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If Our Captains Could Talk... again.

Ensign Cthulhu

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From:  Capitano di Vascello Emilio Corrado, aboard the good ship Amalfi

To:  Adjutant of the Port Fubuki Shirakami

Subject:  Research Complete

Upon completing our routine inspections for the day, the Amalfi was discovered to have passed the threshold for researching the Brindisi.

Supporting Documents enclosed.

In service of the Port!

Emilio Corrado
Captain of the Amalfi in the Fleet of the Port


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[Narrator]  The scene is the bridge of the Cruiser Marblehead, Captained by Frederica Greenhill.

[Frederica Greenhill]  Dang.  It's nice to survive a battle once in a while.
And we were fortunate to be on the same team as "JBR40", too.  Nice to see them again.

[Executive Officer]  Aye, Captain.  We've had a rough morning of of more defeats and sinkings than victories and survivals.

[Greenhill]  By the way, is there a "Citadel hits" ribbons mission going on?

[Executive Officer]  No, Captain, not at present.

[Greenhill]  That figures.

[Exectutive Officer]  ::: reviewing the results of their most recent battle in a Co-op zone :::
[Executive Officer]  Ah, I see.  The Marblehead's guns scored a total of 12 citadel hits.  Five of them were scored by a salvo fired at the La Argentina which was sunk by JBR40 a splt-second later.

[Greenhill]  Sometimes the best results arrive unexpectedly.  
I believe the 12 cits set a new record for the Marblehead.  
The Murmansk, under JBR40's command, played well.  It was good teamwork.
I'm glad we sent them a compliment.

[Radio Operator]  ::: Enters the bridge carrying a message ::: Perimeter Patrol Command sent us a message, Captain.

[Greenhill]  Skip the fluff and read the important stuff, please.

[Radio Operator]  Aye, Captain.  ::: clearing their throat :::  Ahem ...
"Have received a diplomatic-level compliment after your most recent action.  
The Marblehead and her crew must have done something right.  
Also noticed your 12 citadels and two sinkings.  
That's an improvement over your other battles, this morning.  

Continue your morning's assignment to gain experience while sailing in a mix of random and co-op battles.

If you keep up the good work, the Alpha has authorized me to issue extra rations of Root Beer and possibly some cases of rum, at my discretion.
Since this stuff is now cluttering my office, I suggest the Marblehead continue her upswing in performance.

Dave Mustaine
Commodore in the Fleet of the Port
Perimeter Patrol Command Duty-Officer of the Day"


[Greenhill]  Thank you.  Distribute copies of this message to all department heads, as soon as possible, with my compliments to everyone.

[Radio Operator]  Aye-aye, Captain  :::: Departs the bridge to carry out her order.  :::

[Greenhill]  Ex-Oh, what's next on our dance-card?

[Exectutive Officer]  A sortie into a random battle, Captain.

[Greenhill]  Very well.  
[Greenhill]  Helm, alter course to <xxx redacted xxx> and maintain cruising speed.

[Helmsman]  Course to <xxx redacted xxx>, cruising speed.  Aye-aye, Captain.

[Narrator]  The perspective shifts to a view looking forward through the bridge windows as the Marblehead's bow cleaves through the waves, and then fades.

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From:  Rear Admiral Edward Walsh, Captain of the Sturdy, aboard the good submarine Sturdy

To:  Adjutant of the Port, Fubuki Shirakami (the 1st.)
CC:  Perimeter Patrol Command

Subject:  Research Completed

Thanks to the recent issue of "green" boosters, the technical team personnel assigned to the Sturdy were able to complete their research ahead of schedule and with a surplus of data.

The Project "Thrasher" design can be finalized.

During our most recent battle, we were fortunate to have allies that played well and worthy adversaries on the opposing team.
Thus, at our discretion, we sent four diplomatic-level compliments.

In service of the Port!

Edward Walsh
Rear Admiral / Captain of the Sturdy


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24 minutes ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

From:  Rear Admiral Edward Walsh, Captain of the Sturdy, aboard the good submarine Sturdy

To:  Adjutant of the Port, Fubuki Shirakami (the 1st.)
CC:  Perimeter Patrol Command

Subject:  Research Completed

Thanks to the recent issue of "green" boosters, the technical team personnel assigned to the Sturdy were able to complete their research ahead of schedule and with a surplus of data.

The Project "Thrasher" design can be finalized.

During our most recent battle, we were fortunate to have allies that played well and worthy adversaries on the opposing team.
Thus, at our discretion, we sent four diplomatic-level compliments.

In service of the Port!

Edward Walsh
Rear Admiral / Captain of the Sturdy


From:  Alpha of the Port, Wolfswetpaws

To:  Rear Admiral Edward Walsh aboard the good Submarine Sturdy

In-Reply-To:  Project Thrasher research completed

Dear Edward,

I've reviewed the after-action reports and the film records from the Sturdy's most recent sortie.
The Sturdy was the last ship afloat and was being pursued by the last red-team ship, a Baltimore.
Yet, after being subject to a depth-charge air-strike, the Sturdy and her crew rose to the occasion, figuratively and literally, to "shotgun" the Baltimore from point-blank range, sink her and win the battle in the process.

Job well done, in keeping with the finest traditions of the service and etc. & etc.
Expect several cases of rum awaiting the crew of the Sturdy, upon arrival in Port.
That's the good news.

The not so good news is that the funds necessary to welcome the Thrasher are still being accrued.
Project Thrasher is next-in-line behind an already-planned acquistion of a new Japanese battlecruiser from a line-split event.

Meantime, I'll get some new brooms issued to the Sturdy, in aticipation of her continued success and the wear & tear the current brooms are experiencing while being flown from her conning tower.

Fair winds and following seas!

Alpha of the Port


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From:  Alpha of the Port, Wolfswetpaws

To:  Harbormaster's Office of the Port, Commander Feuerputz.

Subject:  Sea Trials of the Scharnhorst '43

Dear Harbormaster Feuerputz,

I'd like you to conduct the sea-trials of the recently arrived Scharnhorst '43.
(See the attached Official Orders.)

As part of your assignment, sail to Shipbuilder's City and return Oberfähnrich zur See Stefan Klein to the Wilhemshaven Ship Delivery Agency.

Be advised, Kapitän zur See "LilFish Og" is being temporarily detached from his duties as Captain of the Gneisenau and will accompany you as an observer & evaluator for the sea-trials.

I hope you'll enjoy this little change of pace from being in the Harbormaster's Office all day.

Fair winds and following seas!

Alpha of the Port

P.S.  Commander Lindwurm will be assigned as temporary Harbormaster in your absence.

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  • 2 weeks later...

TO: All commanders

FROM: Fleet Command, R'lyeh

RE: "Christmas Snowflakes" and related activities.


Congratulations on completing this year's "collection of the snowflakes", which has yielded us enough coal to obtain any ship in that category we wish (bar one very expensive and temporary exception) and enough steel to secure a ship which has hitherto been our primary choice (Z-42). We are currently in the process of deciding whether this or one other ship (KMS MECKLENBURG) should be the first choice, in which case a small amount of extra steel may be required. For this reason, acquisition is deferred.

As you will know, the profuse spending on crates that characterized the two previous yuletides is not being continued. Despite this, we have at no cost obtained two ships that were of interest to us (LEIPZIG and ORKAN) in addition to the fixed prize of KMS SCHARNHORST 1943 and completion of the base-level Christmas events could well see us obtain one or two more. At the present time, we have secured enough gold to obtain the paid-track prizes and this will bring us HNwMS STORD 43. 

The body of work which is the acquisition of RM MICHELANGELO continues. 

Work toward the acquisition of HMS St VINCENT and VMF RIGA will recommence. There is a possibility that we could yet make up for lost time and have both ships in port in time to claim their 'snowflakes' also. 


Adjutant of the Port Frederica Greenhill is strangely absent from her post. She was last seen embarking on a trip to Australia, from which she has not yet returned. In the unfortunate event that something should have poisoned or eaten her, we have appointed Amelia Watson as her understudy pro tem


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My dearest Tilly,

Thank you very much for your hospitality of the past four weeks. I'd love to stay here - you've become simply my best friend EVER - but I've grossly overstayed my leave already and that telegram you showed me this morning was the last straw. Can you really believe Fleet Command thinks I got EATEN??? Haha. 

Thank God the new Commonwealth cruisers got announced while I was away, as I can at least legitimately claim that I hung around to discuss their technical specs, assignment and training of captains, and whatnot. The introduction of a researchable line to a nation that's been around for ages without one puts up all sorts of problems, so hopefully I can sell it to work as sticking around to help you solve them and being so busy that I overlooked formally clocking back in again. I shudder to think what Fleet Command would do if they found out how I've really spent most of that time. 

I shall miss you all the way home. Do write to me, and come see me once I'm back in harness (always assuming they don't just give Amelia my job up front). Maybe once the news breaks about exactly how you're going to get your ships; there may be roles for the ones you've already got in your port that have to be clarified.

Yours in friendship,


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  • 2 weeks later...

TO: All Commanders

FROM: Fleet Command, R'lyeh

RE: Plans for 2024.


Saluting in passing the well-known fact that no plan survives contact with the enemy, we would like to put forward our intentions for 2024.

The following researchable ships are listed as SHALL ACQUIRE:






The following ships are listed as MAY ACQUIRE:



Adjutant of the Fleet Frederica Kelly-Greenhill is back from a rather unexpected and unusual honeymoon, and will take steps to enumerate exactly the research effort and cost outlays required before communicating these to contingent commanders.

Acquisition of RM MICHELANGELO shall be regarded as an extended part of the 2023 campaign year.

Admiral W. Halsey has first lane on the Fleet Admiral promotion track.

Pre-release acquisitions will be taken on a case-by-case basis.

Based on the current Christmas campaign, we expect a lower level of engagement in 2024. Alongside the shall-acquire list, we will be examining the fates of the Soviet and German Aircraft Carrier lines, which to this date have performed very poorly, and determine whether these should be abandoned (as with the Soviet Battleship and Dutch Cruiser lines) or continued. Critical changes in the manner in which carriers operate MAY eventuate, and this decision shall be taken in the context of these changes.

At this time, we expect the Michelangelo Dockyard to be the last, as ships' crews are desperately tired and need a lull from the fighting.


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My Dearest Tilly,

Just a quick note to let you know I'm safely home. Even by air, the trip is a slow one - and much more wearying in many ways, since sleep is almost impossible  and there's only so much aircraft cabin you can pace up and down before the pilots and loadmaster start yelling at you. 

First thing I did when I got home was crash on the bed. I didn't even have a bath - I was too worried I would fall asleep and drown! I saved that for when I was awake again and had poured a gallon or so of coffee down my throat. I wish I had you here to [removed by censors] and [removed by censors], but I know how busy you said you'd be until your new ships arrive, so I guess I'll just have to use my imagination and [removed by censors]

Looking forward to hearing from you very soon.

Your favourite naval bureaucrat,


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TO: Fleet Command, R'lyeh

FROM: Frederica Greenhill-Kelly, Adjutant of the Port

RE: Acquisition Schedule


I would like to propose a change to the acquisition schedule. 

Please note that we are required to accumulate 150,000 ship experience in at least two ship types for the next phase of OPERATION MICHELANGELO. It would be a crime if we did not use this opportunity to fast-track our plans for 2024. 

In CRUISERS: 115,000 remain to be earned in CHERBOURG to research BREST.

16,000 remain to research the planned B hull refit for BRINDISI

24,500 are required to research the upgraded fire control system for RIGA.

This will generate a total of 155,500 (approximately) in the CRUISER category, fulfilling this goal.


In destroyers, 115,000 remain to be earned in MAERKER to obtain SCHULTZ

31,000 are required to research the B hull refit for CUNIBERTI

That would leave 4,000 to be earned trivially, and in fact this is the exact number required to bring HATSUHARU's torpedoes to full (10km) standard.


I think we would be missing a golden opportunity to derive a great benefit from what at first appears to be a horrific imposition. We know this will require a maximum effort; let us get some lasting good out of it. Alternatively, completing BREST and then researching her B fire control system would have a similar effect to the smaller tasks; and the same goes for SCHULTZ - again with only trivial amounts required to finish.


Please let me know which of these two schemes meets with your greatest approval. I will approach you again soon with regard to the phase after, in which commander experience is the required quantity and we have a preferred commander very close to Fleet Admiral First Class status by only a little more than the amount required (in two ship types).







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[Narrator]  The scene is the Office of the Adjutant of the Port, within the Administration Building of the Port.  Commander Marine Houshou (the 1st.) has just entered to make a report to the Adjutant of the Port, Fubuki Shirakami (the 1st.).

[Houshou]  "Ahoy!", Adjutant.  I'm here to make my scheduled report.

[Shirakami]  Welcome, Chair of the Entertainment Committe and versatile doer of daring deeds.  Have you found him, yet?

[Houshou]  The entire Port has been on alert for any sign of the Alpha, but none have seen him since Friday evening.  As of, 20:45 Hours Sunday, December 31st. 2023, I've no sightings to report and no communication from the Alpha has arrived through our available equipment, including the Farnsworth devices.

[Houshou]  Separately, the New Year's Eve celebration preparations were completed early this afternoon and the Citizens of the Port have already begun their bar-hopping and carousing in the streets and docks while awaiting the moment when every bell in every building and ship and in everyone's personal possession will be rung with enthusiasm at Midnight.

[Shirakami]  Good work.  Thank you.
[Shirakami]  His absence for this length of time is not unprecedented, but still it's concerning.

[Houshou]  I feel it is still too soon to 'dust-off' the "Omega Plan", though.

[Shirakami]  Aye.  I agree.  

[Narrator]  From down the hall and from the open doorway of the Alpha's Office, a strange combination of noises emanated for several seconds.

[Shirakami]  Did you hear that?

[Houshou]    I did.

[Shirakami]  ::: Rising from her desk chair and walking towards the hall :::  Follow me.

[Houshou]  ::: Complying with her Adjutant's instruction :::  Hai, hai.

[Narrator]  Together the Seasoned Sailors walk briskly to the open doorway of the Alpha's Office and peer inside.  In a few moments, they notice a pair of bare feet on the far side of the privacy screen located deep within the office.

[Shirakami]  ::: Whispering to Houshou :::  See the feet under the privacy screen?

[Houshou]  ::: Whispering to Shirakami :::  Who is it?

[Shirakami]  ::: Whispering ::: Let's ask.
[Shirakami]  ::: In a booming voice of challenge ::::  "HALT!  WHO GOES THERE!??!"

[Narrator]  The visible feet stop.

[Houshou]  "Come out slowly and advance to be recognized!"

[Narrator]  The visible feet move slowly towards the edge of the privacy screen, and a man steps out from behind it to face the formidable Commanders with his hands open at his waist and his palms turned towards them.

[Shirakami]  Eeeeeek!!!   ::: Covers her eyes with her hands :::

[Houshou]  Oh my gawd!!!  Alpha!!!  And You're Totally Out of Uniform!!!

[Wolfswetpaws]  Well played, Ladies.
[Wolfswetpaws]  I commend you for properly following the "Eleventh General Order".

[Shirakami]  ::: Pretending not to peek between her fingers :::  *Anno*.  Alpha of the Port, I recognize you, and, ahem, I ask that you return behind the privacy screen to get dressed.

[Wolfswetpaws]  ::: Steps back behind the screen and resumes getting dressed :::

[Houshou]  :::  Whispers to Shirakami  ::::  "I'm horny."

[Shirakami]  ::: Whispers to Houshou :::  That would be hilarious on your youtube livestream, but it is so inappropriate at this moment.

[Houshou]  ::: Whispers ::: I know, but still.

[Shirakami]  ::: Whispers :::  Could you please try to remain professional, right now?

[Houshou]  ::: Whispers :::  Okay, I will handle this "fan service" moment like a professional.

[Shirakami]  ::: Face-palms herself for a moment, and then whispers :::  Thank you.

[Wolfswetpaws]  By the way, I can hear you both whispering, even if I don't know what you're saying.  

[Shirakami]  Welcome back, Alpha.  We've been worried about you.

[Houshou]  Hai.  Every Citizen of the Port is in a "be-on-the-lookout-for-the-Alpha" status, even though they're celebrating New Year's Eve.

[Wolfswetpaws]  ::: Finishes tying a shoe and steps out from behind the screen to say :::  I apologize for worrying everyone.  
I was checking on an outpost where I maintain another fleet of ships & crews and lost track of the time.

[Shirakami]  Alpha, there was a noise which got our attention and caused us to investigate your office.  It sounded a lot like a Star Trek transporter beaming-in someone.

[Wolfswetpaws]  Ah.  That's because it was.

[Houshou]  ::: Appraising the Alpha's formal uniform :::  You had to have the waist let-out again, Alpha?

[Wolfswetpaws]  ::: Breaths a sigh, and says :::  Yeah, I gained a few pounds between Thanksgiving and Christmas.

[Houshou]  Well Alpha, as I reported to the Adjutant just before you arrived, the preparations for tonight's celebrations were completed early this afternoon and the Port is a-buzz with bar-hopping and carousing in the streets and on the docks.

[Wolfswetpaws]  Attending the Port-wide celebration is why I'm here, Madamme Chair of the Entertainment Committee.

[Shirakami]  I missed you, Alpha.  I know you've been absent and incommunicado in the past and for longer periods of time.  But for some reason it was more intense for me, this time.

[Wolfswetpaws]  I treasure you, and everyone here in the Port.  And I miss you fondly when I have to travel.  The Holidays can be an intense time for everyone, Adjutant.

[Houshou]  Not even the Farnsworth devices could reach you.

[Wolfswetpaws]  I'll try to find additional means of remaining in contact or modifying our existing equipment to improve its capabilities.

[Houshou]  Arigato.

[Wolfswetpaws]  ::: Extending his arms widely :::  Right.  Okay.  This seems like a "group hug moment".  Everyone gather-in for a group hug!

[Shirakmi and Houshou together]  ::: Rushing in for hugs ::: Hai, hai!

[Narrator]  Their wholesomely joyous (and professional) group-hug lasts for several moments, and then the Alpha gently turns the Ladies around and holds each of them under his arms so that they face the open door together.

[Wolfswetpaws]  Think we can all walk through the doorway together?

[Shirakami]  Let's try and find out.

[Houshou]  All-right, everyone!  Forwaaaaarrrrrrddd, march!  

[Narrator]  And together they did fit through the doorway and marched down the halls to join the New Year's Eve Celebration of the Port!



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Posted (edited)
32 minutes ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

[Houshou]  :::  Whispers to Shirakami  ::::  "I'm horny."


I see that your fleet has a considerably more liberal attitude to fraternization than some! 😈


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1 hour ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:


I see that your fleet has a considerably more liberal attitude to fraternization than some! 😈



"...  In-jokes/memes

Coco taught Marine the phrase "I'm horny". Even though it refers to a male part, Marine still uses it regularly, as do her fans.[16]  ..."


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The Scene is the Surgery of the Fleet Medical Officer, Dr Amelia Watson.*

[AW]: Next patient, please!

In walks FREDERICA GREENHILL-KELLY [FGK], who takes a seat in Dr Watson's office.

AW: How can I help you today, Lieutenant?

FGK: I mostly wanted to chew the fat, but under the cover of medical confidentiality. I hope you don't mind.

AW: Not at all; my schedule's fairly empty at the moment, and you did book an appointment after all. I take it that this is to do with your trip to Australia?

FGK: (laughs) Everything right now still feels like it's to do with my trip to Australia. I'm assuming you noted the change to my surname?

AW: Tell me who hasn't? I gather her promise to show you around down under wasn't a euphemism only for a tour of Australia.

FGK: (laughs, mock scolding) Now now, Amy, you know a lady doesn't kiss and tell. 

AW: Does that depend on how she's kissed?

FGK: Aha! The more she kisses, the less she tells! 

AW: (calm but subtle) And by your own admission, the less you tell, the more you kissed.

FGK: (grins) It wasn't all like that. She did actually show me some of the antipodean fauna. Mostly the ones that won't kill you with the tiniest bite. Say, did you know that echidnas have four... no, forget it; you're not a vet and you wouldn't be interested.

AW: (bent over laughing) FOUR? What on earth does it do with the other two?

FGK: (pauses for a second, realizes, blushes deep red) Amelia Watson! 

AW: (deadpan) Really, Frederica. I went through six years of medical school in a class dominated by men, and you think I haven't seen a few things? Thankfully, that's not something you and Matilda have to worry about.

FGK: Actually, she has this collection of...

AW: I thought you weren't going to kiss and tell.

FGK: (claps hand over mouth) Oh f***. 

AW: (deadpan) Yes, it's very clear that's what you did. Now take your shirt off, and I can at least listen to your heart and lungs and check your blood pressure while you're here. We'll put this visit down as a routine checkup, shall we? I'll write my notes up accordingly. (grabs stethoscope)

FGK: (undressing) Bless you. I'd kiss you in gratitude if I weren't already spoken for.

AW: Save it for if she dumps you. Now, deep breath...


[fade out]





* Yes, I know Hololive calls her Watson Amelia. Hololive also deals otherwise with a lot of Japanese-styled vtuber identities whose family name is given first. We all know what she should really be called. 

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1 hour ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

We all know what she should really be called.

Popular?  Well liked?  A competent investigator?  Smooth Operator?  Late for dinner?  🙂  


AW: Does that depend on how she's kissed?

LOL  😄 



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52 minutes ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

Popular?  Well liked?  A competent investigator?  Smooth Operator?  Late for dinner?  

Amelia Watson instead of Watson Amelia, but the rest depends on the writer.

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To: Kristian Hanenfeldt, Konteradmiral, O/C KMS GUSTAV JULIUS MAERKER

From: Fleet Command, R'lyeh

Re: Research.

Congratulations on completing the research for KMS FELIX SCHULTZ. Your application to duty was commendable. You are at liberty to transfer your flag to her for the duration of the research for KMS ELBING. We have approved Leutnant Zur See Otto Ottinger to be the port captain for MAERKER.



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  • 2 weeks later...


FROM: Fleet Command, R'lyeh

RE: Promotion.


Congratulations on your promotion to Fleet Admiral, First Class.

A bottle of fine scotch, dedicated for your use, has been placed behind the bar. 




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5 minutes ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

An interesting tidbit of history.  🙂 

Most nations have a national or characteristic drink, but the US has so many of them I had to do some person-specific research. 

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Personal Log:  January 15th., 2024  23:00 Hours.

The AL Prinz Heinrich and her crew sailed into Scenario Operation Narai, tonight, along with a Baleares, an Algerie, a King George V, a Repulse, a Helena and a second Algerie.
It was a lively action.

One of the opposing force ships sunk one of our allied Algerie early.  
It was a surprise, but we continued the mission as a team.

I had volunteered to sink the red-team's CV.
The Algerie sailed to sink the red-team's transports, but their escorting DD got lucky or leveled-up and sunk the Algerie.

I suggested we ignore the transports and preserve our own cargo ships.  The remaining members agreed.

Together the team sunk the Missouri and the DD and Cruisers which appeared shortly before the Mighty Mo.

Then it was our turn to shine.
We fired a combination of main-guns and secondary batteries at the DD which was acting as the CV's vanguard.  It was damaged several times but refused to sink and our courses were bringing us closer together.
Then the CV was revealed.
I ordered a course-change and the torpedoes to target the CV and launch.  
Then, we rammed the DD and sunk it.
With that done, I ordered the rudder hard-to-port and focused our attentions on the CV, which had been struck by all 4 of the torpedoes and remained afloat.
Our path swung us around and our bow was pointed at the aft of the CV, only a ship-length of distance between us.
The forward main-guns opened fire with the H.E. we had been using on the DD to good effect.  But the CV wasn't going down that easily.
And on our stern, the Cruiser Omaha emerged from the smokescreen laid earlier by the red DD.

With two more salvos, and some secondary battery hits, we succeeded in sinking the CV, which now became a hazard to navigation and a potential shield from the Omaha's torpedoes.
But the Omaha had other plans, and charged us from astern while we continued forward and wiggled our aft to bring the torpedo launchers to bear.
The Omaha adjusted its speed enough to avoid three torpedoes and was damaged by the fourth.
On she charged and on we wiggled as we fired a salvo from our aft turrets and scored some hits.
We had both cleared the wreckage of the CV and our starboard torpedoes came to bear and were launched.
Enough of them hit and the Omaha's charge was ended.

We reported to our team, "CV sunk, escorting DD and Cruiser sunk" while coming about hard-a-starboard and surfing the map border.
After freeing ourselves from the border, we made best speed to rejoin our team-mates and contributed our firepower at targets of opportunity.

The team had entered the harbor and the cargo ships had unloaded their troops and set-up the shore-based repair zone.
The fighting was intense, and the King George V went down after having sunk four vessels.
But our team was "in their groove" now, and were focusing their fire brilliantly.  Red ship after red ship succumbed and slipped 'neath the waves.

The red Colorado was last and she was bravely going for it.
But, the odds were not in her favor.
Our team was firing upon her as our own hull approached, bow-on, from the Colorado's starboard broadside.
We launched our starboard torpedoes, and then adjusted our course and fired armor-piercing projectiles from the forward turrets
She survived the gunfire, but not the four torpedoes.

We sent a message to our team, "gg".

And, it was a good game.
Even the Alpha of the Port, who was aboard for the ride, agreed and said he was very pleased with our performance.

How did we do?
Well, let's tally-up, eh?

57 main-gun hits
10 torpedo hits
8 aircraft shot-down
7 incapacitations inflicted
8 fires set
3 floodings caused
2 citadel hits
273 secondary-battery hits ('ja', and those crews are giddy about it, too)
1 Fort destroyed (granted it was already 50% damaged)
1 opposing ship spotted
6 opposing ships sunk,
adding up to 217,149 units of damage dealt,
270,991 credits, 1,197 BaseXP, 4051 XP and 495 FreeXP earned.
Oh.  And we topped the "Leader-board".

"Not too shabby", were the words of the Alpha, which were further augmented by his signature on a requistion of "Danzig Goldwasser" for the entire crew!
I'm so looking forward to trying it!

The entire crew's morale is at an epic high, right now.
It feels really good.

We've passed the perimeter patrol line and should be home, soon.

End of Log Entry
A.L. Prinz Heinrich
Captain of the good ship A.L. Prinz Heinrich
Fregattenkapitän in the Fleet of the Port


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TO: All Commanders

FROM: Fleet Command, R'lyeh

RE: Current and future operations.

Be advised that OPERATION MICHELANGELO is approaching its final phase. The hard-grind economic tasks are now mostly behind us, those that remain can easily be tackled in piecewise fashion, and all that remains is combat-based. 

Once the purchase of RM MICHELANGELO is complete, we will examine the funds remaining to us and make a decision on USS YORKTOWN.  As you are aware, possession of her permanent economic bonus will almost completely compensate for the cost of early acquisition, and further value is present in the decorative paint job for USS DES MOINES.

One other matter - now that Admiral William Halsey has reached Fleet Officer, First Class rank, we have decided to appoint him as the commander of the US Contingent. We thank Fleet Admiral Oakley for his service in this position over the last six years and we hope the remainder of his service career is less stressful now that he is relieved of this burden. 



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  • 2 weeks later...

TO: Fleet Command, R'lyeh

FROM: Frederica Greenhill-Kelly, Adjutant of the Port

RE: Application to join the fleet.

Dear Sirs, 

I had occasion to listen to that recruit whose papers you sent me; the young pirate girl, Ms Marine. There is no way I want that screeching, piercing voice anywhere near me, and I doubt that most other commanders in the Fleet will either. The same applies to Captain Hoshinova, although at least we were able to recruit her without having to cough up a hefty fee. 

I recommend that she NOT be hired.


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