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I have joined the DarkSide


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Soo... the consensus of sorts seems to be it's a very small thing keeping the Jedi apart from the Sith.


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There's a book that I read, years ago, wherein the protagonist was actually a Sith (but not a Sith Lord/Master, yet).
They visit a planet, following up on a clue/lead/hunch/whatever.  It's not Dagobah, but it is a jungle planet teeming with life.
He meets a Jedi Master who is just chillin' on the planet.  The Jedi Master isn't quite on the same page as the Jedi Council and seems to have their own ideas.
This book was new sometime in the 1990's, if I remember correctly.
Anyway, the Sith and the Jedi Master fight.  The Sith gets their aft kicked and is left lying on the ground with a parting quote from the Jedi Master.

"Light.  Dark.  They're merely directions."

If I can research this and get some more details, I'll try to share them here.

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46 minutes ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

There's a book that I read, years ago, wherein the protagonist was actually a Sith (but not a Sith Lord/Master, yet).
They visit a planet, following up on a clue/lead/hunch/whatever.  It's not Dagobah, but it is a jungle planet teeming with life.
He meets a Jedi Master who is just chillin' on the planet.  The Jedi Master isn't quite on the same page as the Jedi Council and seems to have their own ideas.
This book was new sometime in the 1990's, if I remember correctly.
Anyway, the Sith and the Jedi Master fight.  The Sith gets their aft kicked and is left lying on the ground with a parting quote from the Jedi Master.

"Light.  Dark.  They're merely directions."

If I can research this and get some more details, I'll try to share them here.

Okay, I did a bit of research.
I think my memory of the publication date was off by a handful of years, and that the book was "Star Wars:  The Force Unleashed."

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18 minutes ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

Okay, I did a bit of research.
I think my memory of the publication date was off by a handful of years, and that the book was "Star Wars:  The Force Unleashed."

Isn't there a game by that title?

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Dude you were on the darkside long before this ship. 

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I have been most enjoying being completely immune to fighters. It's hilarious to see CVs trying to drop interceptors on me and my speed just doesn't care.

I have seen a concerning trend though that LOTS of CVs that shouldn't equip interceptors are doing so. Today I faced a Pobeda with interceptors.


Only the Essex Line benefits from interceptors...

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28 minutes ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

I have been most enjoying being completely immune to fighters. It's hilarious to see CVs trying to drop interceptors on me and my speed just doesn't care.

I have seen a concerning trend though that LOTS of CVs that shouldn't equip interceptors are doing so. Today I faced a Pobeda with interceptors.


Only the Essex Line benefits from interceptors...

And the VI Béarn Doubloons doesn't?

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21 hours ago, Aethervox said:

This is three 'dark side' reworked CVs 😒.  A junior Darth Vader wannabe 😬? Me, I'm a 'white sider' 😊 since I have zero reworked CVs. 


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20 hours ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:
21 hours ago, Aethervox said:

This is three 'dark side' reworked CVs 😒.  A junior Darth Vader wannabe 😬? Me, I'm a 'white sider' 😊 since I have zero reworked CVs. 

As if there were 'sides' to enjoying the game...

I'm getting strong Jedi vibes from this...remember what happened to those guys? They blinded themselves from seeing their own darkness...

Well said @Daniel_Allan_Clark

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19 hours ago, Itwastuesday said:

Maybe they aren't? I like how in the prequels, the time of the good old days before the empire, the first things we see are an invasion by some random capitalist private army and slavery. Then a bureaucratic mess. There's frickin' child slavery within spitting distance of the fabulous and comfy jedi temple and they do jack squat? Ok.

Thought-provoking, indeed.  
One might wonder about the economy of running a Jedi temple?
Now I'm wondering how exactly are such wonderful buildings, located on an expensive patch of land on an expensive planet like Coruscant, actually funded?  🙂 

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1 hour ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

Today I faced a Pobeda with interceptors.

I remember people going interceptors in order to generate at least some xp as they claimed Pobeda sucks. 


21 minutes ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

Thought-provoking, indeed.  
One might wonder about the economy of running a Jedi temple?
Now I'm wondering how exactly are such wonderful buildings, located on an expensive patch of land on an expensive planet like Coruscant, actually funded?  🙂 

Much like any noble estates/monasteries I imagine. The Jedi are essentially knight monks that also serve as enforcers of the republic, the same republic that tolerates slavery, has various kings and whatnots in the senate, goes on a galactic scale total war off the back of disposable people because some territories want to secede, one with a senate that quite easily agrees to elect a lifetime emperor. I doubt funding is ever a problem to them. These corrupt oligarchies quite like their enforcers and fancy elites. 

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6 minutes ago, Itwastuesday said:

Much like any noble estates/monasteries I imagine. The Jedi are essentially knight monks that also serve as enforcers of the republic, the same republic that tolerates slavery, has various kings and whatnots in the senate, goes on a galactic scale total war off the back of disposable people because some territories want to secede, one with a senate that quite easily agrees to elect a lifetime emperor. I doubt funding is ever a problem to them. These corrupt oligarchies quite like their enforcers and fancy elites. 

Well said.

While most of planet Earth has come a long way from the "middle ages" of Europe and the "feudal era" of Japan (where the movie "The Hidden Fortress" was set and served as inspiration for George Lucas), there are still apparently some practices still being used for story-telling purposes (even though many of us take for granted that slavery was abolished in our civilized societies).

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1 minute ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

Well said.

While most of planet Earth has come a long way from the "middle ages" of Europe and the "feudal era" of Japan (where the movie "The Hidden Fortress" was set and served as inspiration for George Lucas), there are still apparently some practices still being used for story-telling purposes (even though many of us take for granted that slavery was abolished in our civilized societies).

Essentially, Japan was still a feudal country in 1945. Not just in name, but in practice too.

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1 minute ago, Admiral_Karasu said:

Essentially, Japan was still a feudal country in 1945. Not just in name, but in practice too.

Fair enough point.
To clarify my words, I was using today's societies (in the year 2024) and comparing with "middle ages & fuedal era" of Earth and with the Star Wars "A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.…" story setting.

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6 minutes ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

Fair enough point.
To clarify my words, I was using today's societies (in the year 2024) and comparing with "middle ages & fuedal era" of Earth and with the Star Wars "A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.…" story setting.

Over the years, I've seen various attempts to explain it. First of all, from the movies we can't get much information about how the economy works, and I don't think the story concerns itself much with that. However, the way the Republic works seems to point to some kind of a semi-feudal semi-capitalistic set-up. Interestingly enough, I don't think the movies try to make a point about the Republic or even the Jedi Order being particularly wholesome or good. They are just supposed to look good compared to Palpatine and the Empire, and that, frankly, doesn't take much.

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1 hour ago, Admiral_Karasu said:

Over the years, I've seen various attempts to explain it.

It's no secret the SW setting is Roman Republic/Empire transition revisited with Jedi (aka Monastic orders) sprinkled for flavor on a Manichean religious setting (The Force - Light and Dark). Hardly any original idea there, but it is all well wraped and simplified for the popcorn masses.  

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1 hour ago, Admiral_Karasu said:

Over the years, I've seen various attempts to explain it. First of all, from the movies we can't get much information about how the economy works, and I don't think the story concerns itself much with that. However, the way the Republic works seems to point to some kind of a semi-feudal semi-capitalistic set-up. Interestingly enough, I don't think the movies try to make a point about the Republic or even the Jedi Order being particularly wholesome or good. They are just supposed to look good compared to Palpatine and the Empire, and that, frankly, doesn't take much.

Maybe Lucas wanted to make a point? If your state is run like garbage, an autocratic dictatorship is always on the cards.

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I can understand the appeal of fast planes. I certainly feel I get most wins with those, even if not always the most damage.

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Indomitable is just a worse Pobeda, because it needs some skill to play.

Change my mind! 😉

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1 hour ago, Montrala said:

Indomitable is just a worse Pobeda, because it needs some skill to play.

Change my mind! 😉

It requires less skill to play than Pobeda does...I have both ships.

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