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If Our Captains Could Talk... again.

Ensign Cthulhu

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Personal Log   May 15th., 2024      

"Gadzooks!"  (I finally found a use for that word.)

I don't know what wild-hair was accross the Alpha's aft, but today we sortied more often than we have in years.
Ten sorties in all, 3 in Scenario Operations and 7 in random battles.

The Hatsuharu hasn't seen this much action since Command was providing me with "intense training" intended to prepare me for the advanced Captain's Skills course known as Concealment Expert.

Speaking of the Hatsuharu, she held-up pretty well, despite taking plenty of damage and getting sunk five times.

Together the ship and crew earned five achievements and completed a Wisconsin dockyard event mission-task.

Before our sorties commenced, a new contingent of ships & personnel crossed-over from the Azur Lane realm.
Specifically, the AL Shimakaze (the ship), Captained by a Commander of the same name.
On board as passengers were Commanders AL Montpelier and AL Prinz Heinrich.
Later, Commander AL Fuso arrived separately as a Cargo-ship passenger.

There was some sort of kerfuffle about the newcomer's assignments within the chain-of-command.  
But, the confusion was sorted out and the Reserve Barracks now has two new residents.

At the moment, we're undergoing post-battle maintenance & inspections with no sorties scheduled for the remainder of the day.

I wonder if Kaigun Chūjo Queen Bee, Captain of the Mutsu, will organize one of her famous tea parties as an occasion for everyone to meet, greet, mix & mingle?

One can only hope, "In service of the Port!", eh?

Kaigun Shōshō ARP Hiei (the 2nd.)
Captain of the Hatsuharu in the Fleet of the Port


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[Narrator]  The scene is a tea shop near the IJN docks in the harbor of The Port.  Kaigun Chūsa Azur Lane Azuma (the 2nd.) is enjoying her tea at a table in the middle of the seating area, when ...

[Gensui Kaigun Taishō A.L. Azuma (the 1st.)] ::: opens the door and enters the shop :::

[Azuma (the 2nd.)]  ::: stands and bows in greeting ::: Konbonwa Onee-chan.

[Azuma (the 1st.)]  ::: bows in return :::  Konbonwa Imouto-chan.  Please enjoy your tea while I order one for myself.  Neh?  ::: walks towards the serving counter :::

[Azuma (the 2nd.)]  Hai.  ::: settles back in her chair :::

[Azuma (the 1st.)]  ::: with tea in-hand, arrives at the table ::: You did well, today.  May I join you?

[Azuma (the 2nd.)]  Of course.  Thank you.  But, your own action was more impressive than mine, according to the report provided to our Fleet network upon your return, a short while ago.

[Azuma (the 1st.)]  Ohh, you flatter me.  But, continue.

[Both of them]  ::: sharing laughter together :::
[Both of them at the same time]  :::: tilting their heads for a moment :::  A new report has just come in.  
[Both of them]  ::: share a "thousand yard stare" for a few moments :::

[Narrator]  At that moment Kaigun Shōshō Raizō Suzuki opens the door, enters the tea shop and makes his way to the service counter, to order his own tea.

[Raizō Suzuki]  ::: with his tea in-hand, walks to the ladies' table, bows and says :::  Konbonwa.  O hisashi buri desu, Gensui Kaigun Taishō, Kaigun Chūsa.

[Both Azuma sisters]  ::: snapping out of their reverie :::  

[Azuma (the 1st.)]  Konbonwa Suzuki-san.  We were just getting a Fleet-wide update.  Apparently, the Ibuki and her crew have out-done both of us, this evening.

[Azuma (the 2nd.)]  That's an understatement.  The Ibuki went on a *rampage*.  I feel like saying that phrase from the Wayne's World movie, "We are not worthy, we are not worthy".

[Suzuki]  ::: Laughs heartily :::: Thank you, both of you, very much.  I shall be happy to pass your kind words along to my crew.
[Suzuki]  ::: indicating their table with a hand gesture ::: May I join you?

[Azuma (the 1st.)]   ::: looks to her sister ::: This is your table, your choice.

[Azuma (the 2nd.)]  ::: nods once at her sister, then says to Suzuki :::  Hai.  Please join us.  I want to hear the juicy details that didn't make-it into your official report.

[Narrator]  As he pulls-up a chair and settles-in, their conversation and laughter continues while the scene fades.


Land of Fire --- Co-op Battle, start time 18.05.2024  19:41

Victory!  Our Team completed the mission
[WPORT]Wolfswetpaws <Cruiser> Ibuki

193,218 credits
2,683 XP
318 FreeXP

89,227 points of damage scored
44 main-gun hits
3 torpedo hits
30 aircraft shot-down
7 incapacitations caused
5 ships sunk  (Vladivostok, Encounter, A.L. Montpelier, Benham, Yorktown)
3 fires set
3 floodings caused
1 capture zone defended
34 secondary battery hits
1 ship spotted

Potential Damage = 1,124,834

(Actual) Damage Received = 24,457

Time spent in battle = 06:51 

Torpedoes spotted = 12


Victory!  All enemy warships destroyed.
[WPORT]Wolfswetpaws <Cruiser> A.L. Azuma

222,370 credits,  2270 XP, 268 FreeXP

84,990 damage scored
39 main-gun hits
3 aircraft shot down
10 incapacitations scored
3 ships sunk
4 fires set
1 flooding caused
4 citadel hits
6 defended ribbons
2 assisted in capture ribbons
19 secondary battery hits
2 depth-charge hits

Twitch  Drops Missions 13.4, "Cause 650,000 HP of damage to ships" completed.  Reward = 400 community tokens


Our Team completed the mission.
[WPORT]Wolfswetpaws <Cruiser> Azuma

221,452 credits,  2375 XP,  846 FreeXP

79,599 damage scored
33 main-gun hits
5 aircraft shot-down
3 incapacitations scored,
2 ships sunk
5 fires set,
2 citadel hits
3 defended ribbons
1 captured ribbon
32 secondary battery hits
1 ship spotted ribbon

Sakura Empire mission (battle pass) mission to earn 1,500 baseXP completed.  Reward = 10 progress points.

Edited to add:  All three ships/crews/commanders earned the #1 spot on their respective team Leader-boards in each game.

Yandex Translation webpage



Commander Ranks

As Commanders gain levels, they are given rank titles based on their nation. These roughly correspond to the historical ranks awarded to officers of their nation's respective navies. The table below lists these ranks as they appear in game.


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Posted (edited)

Personal Log    May 22nd., 2024      

Not one, not two, but three sorties into random battles, today.
Frankly, I share the suprise of my crew and the shock of the "bookies".
I wouldn't have bet that we'd be in three random battles, either.
Yet, it happened.

It all started when the Alpha of the Port was using the "Everybody Plays" method of refining the choices of which ships would sortie to accomplish a fire & flooding damage task along with a receive potential damage task left-over from an earlier Wisconsin dockyard mission-chain.
(Specifically, the number 6. "Temper, Temper" and number 7. "Last Shot" mission-chains.)

Command had already worked through the Tier-7 battleships and we were next-in-line among the Tier-8's.  

Incidentally, the "W.T.F. just happened - LOL" moment in the Kii's battle-report of a collision near an island with an allied Tirpitz whose island-collision-avoidance setting was accidentally left on was very entertaining to learn about.  It was a close-quarters action with a red-team Kii and some other ships within 10 km.  The Kii sank an Aigle with secondary battery guns and was maneuvering when the Tirpitz collided and both ships became stuck and vulnerable to a variety of enemy ordnance.  They were both sunk in moments.

Anyway, back to the "batting order".  
Our turn came and we readied the Kansas for what we imagined would be a one-&-done outing into a Co-op battle zone.
But, Command had other ideas, and we entered a random battle.

And, we survived and were victorious, of all things.

Granted, we had good team-mates, who we sent compliments to.

It was an unusual action for us, spawning near area "C", sailing most of the map, supporting an effort to capture an area and proceeding near the red-team spawn points as we fired at targets of opportunity with our High-Explosive ammunition.
We may not have set any damage records (with our 63,328 score), but we did sink a Hipper class cruiser and set eight fires with our 50 main-gun and 12 secondary battery hits.
Our team weathered the red-ship's pushes and rolled them back beyond capture area "A".
The ending was a bit of a cat & mouse game, but time and points were on our side by then.  Victory was achieved by completing the mission with 10 of their 12 ships being sunk (their Auckland and Akizuki surived, barely) while two of our own remained afloat (the Kansas and a Shinonome).

Well, we sailed for home and turned-in our after-action report, without expecting much to come of it.

Then new orders came-in over the radio.
And we were sent back to the random battle zone.

That was a lively action but shorter and sweeter, even in our defeat.
Still, we "went down swinging", as the saying goes, and "gg" messages of good sportsmanship were exchanged.
Our report included 57,787 damage, 22 main gun hits, 18 secondary battery hits, 2 aircraft shot down and 5 fires set.

Once more, we set course for home.
And, again, Command radioed orders for us to get into another random battle.

And, again, we were blessed with some good team-mates.
The map was "Two Brothers" with one base provided to each team.
Being slow and having a middle of the map spawning-point, I chose to keep our base and the "middle passage" defended while providing long & medium range fire at targets of opportunity.
The red-team's Hornet-class aircraft carrier seemed to take a special liking to us.  
Our AA crews and catapult fighters got a good workout, accounting for 20 aircraft shot-down by AA and 5 shot-down by the fighters.

About two-thirds of the way through the battle, a Richelieu was making a push, north, along the 7 line, towards our base.  They stopped near an island located near D-7/E-7 and "bow tanked" while their CV continued to affectionately send planes to attack us.
I used the island at C-5 for cover against the Richelieu's guns and requested support from our team which was mostly finished their job and spread-out along the one, two and three lines from C row to D row.
They responded positively and began sailing east to help defend our base.
By this time, most of ships (on both teams) which had spawned on the eastern side of the map were sunk.

I kept the Kansas moving, in order to maneuver better against aerial attacks and timed some of our coming-about turns to occur while the Richelieu was reloading her guns.

Eventually, our team's closest ships neared our base-circle and I deemed it worthwhile to charge the Richelieu.
Granted, our top-speed was just above 23 knots, so the charge might as well have been filmed in "slow-motion".

As we got within a few kilometers of the Richelieu, she was backing-up along the eastern side of her island and our team's Amagi and Colorado had positioned themselves nearby.
The Colorado is credited with the sinking.
The Kansas did 32,768 points of contributing damage (11,936 of that being from fires), and the Amagi pitched-in, too.

Now, our base was safe and our eastern flank was clear of opposition.
The Amagi and I continued our charge towards the red-base.
The Colorado chose to remain, in defense.
A prudent move, just in-case a red-ship showed-up.

Our other western flank ships had been busy in the meantime, and were now harrying what few red-ships remained in or near the red-base.

Even though the Amagi and I were sailing as fast as we could, our team-mates won the game by sinking every last red-team ship.
Heck, I don't blame them.  
Instead I say, "Bravo!".
I love working with professionals.  

In the final moments available for communications, "gg" messages of good sportsmanship were exchanged all-around.

I daresay I sent some more of our daily allotment of diplomatic-level compliments, too.

As for our mission task, the progress-marker has advanced to the 139,015 point along the 180,000 unit line of measurement.

Currently, we are on-course for home.
No new radio messages have arrived from Command.
We are picking-up normal message traffic.
Thus, we know the radio is functioning.

I do wonder, though.
Are we done for today, or is this merely a pause for maintenance & re-supply?

In service of the Port!

Comodore John Shelton, Captain of the Kansas 


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[Narrator]  The scene is the dock where the Kansas is berthed.  A courier, driving a forklift with a large crate has just parked near the gangplank leading up to the ship.  Keys in-hand, the courier approaches the Officer-of-the-Day standing watch, dockside.

[O.O.D. Andrew Bailey]  Captain Montpelier?  Since when did you start driving forklifts?

[Courier A.L. Montpelier (the 3rd.)]  Vice Admiral Cleveland gave me some lessons after I mentioned I wanted to feel useful around here, Captain Bailey.  Eventually, that encounter led to a part-time job as a Courier.

[Bailey]  Courier, eh?  So, that crate is a delivery for the Kansas?

[Montpelier]  Yep.  A letter accompanies it, too.

[Bailey]  Is it addressed to me?

[Montpelier]  Heh.  No.  How long have you been on-watch?  Is the sun getting to ya?  Possibly you need a drink of water?

[Bailey]  I've only been here an hour or so.  I've got shade in this-here Guard-shack and some canteens of water inside.
So, if it's not addressed to me, can you tell me who it's for?

[Montpelier]  It's for Commodore Shelton, the Captain.

[Bailey]  Ah.  Does he need to personally sign for the delivery, or will a lowly Captain doing some moonlighting of his own as an Officer-of-the-Day be good enough?

[Montpelier]  ::: smiling ::: You'll do. 

[Bailey]  Okie-dokie.  It may take a few minutes, but I'll get someone to operate the ship's crane and hoist the crate aboard.  You got some paperwork?

[Montpelier]  ::: holds out a clipboard with a manifest and an attached manilla envelope ::: You need a pen?

[Bailey]  I've got one.  Gimme a moment.
[Bailey]  ::: turning and shouting to a pair of crew at the top of the gangplank :::  Get me a crane-operator and a couple of extra hands for a working-party!  :::: points to the crate :::: This is going to be hoisted aboard!
[Bailey]  All right.  Let's do this proper and walk together to the crate so I can inspect it for damage or whatever.

[Montpelier]  No problem.  

[Narrator]  Together they inspect the crate and find no damage, leaks or signs of tampering.  As they complete their inspection, crewmembers prepare the crane for use while others bring a load-harness and safety-lines down the gangplank.

[Bailey]  Looks good.  Okay, I'll sign for the delivery.

[Montpelier]  ::: holds out the clipboard again ::::

[Bailey]  ::: accepts the clipboard, reads and re-reads the description of the crated material and verifies the delivery address information, and then begins to smile :::

[Montpelier]  ::: smiles in return :::

[Bailey]  ::: uses his pen to sign the paperwork and returns the clipboard to Montpelier :::  Here you go.

[Montpelier]  ::: accepts the clipboard, and tears-off the consignee's copy of the paperwork and hands it back (along with the manilla envelope) :::  And here you go.  Is there a spot on the dock that's best to set this down upon?

[Bailey]  Yes.  About two forklift-lengths to the left of the Guardshack and a yard away from the edge of the dock will do nicely.

[Montpelier]  Righty-o, then.  Gimme a minute.
[Montpelier]  ::: resumes her perch in the driver's seat of the forklift, starts the engine, disengages the brake and maneuvers the crate gently to the drop zone  :::
[Montpelier]  Good?

[Bailey]  Yes, good.

[Montpelier]  ::: Lowers the crate to the surface of the dock, and then backs the forklift away from it :::

[Bailey]  You're clear.

[Montpelier]  Thank you.

[Bailey]  You know what's inside that crate.

[Montpelier]  ::: smiling :::  Yes.

[Bailey]  You know what's in the letter?

[Montpelier]  Nope.  That's above our pay-grade.  I'm just the delivery-gal.

[Bailey]  You know, the Massachusetts just returned from her sortie a short while ago.  I heard she was said to be "feeling froggy".

[Montpelier]  Seems a fella might be of a mind to combine some mere scraps of information to deduce a larger situation.

[Bailey]  Hmm.  I am being paid to be watchful and curious, at the moment.  ::: smiles :::

[Montpelier]  ::: smiles :::  I've got a few more deliveries.  My curiosity will have to wait.
[Montpelier]  Take care, Captain Bailey.

[Bailey]  Have a safe journey, Captain Montpelier.

[Montpelier]  ::: drives her forklift back up the dock and turns towards the warehouse district when she reaches shore :::

[Bailey]  ::: resumes his watch-standing near the guardshack, while observing the crew harness the crate and use the crane to haul it aboard :::
[Bailey]  ::: uses the guardshack phone to ring-up the radio-room aboard the Kansas :::

[Radio Operator]  ::: picking-up a phone ::: Radio-Room.

[Bailey]  This is Captain Bailey, the Officer-of-the-Day at the dockside guardshack.  Send a messenger down to meet me at the bottom of the gangplank.  I've got an officially couriered message for the Captain.

[Radio Operator]  Aye-aye, sir.

[Bailey]  Very well.  ::: hangs up the phone :::

[Narrator]  Before long, a messenger arrives at the guardshack and receives the manilla envelope.  The scene fades as the messenger walks up the gangplank to convey it to the Captain.

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From:  Commodore Popeye, aboard the good ship Massachusetts

To:  Commodore John Shelton, aboard the good ship Kansas

Subject:  Gift

Dear John,

The Massachusetts has just returned from a sortie, as part of the same overall effort that you and the Kansas were a part of, earlier today.

I was reviewing & comparing the after-action reports.

In one Co-op battle, the Massachusetts caused 28,422 points of fire damage to opposition ships.
It took the Kansas three battles to exceed that number.

Out of the goodness of my heart, (and because I have a lifetime supply of this vital battle-winning commodity), I have sent you and the crew of the good ship Kansas a pallet of canned spinach.

After all, as your superior officer (admittedly by only one skill-point, my twelve to your eleven), I feel it is my duty to lead by example and ensure that everyone in our Fleet is properly supplied with all the nutrition they'll need to win the day.

There's no need to prank thank me.

We're all doing our part, "In service of the Port!"

Commodore Popeye
Captain of the Massachusetts


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From:  Commodore David Lane, aboard the good ship North Carolina.

To:  Perimeter Patrol Command
CC:  Adjutant of the Port, Fubuki Shirakami (the 1st.)

Subject:  Mission accomplished

Sortied into Co-op battle zone, as ordered.

Completed the Fleet's mission task to score 180,000 points of fire damage by causing 12,949 points of fire damage.  

On course for home, "In service of the Port!"

David Lane
Captain of the North Carolina


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From:  Lieutenant Thomas Hardy, aboard the good ship Tiger

To:  Perimeter Patrol Command of The Port

Subject:  Task completed ("Great Battles:  Battle of Jutland" mission chain)

I'm pleased to report that the Tiger & her crew have completed the
"Get 14 incapacitations ribbons" task.

Battle results summary follows:
Ring -- Random Battle.  Start Time 24.05.2024  12:10

Received for the battle:
160,043 credits, 3,073 XP, 399 FreeXP.  One "Close Quarters Expert" achievement

Battle performance:
75,678 points of damage done, 
48 main gun hits
3 aircraft shot-down
9 incapacitations inflicted
1 ship destroyed (a New Mexico class battleship)
9 fires set
3 secondary battery gun hits

In service of the Port!

Thomas Hardy
Captain of the Tiger

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From:  Kaigun Chūsa Kaoru Kawabe aboard the good ship Omono

To:  Perimeter Patrol Command
CC:  Adjutant of the Port Fubuki Shirakami (the 1st.)

Subject:  Research completed

It was a pleasant surprise to receive an issue of "Blue" quality economic boosters.
We put them to good use.

While sailing in "Scenario Operation:  Cherry Blossom", the Omono gathered a surplus of research data for "Project:  Shimanto".

In service of the Port!

Kaoru Kawabe
Captain of the Omono


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Posted (edited)
8 minutes ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

From:  Kaigun Chūsa Kaoru Kawabe aboard the good ship Omono

To:  Perimeter Patrol Command
CC:  Adjutant of the Port Fubuki Shirakami (the 1st.)

Subject:  Research completed

It was a pleasant surprise to receive an issue of "Blue" quality economic boosters.
We put them to good use.

While sailing in "Scenario Operation:  Cherry Blossom", the Omono gathered a surplus of research data for "Project:  Shimanto".

In service of the Port!

Kaoru Kawabe
Captain of the Omono


From:  Perimeter Patrol Command of the Port

To:  The good ship Omono and her crew, especially Kaigun Chūsa Kaoru Kawabe

Subject:  "Buckle-up Buttercup"

Dear Kaigun Chūsa Kaoru Kawabe,

Higher-ups in the Chain of Command have noticed that you only have 9 skill points.
They have instructed me to send you into battles, with "Blue" quality boosters, until you get that 10th. skill point.

Given how well you all recently performed, this shouldn't take too long, eh?

In service of the Port!

A.L. Littorio (the 3rd.)
Perimeter Patrol Command Officer of the Day


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43 minutes ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

From:  Perimeter Patrol Command of the Port

To:  The good ship Omono and her crew, especially Kaigun Chūsa Kaoru Kawabe

Subject:  "Buckle-up Buttercup"

Dear Kaigun Chūsa Kaoru Kawabe,

Higher-ups in the Chain of Command have noticed that you only have 9 skill points.
They have instructed me to send you into battles, with "Blue" quality boosters, until you get that 10th. skill point.

Given how well you all recently performed, this shouldn't take too long, eh?

In service of the Port!

A.L. Littorio (the 3rd.)
Perimeter Patrol Command Officer of the Day


From:  Kaigun Chūsa Kaoru Kawabe aboard the good ship Omono

To:  Perimeter Patrol Command Officer of the Day, Capitano di Fregata A.L. Littorio (the 3rd.)

In reply to:  "... this shouldn't take too long, eh?"

It only took one battle.

Thanks for cheering us on.

In service of the Port!

Kaoru Kawabe
Captain of the Omono


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Posted (edited)

[Narrator]  The scene is the office of the Adjutant of the Port, Fubuki Shirakami (the 1st.).  The Adjutant, standing behind her desk, has just blown-out the candle being used in a sake warmer.  As she waves her hand to disperse the smoke of the extinguished flame, there is a knock at her door.

[Shirakami]  Enter.

[Kaigun Daisa, Taro Sato]  ::: opens the door, enters, closes the door and strides forward to stand before the Adjutant  :::
[Sato]  Reporting as ordered, Gensui Kaigun Taishō.

[Shirakami]  Welcome Kaigun Daisa.  
[Shirakami]  ::: gestures to a chair in front her desk :::   Have a seat.

[Narrator]  As they both seat themselves, Taro Sato notices the sake warming & serving set.

[Sato]  I've not seen your sake-warmer before.  

[Shirakami]  I found it recently.  Today is its first occasion of use.

[Sato]  I like the artist's design.

[Shirakami]  You are here today, because I have a design for you.

[Sato]  ::: remaining silent :::

[Shirakami]  You are being transferred from the Fuso to the Shimanto.

[Sato]  If ever there was an occasion for a drink, I'd say that qualifies.

[Shirakami]  Ehhhhh?

[Sato]  "Challenge accepted", Adjutant.  It will be an honor.

[Shirakami]  That's more like it.

[Sato]  Will there be a period of transition?

[Shirakami]  There will be two days provided for you to familiarize your successor with the Fuso.  Though, given her identity, Kaigun Chūsa Azur Lane Fuso is expected to take to the ship like a duck to water.

[Sato]  Understandable.

[Shirakami]  Indeed.  She's very good.  But, you are more experienced and that experience will be needed in the Shimanto's anticipated operational environment.

[Sato]  Hai, Gensui Kaigun Taishō.

[Shirakami]  ::: picks-up one of the four cups and holds it out ::: Now, pour me a drink.

[Sato]  ::: picks-up the sake carafe and ceremonially pours a drink into Shirakami's cup, then places the carafe back into the warmer  :::

[Shirakami]  Arigato
[Shirakami] ::: picks up a second cup and offers it to Sato :::: Dozo.

[Sato]  ::: accepts the offered cup ::: 

[Shirakami]  ::: picks-up the carafe and pours sake into Sato's cup :::

[Sato]  Arigato

[Shirakami]  ::: places the carafe back into the warmer :::
[Shirakami]  ::: raises her own cup ::: Kanpai

[Sato]  ::: raises his cup as well :::  Kanpai

[both]  ::: drink fine sake at proper serving temperature :::

[Sato]  This is good.

[Shirakami]  Arigato.  
[Shirakami]  ::: drains her cup, then sets it on the serving tray :::

[Sato]  ::: observing the 'clue', drains his own cup, and sets it on the tray :::

[Shirakami]  The 'official orders' will arrive to you aboard the Fuso by courier, tomorrow morning.  

[Sato]  I will be ready.  

[Shirakami]  Very good.  I'll see you at the 'change of watch' ceremony.
[Shirakami]  Dismissed.

[Sato]  Hai.

[Narrator]  Both of them stand and exchange formal bows.  Then Sato exits from the Adjutants office with dignity.  Thereupon the scene fades.

S00a6e6b088ab4baba20ea0aee5b8ede6o_1800x https://ceramiccollective.com/products/ceramic-sake-set-with-warmer?variant=44349155574072

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Ship's Log  May 26, 2024  22:45 Hours   

Following the triumphant return of the Shimanto from her multiple sorties and garnering of three Wisconsin Dockyard event phases, the Friant was issued an order to enter the random battle zone.

We were fortunate to have a "great minds think alike" player on our team who was sailing a Tenryu.  
Together we captured one of three available circles and sank five red-team ships.

While officially the Friant is credited with the sinking of all five of those ships, I feel it was merely a matter of luck & timing.  The Tenryu scored plenty of damage with guns and torpedoes and they earned 1,012 points on the "Leader Board" compared with our contribution of 1,042 points.
(Incidentally, a Phoenix player out-scored both of us, to gain the top spot with 1,212 points, while we held the #2 and #3 spots.)

With their good-natured battle-chat messages and contributions to our team's overall victory, I had ample reason to send the Tenryu a diplomatic-level compliment for playing well.

"gg" or "good game", indeed.

For now, we're performing routine maintenance & inspections.
Our next scheduled departure will be a patrol around the perimeter, tomorrow.
But, our recent random battle was unscheduled.  So, who knows?

Lieutenant de vaisseau, Félicien Leblanc
Captain of the Friant


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TO: Admiral Jerzy Swirski, O/C HSwMS HALLAND

FROM: Fleet Command, R'lyeh

RE: Promotion

Congratulations on your promotion to Fleet Admiral, which occurred on 23 May 2024.



Our apologies go out to you for the belated recognition. Events in Fleet Command have been somewhat chaotic recently, and there have been some serious communication issues. By way of compensation, we have left an extra bottle of Zubrowka for you behind the Fleet Admirals' bar. 




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24 minutes ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

By way of compensation, we have left an extra bottle of Zubrowka for you behind the Fleet Admirals' bar. 

Somerset Maugham, the famous British playwright and novelist, wrote in his 1944 book The Razor's Edge that Żubrówka "smells of freshly mown hay and spring flowers, of thyme and lavender, and it's soft on the palate and so comfortable, it's like listening to music by moonlight." Isn’t that the most poetic description you’ve ever heard for a spirit?

-- Bison Grass Vodka Is the Stuff of Bartenders’ Dreams - Eater

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1 hour ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

Congratulations on your promotion to Fleet Admiral, which occurred on 23 May 2024.


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1 hour ago, HogHammer said:

Somerset Maugham, the famous British playwright and novelist, wrote in his 1944 book The Razor's Edge that Żubrówka "smells of freshly mown hay and spring flowers, of thyme and lavender, and it's soft on the palate and so comfortable, it's like listening to music by moonlight." Isn’t that the most poetic description you’ve ever heard for a spirit?

-- Bison Grass Vodka Is the Stuff of Bartenders’ Dreams - Eater


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TO: All Captains.

FROM: Fleet Command, R'lyeh

RE: USS WISCONSIN ("OPERATION WISKY") and operations moving forward.


Congratulations are due the entire fleet for its tireless dedication to duty in obtaining this magnificent prize. Whether you fought like a lion or stood aside patiently with gritted teeth and crossed fingers to allow better-suited ships to do their job, we salute you all. 

We must remember, too, that all of this effort has had additional benefits. In addition to obtaining the prize ship, we completed research into and obtained KMS PREUSSEN and KMS MANFRED VON RICHTHOFEN, and substantially advanced research into USS ESSEX. In addition, Admiral Jerzy Swirksi attained the rank of Fleet Admiral, First Class. 

The Fleet will now return to its originally-intended low-level research progress:

YORKTOWN: Not less than 2000 ship experience per day, then stop.

YUMIHARI, RIGA, BRINDISI, FELIX SCHULTZ: Not less than 1000 ship experience per day, then stop. 

STURDY: With the conclusion of OPERATION WISKY, the requirement to have a submarine available for various tasks is at an end, and research into this vessel is therefore suspended until further notice. Consideration will be given to returning her to research status when KMS ELBING has been obtained. 

Further instructions are to follow.



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From:  Alpha of the Port, Wolfswetpaws, Port Administration Building

To:  Rear Admiral Richard McDougall, aboard the good ship Iowa.

Subject:  Sortie Orders.

The Fleet of the Port is poised to finish the "Earn 60,000 base XP" task of
the eighth and last mission-chain, named "Norfolk's Gem", in the Wisconsin dockyard event.

Completing the task will provide one additional dockyard "token" and progress our efforts to
the 30th and last dockyard phase of construction.

The current total of accumulated base XP is 59,437 points.

Numerous ships of the Port have gotten us this far.
It's been a "Team Effort".

The Iowa & her crew have the honor & opportunity to "cross the finish line".
Let's bring your "sister" home, Iowa.

Alpha of the Port


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Ship's Log  June 2nd., 2024  19:35 Hours  Position < xxx redacted xxx >
While returning from a Co-op battle, we observed the Iowa sailing towards the "random battles zone".
Exchanged courtesies and wished them well.

A.L. Chapayev
Kapitan 2 Ranga / Captain of the Chapayev


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Posted (edited)
55 minutes ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

From:  Alpha of the Port, Wolfswetpaws, Port Administration Building

To:  Rear Admiral Richard McDougall, aboard the good ship Iowa.

Subject:  Sortie Orders.

The Fleet of the Port is poised to finish the "Earn 60,000 base XP" task of
the eighth and last mission-chain, named "Norfolk's Gem", in the Wisconsin dockyard event.

Completing the task will provide one additional dockyard "token" and progress our efforts to
the 30th and last dockyard phase of construction.

The current total of accumulated base XP is 59,437 points.

Numerous ships of the Port have gotten us this far.
It's been a "Team Effort".

The Iowa & her crew have the honor & opportunity to "cross the finish line".
Let's bring your "sister" home, Iowa.

Alpha of the Port


From:  Rear Admiral Richard McDougall, aboard the good ship Iowa.

To:  Alpha of the Port, Wolfswetpaws, Port Administration Building
CC:  Adjutant of the Port, Fubuki Shirakami (the 1st.), Port Administration Building
CC:  Perimeter Patrol Command

Subject:  After-action report (the "short version")

The Iowa & her crew earned 790 base XP during a random battle.
This exceeded the 563 base XP needed to accomplish our task.

In service of the Port!

Rear Admiral McDougall
Captain of the Iowa

Edited to add


Edited by Wolfswetpaws
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Posted (edited)

          Classified Confidential

From: CNO thornzero; Office of the Chief of Naval Operations

To: All Commands; Joint Task Forces International

Re: Focus of the Fleet 

Caveat: None

It is my hope your limited light duty schedule from April through May brought you the necessary time with family and relaxation commiserate with such light duties. Consequently, the OPTEMPO from last autumn until the end of March was some of our most intense in the past 18 months. During those operational times we made significant improvements in the performance of our fleet. We deferred from the shipbuilding tasks for good reason. Our shipyards were tasked with the refit and upkeep of our current fleet of 48 ships. These command decisions are sound for the Joint Task Forces at present.

DESRON [destroyer squadrons] remain on stand-by while we perform shakedown cruises with our low tier battleships. Cruisers will remain on stand-by until further notice as they comprise our worst performers during pvp. We will not be participating in the next Brawls event as we do not have any Tier IX cruisers. I will mention; however, that the performance of the USS Helena during the D-Day anniversary event was stellar and in keeping with the highest traditions of naval service - all awards were won during a light day of exercises.

It has come to our attention that the senior 21 point captains are spread thin across a variety of ships; notably premium. We have one 2o point captain that needs to make their progress; however, I understand that the current mission of low tier BB focus will detract from our progress on this matter.

I would like to commend the crew of KMS Bayern for the exceptional 2nd place win in Battleship Devastation! With a prize haul of 7,5oo doubloons we will be making fleet decisions as soon as this Thursday. We anticipate trading the currently in mothballs Tier VIII USS Hornet for the Tier VIII USS Kidd. With the remaining resources we are thinking of adding the Tier VI USS Monaghan to our Joint Task Fleet. Generally our efforts are focused on DESRON activities but the new initiatives to aid the skill and experience of our Battleships in focusing on positioning and damage accumulation. We have identified some much needed variety in our skillsets and will use these new directives to add measured improvements overall.

Your continued due diligence and excellence is expected during these summer months as we ramp up for the usual increases in OPTEMPO for autumn and the holiday season.

Fair winds and following seas.



Edited by thornzero
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Posted (edited)

The way I play  every crew on every ship would have mutinied let alone the Captain voicing concern, fortunately I supply them with Bacardi and coke which keeps them loyal. 

Edited by tm63au
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Personal log   June 3rd. 2024  08:50 Hours  
Welcomed the Tier-7 British battleship, the Rodney, to my Port in exchange for cash in the premium shop.
The Rodney was delivered by Commander Nigel Hardy (3 skill points).
He will be sent back to Shipbuilder's City with thanks for a job well done.

Hull equipment installation and Captain selection processes to begin, soon.


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The scene is the private quarters of Fleet Medical Officer Amelia Watson. She is waiting for the kettle to boil. There is an enthusiastic pounding on the door.

AW: Come in!

The door bursts open; Adjutant of the Port Frederica Greenhill bursts in. 


As she utters these words over and over again at breakneck speed with all the enthusiasm of a 14 year old girl who's just been given front-row seats to a Taylor Swift concert, she leaps upon Watson and hugs her fiercely, nearly knocking her back against the stove.

AW: Whoa! Whoa! Calm down there, tiger! Let you drive what?

FG: Whisky! 

AW: How do you dri... Frederica, don't tell me you've been pounding shots again. I thought you'd put your heartbreak behind you.

FG: No, you silly! Wisconsin! They chucked her port captain into reserve and let me take her out on her maiden post-delivery voyage!

AW: What? They've obtained her already? I thought that was going to take another week!

FG: So did I, but I'm told the captains who got told off to do this last set of missions started betting with each other that they could get it done quicker and they sort of ran away with themselves. So there I was on Saturday night, just filled the bath up and poured the Martini, and who should come knocking on my door but Halsey himself! Well, thank God I was still fully clothed or that could've got a bit awkward with just a towel around me, but he tells me what he has in mind and I tell you I've never been so glad to ditch the Saturday night routine for extra work. .

AW: So what do you think?

FG: Not sure. She's not my permanent command, so it's not really relevant, but I think we're going to be doing some playing around with her in the test environment before she goes in for her post-shakedown fit-out. I have some ideas about it, but ultimately it's Fleet Command's decision; I just help them execute it.

AW: Wonderful. Hopefully things go quiet after this; half the fleet's been stressed out of its mind.

FG: That's the plan, at least until the anniversary celebrations. The deadline to have anything else finished is three clear months away, more like four if they're willing to defer acquisition until the very end of Anniversary. I'm going to have to run some figures tonight - between neglect and overuse, I'm not sure whether some of our projects are still on track or need some catch-up work - but after that, would you like to catch a movie?

AW: Is this another play for my heart? Because I told you already, if that happens you'll be seeing Doktor Von Roth for all your feminine medical needs and I don't think you want that.

FG: Oh, Von Roth's alright. He only pretends he's the bastard test-tube spawn of Herbert West and Josef Mengele. 

AW (frowning): If you say so, but don't say you weren't warned. What do you want to go see?

FG: Not sure. There's a nice cafe just down the road; we can get a bite to eat first and wander past the cinema on the way and see what's showing on the way to dinner. Sounds good?

AW: Great. Call me when you're done tonight.

FG: Sure thing! (Waves and walks out.)


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4 hours ago, thornzero said:

From (etc)

Nicely done. You've captured the spirit of it very well from the serious side.

Don't forget to have a bit of fun with it along the way! Have the ships' captains complain about their ships or their progress from time to time, backstab each other over who did or didn't get promotions; that sort of thing. If you think naval officers would be far too professional to behave in such a manner, oh boy, do you have a surprise coming to you! 😜

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