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Holy Mother Of Impostors


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Had to get 1 achievement for the last HMS Hood event, I was playing KMS Scharnhorst in the last Coop game and thinking to myself " what ship do I use to get this last mission done " I hate taking shinyhorse into randoms these days and not because I want to save my win rate because its crap full stop ! I'm sick of being battered and bruised by Tier 9's for sweet F A.

Anyway one quick game maybe I'll grab a DEV strike or a  Flesh wound or something, so I am sailing around firing away and looking at the ship, something was bothering me, something was not right I look at my Captain and the realisation hits me its the bloody '43,  somehow how I clicked on the damn ship, panic stations ! this ship has a 2 point Captain  ( not used ) so its stock technically Captain wise,I have played a few Coops in it but that's it.


The place is a damn minefield of Benhams, Jagers, Atlantas, Pommeron's and Sov Soys, so I'm dodging and ducking firing when I can, eventually I got blown away by a Brindisi. 

We won and I am thinking I will be dead last ! 



I got 4th !!!! 




And got 3 Captains points !!!!!


Didn't get an achievement

The one and only Death Ride Of The '43  







Edited by tm63au
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So is the '43 an upgrade for real or just a marketing ploy?

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3 minutes ago, Admiral_Karasu said:

So is the '43 an upgrade for real or just a marketing ploy?

I have read its the configuration minus the speed boost and torpedo range of course of Scharnhorst on her last voyage on Dec 1943, I am not certain but I am certain others her more knowledgeable than me can confirm or deny the story.




P. S.

Personally to me there is only one Shinyhorse however others may disagree.      

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Just an example that it's the player and their choices that matter more than the Commander skills (or maybe even the ship).  Never discount the possibility that you at your worst can be better than some people on your team at their best.



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6 minutes ago, Jakob Knight said:

Just an example that it's the player and their choices that matter more than the Commander skills (or maybe even the ship).  Never discount the possibility that you at your worst can be better than some people on your team at their best.



That's ... that's actually an eerily uncomfortable thought.

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47 minutes ago, Jakob Knight said:

Just an example that it's the player and their choices that matter more than the Commander skills (or maybe even the ship).  Never discount the possibility that you at your worst can be better than some people on your team at their best.

The Captain's skills only influence certain numbers by a specified percentage amount.
The player's ability is more important to cultivate.

Congrats your invigorating game experience @tm63au🙂 

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1 hour ago, Admiral_Karasu said:

That's ... that's actually an eerily uncomfortable thought.


Well, I was going to add in a note about asking the average person what a sextant is, but then I remembered the immortal words of Dr. Zaius, and left it at only one point of thought.



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Posted (edited)
7 hours ago, tm63au said:

something was not right I look at my Captain and the realisation hits me its the bloody '43

LOL. I've done that a few times (w other ships). Hit the battle button only to realize I somehow wasn't on the ship I thought I was on 😄

Edited by Aethervox
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Posted (edited)
30 minutes ago, Aethervox said:

LOL. I've done that a few times (w other ships). Hit the battle button only to realize I somehow wasn't on the ship I thought I was on 😄

Yup.  The most memorable time for me was when I set up a shotgun attack with my Fletcher only to realize at the last minute I was in my Kidd.  And I'd fired my one set of tubes as a preliminary salvo a minute before, thinking I'd have the other set when I closed in.  That was an...instructional encounter.


A more favorable instance was when I took my Hatsuharu into Ranked, and it seemed my torpedoes were cycling faster than normal.  Just as I was about to execute the last leg of a shotgun and launch, I realized I was in my Fubuki.  Barely managed to turn away in time to avoid detection by a BB and a CA, and from that point on, having that third launcher proved game-changing.

Edited by Jakob Knight
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1 hour ago, Jakob Knight said:


Well, I was going to add in a note about asking the average person what a sextant is, but then I remembered the immortal words of Dr. Zaius, and left it at only one point of thought.



How did that word slip thru our filter though... never mind, I don't want to know the answer.

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'sextant' - compound word? sex + tant. Isn't 'tant' an aunt (in some language)? Kinky. Or is it just 'taunt' without the 'u'? Oooo. 😁

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5 minutes ago, Aethervox said:

'sextant' - compound word? sex + tant. Isn't 'tant' an aunt (in some language)? Kinky. Or is it just 'taunt' without the 'u'? Oooo. 😁

Oh man you just made it worse.....


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23 minutes ago, Aethervox said:

'sextant' - compound word? sex + tant. Isn't 'tant' an aunt (in some language)? Kinky. Or is it just 'taunt' without the 'u'? Oooo. 😁

Tante is a word in French.  I'm not sure if other language have the same word with the same spelling.

See also  https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/tante

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'Tante' is the German translation of 'aunt'.

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Posted (edited)

*looks up in astonishment at the replies*


"You did it.  You really did it."


*falls to his knees in the sands of the beach in front of the wreckage that was the thread, pounding his fists into the waves that lap at his heels*


"You maniacs!!  You blew it up!!"


*gets up and walks back the way he came to find a navigational device that uses the incidental angle of celestial objects to navigate and is certainly not named provocatively*



Edited by Jakob Knight
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21 hours ago, Jakob Knight said:
23 hours ago, Admiral_Karasu said:

That's ... that's actually an eerily uncomfortable thought.


Well, I was going to add in a note about asking the average person what a sextant is, but then I remembered the immortal words of Dr. Zaius, and left it at only one point of thought.



[ George Taylor ]: A planet where apes evolved from men? There's got to be an answer.

[ Dr. Zaius ]: Don't look for it, Taylor. You may not like what you find.


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Posted (edited)
21 minutes ago, Admiral_Karasu said:

As always...


Spaceballs — Escape Pod Scene

Spaceballs - Planet of Apes Parody


Edited by Wolfswetpaws
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To be a bit more on topic, Scharn '43 has a speed boost, better secondaries, faster torp reload and slower main battery firing rate. It's considered "more fun in brawls" by most of the folks I know who use it.

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Posted (edited)
12 hours ago, SureBridge said:

To be a bit more on topic, Scharn '43 has a speed boost, better secondaries, faster torp reload and slower main battery firing rate. It's considered "more fun in brawls" by most of the folks I know who use it.

Scharnhorst’43 also has less main battery range and lacks the option to take the more useful spotting aircraft over the catapult fighter, in additon to having different AP shells. Scharnhorst’s AP has 0.01s AP fuse timers, while ‘43 utilizes standard 0.033s fuse times. This means that ‘43’s gun performance feels more like Odin’s than her OG counterpart.

It’s interesting that the ”brawler” ship is the one with the longer fuse timers, as they tend to lead to more overpenetrations vs. her primary prey (cruisers) at close-to-mid ranges. It could just be a reflection of larger design philosophy changes among the dev team however, since Schill was also released with standard 0.033s AP fuse timers despite having supposedly identical shells to Graf Spee.

Edited by Nevermore135
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