdoms" mission-chain (by scoring 4 citadel hits).

~ Completed an "Earn 1,500 BaseXP" task for the current battle-pass

Received for the Battle:
101,034 credits, 1157 XP,  151 FreeXP

Battle Performance:
scored 77,681 units of damage 
48 main-gun hits
5 torpedo hits
1 incapacitation
3 ships sunk (Andrea Doria, Gneisenau, Omaha)
1 fire set
2 floodings caused
4 citadel hits scored
1 area captured
19 secondary battery hits
1 ship spotted

Earned the top spot on the "Leader Board".

Sun Yu
Captain of the Chungking

P.S.  I feel a strange urge to smoke a cigar and blow some smoke rings.


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FROM: Fleet Command, R'lyeh

RE: Research.

Be advised that you are officially under reprimand for utilizing free experience to complete the research task assigned to your ship.

We have been made aware that this was inadvertent, and we have elected not to attempt to have the process reversed. However, a competent commander is expected to show attention to detail, and you have been found wanting in this regard.

As a result of this oversight, you will remain in command of HIJMS SHIMANTO permanently as a port captain, with no hope of further advancement. A decision will be made on who is to command HIJMS TAKAHASHI and subsequently HIJMS YODO in due course.

HIJMS SHIMANTO is removed from the research pool and is withdrawn into reserve effective immediately, and HMCS UGANDA is rotated in to fill her place.



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After-action summary report  June 22nd., 2024  07:30 Hours

Map = Trap -- Co-op Battle
Battle start time:  22.06.2024  07:22

Completed missions:
~ "Earn 200 base XP" (part of the current battle-pass),
~ "Earn 500 base XP" (part of the *Go for it, Champion!* mission-chain),
~ "Complete 5 combat mission of *Go for it, Champion!* type" (which earned a reward voucher for one more Commander Marco Materazzi, [who will become the second Commander of that name in our Fleet])

Received for the Battle:  117,564 credits,  1569 XP,  204 FreeXP

Battle performance
~ 123,973 points of damage dealt
~ 28 main-gun hits
~ 15 Aircraft shot down
~ 2 ships destroyed (one Hawke and one Lexington)
~ 1 fire set
~ 7 citadel hits (4 on Hawke, 3 on Lexington)
~ 1 area Captured
~ 1 ship spotted

All of which earned us the top spot on the Leader Board.

In celebration of our success, the crew (myself included) have taken-up the hobby of using toy pipes to blow soap-bubbles.
Our Chief Engineer was keen to improvise a bubble-blower atop our ship's smoke funnels, too.  
But, I put a stop to that idea citing vague regulations and the 'dignity of the ship' and "we have enough steampunk pipes from our 'Industrial' camouflage scheme, already" and etc. & etc.

Edward Allen
Captain of the Hawke, in the Fleet of the Port


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Posted (edited)

TO: Ammiraglio di Divisione Luigi Sansonetti, O/C RM VENEZIA

FROM: Fleet Command, R'lyeh

RE: Research

Congratuations on your acquisition of your new (and final) command. I note that you have already reassigned a port captain to BRINDISI.

Your efforts must now be bent toward your promotion to Fleet Admiral, First Class. 



Edited by Ensign Cthulhu
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TO: Adjutant of the Port, Frederica Greenhill

FROM: Fleet Command, R'lyeh

RE: Fleet management.

Pursuant to your Fleet Communication of June 9th (vide supra) and the (un?)fortunate Free Experience Research Accident that occurred a few days ago, you will agree with us that the plans laid within have been completely upended. Looking over your books, the situation as it now stands is:

RIGA - 143,000/240,000; just under 100,000 to go.

UGANDA - 18,000/110,000; just under 90,000 to go.

SCHULTZ - 47,000/240,000; approx. 193,000 to go.

If we are to have our work completed by the Anniversary season, we must currently plan for an end date to "grind season" of approximately September 1, or 70 days. Banking on this, 1430 experience per day on RIGA and 1300 on UGANDA are essential, and I think you will agree with us that it is appropriate to set the daily quota at 2000 for both these ships to allow us a buffer.

Completion of SCHULTZ by this date will require a significantly higher daily quota, 2758, and you would be advised to set it to 3000. While this is significantly higher than the routine, O/C USS ESSEX advises that she regularly reached this figure on a daily basis when commanding YORKTOWN. We therefore believe that Konteradmiral Hanenfeldt should find this well within his powers, especially considering how much he seems to enjoy commanding her.

We note that even this accelerated schedule does not take you out to the second daily prize cutoff. We would therefore enjoin you to make as much progess with Sansonetti as you can.

You are instructed to provide standard-level commander experience enhancements to Lt-Cdr Singh of UGANDA. His effectiveness demands a modicum of acceleration to his progress.

You are permitted to CC this communique to the affected commanders. 




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Personnel File change log    June 25th., 2024  22:55 Hours    

Commander Santa, Captain of the Furutaka, earned 1 skill point via battl experience
(bringing his total to 10 skill points).

"Christmas in June", eh? 

Kaigun Daisa Gunzo Chihaya
Personnel Records Administrator of the Port


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Personal Log    June 30th., 2024  16:15 Hours   

The U-190 was sailed in numerous random battles in an effort to gather significant amounts of XP to satisfy some mission task requirements.
Specifically, the "Earn 8,000 base XP" within the Pan-Asian themed "Three Kingdoms" mission-chain and the "Summer Festival" battle-pass "Earn <insert amount here> XP" tasks.

The reward for the "Earn 8,000 base XP" task was a "Three Kingdoms container" and one Asian Lantern camouflage.

Because the U-190 and her crew did the work, Command has decided to permanently link the Asian Lantern camouflage to our submarine.

While I didn't expect this development, I must admit it looks nice.

In keeping with this "wear it because you earned it" decision, I requisitioned "Far East Tour" souvenir jackets for the entire crew, with the camouflage pattern incorporated into the design.

I've just learned that the Adjutant and the Alpha both signed the authorization of the requisition.
In addition, they added several cases of Huangjiu as a bonus.

Separately, I've been informed by Perimeter Patrol Command that the U-190 has been placed on "holiday routine" for the next two days and "drydock inspection & maintenance" on the third day.

I think this is one of those times when it is good to be "In service of the Port!".

Admiral Jürgen Krause
Captain of the U-190


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From:  Adjutant of the Port, Fubuki Shirakami (the 1st.)

To:  Capitán de Fragata Federica Estival (Reserve Barracks)

Subject:  Temporary Assignment - Juruá sea trials

Capitán de Fragata Estival,

Report immediately to the recently arrived Pan-American Destroyer named, the Juruá.

You are to conduct her sea-trials.

This is a temporary assignment.

The Alpha and I will accompany you as observers.

In service of the Port!

- Shirakami

P.S.  The Alpha sprung for the "Boitatá" camouflage, which shoots flames out of the mouth of a crocodile head.


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Sea-Trials report - supplemental notes and impressions.

The Juruá is a competent ship and the flames coming out of her crocodile mouth are heartwarming.

~Her concealment is competitive (with a 10 point Commander, such as myself, she can achieve a 6 km surface to surface detection radius).
~Her armament is par-for-the-course as Tier-6 destroyers go.  The 5 second gun reload time is nice.
~She has "British" style torpedo features, able to launch torpedoes singly or in spreads from each launcher.
~My impression is that the gun turret rotation rate is slower than desired.  
The spending of one additional skill point on the "Grease the Gears" skill would be needed to bring the turret rotation down from 18 seconds to 15.7 seconds for 180 degrees of rotation.
~Her speed and maneuvering were pleasant and the engine boost was a welcome feature.

Overall the Juruá is comfortable in the "torpedo boat" role (as tested in one Co-op and one random battle).
I have enjoyed being her Captain during this sea-trial.

Federica Estival
Capitán de Fragata in the Fleet of the Port.

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TO: Frederica Greenhill, Adjutant of the Port:

FROM: Golden Konung, O/C MN MOGADOR

RE: Rumours of promotion priority


Sacre bleu! I cannot believe you are doing this once more! Years ago, I was promised fast-track promotion to Fleet Admiral Rank and again and again I have been denied in favour of lesser men! This is an insult to my Gallic manhood! I demand an explanation and restitution, at once!!!




(Author's note: An angry letter from Konung, venting his displeasure at having been passed over for promotion, was what kicked off the "If our commanders could talk" thread on the original WG forums, quite a few years ago now! With the new French DDs coming out, and with my plans to give priority to my legendary commanders for promotion to 21 points meaning that 11-point Auboyneau cuts in on his 18 point fellow-Frenchman, poor old Konung is going to be waiting for quite some time. When he finds out that there's a South American 10 pointer waiting in the wings behind all the 15, 13 and 11-12 pointers, he's going to blow his stack!)

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TO: All candidates for accelerated promotion to Fleet Admiral First Class

FROM: Fleet Command, R'lyeh

RE: Prioritization.


BEING IT KNOWN that there is a new line of French destroyers being introduced very soon, and

BEING IT KNOWN that a substantial proportion of a commander's promotion to Fleet Admiral rank is based on the work he or she puts in to the research of ship lines,

NOW BE ADVISED that contrary to the communication given by the Adjutant of the Port on June 15, 2024, Philippe Auboynaeu, O/C MN KLEBER, is placed at the top of the priority list for accelerated promotion.

We recognize that this is an explicit example of cutting in front, and for this reason there are conditions on his priority. The conditions are as follows:

1) He must have worked through all of those new French destroyers that he was not able to bypass in early access.

2) He must have transferred and retrained to MN CASSARD.

3) He must be closer to final promotion than any other shortlist commander.

If there be sufficient resources to promote SANSONETTI before these conditions are all fulfilled, then SANSONETTI shall retain his priority. 


Please note that per this communique: https://worldofwarships.com/en/news/game-updates/update-136-new-french-destroyers/

... we will soon be welcoming "Talented Commander" Joaquim-Marques Lisboa to the shortlist. Naturally as the lowest-ranked TC he will join with least priority.


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