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13 hours ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

Yup, another great WG BS mechanic forced upon mostly one class ................ drumroll..... Destroyers! ! !

Playing DDs youre pretty much forced to buy and equip detonation flags otherwise youre a Donkey that deserves this BS mechanic happening to you. Not like this class already was the most crapped upon!

Dont see many BB captains that feel forced to equip a detonation flag if they want to leave their port. I never even had it on my cruisers to be honest.

When I played Asashio one time ....... ONE TIME .... in 9 YEARS ... I had a Yamato get detonated by one of my torp hits. And thats playing mostly destroyers for 9 years. That is how often I seen that happen. Hom many times it happened to me in a DD? I would need a Quantum computer to do the math.


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About the only time detonation is a serious handicap is small team formats. Especially ranked or clan battles. And for those you pay the "tax" that eliminates it from being a consideration. Over 95% of my playtime I don't bother running flags because its just coop or randoms. I've been blown up several times in a BB. I've been blown up a couple times in a cruiser. I've been blown up at least a half dozen times in destroyers. Yes it does happen more often to destroyers than the other two classes it can happen to... but that is because as a smaller ship with smaller health pools its simply more likely that some large HE shell will reduce your magazine HP to zero while your overall health is below 75%. And its still so uncommon that its simply accepted wisdom that its better to use slot one to protect your guns and torpedo launchers from being knocked out than reducing odds of a magazine detonation.

Really the only destroyers that I'd say are exceedingly more likely to be detonated than anyone else are the loud and noisy gunboats who go very fast. Because they have a tendency to have a ton of HE splash down around them after they've made a right pest of themselves.

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13 hours ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

Yup, another great WG BS mechanic forced upon mostly one class ................ drumroll..... Destroyers! ! !

Playing DDs youre pretty much forced to buy and equip detonation flags otherwise youre a Donkey that deserves this BS mechanic happening to you. Not like this class already was the most crapped upon!

Dont see many BB captains that feel forced to equip a detonation flag if they want to leave their port. I never even had it on my cruisers to be honest.

When I played Asashio one time ....... ONE TIME .... in 9 YEARS ... I had a Yamato get detonated by one of my torp hits. And thats playing mostly destroyers for 9 years. That is how often I seen that happen. Hom many times it happened to me in a DD? I would need a Quantum computer to do the math.

Sorry dude but det mechanics do not happen that frequently to anybody...no matter what class...unless...

You use the det flags for a long time & then stop using them.

In the beginning I never used det flags... didn't have them of course as a new player & then after that the frequency of dets were so rare...once every couple months...that they were enough of a non issue I didn't bother...

But then...

1 night in Ranked I loaded up the Yammy & seconds after 1st engagement my full life Yammy was unresponsive as apparently all those fiery graphics were effecting it's ability to perform at all in the battle...

& I went into rant mode (despite the fact that I had just recently done the same thing to a full life GK from 1 torp...but why would I rant about that...that was him...but this...THIS WAS ME!!!)...

WTH!!! That was a full life BB & 1 round took it out if the game...WTH!!!

At that time I had over 750 det flags stored up because I NEVER used them before that point...

& I loaded them on every ship I had that was T8 or above...& Never had a det in the high tiers again until...a loooong time later (forget how long exactly but pretty sure it was over a 3 to 4 months as they kept restacking from missions & crates & so on...& then)...

I ran out of det flags.

I entered a T10 match & 1st hit I took (still long before the 75% was a thing) BAM!!!

Now right there i knew I had just gotten 10 det flags for the achievement (yes it was back when that was a thing) but I thought...dets only happen once every 2-3 months so now that that is out of the way I'm good for awhile.

Next battle 1st engagement BAM!!! ["*what the doodle*?"]...

OK...just a fluke...let's try this again...BAM!!!

Alright...now it's just a test to see how long this will last... IT'S ON...

1st 6 or 7 battles & 9 out of the 1st 11 battles had dets in them.

Went to forums to announce the "bug" I had found (if I recall correctly...it may have been a little "ranty")...

"Well...you went over a a long time w/out dets so this is 9 dets in the last thousand battles...what are you complaining about?" was the response I got.

Nobody seemed concerned (or just didn't believe me?) that despite the signal saying it eliminates the chance of dets...that it stacks them up for future use.

Apparently the number 1 cause of detonations is running out of detonation flags after using them for a long while because (despite the signal description giving you no warning to the fact) dets do stack up when they are denied.

Decided to continue not using them to see how long it would take to balance out to once every 2 months again...so I stopped using them all together.

1st 2 weeks were rough...don't recall exactly how many but it was a lot...but by the end of 2 weeks it was down to only about twice a day...by the end of the month it was down to once every couple/few days...after about 2 months they balanced back out to about once every 2 months or so...same as they were at the start (^^^all of this above was in any ship type except CVs [even though it still applied to them because this began way before the rebork...but I just didn't run them that often] & subs [as they didn't exist]...but...

As you main DDs it's easy to see why you personally experience it in DDs way more than any other type).

Stayed that way (about 1 det every 2 months)...for years...until...

"The 75% loss of life required for det" mechanic was initiated.

Dets became more frequent after that (at least in my experience) at around anywhere from once every 3 weeks to 1 1/2 months with unpredictable variances with occasional occurances twice in a week...

So I started using the det flags in Ranked mode on account of that but rarely use them in randoms...but I also rarely play randoms anymore & stick to mainly ranked & brawls (don't use any signals in Brawls except ram flag on cruisers (in 1 vs 1 or 2 vs 2) to even out the cruiser vs BB experience occasionally).

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9 hours ago, AdmiralThunder said:

So because I play Co-op mostly I don't understand how the game works or something?


I didn't say that, nor do I think I implied it. 

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9 hours ago, AdmiralThunder said:

You are clearly unreasonable about this and extremely DD biased. Also rude and insulting towards other players who like different classes. Just because I play BB does not mean I am never in the fight nor that I want everything. That is ludicrous, absurd, and ridiculous not to mention completely uncalled for on your part as I never made it about BB's or even complained about them. I mentioned I have been detonated in them too (it isn't just DD's it happens to BB and Cruisers too) and that they have to run fire and flood flags which is more costly than a det flag. That is all. Any mention of DD's is because YOU made this a DD topic not me. 

I am going to just leave it at that.

The simple fact is you are triggered and extremely overreacting to something that has happened to you a grand total of 125 times in over 17,000+ games played. At most 124 of which were in DD's over 6600+ games. That is fact and verifiable. If this was some huge anti DD conspiracy by WG or something that legit happens a lot and is an issue your numbers would show a different story. What they show is it almost never happens at all and is not the big issue you claim. You are, by definition, exaggerating this.

Best of luck. I will ignore you moving forward for the sake of forum harmony. 

Seriously? You started a whole chain of post towards me because I said this: "Yup, another great WG BS mechanic forced upon mostly one class ................ drumroll..... Destroyers! ! !", which you in you're chain of post to me already confirmed as fact, so I wonder who got triggered? Youre whole chain post was un-necessary because you just like me understand this happens most to DDs, which was my whole point of my OP. But apparently me stating the fact made this a "DD topic"?!

So where am I "unreasonable" or "extremely overreacting"? I just tried to understand what youre whole argument was... and where it came from ... and Why!?, and why you started to include real life and all the things that has happen in war and the amount and percentages this has happened to me, which I never spoke of .... at all?! All I said was this is a BS mechanic, which it is and please name one player that thinks this is a great, fun and engaging mechanic? 

And you don't seem to grasp my point at all regarding the whole "DD conspiracy" as you put it. The sooo funny mechanic of Detonations occurring most for DDs is just a SMALL part of the whole picture (or "DD conspiracy" as you call it). You can also add all the BS Game modes, that are totally focused on DDs being forced to play like tards and push straight into Buffs located exactly in the middle of the map directly at start and in totally open waters, to get buffs for teammates that couldn't care less about their situations, because they never had to face this stupidity of game modes in their favorite classes, do you understand where am coming from now?

Then also add game modes like 3-4 cap dom mode with killboxes that DDs is forced to take surrounded by enemy DDs, subs, cruisers with hydro/radars, funny buttons and planes form 4-5 different ship these days. 

Or Airship escort where enemy teams knows that if the red teams airship moves and no one is detected it is a DD in that small circle, which you know exactly where it is at all times, do you think its hard for them to set up a ambush when the stoopid game modes tells them EXACTLY where you are at all times?

Only game mode that actually gives DDs a break is Standard battle, which of course occurs in maybe 5-10% of all Random battles. If some DD tries to cap the home base in a Standard battle its usually up to BBs to do something because they are always those closest to home base/back line. It IS Wonderful to play BBs and cruisers because NO ONE not even the game modes tells me/forces me to play a certain way, a freedom not enjoyed by all classes.

So maybe our perspectives are a little different because you never had to deal with all this BS.

For me, this isn't a very hard thing to grasp and understand, and any frustration from my part is that I have to actually explain this to someone who plays this game, but lets leave it there as you say.

I will probably ignore you as well since our experience in this game is like night and day so hard to have a productive discussion. 

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6 hours ago, IfYouSeeKhaos said:

Sorry dude but det mechanics do not happen that frequently to anybody...no matter what class...unless...

Read my post above, still dont understand where I claimed this happened a lot or every other game?! I said it happens most to DDs due to game design and HP amount and probably fair amount of Spaghetti coding, which it does. And for that reason it also forces DD more then any other class to equip special flags especially for any type of competitive, which then also is a part of the big "DD conspiracy".

But many dont seem to understand how this game, its fun mechanic and its modes differs a whole lot depending on what class you play and im getting a bit tired of explaining things I thought everyone knew. 

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3 hours ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

I said it happens most to DDs

But this part isn't true...it isn't "forced upon mostly 1 type (it's actually "type"...not "class" btw).....drumroll.....DDs"...

That's just forum speculation...

"DDs are smaller so they det easier"...this is true now...now that they have implemented the 75% mechanic...they do take less damage to reach the 25% HP loss mechanic...but that still doesn't mean that it happens to them more frequently than any other ship type.

At the time that madness happened (which was before the 75% mechanic was a thing...way before) I was grinding a bunch of different lines in all the 3 major ship types & those dets happened to them all during that.

Each player has a certain amount of dets that will occasionally happen to them (& using the flags does NOT...I repeat does NOT lessen the amount of times it will occur to you...it just puts them on hold...unless you use the flags in each & every battle you ever play)...& it doesn't happen less frequently to BB mains or cruiser mains than it does to DD mains... it's a *fiddlesticks* you all mechanic.

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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, IfYouSeeKhaos said:

But this part isn't true...it isn't "forced upon mostly 1 type (it's actually "type"...not "class" btw).....drumroll.....DDs"...

That's just forum speculation...

"DDs are smaller so they det easier"...this is true now...now that they have implemented the 75% mechanic...they do take less damage to reach the 25% HP loss mechanic...but that still doesn't mean that it happens to them more frequently than any other ship type.

At the time that madness happened (which was before the 75% mechanic was a thing...way before) I was grinding a bunch of different lines in all the 3 major ship types & those dets happened to them all during that.

Each player has a certain amount of dets that will occasionally happen to them (& using the flags does NOT...I repeat does NOT lessen the amount of times it will occur to you...it just puts them on hold...unless you use the flags in each & every battle you ever play)...& it doesn't happen less frequently to BB mains or cruiser mains than it does to DD mains... it's a *fiddlesticks* you all mechanic.

Splitting hairs much? Forced ... no one is even forced to play this game... If you play DD in a high ranking clan in Clan wars youre not "Forced" to play good, youre not even "Forced" to run det flag, you can suicide in 2 min if you feel like it, might catch some flak from youre clan mates tho....

Do you have any factual stats that show something? Or are we just going by some 75 % mechanic that WG apparently implemented that says ... what exactly? DDs has 75 % less chance of detonating, or what?! 75 % less from what %?! Im confused.

I dont have hacked un-official stats regarding this either, but im basing it on:

  • my experience of playing a boat load of DDs almost on the daily for ... what now ... 8 years
  • what you see when this happens in others Youtube videos
  • the fact that any clan worth their name force their DD players, not so much BB and cruiser players to run this flag
  • seen it happen to red DDs, my DD and allied DDs
  • Had it happen Once to a BB when I hit him with a Asashio torp ... in 8 years ... and that is a lot of torp hits during those 8 years, many of them documented in my 234 Youtube videos on my channel.

Maybe im just unique in my experience of this mechanic. Maybe it happens more to BBs and cruisers. But that i surely not my experience and it seems like its not many others experience either.

Edited by OldSchoolGaming_Youtube
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Let me give some food for thought here.


First is that Detonation mechanics depend largely on a ship's HP, as the hit has to happen after the ship is below a certain portion of its HP and has to do more damage than a percentage of that HP.  Thus, a ship that has fewer HPs will likely be detonated more often due to smaller hits being able to do so.  What makes it so rare in DDs is that the ship usually doesn't have the HPs to survive long enough where a det becomes an issue, so in most cases, people won't notice a hit that would have caused a detonation because the ship is already dead.  That's also why I believe they stand out more on a DD when they do happen.


Second is that detonations are a reflection in the game of safety priorities of the commanding officers of a ship.  Some commanders make safety a priority, devoting time and resources to ensure maximum protection for their crew and ship, while others are comfortable cutting corners and taking risks to enhance combat performance and gain advantage over competitors.  WOWS puts that decision squarely on the players, and the consequences follow.


A commander who puts a premium on safety will install the anti-det module on their ship, while one who has a higher importance of combat performance will be willing to accept the risk of catastrophe in order to gain the benefits reflected in another module being installed in its place.  A truly driven risk-taker may even use flags that increase the chances of system failures to push combat effectiveness, while one determined to avoid accidents at all cost can use the anti-det flag (along with the cost of replacing them).


So, consider detonations in light of those points.



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18 hours ago, thornzero said:

He's mostly a co-op player. I don't ever remember being detonated in co-op ever. [DDs specifically] But when it was happening a little more in randoms, I started running signals. [and always in ranked.]

There really is no argument because you can eliminate the possibility 1oo % [costs an arm and a leg though] or 7o %. But even if it did happen in co-op which it could i suppose, it wouldn't really matter.


It happens often enough, I run a det flag on my Kitakaze when I'm doing RB regrinds with blue boosters. Can't afford to detonate imo if I'm investing a blue. 


YouTube he made a perfectly reasonable post, sorry you feel the need to block AT. I usually find both of your posts high quality and add to the discussions. 

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3 hours ago, GandalfTehGray said:

It happens often enough, I run a det flag on my Kitakaze when I'm doing RB regrinds with blue boosters. Can't afford to detonate imo if I'm investing a blue. 


YouTube he made a perfectly reasonable post, sorry you feel the need to block AT. I usually find both of your posts high quality and add to the discussions. 

Just to let you know...you didn't actually quote/tag YouTube into this post above so he may not have gotten that.

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52 minutes ago, IfYouSeeKhaos said:

Just to let you know...you didn't actually quote/tag YouTube into this post above so he may not have gotten that.

I know, I figure it's slow enough here activity wise he'll see if eventually. 

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9 hours ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

Splitting hairs much? Forced ...

[Edit: I did not use any red text in my post...no idea how it ended up there but it won't let me remove it now that it is there...just retypes im red when I try. Nothing in red is being highlighted or anything like that].

I was quoting you're OP:

On 5/23/2024 at 6:11 AM, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

Yup, another great WG BS mechanic forced upon mostly one class ................ drumroll..... Destroyers! ! !

[Edit: I did not use red text in my post...not sure how it ended up there but it won't let me remove it now that it is there... just retypes in red when I try.

Just to clarify...nothing in red below is being highlighted]

9 hours ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

Do you have any factual stats that show something? Or are we just going by some 75 % mechanic that WG apparently implemented that says ... what exactly? DDs has 75 % less chance of detonating, or what?! 75 % less from what %?! Im confused.

[Anytime in this thread that I used the specific numbers "75"/"25 i was referring to this below]

Sorry for the confusion...I was referring to the detonation mechanic implemented (at least a couple...but don't remember exactly how many) years ago that requires a ship to be at less than 75% of it's HP remaining before it can detonate.

I believe they said (though it may have been forum speculation & not official WG...don't remember exactly as it was awhile ago) it was implemented so full life BBs weren't able to be detonated by 1 DD round to the superstructure at the start of a battle...which quite frankly i agree shouldn't be a thing.

It had been widely discussed on the forums & I figured everybody that was a regular was aware of it...

I was being lazy & didn't want to type the whole explanation out & was hoping just using the "75" & "25" it would be understood i was referring to that...again...sorry for the confusion.

Unfortunately in the description of that mechanic it fails to clarify that it doesn't require you to be below 75% health before you take the hit that can detonate you...in fact a full life ship can still be detonated in 1 hit if that 1 hit takes off at least 25% of it's HP.


9 hours ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:
  • my experience of playing a boat load of DDs almost on the daily for ... what now ... 8 years

Of course you will personally experience dets more often in DDs if DDs are what you play most often...if 80% (arbitrary number... don't have access to stats on phone) of your games are DD games then 80% of your detonations are going to be DD detonations...just like 80 of a BB main that has 80% of his battles in BBs is going to have 80% of his dets in BBs.

A lot of the (understandable) assumption that DDs det more often is because it usually happens right at the start of a battle in a knife fight where not much else is spotted & everybody has their attention on that particular knife fight (at least those around that cap) so it gets talked about in chat & is remembered by everybody afterwards...

Whereas many dets happen to other ship types (& DDs too sometimes) when they are almost dead & the round that caused the detonation would have finished the ship off anyway...& at that point most people don't even look above the minimap or bother glancing at chat to see either the det icon (above minimap) or the notification in chat because...yeah...that cruiser took that full Yammy broadside with 20k HP...technically he didn't die from a detonation...he just died...no need to look to see how...in fact in that scenario most wouldn't even bother to look if it was a full life Mino & would just assume that the Yammy just did a Yammy thing...

Same thing if a Yammy did it to a 50% health Yammy... 

If the Yammy only got 1480 damage on that other Yammy & the det took him out it would only be known by the target (& only because he had the det icon show up in his port) & the Yammy that made the shot & those few that happened to look at the chat or above the minimap (& most looking at the minimap probably wouldn't even notice the det icon...just which player killed which player...some others would just assume the Yammy got 3 or 4 cits on a lucky RNG shot & most others would never even know about it because most of the player base just doesn't pay that much attention after the initial DD knife fight that determines:

(A) Our DD won...we can push up & chase the rest of the reds away because we have spotting & they don't...

(B) Our DD lost...we have no vision & shells are coming from everywhere...time to kite away & check out what the dolphins in J10 are up to.


1- Dets are rare (acknowledged & understood by all).

2- Initial 1st engagement knife fight dets stick out in everybody's mind when they occur.

3- Most other dets fly under the radar & are more often than not barely even noticed or disregarded as irrelevant & not worth dwelling on.

4- Dets are Fun & EnRaging (oops...Engaging...yeah...I meant to say Engaging).

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On 5/23/2024 at 7:11 AM, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

Dont see many BB captains that feel forced to equip a detonation flag if they want to leave their port. I never even had it on my cruisers to be honest.

I run det flags on some of my BBs.  I've been det'd quite a bit (within the statistic) in my BBs.  Mostly from a torp that hits adjacent to the magazine.  In fact, although avoiding dets tactically is often moot (as opposed to strategic avoidance), there are tactics applicable in BBs that help limit dets.  Namely, dodge in a manner that if you're going to take a torp hit, don't take one adjacent to the magazine.  Can't always get there...but those who are cognizant of this during a dodge will limit their dets in general.

Oh, and for DD drivers....turning into skip bombs is a good tactic in general.  It limits the numbers that hit...and in the case of full health greatly reduced the vulnerability zone of a one drop det as two bomb hits are needed to achieve it.  And when you're long and thin, you seldom get hit by two, and can sometimes avoid them all.

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1 hour ago, SoshiSone said:

I run det flags on some of my BBs.  I've been det'd quite a bit (within the statistic) in my BBs.  Mostly from a torp that hits adjacent to the magazine.  In fact, although avoiding dets tactically is often moot (as opposed to strategic avoidance), there are tactics applicable in BBs that help limit dets.  Namely, dodge in a manner that if you're going to take a torp hit, don't take one adjacent to the magazine.  Can't always get there...but those who are cognizant of this during a dodge will limit their dets in general.

Oh, and for DD drivers....turning into skip bombs is a good tactic in general.  It limits the numbers that hit...and in the case of full health greatly reduced the vulnerability zone of a one drop det as two bomb hits are needed to achieve it.  And when you're long and thin, you seldom get hit by two, and can sometimes avoid them all.


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I need to note something about the 'red text' @IfYouSeeKhaos mentions above. I don't know what's going on here, but at any point I haven't seen any red text being used in this thread. It wouldn't be a problem moderation wise, because red is allowed, purple is reserved for moderation on DevStrike!.

Now, the only weird thing I have seen is in @OldSchoolGaming_Youtube 's post. This is how some of the text in his post looks to me (Using the Blue Note theme):


The post in question:


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4 hours ago, Admiral_Karasu said:

Now, the only weird thing I have seen is in @OldSchoolGaming_Youtube 's post. This is how some of the text in his post looks to me (Using the Blue Note theme):


That issue seems to be related to cut and paste.  If you just paste, it shows up as seen in the image.  If you 'paste as plain text" you only get the text and not the crazy background.  At least for me...

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Ctrl + C followed by Ctrl + V

"That issue seems to be related to cut and paste.  If you just paste, it shows up as seen in the image.  If you 'paste as plain text" you only get the text and not the crazy background.  At least for me... "

Hmm... nope, not for me.

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6 minutes ago, Admiral_Karasu said:


Ctrl + C followed by Ctrl + V

Ctrl+V is just a plain paste.  

Ctrl+shift+V is plain text..

I only use my left mouse button for this function.


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6 minutes ago, HogHammer said:

Ctrl+V is just a plain paste.  

Ctrl+shift+V is plain text..

I only use my left mouse button for this function.


I mostly use the keyboard commands, not the mouse buttons. Never the Ctrl + shift + V option though.

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