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If Our Captains Could Talk... again.

Ensign Cthulhu

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20 minutes ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

"Well hello there, young lady. Would you like to come back to my cabin and see my... telescope? It extends quite a long way out."


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  • 4 weeks later...

TO: All captains of in-process research ships

FROM: Fleet Command, R'lyeh


Tomorrow begins the only phase of this operation in which ship research experience exclusive to a particular type of ship must be earned. To this end, the following orders are given:

1) 200% ship experience credits are to be fitted to cruisers SEJONG and HAARLEM, destroyers UDALOI and L'AVENTURIER

2) The daily total of SXP generated by SEJONG and HAARLEM together is not to be less than 6800 (to exceed 47,000 across the week).

3) The daily total of SXP generated by UDALOI and L'AVENTURIER together is not to be less than 7200 (to exceed 50,000 across the week).

4) Special efforts are to be made during the regular Saturday exhibition battles ("the stream"), during which 800% boosts may be issued to HAARLEM and L'AVENTURIER according to need.

5) There is a SMALL possibility that the bonus "bypass" mission (14 fires or floods in a single battle against human opponents) may be completed. If so, whichever of these two tasks is closer to completion will be given full attention and the other dropped.

6) The non-ship-specific tasks are expected to be completed by the weekend.


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TO: Fleet Command, R'lyeh

FROM: Frederica Greenhill, Adjutant of the Fleet


This is to CONFIRM that Order #1 of your most recent communique has been carried out. Ship allocations to complete Order #6 with the greatest possible dispatch will be made once the ship experience quotas for the night are filled. To this end, VMF SMOLENSK and HIJMS STAR KITAKAZE are being brought to enhanced readiness and orders to other ships of this ilk may follow shortly.


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TO: All Captains

FROM: Fleet Command, R'lyeh

RE: Operation OQUENDO; ship research.

1) Congratulations on the successful completion of Part 3 of Operation OQUENDO. Part 4 begins this coming Wednesday; we have a brief respite between then and now.

2) Congratulations to Capitaine de Vaisseau Philippe Auboyneau, for completing research into MN ORAGE. This ship is expected to release two Wednesdays from today; that is, 7 September, and we currently anticipate purchasing her upon release.

At this point, we calculate that there will be 118 days in the year and approximately 355,000 XP of research to do (unfortunately, exact figures are not currently available). This will mean a research load of approximately 3000 experience per day if we wish to rush to CASSARD by the end of the year. However, we currently see no reason for this. Our primary candidate for promotion to Fleet Admiral First Class is Ammiraglio di Divisione Luigi Sansonetti, and we will be well pleased with ourselves if this can be completed by the new year. 

We had originally considered giving IPIRANGA, the new Pan-American pre-release battleship priority, but this may be a fool's errand. She and her successors are intended to be the road by which Joaquim-Marques Lisboa reaches Fleet Admiral rank. Because there are many others ahead of him, this progression might best be deferred, even if we do take pains to obtain the ship and assign him to it.

However, recent experimentation has shown the desirability of attaining the ship ANDALUCIA, and since her predecessor CATALUNA is commanded by a Fleet Admiral, progressing this ship will also further Sansonetti's rise. For this reason we are taking on CATALUNA as the next ship for progression, even though Pan-European destroyer SPLIT is slightly more advanced, requiring only a little less work per day; the benefits to the Fleet as a whole will be greater.


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  • 2 weeks later...

TO: Luigi Sansonetti, O/C RM VENEZIA

FROM: Fleet Command, R'lyeh

RE: Promotion


Congratulations on your promotion to Fleet Admiral, First Class.

A key to the Fleet Admirals' Lounge is enclosed with this communication.

A bottle of your favourite Chianti has been placed behind the bar.




Edited by Ensign Cthulhu
Found a better picture.
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TO: All Captains

FROM: Frederica Greenhill, Adjutant of the Fleet

RE: Welcome


Please join me in welcoming Capitan Joaquim Marques Lisboa to the fleet, serving with the Pan-American contingent. 


He will be undergoing a short period of orientation until his ship is ready. I'm sure you will all extend him your warm hospitality in the interim.



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From:  Alpha of the Port Wolfswetpaws

To:  Fregattenkapitan Martin Althaus (Captain of the P.E. Friedrich)
To:  Fregattenkapitan A.L. Prinz Heinrich (the 2nd.) (Reserve Barracks)

Subject:  Transfer & assignment orders.

With the welcoming of the Clausewitz, I'm transferring Commander Martin Althaus from the P.E. Friedrich to become her Captain.

And I'm assigning Commander AL Prinz Heinrich (the 2nd.) to become the Captain of the P.E. Friedrich.

Your "Official Orders" are attached to this message.

There will be a 48-hour time period of inspections to ensure a smooth transition.
After which time, the official change of watch ceremonies will take place.

Fair winds and following seas.

Alpha of the Port  

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Personal log  09-12-2024  19:05 hours.

Personnel transfers & assignments.

~Transfer of Commander Erich Bey (10 skill points) from the Reserve Barracks to become the Captain of the Tier-10 German battleship, the Schlieffen, which was welcomed, today.

~Transfer of Commander Gunther Vogt (10 skill points)(Captain of the Tier-7 tech-tree battleship, the Prinz Heinrich) to become the Captain of the Tier-10 German Cruiser, the Hindenburg, which was welcomed, today.

~Transfer of Commander Azur Lane Prinz Heinrich (the 2nd.)(10 skill points) from the Tier-6 German battleship, the P.E. Friedrich, to become the Captain of the tech-tree Prinz Heinrich.

~Transfer of Commander Gluhschwanz (10 skill points) from the Reserve Barracks to be assigned as Captain of the Tier-6 German battleship, the P.E. Friedrich.

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From:  Alpha of the Port Wolfswetpaws

To:  Commodore Azur Lane New Jersey, aboard the good ship Illinois

Subject:  Job well done!


The ship & crew have accomplished the task to get 3,500 ribbons and
claimed a bonus dockyard shipbuilding phase on behalf of our Port.

This provided 250 steel which can be utilzed for other projects in the future.

For now, come home and get some well-deserved rest.
When you arrive, put the Illinois in a drydock for an inspection & repair cycle.
You're all on "Holiday Routine" for the next 48 hours.

In celebration of the autumn season, hard-cider will be issued for the entire crew.

Fair winds and following seas!




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From:  Administrator of Personnel, Gunzo Chihaya, 

To:  Kaigun Chūsa Sela, Reserve Barracks

Subject:  "Borrow Your Boat" Orders

Dear Kaigun Chūsa Sela,

Report to Kaigun Daisa Takahiro Matsumoto aboard the good ship Daisen.
You are assigned as a temorpary acting Captain
(See the enclosed "Official Orders".)

Matsumoto-san will act as your host and evaluator as you sortie the Daisen into Co-op zone battles intended to make progress on Dockyard Event missions.

In service of the Port!

Administrator of Personnel  


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Personal Log, Stardate:  -298682.58

My "Borrow Your Boat" assignment as temporary Acting-Captain of the Battleship Daisen has concluded.
The Daisen has safely returned to The Port, after nine battles in the Co-op zone.

The actual Captain of the Daisen, Kaigun Daisa Takahiro Matsumoto was a gracious host and the crew performed their duties efficiently and willingly.
Together we accomplished our objectives.

Because of that, the Daisen is being drydocked for inspections and maintenance while her crew is placed on "Holiday Routine" for 48 hours.

My assignment over, I'm officially returning to the Reserve Barracks.

Unofficially, I've been invited to help the crew taste-test a batch of sake' they've discreetly produced.
I said, "Yes", of course.
This is an excellent opportunity to cultivate goodwill and my own reputation.
I'll meet my contact tomorrow at <redacted> hours, near the <redacted>, who will escort me to the tasting location.

End Log Entry.


[Narrator]  The scene is the gangplank of the Daisen.  
Commander Sela finishes saluting the Officer of the Day and the Ship's Flag and begins walking down the plank.
She sees a familiar face waiting for her on the pier.

[Gowron]  Jolan-tru, Empress.  You have brought glory to your house.

[Sela]  It is good to see you, Chancellor.  There seems to be a gleam of purpose in your eyes.

[Gowron]  I've acquired a bottle of Kali-fal.  I want your opinion of its quality.

[Sela]  As I am between assignments, now is a good time.

[Gowron]  Excellent.  It is being kept for me at the recently constructed Officer's Club.

[Sela]  Let us proceed.

[Narrator]  The pair walk casually towards the Officer's Club and the scene fades.

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[Narrator]  The scene is the ocean of sector <xx-redacted-xx> along the perimeter surrounding "The Port".
The Brisbane is returning from the Co-op zone, after sailing through 15 battles back-to-back.
Greeting her at the perimeter line, while on patrol duty, is the Iwami.

[Matilda Kelly, Captain of the Brisbane] ::: Aboard the Brisbane's bridge and looking through her spyglass :::  
The Iwami's Captain is greetin' us "old skool", today, with semaphore signals from atop the superstructure!

[ARP Musashi, Captain of the Iwami]  ::: sending via semaphore flag signals :::  Ahoy Brisbane.  
We heard you wiggled yer aft more than plenty while dodging ordnance and sending plenty of your own.  
Welcome back.  Good on'ya.

[Matilda Kelly] ::: using her pistols like semaphore flags :::  Ahoy Iwami.  Thanks. 
Today's code is <xx redacted xx>. 
We took several pages from your "wiggle lessons" book.  
Have finished the 3,500 ribbons mission that other cruisers started.  
It's good to be in home waters.

[ARP Musashi]  Code recognized and accepted.  
Have a pallet of rum for you, courtesy of the Alpha & Adjutant.  
Prepare for at-sea replenishment.

[Matilda Kelly]  Aye-aye!  Coming to parallel course and matching speed.

[Narrator]  The scene fades as the ships & crews coordinate the transfer of the well-deserved rum.


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Personal Log:  29 of September, 2024

As a part of my overall duty to become familiar with the ships & crews of the Fleet of the Port, I was assigned to an audit team.

While examining the logs of the Coronel Bolognesi, an overage of ShipXP was discovered.
The surplus was 38,616 more than the 110,000 needed to unlock the Tier-8 Cruiser Ignacio Allende.

At least Capitán de Fragato Miguel Blanco had the good grace to behave as though he were surprised and ashamed of the shoddy performance of his crew and his own leadership failure.

Arrangements are being made for crew to recieve remedial training in administrative procedures at the Academy of the Port.

In addition, shore-leaves and other crew priviliges are being curtailed while additional drills and physical fitness training sessions are being scheduled for the next several weeks.

The ship has also been removed from the Perimeter Patrol duty rotation for those same several weeks.

On top of all that, the ship is to be put into drydock, for thorough inspection and maintenance.
The reasoning is that if the crew is not in proper readiness, then perhaps the ship is also not in proper readiness for action.

So far, no members of the crew are being court-martialed or otherwise subjected to reduction in rank.
But, the night is still young.

End log entry, "In service of the Port".

Joaquim Marques Lisboa


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TO: Fleet Command, R'lyeh
FROM: Frederica Greenhill, Adjutant of the Port.
RE: State of the Fleet report as of 24 September 2024.

Ships currently in process:
ORAGE - O/C P. Auboyneau. Status: GFCS and torpedo research complete; hull B refit and progression to CASSARD remains,1.5% complete. 
At 3000 XP per day, this ship is currently expected to complete successor research in 97 days, ONE day ahead of schedule (i.e. 31 December 2024). 
Superpriority granted in view of unexpectedly early completion of VLADIVOSTOK and HAARLEM activities, and the fact that her commander is prioritized for Fleet Admiral advancement.

POBEDA - O/C A. Ovechkin (USSR). Status: All hull and aircraft upgrades complete; on final progression track to NAKHIMOV, 54.1% complete
At 2000 XP per day, this ship is currently expected to complete successor research in 81 days, 17 days ahead of schedule.

UDALOI - O/C V Grigoryev. Status: All hull and weapon system upgrades complete, on final research track to GROZOVOI, 46.9% complete.
At 1300 XP per day, this ship is currently expected to complete successor research in 92 days, 6 days ahead of schedule.

SEJONG - O/C Santa of Asia. Status: All hull and weapon system upgrades complete, on final research track to JINAN, 65.5% complete.
At 1000 XP per day, this ship is currently expected to complete successor research in 83 days, 15 days ahead of schedule. 

CATALUNA - O/C Domingo Perez. Status: All hull and weapon system upgrades complete, on final research track to ANDALUCIA, 48.0% complete.
At 1000 XP per day, this ship is currently expected to complete successor research in 88 days, 10 days ahead of schedule.

IPIRANGA - O/C Rodrigo Ramirez. Status: Delivered with hull and weapon system upgrades complete. Progression to LOS ANDES is 3.6% complete.
This ship is provisionally included. Currently a rate of 1800 XP per day will see her complete 2 days ahead of schedule, but with the superpriority afforded to ORAGE, she may represent an undesirable overload. I await your ruling on this matter and will continue research as circumstances permit. As soon as she loses her special status, I will remove Amiral Rodrigo and post Capitan Lisboa to her. 

Given that progress in the latter half of this year has been much faster than expected, I expect SEJONG to complete well ahead of the above projected schedule. If this is the case, I currently do not have plans to substitute another cruiser; her workload allocation would be given to IPIRANGA.

My understanding of your orders is that no more ships are to be acquired through research this year after the above are complete, especially in view of the current financial situation. Granted, much of the profligate spending which has occurred was done in order to take advantage of significant temporary savings on equipment etc., but our net balance is still in a relatively shaky position. As the current research goals are complete, I shall therefore restrict myself to tidying up loose ends: e.g. incomplete B hull refits for BREST and CUNIBERTI; air group refits for MVR and Essex. 

I also await your decision on whether to acquire SVEA. I understand that we are waiting for further information on the desirability or otherwise of GEORG HOFFMANN, and I also note that there are no further major gains to be had from acquiring SVEA during this current anniversary event. Unless instructed to the contrary, I shall refrain from this acquisition until the day before the new discount coupon is due.

The status of the remaining unresearched ships is visible in the spreadsheet I have attached; and while I have tentatively earmarked SPLIT to replace UDALOI in the progression, this and all other assignments to active research naturally remain at your discretion.






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Personal Log:  24 September 2024  21:30 Hours.

Was transferred from the Jurua to the Ipiranga, to conduct her sea-trials.

Currently, she lacks one of her hull modules (the fifth.).
But, she's in a position to earn her keep and perhaps pay for it with her own actions in the near future.

So far, the sorties were in Co-op, Scenario Operation and Brawl battle-zones.  
The only defeat, so far, occurred in the one Brawl.

As ships go, she seems willing and able to maneuver smartly, provided we keep her speed up.
The normal 28 knots is okay, but she's even better when provided with a 5% boost from a Sierra-Mike flag.  

Her main-guns seem reasonably accurate, and the projectiles aren't anemic.
The secondary-battery suite is still under evaluation.
Despite not being equipped with torpedoes, the current configuration is using Aiming Systems Modification-1, to keep the main-gun dispersion to a minimum.  

The AA suite also remains under evaluation, pending further data.

During our brawl, a Massachusetts class ship demonstrated that the Ipiranga's broadside armor is unable to withstand close-range hits from AP projectiles.
While not unexpected, it reminds us that the armor scheme is cost-effective and not imbued with magic spells or heroic super-powers.

Perhaps the next time we are brawling with a Kansas on our port and a Massachusetts on our starboard, we should try ramming the Massachusetts instead of the Kansas?

For the moment, the Ipiranga seems capable of lively sailing while offering average firepower and armor.
In the hypothetical historic environment she might have operated in, she could have offered a good recipe of design parameters.

Speaking of recipes, the oven-timer informs me that my batch of Pão de queijo is ready.

Federica Estival


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TO: Frederica Greenhill, Adjutant of the Port

FROM: Fleet Command, R'lyeh


You are approved to add this ship to the active research category, with a 2000 XP daily quota.

Please seek approval from us before purchasing any ships whose research is complete. You may sign off on the blueprints, but no more. The same applies to hull, weapon system and air group refits. 

You have understood our intentions correctly regarding further research prior to the new year, and you may proceed as you have outlined, subject to the above caveats.

You may waitlist the following ships in replacement for the current active list:

UDALOI: when complete, waitlist SPLIT

ORAGE: when complete, proceed immediately with CASSARD, as her commander is superpriority for promotion.

SEJONG: when complete, waitlist TAKAHASHI

CATALUNA: when complete, waitlist DONSKOI

POBEDA: when complete, waitlist YUMIHARI

IPIRANGA: when complete, waitlist BREST

The replacement ships may be started as soon as mission cycle 14.x begins. You will note that with the exception of the superpriority offered for CASSARD, the other ships are all currently in our possession and awaiting completion; in some cases, they have been waiting for quite some time. In this way, we hope to avoid too much financial outlay in one large 'hit', while simultaneously taking care of a substantial slice of unfinished business. 


At the conclusion of the current mission cycle, I will expect a detailed report on the status of so-called "legendary" commanders awaiting promotion, since we will need to have our plans laid as soon as Auboyneau is promoted.



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Personal notes  09-26-2024  11:20 Hours.

~Today is the wedding anniversary of my wife and I.

~Completed the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles collaboration event missions, today.
Collected one of the two available permanent camouflages, as a reward. 
I chose the "TMNT" camo.
It took a while to find, by scrolling down the camouflage menu to find it at the bottom of the link-able camouflages.

~The Ipiranga and her crew did the work to complete the TMNT missions, and if anyone deserves to wear the TMNT camouflage, it is them.
That being said, a "test view" indicates that the appearance of the camouflage "does not bring joy" to those present at the time of the viewing.
I'm thinking the Ipiranga deserves the "Ordem e Progresso" camouflage specifically created for her, instead.

~Have given further consideration to the current Pan-American themed event-pass.
The Commanders which are part of the paid-track of rewards would be "duplicates", and unnecessary, despite the fact that they have more skill points than their counterparts already in my Fleet.
The Fleet's efforts have gotten us to stage 29 in the event pass, so far, though.
And the TMNT camouflage wouldn't look good on the Ipiranga.
So, I feel the net value of the 2,500 doubloons for the paid-track is going to be beneficial enough to warrant the expenditure.

~Purchased the "paid track" of the Pan-American event pass.

Alpha of The Port  


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Personal notes, addendum, 09-26-2024  12:18 Hours.

~ Purchased the Concealment Systems Modification-1 for the Ipiranga.
She's now fully outfitted.  


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Ship's Log  26 September in the year 2024

The Ipiranga has completed the "Earn 3,000,000 credits" task in the Pan-American Battleships early-access event mission-chain.

The reward for doing so is the Brigantine "25 de Mayo" commemorative flag.

Capitão de Fragata Federica Estival
Captain of the good ship Ipiranga, in the Fleet of the Port.

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From:  Alpha of the Port, Wolfswetpaws

To:  Capitão de Fragata Federica Estival aboard the good ship Ipiranga

Subject:  Well done!  

Dear Federica,

Please convey my appreciation of the Ipiranga and her crew's efforts during the past several days.
The Ipiranga was the only qualifying vessel for a unique Pan-American mission-chain.
And, along the way, she was able to complete other mission tasks simultaneously.

Come home for some well-deserved rest, relaxation & maintenance, during 48 hours of Holiday Routine.

Fair winds and following seas.



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TO: Fleet Command, R'lyeh

FROM: Frederica Greenhill, Adjutant of the Port.

RE: Promotion plans for the future.

Regarding the final paragraph of your most recent communication (#75267), I am not sure we can train any of the remaining priority commanders, Lisboa excepted, in any other manner than with the support of the existing Fleet Admirals. As you know, the priority after Auboyneau (who is leapfrogging the higher-ranked Cunningham as it is) is Cunningham, Kuznetsov, Zhenbing, Lisboa, but Cunningham and Zhenbing both occupy Tier 10 ships, Kuznetsov is not assigned to a researchable ship and in effect never has been (albeit he retrained to KHABAROVSK when she was still researchable), and the only other commander who can work his way up is Lisboa.

The only way we could get around this is if Cunningham were posted to STURDY, which still has most of her research for THRASHER yet to complete; however, this would leave AUDACIOUS without a senior captain. The transfer would also cost a significant amount of ECXP for Cunningham's retraining, especially if he were to be sent to THRASHER or back to AUDACIOUS afterwards, the latter being more likely as I have gained the impression that STURDY's current commander will be well pleased to be done with her and would like to move up. 

Kuznetsov could be posted to SOVETSKY SOYUZ, since she has essentially all of the research work for KREMLIN still to do, but we would have to admit that we had erred in posting Capt. Statsenko there and would have to accept having wasted the sunk cost of his retraining. If Kuznetsov went on to captain KREMLIN then Statsenko would at least be a good senior commander to leave in SOYUZ as a port captain, albeit a remarkably overqualified one. 

In retrospect it would seem to have been a mistake not to transfer Sa Zhenbing into SEJONG at the earliest opportunity and let him get some progress in while she was working up to research JINAN. However, with over 65% of this research now  complete, I think we have missed this opportunity and should let it go. 

We have quite a while to think about this issue since Auboyneau will be many months finishing his training, even if he finishes with ORAGE well ahead of schedule. 

The other issue I wish to bring to your attention is the recent announcement of a line of Dutch light cruisers, beginning at Tier 8 of the research process. Given that we have earmarked Captain Janssen to the Gouden Leeuw in the long run, I would like to suggest the expenditure of the gold necessary to bring Michiel deRuyter into our service and have him command the light cruisers in succession. This decision is also many months in the future, but I raise it for your consideration now.



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TO: Fleet Command, R'lyeh
FROM: Frederica Greenhill, Adjutant of the Port.
RE: Commander Training

The following is a summary of the training status of the so-called "Legendary" commanders who have not yet achieved Fleet Admiral rank.

These figures are current as of 30 September 2024.

PHILIPPE AUBOYNEAU: Commands MN ORAGE (T9), Rank 13 (31,122/132,000); 2,429,878 remaining.

ANDREW CUNNINGHAM: Commands HMS AUDACIOUS (T10), Rank 14 (95,602/159,000); 2,233,398 remaining.

NIKOLAI KUZNETSOV: Commands VMF KHABAROVSK (T10 P), Rank 12 (2607/108,000); 2,566,393 remaining.

SA ZHENBING: Commands PANS YUEYANG (T10), Rank 11 (16,918/87,000); 2,639,082 remaining.

JOAQUIM MARQUES LISBOA: In reserve, pending command of BAP IPIRANGA (T8), Rank 10 (2906/69,000); 2,722,094 remaining. 

699,242 Elite Command XP are in hand. The above points remaining are exclusive of this. 

As you can see, we have quite a way to go on all of them. This year, we raised Halsey, Swirski and Sansonetti to Fleet Admiral rank. We would need just over 19,000 ECXP or XP earned by Auboyneau per day to raise him to Fleet Admiral rank by the end of the year. Barring a major windfall from events, I do not think this will happen without overworking our captains.

I am obliged to point out that Cunningham is 196,480 CXP ahead. However, since Auboyneau is currently actively working up a line and the magnitude of the task will see him overtake Cunningham in due course, and given that Auboyneau's talents are potentially more powerful in the context in which he operates, I can appreciate the reason for preferring him. 

Lisboa has only just joined the Fleet, and the fact of his ship being in early-access status means that it is more productive overall to let Fleet Admiral Ramirez command it for the time being, manufacturing ECXP that can flow to Auboyneau. Thus his almost complete lack of progress is no stain on his record. 

Kuznetsov is 332,995 behind Cunningham, Zhenbing is 72,689 behind Kuznetsov and Lisboa is 83,012 behind Zhenbing. However, given that he is currently potentially active and they have all technically reached their pinnacles, the magnitude of the task ahead of Lisboa would potentially enable him to pull ahead of all of them, especially if he were placed in his ship now. I am aware that this will slow Auboyneau's progress down slightly, but I think the long term gains are worth it.


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Captain's Log:  October 3rd., 2024  23:35 Hours.

The Hermelin was sent into a Co-op battle, so that the crew, and especially myself, could gain experience.

While I've been the Captain of the Hermelin for a while, I had zero experience points, until today.

We entered the match with one other human player and 7 'Bots as allies, facing 9 'Bots on the red-team.

Together the Hermelin and her crew, scored 131 gun hits, earned a "defended" ribbon, caused 3 incapacitations, sunk 8 red-team ships, and were credited with one spotting ribbon.
For these efforts, we earned 70,730 credits, 1,184 ShipXP and 155 FreeXP.

Personally, I gained 1,260 CommanderXP, which is 240 points shy of the 1,500 point threshold for promotion and gaining a Captain's skill-point.

The sinking of 8 ships did set a new Fleet record for number of ships sunk during a battle though.

In service of the Port!

Friedrich Lilienwald
Oberfähnrich zur See, and Captain of the Hermelin 


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Personal Log:  October 3rd., 2024  23:59 Hours

The Hermelin just set a new Fleet record for number of ships sunk during a battle.

As a reward, I've decided to award a permanent "Black, Red and Gold" camouflage to the Hermelin.

Alpha of the Port


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