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May 2024 Login Supercontainers


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Well it finally happened! I got a ship out of a SC. The 7500 coal from the other container is also quite nice.


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7500 coal and some signals


67 SCs to go for guaranteed drop

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I got some flags and boosters.

Nothing to celebrate.

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50 Juliet Charlie signal flags (Detonation flags) and 1,500 research points this time.  I don't mind detonation flags since I used them all the time because I normally sail ships that easily detonate.

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75K Commander Experience

50x Sierra Mike (speed boost)

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25 silver boost and 7 days of premium

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7500 coal and 50x India Yankee sigs

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50 Sierra Mike signals and 25 green ship XP boosters.  

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50 Dets

50 Smoke signals.. Xray PAPA

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5 hours ago, Kynami said:

Well it finally happened! I got a ship out of a SC. The 7500 coal from the other container is also quite nice.



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Congratulations on your new Premium Tier VI IJN BB Mutsu!

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7 hours ago, Kynami said:

Well it finally happened! I got a ship out of a SC. The 7500 coal from the other container is also quite nice.


Very nice!

I find Mutsu to be an enjoyable battleship to play. Particularly like it when ranked is T6. 

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My May reward SCs held 1k doubloons and 25 L2 CXP boosters.  On an unrelated note, my very next earned container (TYL) turned into an SC with 50 Sierra Mike signals.

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Posted (edited)

duplicate post somehow...

Edited by Mono_De_Mantequilla
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25x green boosters in both, credits and FXP.

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I'm sure I'll get nothing good when I get mine tomorrow. :V

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7500 coal  and 25 green  free EXP's boosters in mine 


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This period's super containers have been good to me.  Not premium ship good, but good.


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Posted (edited)

For NA account I got 50 India Delta flags which will be handy but the second was the garbage 25 +40% credits (one of the worst drops one can get).

Edited by Aethervox
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75k ECXP (sitting on just under 30M...so...yeah...not really needed there)...

& 25 smoke time extension extension flags (to go with the 450ish i already had)...I use them on crawling smoke ships but don't run those ships often so again... not really needed...but...

I've been having a good run of coal drops & more useful signals for awhile now so this didn't catch me off guard much.

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Posted (edited)
On 5/24/2024 at 5:22 AM, a252 said:

7500 coal and some signals


67 SCs to go for guaranteed drop

Edited: Apparently WG changed the drop rate (after 4 years of me not getting a single ship drop)...

Shame they didn't make it retroactive.

Edited by IfYouSeeKhaos
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2 hours ago, IfYouSeeKhaos said:

Are you keeping track of that count yourself or do you have some kind of counter from somewhere (a mod or something) that lets you know that specific number.

FYI (in case you're not aware)...SC do not have a guaranteed ship drop (you can open 10,000 & not be guaranteed a ship)...

Just a guaranteed "premium item" drop...which includes all of the gold colored items in the list:

1,000 doubloons...

7 days premium time...

(& I believe 1 more...but spacing on what it is)

Will all reset the "guaranteed drop" counter to zero.

SCs do have a guaranteed drop for a ship, and have for a while. Before the SC changes last year, you were guaranteed a ship drop on the 167th SC if the previous 166 didn’t drop a ship. Now it’s 200.

You can track how many SCs you still have before the guaranteed drop in the armory, in the SC listing in Community Tokens section. Previously it just showed the guaranteed drop number, but WG changed it a few patches ago so all crates with a guaranteed drop count down the number remaining until reaching it. 

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This month’s crates weren’t actually that bad — 7500 coal and 25k fxp. 

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