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7 days until new coal/steel coupon... Help me with ship, please?


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On 5/26/2024 at 9:04 AM, YouSatInGum said:

Agreed....  Meck's real advantage is it's super accurate guns (for a BB).  It's fast enough for flanking maneuvers but if you want to play W key wars then Schleif is your boat.

Sit just outside of detect or island cover and set fires or switch AP to broadsides.

...then maybe late game you can sail in.

If you want to know a BB's true potential as a duke it out ship.... There's 4 parameters you need to look at.... #1 ship sustain .... can it live long enough to do a lot of damage

#2 HItting DPM - function of DPM and accuracy

#3 Range - if your range is close to detect it makes you a dangerous target for small ships and gives you the ability to retreat if needed.  Schleif is near broken in this regard.

#4 Pen - Are your landed shells doing damage?  Mass used to be secondary monster but a small math change in IFHE calculations (pen went from 27 to 26mm) and suddenly took many cruisers off it's cafeteria menu and made taking IFHE too costly.  Meck is only #19 in hitting DPM but having 32mm stock pen saves it as a brawling ship. 


Great chart!  Thanks for the data!  Not what I expected down-chart.

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, OT2_2 said:

Surely an ok choice! I bought Mecklenburg today and am glad I did so. Ships, even those made of pixels, have to fit the owner and nobody else. Some of the "advices" here had been on the verge of impudence IMO. One has to respect opinions of others, which usually are as good as the own ones. Enjoy yor Shiki!

Honestly - I am enjoying 🙂 In sec. battle I was set up my new personal record in random, over 220k dmg and over 1500 base xp IN DEFEAT ... Damn good ship 🙂 

EDIT: About other's advices - I like to hear different opinions 🙂 Reason: I am not smartest, like to hear others opinions and especially when my heart says one and brain and logic says different... 

Edited by WildWind84
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4 hours ago, WildWind84 said:

Just feedbeck, thanks for all advices, but when coupon arrived I bought Shikishima.

Ah, my 1st steel ship, back in 2020...

...and my 3rd Tier 10 premium, 1st BB. I remember using her to level up Yamamoto to 21 points, when the rework doubled the grind overnight...

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