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If Our Captains Could Talk... again.

Ensign Cthulhu

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To: Fleet Admiral Gunther Lutjens, Legendary Commander: KMS Schlieffen 

From: FltCaptAlan, Commander: [TF617], Sarushima Contingent.

Admiral Lutjens, I have a task for you, as you may know, the KM section has recently commissioned the super-heavy cruiser KMS Siegfried, and after talking to Section Commander Eugen, we have come to the agreement that you shall be in charge of putting her [Siegfried] through her paces, as well as overseeing her first deployment. Please keep in mind for your first deployment, try not to make any unnecessary radio chatter, you don't want to prematurely give away your position, Also do keep in mind that biplanes, if underestimated, can still cause damage to you ship.

Signed: FltCaptAlan, Commander: [TF617], Sarushima Contingent.



To: FltCaptAlan, Commander: [TF617], Sarushima Contingent.

From: Fleet Admiral Gunther Lutjens, Legendary Commander: KMS Schlieffen 

Commander, I will gladly oversee the fitting out, working up, and first mission of our new cruiser, and I will reserve all status update for when I'm in secure areas, you will have a report on the Siegfried's performance as soon as I return to safe harbor 

Signed: Fleet Admiral Gunther Lutjens, Legendary Commander: KMS Schlieffen 


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TO: Fleet Command, R'lyeh

FROM: Capitan de Navio Domingo Perez, O/C EspNS ASTURIAS.

RE: Completion of research.

This is to announce that I have completed research into EspNS CATALUNA, according to values published in official sources (referenced in appendix). 

I have accordingly transferred my flag temporarily to EspNS ALVARO DE BAZAN in preparation for CATALUNA becoming available in a little over two weeks. I hereby request the requisite funds to make the purchase (9 million silver before discounts, plus 3.875 million for equipment). 

I have taken the liberty of selecting Teniente de Navio Felipe Cardenas to become the permanent port captain of ASTURIAS. As you are no doubt aware, he was the Yard Captain responsible for transferring the ship from the constructors to the active-service fleet, so he is already familiar with her and will require no further retraining following reassignment. 



APPENDIX: https://wiki.wargaming.net/en/Ship:Cataluña 

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Captain's Log of the good ship Brisbane    August 27th., 2023    

The Brisbane has just come out of drydock, after having the first four of her (six possible) hull upgrade modules installed.

Recent expenditures have temporarily drawn-down the Port's balance of credits and coal.  
The coal was exchanged for the Brisbane, so I'm not complaining on that score.  
The credits spent on the rental Aircraft Carriers Kikaku, Concord Bridge, Taiho and Essex (for the temporary "Concealed Maneuvers" event matches) won't be magically reappearing anytime soon, though.

The cost of the Brisbane's remaining two hull upgrade modules is five million credits.
The Alpha of the Port said he understands my concerns and that I'm now in a postion to help earn credits just like every other ship & crew in the Fleet.

Sea Trials are on our "to do list", for now.
Our guns will flash soon enough.
And our Enhanced Torpedo Explosives will be tested, too.
The Academy's lessons were thorough and not entirely boring.

Gah!  What a strange place this is.  Yet, I'm fond of it anyway.
Months of mingleing with everyone here has been life-changing.

Even so, my desire to find the lost isle of Mu remains as sharp as my cutlass.
There are several incarnations of "Santa" here, and all have hinted that it is possible.

Until then, we've enough supplies on-board for a trip to the target-practice range.

Matilda Kelly
Captain of the Brisbane in the Fleet of the Port

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From:  Admiral of the Fleet Matilda Kelly aboard the good ship Brisbane

To:  Adjutant of the Port, Fubuki Shirakami (the 1st.)

Subject:  First battle report

"And this is only the beginning of our legend."

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In service of the Port!

Matilda Kelly
Captain of the Brisbane

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From:  Adjutant of the Port, Gensui Kaigun Taishō Fubuki Shirakami (the 1st.)

To:  Admiral of the Fleet Matilda Kelly aboard the good ship Brisbane

Subject:  You've earned a trip to the drydock

Dear Captain Kelly,

I have the results of your second battle.
You and your cheeky crew of swashbucklers have earned enough 'silver' to drydock the Brisbane.

It's only one of her two missing hull upgrade modules, but, to vaguely paraphrase the Alpha ...
"I want that ship to wiggle at least as well as the Iwami !!!", or something to that effect.

So, bring the Brisbane to the drydock for her second rudder-shift upgrade and
drink up the inventory of Rum Parfait at the Maid Cafe' with your crew while the module is installed.
That's a personal order, from me.

Consider it a token of my appreciation after I read the communication's log transcript which mentioned
you sending a message in all-chat to that 'Bot commanded C. Columbo battleship
and saying you've got their "one more thing, right here" at the start of your second battle.
Shame they were on the other side of the map, but you gave the nearest red-team ships a warm welcome and
remained afloat for the duration of the battle.

Keep up the good work, so the Brisbane can get her sixth hull upgrade module at the soonest.

In service of the Port!

Fubuki Shirakami (the 1st.)
Adjutant of the Port

P.S.  Save me a seat at the Maid Cafe'.  🙂


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From:  Alpha of the Port, Wolfswetpaws

To:  Admiral of the Fleet Matilda Kelly aboard the good ship Brisbane

Subject:  Bring the Brisbane into drydock, again.

Captain Kelly,

The ship & crew have been performing admirably.
Well done.

You've also earned enough to cover the Brisbane's sixth hull upgrade module.
Return to Port for the installation while in drydock.

Fair winds and following seas!

Alpha of the Port


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Personnel File Update Log       August 28th., 2023       

Entry by:     Kaigun Daisa Gunzo Chihaya, Personnel Administrator          
---Kaigun Daisa Houshou Marine (the 2nd.),
--- temporarily assigned as Captain of the rented Taiho for the Concealed Maneuvers mode event,
--- earned 1 skill point via battle experience (bringing her total to 12 skill points).




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To: All participating admirals

From: destawaits

Subject: Previous thread update


Dear comrades,

Have peace of mind that the previous thread has been fully archived on web.archive.org and can be accessed from the archived forum.worldofwarships link at any time. Fair seas.

- destawaits, admiral on leave

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1 hour ago, destawaits said:

To: All participating admirals

From: destawaits

Subject: Previous thread update


Dear comrades,

Have peace of mind that the previous thread has been fully archived on web.archive.org and can be accessed from the archived forum.worldofwarships link at any time. Fair seas.

- destawaits, admiral on leave


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Personal Log      09-02-2023  15:35 Hours     

Completed the Megadeth Collaboration event in-game missions and chose Commander "Vic Rattlehead" (6 skill points) as a reward.
I've also chosen to welcome Commander Dave Mustaine (12 skill points) in exchange for 3,500 doubloons in the Armory.
As the collaboration event ship, the "Rattlehead", is a clone of the Marblehead that I already have in my Port (with the exception of the ship Rattlehead's different camouflage), I've decided to not spend the doubloons needed to welcome the ship Rattlehead to my Port.  
The Commanders are compatible with US Navy ships and several of them remain to be researched.  So there should be placement opportunities, eventually.


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TO: Dasha Perova, O/C HNLMS HAARLEM.

FROM: Fleet Command, R'lyeh.

RE: Promotion.

Congratulations on attaining the rank of Fleet Admiral First Class. You will find the key to the Fleet Admirals' Lounge hidden underneath the large pot of tulips that our aide-de-camp has just placed outside your quarters. A bottle of fine jenever has been placed at the bar for you. 



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To: Fleet Admiral Herbertus Claasen, Commander: Haarlem

From: FltCaptAlan, Commander: [TF617], Sarushima Contingent.

Admiraal Claasen, after discussion with Admiral Lawford, and the other Admirals of my Counsel of Section Commanders, I grant you the title of Navy Elite. This comes due to you excellent service commanding the cruiser Haarlem, as well as overseeing the commissioning of the destroyer Groningen. I task you with assisting the training more upcoming officers in the future,

Congratulations and good luck Admiraal.

Signed: FltCaptAlan, Commander: [TF617], Sarushima Contingent.


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Personal Log        September 3rd., 2023  21:37 Hours      

It's been an interesting evening.

First, I was presented with "borrow your boat" paperwork by the newly arrived Vic Rattlehead.  After giving him an expedited tour of the Marblehead, we set sail with me playing host and evaluator for the duration of his temporary Captain assignment.

In a lively battle, Commander Vic Rattlehead sent some opponents beneath the waves before other red-team ships sunk our beloved Marblehead (along with myself and the rest of the crew).

Manjou Contractors raised the ship and assisted us in patching her up enough to limp back to Port.

Once there, we were greeted by a courier with priority orders for us.
Per our orders, the Marblehead was placed at the head of the line for ships awaiting repairs and given expedited service by the Harbormaster.
Commander Rattlehead resumed his Reserve status and the Marblehead was to sortie into battle as soon as possible.

I'm glad to say I kept her afloat.
To be fair, while we spawned at the same location on the same map, I used a different pathing to approach Area B.
We sank no ships, but did score more damage than Vic's sortie.

The Marblehead's second triumphant return to Port was greeted by another courier.
This time I was issued "Borrow Your Boat" orders, to sail the Constellation!
I barely contained my buoyant feelings beneath a veneer of professionalism.

Captain Watson Amelia was a gracious host and the Constellation's crew were both competent and enthusiastic.  The ship herself sailed marvelously.  Together we sank one opponent, heavily damaged three others and tagged another with minor damage before they were sunk by an allied ship.
Not too shabby.

While enroute back to Port, orders were received over the radio.  
I was to report to the Black, for another "Borrow Your Boat" assignment in the "Concealed Maneuvers" Event Sector.

Commander Statue of Liberty was my host while aboard the Black.
Again, the crew and ship made positive impressions upon me.
Their zeal was infectious and I got us into some dicey actions during the battle.
We sank a Brest and a Yugumo and assisted with capturing an area.
Then we proceded to the middle of the map and encountered a Balao supported by two more red-team vessels.
Despite our vigorous maneuvering the Balao managed to put a torpedo into our already damaged hull.  Thus sinking us, fair & square.
We sent "gg" from our life-raft radio and remained until the battle was over and the Manjou Contractors could refloat & patch-up the Black for the trip home.

I've not had this much excitement in months.
But one more suprise awaited me.

After the Black made Port, I observed what I thought was another courier standing-by dockside.
After I'd bid my farewells to the Black and her Crew, they met me at the bottom of the gangplank.
The *courier* introduced themselves as the recently arrived Commander Dave Mustaine!
He's currently the highest ranked Commander in Reserve status, and as such he's also the USN Section Liason Officer within the Administration organization chart.
And he was "checking up on me" as a part of his duties to become familiar with all personnel in the USN chain-of-command.
It was all I could do to contain my inner delight and behave with poise!

He walked with me back to the Marblehead and informed me that I'd earned a promotion during tonight's sorties.  
The official ceremony is tomorrow morning.  
In addition, Command is interested in training me for bigger & better things in the future.
So, I am to expect more frequent sorties in addition to the normal perimeter patrols.

He said "Goodnight" to me when we'd arrived at the Marblehead and something about needing to meet with several more Captains before midnight.
We parted company with salutes and professional courtesy.

Where did the Alpha find such a "chick magnet"?
And how did he convince him to join our Fleet?

Inquiring minds want to know, "In service of the Port"!

Frederica Greenhill
Recently promoted to the rank of Commander in the Fleet of the Port


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[Narrator]  The scene is the office of the Alpha of the Port.  The Alpha and the Adjutant of the Port are winding-down their morning meeting concerning the readiness and deployed status of the ships & crews of the Fleet of the Port.

[Adjutant of the Port, Fubuki Shirakami (the 1st.)]  ... and that concludes the list of ships scheduled for perimeter patrol duty, this morning.

[Alpha of the Port, Wolfswetpaws]  Very well.  With the rented Essex having sailed back to her rental agency in Shipbuilder's City, Hallsey will start his new job teaching students at the Academy, today.

[Shirakami]  Which keeps Hallsey out of Mustaine's hair while he learns his new job as liason officer.

[Wolfswetpaws]  A fortunate coincidence, yes.

[Shirakami]  What's that article you've got on your desk blotter?  Something about "micro-nations"?

[Wolfswetpaws]  Yes.  Here.  You can have it, I've finished reading it.  ::: Offers the recently printed-on-sheets-of-paper article from SF Gate's website :::

[Shirakami]  ::: Accepts the offered pages :::  Thank you.  If there's nothing further, I'll read this in my office?

[Wolfswetpaws]  Nothing at the moment, Adjutant.  Enjoy.

[Shirakami]  Aye-aye, Alpha   ::: Rises from her chair and departs through the open doorway ::::

[Narrator]  The scene shifts to follow the Adjutant's journey to her office and fades as she settles-in behind her own desk and begins reading.



SF Gate
"Dayton, Nevada, is home to a micronation of 38 people that owes its soul to San Francisco"



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To: Destawaits, Fleet Admiral

From: Amelia Watson, Time Detective #1083

Subject: Re: Investigation Update


Good morning sir,

Thanks for hiring my services; I was able to follow-up on the instructions you gave me. It took some time to calculate the jump and some more wandering until I was able to find the dockyard you mentioned. I also had a rough ride during the jump as I had to hop between about 14 different dimensions, implying that your dimension is distant from mine, which leads me to inquire how you found our services.

Anyways, I found the reason causing the lack of shipments and material transactions to your dockyard. The place is stuck in some sort of time-stasis; dock workers and naval officers alike are frozen mid-action. There hasn't been any signs of decay. It will take a while to find the root cause of the situation, but I can try to fix some of the affected areas using my watch.

I did find a few captains who weren't affected by the stasis; one of them looks like Santa Claus? I think they spoke English in a Swedish accent? They told me they were sustaining themselves off of the general food storage in the cafeteria and off the refreshments served before the stasis locked the area. It seems that they're still able to interact with cooking appliances and food for a brief periods before they lapse into stasis again after a moment of inactivity.

Also, all the ships present in the dockyard save for a few destroyers are also locked in stasis, but you own a lot of cool-looking ships. Do you happen to know which one of these I'll captain as per the contract?

- A. Watson

P.S. Normally I wouldn't accept supernatural cases like this directly from clientele, but my supervisor had insisted. I'm not sure what your relation to my supervisor is, but I won't pry further.



To: Amelia Watson

From: Destawaits, Fleet Admiral

Subject: Investigation Update


Hi Ms. Watson,

Regarding the case I spoke to you about a week ago, I would like you to investigate a dockyard. I have provided general instructions to your supervisor and she will provide coordinates as I have no knowledge on dimension jumping. Good luck and please contact me straight away if you find anything of interest or run into any issues.

- destawaits


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Hello Time Lord umm, opps Time Detective #1083. 

In your examination of the Fleet Admiral's dockyard, did you happen to notice a Tardis?  Ever since the dockyard began, I've had a Tardis occasionally show up.  Each time, it's there for awhile and then vanishes.  I've strictly forbidden anyone from entering the blasted thing because I envision a Bass-o-Matic situation.  But, with that being said, I have earned a respectable amount of doubloons by allowing bystanders to gawk at it from a safe distance.  If you have any ability to send it back to my dockyard I'd really appreciate it.  I can use the doubloons to buy something else I really don't need.  Also, I'd appreciate a schedule so I know when the Tardis will appear and for how long.

I'm sure in your travels you've run across Captain Pike and I'm envious of that.  

Oh, this is supposed to be about what our Captains would say.  That's a sore subject with me because they're very rebellious and nasty. I get memos from Captains suggesting I uninstall.  Can you believe that??

Best to you wherever you are.



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Thanks; I'll pass the message on.

6 hours ago, Hiro804 said:

Hello Time Lord umm, opps Time Detective #1083. 

In your examination of the Fleet Admiral's dockyard, did you happen to notice a Tardis?  Ever since the dockyard began, I've had a Tardis occasionally show up.  Each time, it's there for awhile and then vanishes.  I've strictly forbidden anyone from entering the blasted thing because I envision a Bass-o-Matic situation.  But, with that being said, I have earned a respectable amount of doubloons by allowing bystanders to gawk at it from a safe distance.  If you have any ability to send it back to my dockyard I'd really appreciate it.  I can use the doubloons to buy something else I really don't need.  Also, I'd appreciate a schedule so I know when the Tardis will appear and for how long.

I'm sure in your travels you've run across Captain Pike and I'm envious of that.  

Oh, this is supposed to be about what our Captains would say.  That's a sore subject with me because they're very rebellious and nasty. I get memos from Captains suggesting I uninstall.  Can you believe that??

Best to you wherever you are.




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From:  Alpha of the Port, Wolfswetpaws

Commander ARP Haruna abord the Yubari, 
Commander ARP Kongo aboard the Ishizuchi, 
Commander ARP Haruna aboard the ARP Haruna, 
Commander ARP Hiei aboard the ARP Hiei, 
Commander ARP Kirishima aboard the ARP Kirishima, 
Commander ARP Kongo aboard the ARP Kongo,
Commander ARP Hiei aboard the Hatsuharu,
Commander ARP Ashigara aboard the ARP Ashigara,
Commander ARP Haguro aboard the ARP Haguro,
Commander ARP Myoko aboard the ARP Myoko,
Commander ARP Nachi aboard the ARP Nachi,
Commander ARP Iona aboard the I-56,
Commander ARP Maya aboard the ARP Maya,
Commander ARP Takao aboard the ARP Takao,
Commander ARP Yotaroh (the 1st.) aboard the Kii,
Commander ARP Musashi aboard the Iwami,
Commander ARP Kirishima aboard the Yoshino,
Commander ARP Yamato aboard the ARP Yamato,
Commander A.L. Kaga aboard the Kaga,
Commander Kaito Kimura aboard the Kaga-B,
Commander Gunzo Chihaya, Administrator of Personnel, Reserve Barracks

Subject:  Warm Welcome Escort Task Force

It is with a glad heart that I share some good news.

The cooperative efforts of our ships & crews have completed a mission-task during an astrological alignment event which provides an opportunity for travel between our realm and the realm of Arpeggio of Blue Steel - Ars Nova.

As a result, Commander Yotaroh (the 2nd.) has been recruited.

Currently she is a passenger aboard the cargo vessel "Ling's Basket" which is enroute to our Port.
I have decided to form an honorary task-force to escort them here.

During Commander ARP Haguro's latest sortie, the ARP Haguro completed the task, so I have decided to put her in charge of this 
honorary task force.  

To provide aerial capabilities, I have included the Kaga and the Kaga-B.
Commander Gunzo Chihaya is temporarily assigned as a Liason Officer aboard the ARP Haguro.

All of you are to report to the Briefing Room by 17:30 Hours, to discuss and plan this Escort Mission, together.

The latest sea conditions and other intel-data will be provided by the Perimeter Patrol Command Duty Officer of the Day, Commander A.L. Formidable.

Let's give our newest sister a warm welcome.

Fair winds and following seas!

Alpha of the Port

Fubuki Shirakami (the 1st.)
Adjutant of the Port


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From:  Admiral Eduard Zimmer, Captain of the good submarine U-69

To:  Adjutant of the Port, Fubuki Shirakami (the 1st.)
CC:  Perimeter Patrol Command Duty Officer of the Day

Subject:  Task accomplished

As part of an overall effort conducted by destroyers and submarines in the Fleet of the Port, the U-69 provided spotting for allied vessels.

In turn, those allied vessels caused a quantity of damage to opposing vessels which was enough to complete a "150,000 HP of damage upon your spotting" task in an Arpeggio of Blue Steel mission-chain.

The U-69 and her crew weren't only spotting, though.
We sank 1 ship and damaged 4 other ships with hits from our torpedoes and deck-gun.

In service of the Port!

Eduard Zimmer
Admiral in the Fleet of the Port



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Perimeter Patrol Command Log      September 11th., 2023, 11:15 Hours    

The destroyers Minsk, L. Tarigo, Jervis, Gadjah Mada, Skane and Akizuki, participated in an effort to finish an Arpeggio of Blue Steel mission task to "In 4 battles, join the top 5 in your team by experience received".

Due to the rapid sorties of the destroyers, and delays in receiving battle results from the adjudicators, the mission was completed by the Skane even though we hadn't yet received the results of the Akizuki's sortie.

When the dust settled and the information was properly sorted, the Skane was credited with completion of the task and all listed destroyers were credited with participation.

Master of the Seven Seas
Kapten in Reserve / Duty Officer of the Day





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From:  Capitano di Fregata Domenico Constantini, Captain of the good ship Luca Tarigo

To:  Adjutant of the Port Fubuki Shirakami (the 1st).
CC:  Perimeter Patrol Command Duty Officer of the Day

Subject:  Project "V. Cuniberti"

The research teams aboard the Luca Tarigo have gathered sufficient amounts of data to
finalize the research of Project V. Cuniberti.

Detailed reports will be delivered by courier along with a copy of this transmission.

The Luca Tarigo and her crew are enroute home, ETA <xxx-REDACTED-xxx>.

In service of the Port!

Domenico Constantini




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Personal Log    09-17-2023     

09:00 Hours
Exchanged 6,250 "Festive Reward" tokens (a temporary World of Warships 8th. anniversary event token) for the French Tier-8 premium Cruiser, the Bayard, the Armory.
The Bayard was delivered by Commander Raymond Sorette (3 skill points).
He will be thanked for a job well done and be sent back to Shipbuilder's City.
Captain selection and hull module installation to begin, soon.

09:40 Hours
Commander Léon Marchand (7 skill points) transferred from the Dunkerque-B to become the Captain of the recently arrived Bayard.
Commander Azur Lane Dunkerque (the 2nd.) transferred from the Reserve Baracks to become the Captain of the Dunkerque-B.


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Personal Log    September 17th., 2023    

It is a case which surprised many, including myself, the Alpha of the Port has assigned me as Captain of the Tier-8 premium Cruiser Bayard.

Several of my fellow officers, some of them my senior officers who are more qualified than I, were considered for this position.

The Alpha of the Port told me, privately, that he wished to "season" me with more experience than I was getting with the Dunkerque-B's duty schedule.  

Currently, only four tech-tree French ships remain to be welcomed to our Port, and each of them is in the 'high-tier' category.
The Béarn and other premium ships are desired, but funding is limited and the availability of coupons is another limiting factor.
Training our small roster of available French Commanders to high standards of excellence, in anticipation of future needs, is a long-term goal.

Therefore, I should expect to play the role of host during future "borrow your boat" occasions.
Based upon casual conversations I've had with officers and crew members, such temporary assignments have been well-received by those participating in them.  

I look forward to learning the ship and conducting her sea-trials and brushing-up on my etiquette lessons.

Léon Marchand
Capitaine de corvette and Captain of the Bayard in the Fleet of the Port


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  • 2 weeks later...

TO: All Captains

FROM: Fleet Command, R'lyeh

RE: Operational considerations.


His Mightiness Great Cthulhu impressed His dreaming will upon our minds this morning, indicating that He wished for a candidate for the position of Adjutant of the Port, something suggested to Him by a lupine friend who shall remain nameless. 

His exact mental emanation was to the effect that: "I want someone who can sit at a desk and apparently do nothing more than look pretty, while secretly running the whole show under the table and keeping these pathetic mortals in line."

Candidacy for the position is hereby invited. 



Edited by Ensign Cthulhu
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Memorandum for Record 

26SEP2311:30S  UNCLAS

Somewhere in yet another Desert, Far, Far away.....

Black-6 seems to want yet another Adjutant.  The last one simply escaped by getting his foot run over by a track..... I really believe he was faking it, with all of the hysterical screaming and foot holding.....  So, I attempted to dissuade the Bear's focus and it seems for now, we wont' lose yet another Major to B6 induced fratricide....  Sometimes, being an XO has some advantages...  Gosh, we are running out of Majors....

So, I'll post this for History........cause, no one will ever believe the truth......

Black-5 out.

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