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Wargaming has changed the last mission of Dockyard Week 8 from "Earn One Achievement" to "Sink 5 Ships in 1 Game"


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45 minutes ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

If you wait long enough, folks will tell you who they are.

I wish this kind of shady behavior was not the standard behavior of WG staff...but I have years of examples of the same thing.

It's why I laugh when WG staff get annoyed when they feel we do not award them sufficient respect...

...we are like Rick telling Ugarte how 'impressed' we are with them.

You're referencing a scene in the movie Casablanca?  Not some drama involving a Soccer/Football player?  Correct?

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8 minutes ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

You're referencing a scene in the movie Casablanca?  Not some drama involving a Soccer/Football player?  Correct?

Oh this one?



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21 minutes ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

You're referencing a scene in the movie Casablanca?  Not some drama involving a Soccer/Football player?  Correct?


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6 minutes ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:


It never ceases to amaze me how in the old movies everyone, including the gangsters, manage to look classy. Compare that to movies these days where even the heroes look more like something pulled out of a dumpster.

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Posted (edited)
15 hours ago, MidnightPhoenix07 said:

3k ribbons

20 kills

God, I miss those Schleiffen in Asym days.......


That would probably been 3-4 games.

Edited by OldSchoolGaming_Youtube
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Posted (edited)
23 hours ago, Tricericon said:

Which is 1-to-1 with the Kraken achievement, although it's phrased as above. For the information of those planning their grinds...


Probably just a "Miss-communication"! It happens .......


                                                                                                 .......... a lot!


My guess is they didn't check the list before implementing it into the game, just like their M.O. when it comes to implement other changes or mechanics into live server without testing or checking it for faults. The "1 Achievement in one game" mission (which we all think was a big on "Easy street" for this late week) was probably just a placeholder from their planning sessions that they failed to change/fix before announcing the event in update.

Edited by OldSchoolGaming_Youtube
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3 minutes ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

Probably just a "Miss-communication"! It happens .......


                                                                                                 .......... a lot!

Well.. on the other hand, now that I see how it's written it looks odd because they've removed the mention of any achievement and gone for a whole different wording... Makes you actually wonder if they did change the mission requirement after all...

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Aand here comes the missss.........










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13 hours ago, Zerstoerherr said:

I am not really convinced about that. At least not in this phase.

It may have been an unintentional mistake, but as you wrote, 47 days have passed since the dockyard event went live, and somehow they correct this "mistake" only a few days before the final mission set is available. It was discussed on Reddit (although I'm not on Discord, I'm pretty sure it was a topic there as well), so there's no way they didn't notice it earlier. They also did it quietly, without telling players about the "bug". 

To be honest, I genuinely thought the mission was real. People with WV44 have the chance to complete the shipyard without buying any phases, which is actually quite nice, and since the Wisconsin is a pretty famous historical ship, I thought this was an attempt to be nice and help more people get it.

But no, they make a mistake (understandable), don't change it for 6 weeks (less understandable), and finally correct it a few hours before the start without informing anyone (even less understandable). They could easily admit the mistake and let the mission stand, I think no one would defame them for that, but they chose one of the worst possible solutions. To me, this is a huge spit in the face of the community.

Hanlon's Razor: Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by incompetence/stupidity.

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4 hours ago, Zaydin said:

Hanlon's Razor: Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by incompetence/stupidity.

The trouble is that this isn't an isolated event.

WG is CONSISTENTLY incompetent / stupid.

At a certain point, it becomes malicious to not address the incompetence after literal years of demonstrating it.

This consistency is why it's laughable that WG keeps thinking that Hanlans Razor is a legitimate excuse. It just doesn't fly in this context anymore.

If WG is consistently incompetent at communication, why have they not addressed the issue? Turns out, that accountability still points at WG leadership...yet they consistently refuse to take responsibility...instead choosing to attempt to blame the playerbase.

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Has there been a dockyard yet that that isn't the final "hard" mission available? I never look at those as I don't play randoms or ranked, is it annoying yes, but end of the world change? Not really. 

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Posted (edited)
9 hours ago, GandalfTehGray said:

is it annoying yes, but end of the world change? Not really. 

Especially since you need to finish so many non-type-specific tasks in order to get all the tokens that doing them is probably going to require you to finish at least two of the type-specific damage tasks anyway (specifically the 18 million credits and the 60K base XP).

The only people this really affects are the ones who literally confine themselves to one ship type and refuse to play anything else out of sheer bloody-mindedness. If I lack sympathy for them, it's because I learned the hard way at a very early stage that overspecializing in a single ship type or line can deny you opportunities you would otherwise have had or turn an easy progression into an uphill battle. 

Edited by Ensign Cthulhu
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On 5/27/2024 at 11:12 PM, MidnightPhoenix07 said:

It’s likely for testers.

WG could have revised it to:

Earn One Achievements or Sink 5 Ships in 1 Game

Which would have been the better way as it is win-win. 

But true to their notoriously tone deaf form, they did not.

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On 5/29/2024 at 8:07 AM, GandalfTehGray said:

Has there been a dockyard yet that that isn't the final "hard" mission available? I never look at those as I don't play randoms or ranked, is it annoying yes, but end of the world change? Not really. 

'Hard mission' if you mean in the sense that has there always been a hard mission you absolutely need to finish then the answer is no, because in that case I would have never completed a single dockyard which I have done.

Hasn't WG given options in the past where you had a hard mission shortcut or if you couldn't manage that there was the slower grind path, or am I remembering something else?

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