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I have joined the DarkSide


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I made my fourth purchase of a doubloon ship today (I am completely free2play, and so have to save painstakingly my doubloons for these things.)

I welcomed HMS Indomitable to my port, to join Mikasa, Ark Royal, and Bearn as my arsenal of ships I spent high value currency upon.

The reason I chose Indomitable is because she can still slingshot attack...which is a completely broken mechanic which means I will lose very few (almost no) planes per match.

I bought this ship solely to exploit this intentionally broken bit of gameplay because WG allows it to remain.

I was worried that after a few years away from slingshotting, I wouldn't be able to replicate it...but nope, it's just like riding a bike. Didn't miss once during the first match.


If we can't convince WG to make changes, then our only logical recourse is to exploit the hell out of the issue.

Better pray to RNGesus, because your AA and fighters are useless against my planes. MuhuhahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHA.

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Indomitable still has the sling shot because she'd be hopelessly garbage without it...


...which leads into the CV changes in testing now.  If they go through Indomitable will lose the sling shotting.

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18 minutes ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

I made my fourth purchase of a doubloon ship today (I am completely free2play, and so have to save painstakingly my doubloons for these things.)

I welcomed HMS Indomitable to my port, to join Mikasa, Ark Royal, and Bearn as my arsenal of ships I spent high value currency upon.

The reason I chose Indomitable is because she can still slingshot attack...which is a completely broken mechanic which means I will lose very few (almost no) planes per match.

I bought this ship solely to exploit this intentionally broken bit of gameplay because WG allows it to remain.

I was worried that after a few years away from slingshotting, I wouldn't be able to replicate it...but nope, it's just like riding a bike. Didn't miss once during the first match.


If we can't convince WG to make changes, then our only logical recourse is to exploit the hell out of the issue.

Better pray to RNGesus, because your AA and fighters are useless against my planes. MuhuhahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHA.

Congratulations on your new ship.  🙂 

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13 minutes ago, Helstrem said:

Indomitable still has the sling shot because she'd be hopelessly garbage without it...


...which leads into the CV changes in testing now.  If they go through Indomitable will lose the sling shotting.


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8 minutes ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:


Yup.  If.

If not, well, as stated, she needs sling shotting.

If it does go through I have no idea what WG will do to keep Indomitable viable.

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Just now, Helstrem said:

Yup.  If.

If not, well, as stated, she needs sling shotting.

If it does go through I have no idea what WG will do to keep Indomitable viable.

I have complete confidence that WG will buff CVs in order to maintain the player population in them...after all, thats the reason they buff and nerf CVs in the first place.

Plus, if WG decides to kill the game and the class...I'm not out anything, really.

I just move on to other games.

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I got this, Hornet, Kaga, Aquila, Chkalol, Ark Royal and Saipan from these carriercontainers with silly high droprates that were given for some free resources at some point, last year I believe. I'd have suggested to wait for them to come back, but that droprate is probably nerfed and perhaps you'd get everything but what you wanted much like me (wanted GZ). 

Hope you like it. I found it rather underwhelming. Fast planes is a great thing of course, but I rather prefer the quick burst damage of other carriers. Indomitable could perhaps shine in division with superior scouting properties and the ability to communicate who used dcp. 

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6 hours ago, Itwastuesday said:

I got this, Hornet, Kaga, Aquila, Chkalol, Ark Royal and Saipan from these carriercontainers with silly high droprates that were given for some free resources at some point, last year I believe. I'd have suggested to wait for them to come back, but that droprate is probably nerfed and perhaps you'd get everything but what you wanted much like me (wanted GZ). 

Hope you like it. I found it rather underwhelming. Fast planes is a great thing of course, but I rather prefer the quick burst damage of other carriers. Indomitable could perhaps shine in division with superior scouting properties and the ability to communicate who used dcp. 

Ah yes, the 'only buy good ships' idea.

I buy ships based on their unique playstyle.

I used to enjoy the slingshot play, and I have been enjoying Indomitable so far.

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Posted (edited)

Who are You trying to fool? ... You belong to the DarkSide since the very beginning. You have been on the DarkSide for SO long you no longer remember Light. 😬

Edited by ArIskandir
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Posted (edited)
3 minutes ago, ArIskandir said:

Who are You trying to fool? ... You belong to the DarkSide since the very beginning. You have been on the DarkSide for SO long you no longer remember Light. 😬


It all depends on how you define the dark side, I guess...

I did join the game to play the Midway RTS line, so, in certain points of view...you are absolutely correct.

Edited by Daniel_Allan_Clark
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Dark side game play produces much excitement, or so I think.


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1 hour ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

Ah yes, the 'only buy good ships' idea.

I buy ships based on their unique playstyle.

I used to enjoy the slingshot play, and I have been enjoying Indomitable so far.

How do you read it like that? I merely said I find it underwhelming. Your purchasing habits are at your own discretion.

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12 hours ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

I welcomed HMS Indomitable to my port, to join Mikasa, Ark Royal, and Bearn

This is three 'dark side' reworked CVs 😒.  A junior Darth Vader wannabe 😬? Me, I'm a 'white sider' 😊 since I have zero reworked CVs. 

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12 hours ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

if WG decides to kill the game

A number of players think Wedgie is, inadvertently, doing this (recall the fable of the golden goose) 😒.

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12 hours ago, Helstrem said:

Yup.  If.

If not, well, as stated, she needs sling shotting.

If it does go through I have no idea what WG will do to keep Indomitable viable.

They won't.

Isn't that their point?  To insure ships people spent dubs on; become,  not viable - so they have to buy another gimmick ship with dubs....

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4 minutes ago, Asym said:

They won't.

Isn't that their point?  To insure ships people spent dubs on; become,  not viable - so they have to buy another gimmick ship with dubs....

Now that's really the dark side, isn't it?

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1 minute ago, Admiral_Karasu said:

Now that's really the dark side, isn't it?

And, a videogame marketing gambit......  Over the years, taking the time to actually map out what the games I played were actually doing, that one ^^^ is a very common one.   Funny thing about it, is that other game cloaked the nerf's in their new and exciting Skill Tree changes with the shtick being that the ST changes gives you "choices"....  With, the reality being that each choice "degrades" what you had before by 10 to 20% even if you max invest in that one new change !!!

What we see here ^^^ is just a daily business occurrence:  gimmick to uselessness...  Repeat with a new product.

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Posted (edited)
57 minutes ago, Aethervox said:

This is three 'dark side' reworked CVs 😒.  A junior Darth Vader wannabe 😬? Me, I'm a 'white sider' 😊 since I have zero reworked CVs. 

As if there were 'sides' to enjoying the game...

I'm getting strong Jedi vibes from this...remember what happened to those guys? They blinded themselves from seeing their own darkness...

33 minutes ago, Asym said:

They won't.

Isn't that their point?  To insure ships people spent dubs on; become,  not viable - so they have to buy another gimmick ship with dubs....


My viewpoint on that is to enjoy what I have, purchase what might make sense to enjoy with the in game currency I save...and not to worry about the future.

I have invested nothing but time...and if future time investments won't bring sufficient value, I move on to other games.

I've already got enough enjoyment out of the game to consider my time spent not too much of a waste.

I have no fear of missing out on the future, and no fear of losing the value of my investments...since that value only exists if the game is still fun.

Edited by Daniel_Allan_Clark
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30 minutes ago, Wolfswetpaws said:


Once you accept the idea that 'light side' and 'dark side' are terms used to control the padawans of either the sith or Jedi so as to trap them into certain 'destinies'...a lot of the Star Wars universe gets so much more interesting.

'From my point of view, the Jedi are evil' is a true statement.

Plus, looking at the Jedi objectively...they cannot claim to be Superman-like good. That just isn't so.

IMO, the Jedi are not the heroes of that story / universe.

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6 minutes ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

IMO, the Jedi are not the heroes of that story / universe.

Maybe they aren't? I like how in the prequels, the time of the good old days before the empire, the first things we see are an invasion by some random capitalist private army and slavery. Then a bureaucratic mess. There's frickin' child slavery within spitting distance of the fabulous and comfy jedi temple and they do jack squat? Ok.

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Fun fact, or at least I seem to recall it so having been said, in the early drafts the Jedi were the Emperor's life guards.

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1 hour ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

'From my point of view, the Jedi are evil' is a true statement.

Being myself a 'balance' freak, imo Jedi are as bad as Sith... same extreme view, different flavor.

56 minutes ago, Itwastuesday said:

There's frickin' child slavery within spitting distance of the fabulous and comfy jedi temple and they do jack squat? Ok.

They were 'keeping the peace' ... as in safeguarding the status quo?  where I've seen something like that happening irl 🤔?


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1 hour ago, Itwastuesday said:

Maybe they aren't? I like how in the prequels, the time of the good old days before the empire, the first things we see are an invasion by some random capitalist private army and slavery. Then a bureaucratic mess. There's frickin' child slavery within spitting distance of the fabulous and comfy jedi temple and they do jack squat? Ok.


I always found it hilarious that the Jedi didn't understand why Anakin would feel bitter about his mother being left behind and dying without him.

It was a trivial matter for them to go back and buy her and bring her to Coruscant...yet neither Yoda or Obi Wan thought to do so...instead just assuming they should be his parent instead.

Massive facepalm.

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