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If Our Captains Could Talk... again.

Ensign Cthulhu

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[Narrator]  The scene is the office of the Adjutant of the Port.  
Administrator of Personnel, Gunzo Chihaya has just arrived and knocks on the door.

[Adjutant of the Port, Fubuki Shirakami (the 1st.)]  Enter.

[Chihaya]  ::: Enters the office :::  Reporting as ordered, Adjutant.

[Shirakami]  I want you to update the records of these four ships & crews to reflect recent activity and inclusion into a newly created organization within the Fleet.
This paper has the names of the ships and their Captains.
::: Holds out a sheet of paper ::::

[Chihaya]  ::: accepts the sheet of paper and reads it :::

Commander ARP Takao, Captain of the ARP Takao
Commander Azur Lane Yukikaze (the 1st.) Captain of the A.L. Yukikaze
Commander Isoroku Yamamoto (Captain of the Shikishima)
Commander Goro Fujita (Captain of the Tachibana)

To be assigned as members of a new unit, named "G-Force" ...

[Chihaya]  The "Sail-in Movie" tonight was "Godzilla Minus One".

[Shirakami]  I was in the audience.  

[Chihaya]  The Alpha ordered unscheduled sorties of these four ships after the movie.

[Shirakami]  You're well-informed.

[Chihaya]  "G-Force"?

[Shirakami]  Yep.

[Chihaya]  That's it?  Just their connection to the movie?

[Shirakami]  That's it.

[Chihaya]  Is there anything else I should know?

[Shirakami]  The Alpha has authorized "G-Force" hats and patches and some nice-looking leather jackets for the crews and some stencils to paint "G-Force" emblems on the ship's hulls, during special occasions and joint operations or training exercises.

[Chihaya]  If the Captains of any of these four ships change, will the new Captains be included in "G-Force"?

[Shirakami]  Plan for that contingency.

[Chihaya]  What about the Amagi and her crew?  They have access to the Godzilla collaboration event camouflage, known as "Heat Ray".

[Shirakami]  Normally, the Amagi sports her space-themed camouflage from the Big Hunt & Key Battles event, known as "Avenger".
In theory, she could swap it for the Godzilla camo and conduct joint training exercises with G-Force ships.
But, no orders or hints to that effect have been given by the Alpha, yet.

[Chihaya]  Plan for that contingency, too?

[Shirakami]  As a precaution, yes.

[Chihaya]  Aye-aye, Adjutant.

[Shirakami]  Gunzo.

[Chihaya]  Hai?

[Shirakami]  It was a good movie.  
The Alpha was moved by it.
Sure, his actions may seem whimsical at times.
But, stuff like this is because he cares about us.
All of us.

[Chihaya]  I'll get started on this, right away.

[Shirakami]  Very good.  Dismissed.

[Chihaya]  ::: Exits the office.  :::

[Narrator]  The scene fades as Adjutant Shirakami sips from her cup of tea.

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Ship's Log:   10th. of October in the year 2024, 17:05 Hours    

We made 15 sorties into the Co-op battle zone, in order to complete the "Fiesta Nacional" mission-chain.
The tasks included:
~ Earn 2,024 BaseXP
~ Get 700 ribbons
~ Caused 400,000 HP of damage to ships.

Only Spanish ships (of Tier-3 through Tier-11) were permitted in this endeavor.

I'm pleased to say, "Mission accomplished".

We've been informed, by Perimeter Patrol Command, that the final reward to the Fleet was the choice of a Spanish Football jersey patch or a red bull patch.
Because the Fleet's inventory already included the jersey, the bull patch was chosen.

The Andalucía is returning home. 
Estimated time of arrival is <xxx redacted xxx>.

Alfonso Escudero
Capitán de Navio in the Fleet of the Port  


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From:  Perimeter Patrol Command, Commodore Dave Mustaine, O.O.D.

To:  Adjutant of the Port Fubuki Shirakami (the 1st.)

Subject:  Task accomplished, 18:10 Hours, 10 October, 2024

Gensui Kaigun Taishō Shirakami,

The Tokachi, the Atlanta and the Flint took turns entering the Co-op battle zone.
Between the three of them, and the partial progress already made by the Andalucía, it only requred 5 battles to finish the "Get 600 ribbons" task, within the Submarine Attack mission-chain of the "Battle of Leyte Gulf" event.

The Tokachi, Atlanta and Flint are returning as I type this.
E.T.A. <xxx redacted xxx>

In service of the Port.

Dave Mustaine
USN Liason Officer in the Fleet of the Port


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[Narrator]  The scene is the office of the Alpha of the Port.
The Adjutant of the Port, Fubuki Shirakami (the 1st.) is striding in, via the open doorway, with the latest report in-hand.

[Shirakami]  Alpha, I thought you'd want to see the latest report.

[Wolfswetpaws]  Good news or bad?

[Shirakami]  Good.

[Wolfswetpaws]  Oh?

[Shirakami]  The Almirante Oquendo scored 8 citadel hits in her first sortie, and 8 more plus 4 sinkings in her second sortie.
She knocked-out the "Get 15 Destroyed or Citadel Hits ribbons" task with aplomb.

[Wolfswetpaws] ::: smiles:::   There's something about the Spanish ship line, eh?
I'm glad that @ArIskandir clued me in to their potential, shortly after the introductory event.

[Shirakami]  Apparently the ship's special main-gun dispersion-improvement feature was tested, during both sorties.  Although, early in the first sortie, the 8 citadel hits were made in one salvo of her three turrets without using the dispersion improvement.

[Wolfswetpaws]  We've still got a bit of work to do, though, if we are to match the feat of a ship, in @Captain Slattery's fleet, that scored 15 citadel hits in one battle, yesterday.

[Shirakami]  I think our Fleet record stands at 14 citadel hits, and we weren't even trying for them at the time.

[Wolfswetpaws]  Indeed.  Not too shabby, if I say so myself.
Even so, striving to better ourselves is a worthwhile lifestyle and zen practice.

[Shirakami]  Shall I send the Almirante Oquendo back out?  Into battle?  Now?

[Wolfswetpaws]  Oh, heck, no.  She and her crew have done well.
Bring them home.  And let's schedule a tour of the ship to convey our congratulations to the crew personally.
Besides, the next task involves 121,000 HP of spotting damage.  Other ships are more suitable for that.

[Shirakami]  And I'd like to look at the Almirante Oquendo's gunnery in more detail.  
There might be something we can use to benefit the entire Fleet, ... "ta bun".

[Wolfswetpaws]  Splendid.  

[Shirakami]  Have you made any recent changes to your schedule?
I need to look for a block of time where we are mutually free, to arrange the tour.

[Wolfswetpaws]  Here, come around the desk and take a look.
::: moving some papers to the side and revealing a desk calendar ::::

[Narrator]  The scene fades as the two compare their duty itineraries.

"Ta bun" translates from Japanese into English as "Maybe".
Edited to add:


Edited by Wolfswetpaws
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Personal log  October 12th., 2024

It took eight random zone sorties to accomplish the task of causing 121,000 HP of spotting damage.
Three made by the U-69.  (Their progress was minimal, and therefore discontinued.)
One made by the Weser.  (Their results were a satisfactory proof-of-concept.)
And four made by the Ranger (in a simultaneous effort to provide experience to her crew).

The next task is to get 10 "Captured, Assisted in Capture or Defended ribbons".



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Ship's Log:  Tenth of October in the year 2024, 15:14 Hours , aboard the good ship Tone

Sortied eight times into the Co-op zone to get 10 Captured/Assisted-in-Capture/Defended ribbons, in order to complete the last task of the "Submarine Attack" mission-group of the Battle of the Leyte Gulf event missions.

Sometimes the battle was over before a base could be captured.
In one battle, there were no capture areas (and instead, power-up locations were on the map).
On a few occasions we were able to get multiple ribbons, of one or more types, to make progress.

Our secondary objective was to season the crew, including myself, with experience.

I'm happy to say, "Missions accomplished".

The Tone is on-course for home, "In service of the Port".

Shishiro Botan (the 1st.)
Kaigun Chūsa in the Fleet of the Port  


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