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Carrier "soft" spotting dropped for WoWs: Legends; thoughts?


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r/WorldOfWarships - WoWs Legends just made carriers minimap spotting only


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Is it a console game? 

Maybe testing it to see if it would be good for main WoWs. 

Or doing it there and giving us the convoluted mess just to spite us. 

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Ship launched planes no longer giving any spotting is a bit spicy for the Italian cruisers... and prevents anyone from checking an island corner before taking it. Throw in that none of them can torpedo spot either and you end up with a huge buff to DDs by proxy. Think this is liable to have some significant fallout for a few ship lines. Yes it isn't the PC version of the game but that still is going to massively monkey paw the meta a bit.

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Dunno anything about WOWS legends. But in WOWS, too many ships are balanced with air spotting in mind.

Simply porting over unconditional minimap-only spotting would significantly alter balance of power between certain ships.

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Posted (edited)
10 minutes ago, Verytis said:

Simply porting over unconditional minimap-only spotting would significantly alter balance of power between certain ships.

IMO the devs should just apply something similar to what they did for radar: have air spotting immediately render ships for the player, then make them visible to teammates after an appropriate delay.

Edited by Nevermore135
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On 5/24/2024 at 2:25 AM, Kynami said:

Ship launched planes no longer giving any spotting is a bit spicy for the Italian cruisers... and prevents anyone from checking an island corner before taking it. Throw in that none of them can torpedo spot either and you end up with a huge buff to DDs by proxy. Think this is liable to have some significant fallout for a few ship lines. Yes it isn't the PC version of the game but that still is going to massively monkey paw the meta a bit.

No planes of any type have been able to spot torps since the rebork 0.8.0 update...

Legends has still had it good against DDs if that is just now being implemented there.

Surface planes should not get this nerf...maybe give hem the same minimap treatment but not remove spotting altogether... definitely a major nerf for Italian ships...they have no personal spotting at all now.

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Good change, except for now I'd like to see the same minimap spotting for ship-launched planes, instead of no spotting at all.

I also LOVE the limited range for planes.

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On 5/24/2024 at 4:55 AM, TimurGlazkov said:

Image for those who can't load the embedded link:

r/WorldOfWarships - WoWs Legends just made carriers minimap spotting only



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1 hour ago, Viridem said:

I also LOVE the limited range for planes.

Where did you read that?

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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

Where did you read that?


"Flight Time Limit: Fuel

The final overall change to aircraft carrier gameplay is the implementation of a fuel limit for aircraft squadrons. Carrier aircraft now have a limit on how far they can fly, limiting their attack range and flight time. This primarily impacts their ability to strike targets at the start of battle and hover above targets like destroyers, and it will also encourage them to get closer to the fight in some situations."

Sorry, I assumed the link in the first post was for the official website, not to the subreddit with only a picture of part of the original post and with no link to the official website...

Edited by Viridem
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2 minutes ago, Viridem said:


"Flight Time Limit: Fuel

The final overall change to aircraft carrier gameplay is the implementation of a fuel limit for aircraft squadrons. Carrier aircraft now have a limit on how far they can fly, limiting their attack range and flight time. This primarily impacts their ability to strike targets at the start of battle and hover above targets like destroyers, and it will also encourage them to get closer to the fight in some situations."


The distance that the planes are able to fly is often under 30 to 40 kilometers (in game, under these new rules).

Nevermind that the planes could actuallly fly ten times that amount (or more) in real life, eh?  😄 

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Not sure. Legends has different demographics and it's playerbase is newer and more dynamic. They may be fine with it there.

PC WoWs, not sure. Messing heavily with spotting mechanics might irk a older more established playerbase when it's actually put in practice. Theoretically it might appeal to them, but in actual implementation it could go VERY wrong. 

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