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Thoughts about "FDR" / next steel - ship


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I have enough steel for the purchase of "FDR". Originally, I was thinking to acquire either "Ruggiero di Lauria" or "Mecklenburg", but I have become increasingly fond of CV and CV - game play lately. When a friend made the suggestion about "FDR" I started thinking again. Should I do it or not?

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I have it, its boring to play, slow planes. Long wait after attacking.

I use it only for doing missions like damage and bomb hits.

You can troll dds indefinitly while flying over them forever.


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Posted (edited)

In addition to what Wulf_Ace mentioned, I’d also wait before spending steel on a CV until we know how the CV Rework 2.0 is going to affect them.

1 hour ago, OT2_2 said:

Originally, I was thinking to acquire either "Ruggiero di Lauria" or "Mecklenburg

Of the three, Lauria gets my vote any day. It’s pretty much everything you wish the tech tree was gunwise. It’s a bit squishy with shorter main battery range, but it’s stealthy, fast, and accurate. And both shell types overmatch 30mm plating, so have fun, enemy cruisers.

Planes will be a problem since it has the typically poor Italian AA defenses, and you’re less effective against destroyers in theory (both main battery shell types are damage capped against them, and your secondaries fire too slowly). In practice, destroyers still won’t be happy getting hit by a couple accurate 457mm SAP shells.


Mecklenburg is the German battleship for those that like longer range fights. It has torps, secondaries, and German turtleback armor for the times you’re forced to brawl, but it also has lower health and terrible firing angles. Instead, it has excellent accuracy for a battleship.

Think of it like a really oversized Hindenburg or Agir. 

Edited by MidnightPhoenix07
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FDR is generally known as a damage farming CV.

Your planes are very tanky, very VERY tanky...but this makes them a target for enemy CVs with fighter builds.

You have a long attacking delay, and have a hard time replacing lost planes. The planes do devastating damage against big ships though.

You have less capability to influence the match than you do with things like Midway and Hakuryu.

It's more a meme ship than a serious winning ship. Best used to go after damage records and troll enemy battleships.

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40 minutes ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

You have less capability to influence the match than you do with things like Midway and Hakuryu.

It's more a meme ship than a serious winning ship. Best used to go after damage records and troll enemy battleships.

Thanks! I will go for Lauria. Seems to be better invested steel. 

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Posted (edited)

I like the Lauria well enough.

She's a bit of a cross between Ohio and Venezia, which is obviously a good thing. No secondary/torp/smoke gimmick, just a comfortable (speed, concealment, turret angle and traverse, overmatch...) platform that can take some chances early and then disengage if necessary. She's a more sensible Incomparable.

FDR struggles against DDs and CLs in my experience, plus she does a lot of work via spotting, which may or may not be operable in the future. I like her, but she's a risky investment at the moment.

Mecklenburg I don't have, but she should be fine also.

Edited by tocqueville8
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An FDR played "tag" with my Izumo, once upon a time. 
"Ouch", but didn't get sunk with the first torpedo attack.

All things considered, the FDR is a "niche market" CV.

I haven't welcomed her to my Port, yet.  So, I can only speak from having FDR's as opponents.
Formidable in the right hands?  Yes.
Impossible to play against?  No.  Like every other ship, they can be sunk.

Since you've already made your decision @OT2_2, I wish you "Congratulations".   🙂 

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I'm saving my steel for FDR, but only because I there are no other steel CVs.

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

Since you've already made your decision @OT2_2, I wish you "Congratulations".

Thx! I will purchase her later on provided that the coming "rework" by WG won't be too extreme and bad for CV - players. 

Edited by OT2_2
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A lasting memory of FDR I have from YT is one guy doing a 180 around and island where a Des Moines and a Minotaur sits with their AA poppin and he just flies around in it and releases a massive torp wall into them almost devastating them.

But since then I also heard many says its Meeh A-F. 

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1 hour ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

A lasting memory of FDR I have from YT is one guy doing a 180 around and island where a Des Moines and a Minotaur sits with their AA poppin and he just flies around in it and releases a massive torp wall into them almost devastating them.

But since then I also heard many says its Meeh A-F. 

I became curious about the FDR's "Change Log", after reading your last sentence.



Ship Change Log

See here for links to Update notes.

  • Available for testing by supertesters in the game starting from Update 0.9.3.

Testing Changes

  • Mar 10, 2020:
    • Preliminary characteristics.
  • DevBlog 23:
    • Attack aircraft parameters were changed:
      • Cruising speed increased from 113 to 124 knots.
      • Maximum speed increased from 153 to 164 knots.
      • Time to regain full squadron control after an attack increased from 4 to 5 s.
      • Speed of flight after an attack was increased.
      • Invulnerability time after an attack decreased from 8 to 5 s.
    • Torpedo bombers' parameters were changed:
      • Cruising speed increased from 108 to 119 knots.
      • Maximum speed increased from 143 to 154 knots.
      • Time to regain full squadron control after an attack increased from 4 to 6 s.
      • Speed of flight after an attack was increased.
      • Invulnerability time after an attack decreased from 8 to 6 s.
    • Bombers parameters were changed:
      • Cruising speed increased from 108 to 119 knots.
      • Maximum speed increased from 143 to 154 knots.
      • Time to regain full squadron control after an attack increased from 4 to 6 s.
      • Speed of flight after an attack was increased.
      • Invulnerability time after an attack decreased from 8 to 6 s.
      • Bomb drop time was decreased.
    • Repair consumable's parameters were changed:
      • Percentage of restored Hitpoints increased from 2 to 2.3%.
      • Number of charges increased from 4 to 5.
  • DevBlog 39:
    • Attack aircraft parameters were changed:
      • Height of flight increased.
      • Rocket flight time increased.
      • Attack time decreased from 7 to 5 s.
      • Delay between rocket launches was removed: the attacking flight now fires all the rockets almost simultaneously.
      • Shape of the sight changed: now the ellipse is horizontal rather than vertical.
  • DevBlog 48:
    • Aircraft restoration time was changed:
      • Attack aircraft from 111 to 114 s.
      • Torpedo bombers from 182 to 141 s.
      • Bombers from 171 to 131 s.
    • Number of aircraft per squadron was increased:
      • Torpedo bombers and bombers from 8 to 14.
      • Attack aircraft from 10 to 14.
    • Number of aircraft on deck was increased:
      • Torpedo bombers and bombers from 8 to 21.
      • Attack aircraft from 10 to 21.
    • Repair consumable removed from all squadrons.
    • Patrol fighter consumable removed from attack aircraft.
  • DevBlog 49:
    • Bombers hitpoints decreased from 3,860 to 3,710.
    • Torpedo bombers hitpoints decreased from 3,790 to 3,690.
  • DevBlog 62:
    • Changed rocket parameters:
      • Damage decreased from 2,000 to 1,650.
      • Fire chance decreased from 7% to 5%.
  • DevBlog 64:
    • Number of rockets per attack aircraft decreased from 30 to 28.
  • DevBlog 77:
    • Number of rockets per attack aircraft decreased from 28 to 26.
  • Update 0.9.9:
    • Available for purchase in the Armory for 33,000 Steel.
  • Update 0.10.0:
    • Fixed a bug that caused the previous squadron's attack time to be displayed when launching a new squadron.
  • Update 0.10.8:
    • Torpedo bomber parameters were changed:
      • Torpedo arming distance increased from 517 to 545 m.
      • Torpedo launch spread increased by 5%.
    • Bomber parameters were changed:
      • Maximum damage caused by an HE bomb decreased from 11,200 to 10,600.
      • HE bomb penetration decreased from 67 to 64 mm.
      • Chance of fire being caused by HE bombs decreased from 64 to 60%.
  • Update 0.10.10:
    • Attack aircraft HP decreased from 3,200 to 3,040.
    • Dive bomber HP decreased from 3,710 to 3,525.
    • Torpedo bomber HP decreased from 3,690 to 3,505.
    • Minor fixes to geometry and textures of the ship.
  • Update 0.11.1:
    • Minor corrections to geometry and textures of the ship.
  • Update 0.11.5:
    • Minor fixes to geometry and textures of the ship.


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