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If Our Captains Could Talk... again.

Ensign Cthulhu

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TO: Fleet Command, R'lyeh

FROM: Fleet Admiral Jack Dunkirk, O/C UK Contingent, R'lyeh Port.

RE: Candidates for adjutant.

After due consideration (and a careful search of not only my own contingent's personnel files but those of many other nations), I believe I have an appropriate candidate for the position you most recently advertised. I would ordinarily recommend an acquaintance of mine, Ms M. Poppins, as she is 'practically perfect in every way'; but as she is not a member of the Sea Service and not expected to become one, I offer you the next best thing:

image.png.464458c1fda67f4abc44beb661f92f3d.png image.png.a1af93545a908e667e6c3f7d37500ad0.png 



I think you will agree that this last-mentioned attribute makes her a perfect fit for the administration of such a large and complex operation as this one. 




Source of media: https://legendofthegalacticheroes.fandom.com/wiki/Frederica_Greenhill 

Context of character in WOWS: https://blog.worldofwarships.com/blog/183 

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TO: Fleet Command, R'lyeh

FROM: Lt.Cdr Frederica Greenhill, Adjutant of the Port

RE: Fleet Admiral Candidacy.

Dear Sirs,

Thank you for your kind decision to appoint me to this position.

In accordance with the intentions you expressed at my interview, I have examined the personnel files of all incompletely trained Special Commanders and Third or Second Class Fleet Admirals and assembled the following list of the candidates and the training required to bring them to First Class Fleet Admiral rank. 

In no particular order, the special commanders (those with enhanced or peculiar abilities) are:

SA ZHENBING, O/C ROCN YUEYANG (Pan-Asia): 2,683,535 CXP required.

JERZY SWIRSKI, O/C HSwMS HALLAND (Pan-Europe): 1,999,170





WILLIAM HALSEY, O/C USS VERMONT (United States): 2,015,237

TSAR ALEXANDER OVECHKIN, O/C USS FLETCHER (United States/Russia Binational): 1,775,996

CHANG'E, RESERVE, FMRLY HIJMS HATSUHARU (Japan/Pan-Asia Binational): 2,299,409


Third-class Fleet Admirals (19 points) still awaiting promotion are:



AZUR-LANE NELSON, O/C HMS JUTLAND (Britain): 1,121,167

Special mention must be made of Admiral Golden Konung (France), who was passed over repeatedly for promotion under the previous system (the so-called "19-point era"), a state of affairs that continues to this day. Far be it from me to give orders to my superiors, but it is my opinion that once the current priority candidate (Capitan de Navio Domingo Perez) has been promoted, this slight against Admiral Konung should be redressed as a priority. I have examined his service record and he does most of our heavy lifting in close-range combat; he really should be permitted to do so with the maximum of ability. He requires 1,337,574 points for full promotion. 

Of the above, only Sansonetti has any further work to do on his ship. The remainder command ships in completed lines or do not command research-line ships at the current time.

The total cost of all this is 25,247,561 Command Experience points.

The first estimate for completion (based on 37,000 x 1.1 Research Points per day) is approximately 621 days

Your specific instructions regarding order of priority are awaited.





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TO: Lt.Cdr Frederica Greenhill, Adjutant.

FROM: Fleet Command, R'lyeh

RE: Fleet management.


Thank you for your recent summary of the anticipated commander training burden, which we will be giving due thought in between now and when the need to act arises.

We would be grateful if you would now turn your attention to the glut of junior officers in reserve at the current moment. The lowest-ranking of these need to be weeded out. The Officers' Quarters ashore have had several reconstructions to expand their capacity already, and the construction work is always such a bother to current occupants, to say nothing of the freeloading that is going on among Warrant Officers and Lieutenants J.G. who made one trip as delivery captain, have never been to sea since, and probably never will.

Those of higher ranks (e.g. a substantial number of officers of Captain rank who came in on prize ships) need to be found active employment on board vessels, even if only as Port Captains. The junior officers (up to the rank of Lieutenant) currently filling those slots may be shown the door as soon as their replacements are fully trained to their new commands, or sooner if you feel this is appropriate.

Under no circumstances are officers recruited "from elsewhere" as part of a collaboration to be dismissed. Otherwise, you have a free hand to act in our name.



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Personal Log    September 30th., 2023    

It was my first sail as a Captain of the Loyang!

Our battle action was vigorous, though not elegant.
The Loyang and her crew sailed to a capture area and contested it.
We took incoming fire from two to three red-team ships.

Earlier, before encountering our opponents, one of our green-team ships tested their air-strike depth-charges, by targeting us!
We replied with a strongly worded protest!
Per the policies of our Fleet, we did not return fire, though.
Instead we saved our ordnance for the enemy.

Speaking of which, we engaged an Azur Lane Yukikaze class destroyer and a Worcester class Cruiser during our effort to capture an area.
We sank the Yukikaze and damaged the Worcester with both High Explosive and Armor Piercing projectiles (one of which scored a citadel hit).
We deployed our smokescreen as the Worcester approached, which allowed us the opportunity to damage them while un-detected.
But, they continued to sail towards us and eventually got close enough to spot us and return fire.
Our already heavily damaged hull was sunk in one salvo.

Seconds later our team-mates sunk the Worcester, which was the last red-team ship afloat, and the match ended in a victory for our green-team.

After a Manjou Contractor vessel re-floated and patched-up our hull well-enough for us to limp home, we received a radio message.
It was an evaluation report from the Observer assigned to us.
Short version?
"Not bad.  Plenty of room for improvement, though."
"~Dasha Perova - Captain of the Benson"

The Loyang is scheduled for a "drydock inspection & thorough repair" followed by a series of training exercises to build crew proficiency.

We popped the purple cherry of our 8th. Anniversary Festival token disc, at least.

Tonight, aboard the Langley, the Sail-in Movie night double-feature is "Teenagers from Outer Space" followed by the 1954 version of "Godzilla".
I wonder if I can wrangle tickets for the Loyang's crew?

Moona Hoshinova
Captain of the Loyang




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TO: Fleet Command, R'lyeh

FROM: Adjutant of the Port Frederica Greenhill, O/C USS ERIE.

RE: Reserve situation.

As per your instructions, I have done 'house-clearing'. A fair number of unemployed junior officers ashore were shown the way out and cashiered in silver. I also took the liberty of replacing some of the junior Port Captains who do almost nothing but supervise the painting of the ships they are posted to and replacing them with Reserve officers ashore. In a few cases, this meant the supercession of a Port Captain on board ship with one of slightly inferior rank; however, I considered this the best way to remove from Reserve status those "collaboration" officers I was not permitted to sack. 

I considered the posting of a couple of Fregattenkapitans to KMS GAEDE and KMS MAASS, but I was already short of retraining time and opportunities over the weekend allotted and I was conscious that this might further detract from the training of our current Fleet Admiral candidate. 

I am wondering if I could be moved to quarters ashore, as the Captain's Cabin of a river gunboat isn't the best place from which to be conducting my current duties.



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TO: Adjutant of the Port Frederica Greenhill, O/C USS ERIE

FROM: Fleet Command, R'lyeh

RE: Reserve situation; next task.

The methods you used are noted and approved. Well done.

Your request for transfer ashore is granted, pending the availability of a commander trained to ERIE to replace you on board ship. 

Kindly remind O/C HIJMS NAGATO that we expect her to have her ship fully in condition to research HIJMS YUMIHARI on its arrival, which is expected in ten weeks. As the research cost of YUMIHARI is currently unknown, Capt Hiei is directed to proceed as if she were obtaining AMAGI.


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Captain's Log      October the Sixth in the year 2023      

The Constellation was ordered to sortie seven times, tonight, in order to complete a mission task to score 500,000 HP of damage to ships while sailing a U.S.N. category vessel of Tier-5 or higher.  
This was the last task in a mission-chain.
We also tidied-up a handful of other missions during the process.

I had many opportunities to say, "Bang, bang!" and "Yay!  We're winning!", in the midst of our efforts.

To be fair, the Fletcher & her crew did participate in this mission first.
But, after the results of her one sortie were tallied, she remained in Port while we were sent into action.

The Constellation sailed with aplomb while her crew performed with enthusiasm.  
I dare say we all had fun.

Our opponents seemed to be in a vigorous mood, too, at least as much as can be discerned from the behaviors of 'Bots in a Co-op match.
They're not talkative, but they do exhibit above-average cleverness on occasion and tonight there were several such occasions.

Prior to our sorties, Captain Bluto and the crew of the Atlanta were swaggering around our Port and celebrating their completion of the "Score 600 ribbons" mission task.

Now, it's our turn to swagger & celebrate.

Watson Amelia,
Captain in the Fleet of the Port and of the good ship Constellation


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From:  Kapitän zur See Azur Lane Admiral Hipper, aboard the good ship Admiral Hipper

To:  Adjutant of the Port Fubuki Shirakami (the 1st.)
CC:  Perimeter Patrol Command of the Port

Subject:  Research threshold reached

I am pleased to report that research teams assigned to the Admiral Hipper have accumulated enough data to finalize "Project Roon".

The recent increase in our sorties-per-day (prompted by the German Unity missions), along with the issue of "green" quality bonus supplies, significantly hastened our progress.

In our most recent sortie, we sank two opponent vessels while only taking minor damage in exchange.

We are enroute home.
Current position < xxx REDACTED xxx >
Estimated time of arrival is < xxx REDACTED xxx >

In service of the Port!

A.L. A. Hipper
Kapitän zur See in the Fleet of the Port


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[Narrator]  The scene is the office of the Alpha of the Port, Wolfswetpaws.  He's grasped his telephone handset and is dialing a number to reach the Blohm & Voss representatives in Shipbuilder's City.  ...


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From:  Konteradmiral Friedrich Bonte, Captain of the good ship Zieten

To:  Adjutant of the Port, Fubuki Shirakami (the 1st.)
CC:  Perimeter Patrol Command

Subject:  Research 

Gensui Kaigun Taishō Shirakami,

I am pleased to report that the research teams aboard the Zieten have gathered enough data to finialize the design of the Prinz Rupprecht.

Indeed, thanks to the supply of "green" bonuses, our last sortie yielded a surplus beyond the requirements of the project.

We also seem to have a surplus of seawater in various spaces throughout the ship.
We were sunk during our last sortie.
And, although we contributed to our team's Victory and put-up enough of a fight to earn the 4th place on our team's Leader-board, there may have been some anomalies in the process of being re-floated & repaired by the Manjou Contractor vessel.

Therefore, I request a thorough drydock inspection upon our return.

Currently the Zieten is sailing at reduced speed and the bilge-pumps are operating at 75% capacity.

Our estimated time of arrival is <xxx REDACTED xxx>.

In service of the Port!

Friedrich Bonte
Konteradmiral in the Fleet of the Port


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From:  Adjutant of the Port Fubuki Shirakami (the 1st.)

To:  Konteradmiral Friedrich Bonte, Captain of the good ship Zieten

Subject:  Condition of the Zieten

Dear Konteradmiral Bonte,

I've been advised of the condition of the Zieten.
Your request for Drydock upon arrival has been approved.

I suggest you instruct the research teams currently aboard to assist the Zieten's crew in an investigation of the anomalous amounts of seawater.
Underway trouble-shooting may reduce the time needed in drydock.
Possibly, you've already thought of this on your own initiative.  If so, then 'well done'.

As a precaution, the Tirpitz, the G.J. Maerker and the U-190 are enroute to assist & escort the Zieten.
Expect to rendezvous with them in sector <xxx REDACTED xxx>.

Both the Alpha of the Port and myself are curious about this situation.

May the Zieten's journey home be a safe one.

Fubuki Shirakami (the 1st.)


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Personnel File Records Access Log       10-11-2023  21:00 Hours     

Summarization of activities.

Commander Friedrich Bonte (13 skill points) transferred from the Tier-8 German Battleship, the Zieten, and assigned as Captain of the Tier-9 German Battleship, the Prinz Rupprecht.

Commander Ulrich Vogt (10 skill points) transferred from the Tier-3 German Battleship, the Konig Albert, and assigned as Captain of the Tier-8 German Battleship, the Zieten.

Commander Megatron (the 2nd.) (3 skill points) transferred from the Reserve Barracks and assigned as Captain of the Tier-3 German Battleship, the Konig Albert.

Kaigun Daisa Gunzo Chihaya
Administrator of Personnel in the Fleet of the Port


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Personal Log    October 12th., 2023    

Sortied multiple times as Captain of the I-56, today.

Our objective was the completion of the Lushun Dockyard Event mission task to sink 18 opponent ships while sailing a Submarine.

Perimeter Patrol Command assigned us to operate in the "Co-op" zones.

Our efforts were assisted by the U-190 and the Salmon, today.
Yesterday the U-69, the Cachelot, the Undine and the U-2501 were contributing their efforts.

Initial successes seemed to have motivated the 'Bots to level-up their game, at least temporarily, on occasion.
Though, the randomly assigned map sectors may have been a factor as well, with some map sectors being more or less favorable for us.
Essentially, there were times when the 'Bots played well enough to sink us and/or our team-mates.

The I-56's potent torpedo warheads were the real reason for her participation, though.
Her detection radius and submerged endurance time do not compare well with her counterparts designed by other nations.

Bold (and risky) tactics are the norm in the Co-op zones, and tonight was no exception.

It's a good thing there's a duty-rotation for members of the crew to man the deck gun.  
Otherwise their enthusiasm to volunteer for the opportunity might lead to rowdy shenannigans which could trigger disciplinary actions.
Yep.  They enjoy the thrill of it that much.
"Hajime Saitō", of the "Kūkan Kiheitai", eat your heart out.

The I-56 is about halfway through her post-battle maintenance & re-supply.
So far, she's passed her hull & equipment inspections.
If there are no surprises, then everyone can enjoy some free-time until our next scheduled perimeter patrol.

I'm "wearing two hats", though.  
So I'll check the status of the Atago-B.
She hasn't sortied in a while, because of the German Unity event, so all should be well.

In service of the Port.

Kaigun Chūjo ARP Iona
Captain of the Atago-B and the I-56


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Personal Log    10-15-2023  19:15 Hours    
As a reward for completing the "kings of the sea" missions received from viewing qualifying Twitch streams, I welcomed Commander Cybermedes (3 skill points, US Navy compatible) to my Port.





This Weekend’s Twitch Drops

By watching one or more of the above-listed livestreams of the tournament for 90 minutes each day (October 14–15) with Twitch Drops active, you can win an in-game reward:



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From:  Capitán de Fragata Cipriano Villar aboard the good ship Asturias

To:  Adjutant of the Port Fubuki Shirakami (the 1st.)
CC:  Perimeter Patrol Command

Subject:  Research completed

The research teams aboard the Asturias have completed their work on "Project Cataluña".

The Asturias has been re-floated and repaired by Manjou Contractors, following our sortie into Scenario Operation Narai.

E.T.A. <xxx REDACTED xxx>.

In service of the Port.

Cipriano Villar

P.S. The supply of "blue" bonuses was helpful.

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FROM: Fleet Command, R'lyeh

TO: Frederica Greenhill, Adjutant of the Port

RE: Tasks for the Weekend.


Please note the following flyer that arrived in our mailbox today:


Note that the amount of Commander XP on offer is probably enough to finish Capitan Perez's training, or at least get very close to it. We expect you to bend your efforts to this.



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FROM: Frederica Greenhill, Adjutant of the Port

TO: Fleet Command, R'lyeh

CC: Domingo Perez, O/C EspNS CATALUNA

RE: Promotion.


In reply to your previous communique, I examined the degree of effort required to promote Capitan Perez by the methods suggested and realized that it would be more appropriate to do it in the usual fashion instead.

To this end, I organized a regimen of combat and spent the resources necessary to get the job done. 

I have taken the liberty of forwarding him his papers announcing his promotion to Capitan-General, a key to the Fleet Admirals' Lounge, and a bottle of 1945 Marques de Riscal red. I trust that this will meet with your approval.



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Diario personal 21 de octubre de 2023

Me han "dicho voluntariamente" que me una al Comité de Entretenimiento y ayude al Comandante Marine Houshou con la "Fiesta en el Muelle" de esta noche (adaptada de la frase "Fiesta en la Cuadra") a lo largo del muelle donde atracan los barcos españoles.

Afortunadamente, se nos ha dado la autoridad para reunir a otros miembros de los Cuarteles de Reserva, a la vista, y "volun-tell" para que nos ayuden a configurar las decoraciones y dirigir dónde ubicar las carpas de los vendedores y otros alojamientos.
Incluso el Alfa del Puerto y el Ayudante del Puerto están colaborando para ayudar a nuestros esfuerzos(y predicar con el ejemplo).

La ocasión está dedicada a la reciente finalización de las misiones Spanish Cruiser Challenge.

También lo estamos combinando con Películas de Navegación los sábados por la Noche para que se proyecte algo de sabor español.
Las películas de esta noche son" Botón de ancla "(1948) y" La casa de la lluvia " (1943)

El Langley se está moviendo a una posición cerca de los muelles españoles con la ayuda de remolcadores.
Una vez allí, su equipo erigirá la pantalla de cine y configurará los proyectores y el equipo de sonido y la transmisión de radio simultánea.

Si bien la celebración es festiva y jovial, el código de vestimenta es "formal o mejor disponible".
Es la primera vez que se anuncia un código de vestimenta para una celebración en todo el Puerto.
Personalmente, estoy seguro de que la gente disfrutará de la oportunidad de brillar.

Mi tiempo de descanso está llegando a su fin junto con esta entrada de registro.

Papá Noel
Capitán de Fragata en la Flota del Puerto


Personal log October the 21st., 2023

I've been "volun-told" to join the Entertainment Committee and assist Commander Marine Houshou with tonight's "Dock Party" (adapted from the phrase "Block Party") along the dock where the Spanish ships are berthed.

Thankfully, we've been given the authority to gather other members of the Reserve Barracks, on sight, and "volun-tell" them to assist us in setting-up decorations and directing where to locate vendor tents & other accomodations.
Even the Alpha of the Port and the Adjutant of the Port are pitching-in to aid our efforts (and lead by example).

The occasion is dedicated to the recent completion of the Spanish Cruiser Challenge missions.

We're also combining it with Saturday Night Sail-in Movies so that some Spanish flavor is screened.
Tonight's movies are "Botón de ancla" (1948) and "La casa de la lluvia" (1943)

The Langley is being moved into a position near the Spanish docks with the help of tugboats.
Once there, her crew will erect the movie-screen and set-up the projectors and sound equipment and simultaneous radio broadcast.

While the celebration is festive and jovial, the dress-code is "formal or best available".
It's the first time a dress-code has been announced for a Port-wide celebration.
Personally, I'm confident people will enjoy the chance to shine.

My break-time is nearing its end along with this log entry.

Papá Noel 
Capitán de Fragata in the Fleet of the Port



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Note to self (for future reference) 10-21-2023  23:28 Hours

As a reward for completing a mission chain for the Heroes of Might and Magic collaboration event, I was presented with the choice of welcoming  one of two (6 skill point) Commanders, either Catherine Ironfist or Mephala.
Because I have fewer British compatible commanders in my Reserve Barracks, I chose to welcome Commander Mephala, who shall now be known as "Commander Mephala the 2nd.".


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TO: Fleet Command, R'lyeh

FROM: Frederica Greenhill, Adjutant of the Port.

RE: Research pathways.

With the completion of our commander training agenda for 2023, I turned my attention to other things that can and should be completed either by the end of this year or during the 2024 campaigning season, which is currently 69 days away.

I concentrated on research that will complete and close out line progressions; i.e. existing ships in our port that are incomplete at Tier 9 and those few at Tier 10 that have upgraded systems to research. Eleven ships were identified.

USS BUFFALO: To complete research of DES MOINES, 72,671 XP is required. This could be completed before the end of the year at not much more than 1000 XP per day; specifically 1054/day at the time of writing. I acknowledge the note in the Ship's Cover that USS DES MOINES is superfluous in the context of our possession of USS SALEM, but it would at least close this ship's research history and allow her commander to move to a different ship if required. 

USS SEATTLE: 129,994 of 242,000 XP are complete, leaving 112,006 or 1624 per day.

USS GEARING: 10,398/30,000 for the extended-range torpedoes. A trivial amount per day; I would suggest scheduling one battle per day until this is done.

USS MIDWAY: 30,840/38,000 for Bearcats with Tiny Tim rockets. Again, one battle per day is suggested.

VMF TASHKENT: I have checked the Ship's Cover and acknowledge your note that research of VMF DELNY is on indefinite hold.

VMF UDALOI: 28,404/40,000 + 225,000 XP to research GROZOVOI. 236,596 in total to finish, or 3429/day.

VMF DMITRI DONSKOI: 73,787/240,000 or 166,213 for a total of 2409 per day.

KMS FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE: 34,841/35,000 + 255,000 = 255,159 or 220,159 if the B turret system is neglected. 3,698 or 3,191 per day. 

HMS DUNCAN: 18,970/60,000 + 255,000 = 296,030 or 4290/day.

RM BRINDISI: 20,507 XP are currently complete with all upgrades unresearched - 27,000 for the B gunfire control system, 43,000 for the upgraded hull, 238,000 for VENEZIA. 287,493 XP for 4,167 XP per day.

ROKN SEJONG: 53,190/240,000 XP or 186,810 for 2708/day.
OBSERVATIONS: I was surprised to find that despite the relative incompleteness of BRINDISI, DUNCAN is actually the more involved project on a per-diem basis, while the much-neglected FRIEDRICH is less still. 

1) USS MIDWAY, BUFFALO, GEARING should be scheduled for one battle per day, reassessing progress toward the end of December, by which time MIDWAY and GEARING should be done.
2) ONE of the remaining ships should be selected for completion in the remainder of this year. I have given the commander of DUNCAN his orders on my own initiative, and instructed the commander of FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE to obtain enough XP to research the B turret system but NOT to proceed, pending your decision of the research path.
3) The other ships in this list should be reassessed at the end of December, with a programme for completion across the entirety of 2024. 



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TO: Frederica Greenhill, Adjutant of the Port

FROM: Fleet Command, R'lyeh

RE: Research Pathways

In reply to your recommendations, our orders are as follows:

1) Approve your decision to prioritize DUNCAN. We would like her commander to be in the St VINCENT by New Year and a Port Captain selected to take his place on a permanent basis.

2) Inform O/C FRIEDRICH DER GROSSE that he is to obtain the B turret system. This has waited long enough. Advantages and disadvantages have been weighed, but we would like him to have the option. Consider the purchase funds approved, as we are currently not in a position of having to watch our pennies.

3) Approve your recommendations for BUFFALO, MIDWAY and GEARING. Please inform O/C BUFFALO that he is not to transfer from his ship without our approval, and instruct O/C GEARING to defer purchase of the upgraded torpedo system pro tem, as the typical use case for his ship derives no extra benefit from its possession, and indeed the raw lethality of the longer-range torpedoes is reduced. 


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TO: Rear-Admiral Edward Elswick, O/C HMS DUNCAN

FROM: Frederica Greenhill, Adjutant of the Port.

RE: Research.

You are directed to research and obtain HMS ST VINCENT by the New Year, working by the usual methods. To ensure a modest buffer and keep the math simple, your target per night is the next even 5,000. Your target for tonight should be 25,000.  


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~ Azur Lane Iowa New Jersey will take-over the temporary assignment as Captain of the Constellation and the role of Hostess in the "borrow your bote" program that provides training opportunities for Commanders to sortie in command of the Constellation.  ...



... The Marblehead's second triumphant return to Port was greeted by another courier.
This time I was issued "Borrow Your Boat" orders, to sail the Constellation!
I barely contained my buoyant feelings beneath a veneer of professionalism.

Captain Watson Amelia was a gracious host and the Constellation's crew were both competent and enthusiastic.  The ship herself sailed marvelously.  Together we sank one opponent, heavily damaged three others and tagged another with minor damage before they were sunk by an allied ship.
Not too shabby.  ...




...Prior to our sorties, Captain Bluto and the crew of the Atlanta were swaggering around our Port and celebrating their completion of the "Score 600 ribbons" mission task.

Now, it's our turn to swagger & celebrate.

Watson Amelia,
Captain in the Fleet of the Port and of the good ship Constellation


[Narrator]  The scene is the Captain's Cabin aboard the Constellation.  Commander Watson Amelia has recently departed the bridge, after ordering the ship secured for the night (the ship being scheduled for "routine maintenance & supply" instead of being a participant on the Perimeter Patrol roster).
Commander Watson Amelia opens the door to the Captain's Cabin and finds Commander Azur Lane New Jersey lounging on the bottom-bunkbed while reading a sheaf of pages that are yellowed with age.

[Amelia]  You're back!  

[A.L. New Jersey]  To borrow one of Daniel Craig's lines, "I never left".

[Amelia]  ::: moving deeper into the cabin and forgetting to shut the hatch :::
[Amelia]  It's been days since we've seen each other.  I know you asked me to remain here and keep the Ole Girl ship-shape while you needed some "me time".  But, I've been growing concerned for your welfare.

[Dave Mustaine]  ::: knocking on the open hatch and then saying ... :::  That makes two of us.

[A.L. New Jersey]  What are you doing, Dave?

[Dave Mustaine]  Aside from sharing an appreciation of the movie "2001:  A Space Odyssey", I'm checking-up on you.
There's been what seems like an anomaly in your duty schedule.  
I'll also take this opportunity to mention that I out-rank you both and that knowing everyone's duty status is a part of my job as the Liason Officer for the USN contingent.

[Amelia]  Commodore Mustaine?

[A.L. New Jersey]  ::: sigh ::: I told the Alpha that each of you might become curious.

[Amelia]  New Jersey?

[Dave Mustaine]  Now, I'm extra curious.  Can you explain your whereabouts for the past few days, Captain New Jersey?

[A.L. New Jersey]  Yes, I can.  Would you mind stepping-in and shutting the hatch?

[Dave Mustaine]  All right.  ::: Enters the cabin and closes the hatch :::

[A.L.  New Jersey]  ::: rises from the bunk and stands-up :::  Thank you.
[A.L. New Jersey]  Now, if you'll indulge me further, I need to call the Alpha.
[A.L. New Jersey]  ::: Opens a "Farnsworth" communications device :::

[Narrator]  There's a brief moment of static and then a connection is made to ...

[Voice of Wolfswetpaws]  Captain New Jersey.  What's on your mind?

[A.L. New Jersey]  Alpha, I'm in my cabin aboard the Connie, with Captain Amelia and Commodore Mustaine.  
Commodore Mustaine has officially become 'curious' about my activity for the past few days.

[Voice of Wolfswetpaws]  All of you, gather around Captain New Jersey so that this device can allow us to see each other.

[Narrator]  Captain Amelia and Commodore Mustaine move to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with Captain New Jersey and view the video screen of the Farnsworth device.

[Voice of Wolfswetpaws]  Good.
[Voice of Wolfswetpaws]  Now, what you're about to learn is to remain with you and not to be divulged without my permission.  Is that clear?

[Amelia and Mustaine together]  Aye-aye, Alpha.

[Voice of Wolfswetpaws]  Very well.  
First, Captain New Jersey has a Farnsworth with my permission and as a contingency for the very situation we now find ourselves in, or some variation of it.
Second, Captain New Jersey has been on a mission per my orders.
The mission was multi-purpose and involved a few submarines and some personnel trained in reconnaissance.
I accompanied them.
One task involved covert sampling of various coastlines in far away juristictions to determine how suitable those shores are for amphibious landings.  This was done as a training exercise.  
Upon completion of the training exercise, our next task was to visit the archives of of a diplomatic level library and make copies of files located there.  My presence was required in order to gain access.
Thereafter, we sailed to visit Shipbuilder's City, openly, so I could inquire about welcoming an Illinois class ship to our Port.

[Amelia and Mustaine together]  An Illinois.

[Voice of Wolfswetpaws]  Commodore Mustaine, is your curiosity satisfied?

[Dave Mustaine]  Yes, Alpha.

[Voice of Wolfswetpaws]  Captain Amelia, has any awkwardness you may have felt about the past few days been cleared-away?

[Amelia]  Yes, Alpha.

[Voice of Wolfswetpaws]  Good.  Now here's a little bonus for just the three of you.  Can I trust that you won't mind being the first to know something?

[A.L. New Jersey]  Yes, Alpha.
[Amelia]  I won't mind, Alpha.
[Mustaine]  You can trust me, Alpha.

[Voice of Wolfswetpaws]  Captain New Jersey is going to be assigned to the Illinois.  I'm going to make it public in the morning.

[A.L. New Jersey, Amelia and Mustaine]  ::: collective gasp of surprise :::

[Amelia]  ::: to A.L. New Jersey :::  Congratulations!
[Mustaine]  ::: to A.L. New Jersey :::  Congrats.
[A.L. New Jersey]  Thank you, Alpha.  I'll do my best.

[Voice of Wolfswetpaws]  I'm sure you will.  Stop by my office in the morning, at ten-hundred hours, to return the Farnsworth and pick-up your Official Orders paperwork.  Congratulations, Captain.

[A.L. New Jersey]  Will do, Alpha.  Thank you, again.

[Voice of Wolfswetpaws]  All right.  According to my reckoning, it is now "Mischief Managed o'clock".  
Goodnight to each of you.

[A.L. New Jersey, Amelia and Mustaine]  ::: together :::  Goodnight, Alpha.

[Narrator]  The Alpha of the Port closes the connection on his Farnsworth and A.L. New Jersey's Farnsworth screen fades to black.  Thereupon she closes her device, too.

[Amelia]  "Squeeeeeee!  I'm so happy for you, New Jersey!  Yayyy!  You're the best!"

[A.L. New Jersey]  ::: To Amelia :::  Thank you.
[A.L. New Jersey]  ::: To Dave Mustaine :::  We good, Commodore?

[Mustaine]  We're good, Captain.  
[Mustaine]  I'll see myself out and off of your 'bote, Ladies.  Goodnight.

[A.L. New Jersey and Amelia]  ::: in sing-song girly voices ::: Goodnight Commodore.

[Mustaine]  ::: smiles and exits the cabin, closing the hatch behind him :::

[Narrator]  The scene fades as the ladies begin chatting excitedly about the future.


Edited by Wolfswetpaws
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[Narrator]  The scene is the office of the Alpha of the Port.  Commander Gunzo Chihaya has arrived with information that is important for the Alpha to know.

[Gunzo]  Good morning, Alpha.  I'm sorry to barge-in, but I have information that needs to be shared.

[Wolfswetpaws]  Good morning Gunzo.  What's the information?

[Gunzo]  The real name of the being we've been calling "Azur Lane Iowa" is actually "Azur Lane New Jersey".

[Wolfswetpaws]  Thank you.  I will take full responsibility for this.

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