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[Exclusive CC Drops] Speedy Sunday Warships !speedrun 4Charity FINAL LAP w/ @searaptor @admiral_revan @onlysmed 🎵 ☠️ 👕#ad @lord_zath


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Thanks to the people HERE at devstrike.net, we have sponsored TWO supply crates! 

This forum is not just a place for people to get together and talk Warships. It's a place for people to support the sacrifices others have made. It makes me PROUD to be a Warships CC and a part of this forum.

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Just a little more information on StackUp -

As of the morning of Memorial Day (5/27/24), the "Be A Better Human" team is LEADING in the top place of some 50 teams in StackUp's "Call to Arms," raising so far over $11,000.

@SeaRaptor, @Lord_Zath, @Admiral_Revan and @OnlySmed are among the top individual fundraisers.



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6 hours ago, HogHammer said:

Just a little more information on StackUp -

As of the morning of Memorial Day (5/27/24), the "Be A Better Human" team is LEADING in the top place of some 50 teams in StackUp's "Call to Arms," raising so far over $11,000.

@SeaRaptor, @Lord_Zath, @Admiral_Revan and @OnlySmed are among the top individual fundraisers.



Thank you all again for supporting our efforts! Tonight is the end of the speedrun. It took a lot to not break down yesterday. A lot went into this and it burned me the F out. But it's for a good cause. There are others on our team that need to be supported, too. Timy Sees (Seadonkey), CaptnHonour, CaptVycis, and Sithkitten were unable to make the race but they're still out there raising money for the cause. It's been a wild ride, and I'm looking forward to future possibilities.

I also want to shout out WARGAMING for supporting us by providing giveaway codes. We've been giving away blue and red boosters, premium time, and premium ships! 

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Huge thanks to everyone who donated and tuned in!

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