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Damn....double Damn!


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First sortie, first drop.


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That's what happens when DD's don't run a detonation flag.

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Posted (edited)

After the drop when it didn't end right away & that other DD showed up right before it did end I thought for a moment (due to the "double damn on the title) you were gonna get 2 DDs with the same squadron.

On phone...can't make out details...what CV & which DD was that?

Edit: I couldn't make out the kill icon either...so that was a det?

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Posted (edited)
44 minutes ago, IfYouSeeKhaos said:

After the drop when it didn't end right away & that other DD showed up right before it did end I thought for a moment (due to the "double damn on the title) you were gonna get 2 DDs with the same squadron.

On phone...can't make out details...what CV & which DD was that?

Edit: I couldn't make out the kill icon either...so that was a det?

Bearn T22 Detonation

Edited by AdmiralThunder
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1 hour ago, SoshiSone said:

First sortie, first drop.



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1 hour ago, IfYouSeeKhaos said:

After the drop when it didn't end right away & that other DD showed up right before it did end I thought for a moment (due to the "double damn on the title) you were gonna get 2 DDs with the same squadron.

I ran it long to capture the DD captain's comment.  He was a good sport about it, and I did feel a little bit bad...so I gave him a plus karma for good manners.  He was also on a a mission to get an achievement...and a det is indeed an achievement.  So it worked out all around...sort of. 

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Must be my strange Det night.  Here's another one...an HE det on a heavy cruiser.


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I knew that sounded familiar....


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Yup, another great WG BS mechanic forced upon mostly one class ................ drumroll..... Destroyers! ! !

Playing DDs youre pretty much forced to buy and equip detonation flags otherwise youre a Donkey that deserves this BS mechanic happening to you. Not like this class already was the most crapped upon!

Dont see many BB captains that feel forced to equip a detonation flag if they want to leave their port. I never even had it on my cruisers to be honest.

When I played Asashio one time ....... ONE TIME .... in 9 YEARS ... I had a Yamato get detonated by one of my torp hits. And thats playing mostly destroyers for 9 years. That is how often I seen that happen. Hom many times it happened to me in a DD? I would need a Quantum computer to do the math.

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

Yup, another great WG BS mechanic forced upon mostly one class ................ drumroll..... Destroyers! ! !

Playing DDs youre pretty much forced to buy and equip detonation flags otherwise youre a Donkey that deserves this BS mechanic happening to you. Not like this class already was the most crapped upon!

Dont see many BB captains that feel forced to equip a detonation flag if they want to leave their port. I never even had it on my cruisers to be honest.

When I played Asashio one time ....... ONE TIME .... in 9 YEARS ... I had a Yamato get detonated by one of my torp hits. And thats playing mostly destroyers for 9 years. That is how often I seen that happen. Hom many times it happened to me in a DD? I would need a Quantum computer to do the math.


I dunno.  I usually equip the anti-det module on my ships and can't remember the last time I was Detonated.  I reserve the flags for Ranked and when I am running very rare boosters...otherwise, it doesn't seem to be an issue.



Edited by Jakob Knight
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9 hours ago, SoshiSone said:

Must be my strange Det night.  Here's another one...an HE det on a heavy cruiser.



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11 hours ago, AdmiralThunder said:

That's what happens when DD's don't run a detonation flag.

Though, it's pretty rare though. When attacked by planes, it doesn't make any difference, so it's usually the result of a knife fight with another DD when I've had it happen to me. Anything with bigger guns is likely to do massive damage anyway.

With BB's it's even rarer. I can't remember 'achieving' detonation on a BB more than once.

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I'll run detonation flags if I'm trying for score and whatnot for Naval battles or if I were to (ever) play ranked. Otherwise, I don't really care a whole lot and it cracks me up when I explode into a bunch of pixels.

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2 minutes ago, Jakeshuffle said:

I'll run detonation flags if I'm trying for score and whatnot for Naval battles or if I were to (ever) play ranked. Otherwise, I don't really care a whole lot and it cracks me up when I explode into a bunch of pixels.

I get a proper jump out of it, because I'm usually in the binocular view so it has a much bigger impact on you when it happens.

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2 minutes ago, Admiral_Karasu said:

I get a proper jump out of it, because I'm usually in the binocular view so it has a much bigger impact on you when it happens.

I go from "no effin way!" in binocular view to "ohhhh snap, THAT'S XCOM BABY" and hit next game 😄 

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Posted (edited)
5 hours ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

Yup, another great WG BS mechanic forced upon mostly one class ................ drumroll..... Destroyers! ! !

Playing DDs youre pretty much forced to buy and equip detonation flags otherwise youre a Donkey that deserves this BS mechanic happening to you. Not like this class already was the most crapped upon!

Dont see many BB captains that feel forced to equip a detonation flag if they want to leave their port. I never even had it on my cruisers to be honest.

When I played Asashio one time ....... ONE TIME .... in 9 YEARS ... I had a Yamato get detonated by one of my torp hits. And thats playing mostly destroyers for 9 years. That is how often I seen that happen. Hom many times it happened to me in a DD? I would need a Quantum computer to do the math.

With respect (seriously I am not starting anything or personally attacking you - I am simply responding to your claims as you do this all the time) I find comments like these overstated and highly exaggerated. DD's get a LOT of special protection from WG, and many things in game have been changed to help the class, so let's not complain because they suffer a "LITTLE" more from 1 game mechanic than other classes or claim they are the most crapped on by WG. Comments like these are just not true and very biased.

Detonations are not different for DD's than the other classes. DD's just seem to fall to it more which makes sense as a DD can fall to under 75% HP fast and thus be at risk of it sooner and for longer. DD's still operate under the same system BB's and Cruisers do; it isn't different for DD's. Want to complain about Detonations? Complain CV's and Subs don't do it at all not that DD's have it happen more than BB's and Cruisers do. ALL classes should face that mechanic on even footing. CV's and Subs are the ones treated different here NOT DD's.

Also, Detonation is not a BS mechanic. It is actually one of the most real things in this game. It has a significant IRL justification for being in the game. Detonations have happened multiple times in real Naval battles and thus it makes 100% sense to add them to the game. Here are some DD's that sunk due to magazine explosions IRL...

  • Japanese Akishimo (hit by bombs while tied to pier, that set a fire, that detonated its magazine)
  • British HMS Airedale (hit by bombs that detonated its magazine)
  • Canadian HMCS Athabaskan (hit by a torpedo, that started a fire, that detonated its magazine)
  • British HMS Bluebell (hit by a torpedo in the stern that detonated its depth charges)
  • British HMS Boadicea (hit by either a plane dropped torpedo or Fritz-X missile that detonated its magazine)
  • USA USS Brownson (hit by 2 bombs that detonated its magazine) 
  • British HMS Dainty (hit by a bomb that exploded the fuel tank, that caused a fire, that detonated its magazine)
  • Dutch HNLMS Evertsen (hit by gunfire, that started a fire, that detonated its magazine)
  • British HMS Fleur de Lys (hit by torpedoes that detonated its magazine)
  • Dutch HNoMS Garm (hit by bombs that detonated its torpedoes)
  • British HMS Grenade (hit by bombs, that caused a fire, that detonated its magazine)
  • USA USS Halligan (hit a mine that detonated its magazine)
  • Japanese Hatsuyuki (hit by bombs that detonated its magazine)
  • Japanese Hayashio (hit by a bomb, that started a fire, that detonated its magazine)
  • Japanese Hayate (hit by a shore battery that either detonated the torpedoes or depth charges)
  • USA USS Jacob Jones (hit by torpedoes that detonated its magazine)
  • British HMS Khartoum (hit by a torpedo, that started a fire, that detonated its magazine)
  • Japanese Kisaragi (hit by a bomb that either detonated its depth charges -OR- went through the deck and detonated its magazine)
  • French L'Adroit (hit by bombs. that started a fire, that detonated its magazine)
  • USA USS Laffey (hit by gun fire and torpedoes, that started a fire, that detonated its magazine)

I am going to stop there as this is just a start. You can check out the list that goes on and on (including Carriers, BB's, and Cruisers and also going back to the age of sail).


Detonations are NOT a BS mechanic. It is a real thing and something that has been part of naval combat since ships started carrying things onboard that go BOOM when they are hit or set on fire.

I see BB's detonate often, and it has happened to me, when they take a torpedo to the gun turret areas (this is where the magazine is). Have had it happen to me and have done it to others. As often as I see DD's detonate? No, but it is not super unbelievably rare either. I even got detonated once in my Giulio Cesare by AP. Thought I had enough angle on against the NY shooting me but didn't and it hit me under the front turret and I went POOF to a detonation. So even AP can do it to a BB. Sometimes I actually run a det flag on KGV for example because I use both +% fire flags and one of them increase detonation chance. KGV is my most detonated BB so I started running the flag when I remember to in Randoms.  

You don't need massive math skills to figure out how often you detonate: 

  • Your profile shows 16,654 total Random battles played, 37 Ranked battles played, and 675 Ranked (Legacy) battles played for a total of 17,366 games played where a detonation was possible (not counting Co-op)
  • You show 125 Detonation Achievements
  • 125 is just 0.72% of 17,366 so you don't even detonate in 1% of your games played (all ship classes - counts CV and Subs which can't but was going for total games played)

For DD specifically...

  • You have 6406 Random battles played, 9 Ranked battles played, and 238 Ranked (Legacy) battles played for a total of 6653 games played in DD's specifically where a detonation was possible (not counting Co-op)
  • I can't look up every Detonation to tell what ship class it was in (note - it does show what your last one was which was Castilla, a Cruiser not a DD, on January 30th) so I will just use your 125 total -1 for the known Cruiser game where it happened (this skews it but best I can do). So 124 Detonation Achievements.
  • 124 is just 1.87% of 6653 so you don't even detonate in 2% of your games played in DD's specifically
  • Note - the 1.87% would go down depending on how many of the 124 are non DD games (but its clsoe enough for this post as is the above total games #).

As far as your comment that BB Captains don't feel compelled to run the flag. True. However, do DD's feel compelled to run the fire and flood extinguishing flags? BB's almost have to and it cost way more to equip those 2 flags than the 1 for DD's. Just the fire flag costs the same as the det flag. This is a bad argument by you.

So as said, this is a grossly overstated issue by yourself and so many others. Even though it happens more in DD's it is NOT something that happens often nor does it require anyone to be a mathematical genius to figure the #'s.  Detonations happened IRL and are a major and significant part of naval combat history. They belong in game. DD's are NOT crapped on by WG because they are part of the game. It doesn't happen as often as so many claim; it is actually quite rare. It can 100% be avoided by using the flag if it worries you so much -OR- run MM1 for a one time fee of 125,000 credits vs buying the detonation flag each time and reduce it by -70%.

WG has really screwed the game up no question and have added a lot of dumb stuff. But claims Detonation is BS, that it by design was added to crap on DD's more than other classes, and that it happens anywhere near as often as people claim, is just false and hyperbole. Your own stats and achievement count show what you claim is overstated, exaggerated, and just flat out false. 





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5 minutes ago, AdmiralThunder said:

With respect (seriously I am not starting anything or personally attacking you - I am simply responding to your claims as you do this all the time) I find comments like these overstated and highly exaggerated. DD's get a LOT of special protection from WG, and many things in game have been changed to help the class, so let's not complain because they suffer a "LITTLE" more from 1 game mechanic than other classes or claim they are the most crapped. Comments like these are just not true and come across very biased.

Detonations are not different for DD's than the other classes. DD's just seem to fall to it more which makes sense as a DD can fall to under 75% HP fast and thus be at risk of it sooner and for longer. DD's still operate under the same system BB's and Cruisers do; it isn't different for DD's. Want to complain about Detonations? Complain CV's and Subs don't do it at all not that DD's have it happen a lot. ALL classes should face that mechanic on even footing. CV's and Subs are the ones treated different here NOT DD's.

Also, Detonation is not a BS mechanic. It is actually one of the most real things in this game. It has a significant IRL justification for being in the game. Detonations have happened multiple times in real Naval battles and thus it makes 100% sense to add them to the game. Here are some DD's that sunk due to magazine explosions IRL...

  • Japanese Akishimo (hit by bombs while tied to pier, that set a fire, that detonated its magazine)
  • British HMS Airedale (hit by bombs that detonated its magazine)
  • Canadian HMCS Athabaskan (hit by a torpedo, that started a fire, that detonated its magazine)
  • British HMS Bluebell (hit by a torpedo in the stern that detonated its depth charges)
  • British HMS Boadicea (hit by either a plane dropped torpedo or Fritz-X missile that detonated its magazine)
  • USA USS Brownson (hit by 2 bombs that detonated its magazine) 
  • British HMS Dainty (hit by a bomb that exploded the fuel tank, that caused a fire, that detonated its magazine)
  • Dutch HNLMS Evertsen (hit by gunfire, that started a fire, that detonated its magazine)
  • British HMS Fleur de Lys (hit by torpedoes that detonated its magazine)
  • Dutch HNoMS Garm (hit by bombs that detonated its torpedoes)
  • British HMS Grenade (hit by bombs, that caused a fire, that detonated its magazine)
  • USA USS Halligan (hit a mine that detonated its magazine)
  • Japanese Hatsuyuki (hit by bombs that detonated its magazine)
  • Japanese Hayashio (hit by a bomb, that started a fire, that detonated its magazine)
  • Japanese Hayate (hit by a shore battery that either detonated the torpedoes or depth charges)
  • USA USS Jacob Jones (hit by torpedoes that detonated its magazine)
  • British HMS Khartoum (hit by a torpedo, that started a fire, that detonated its magazine)
  • Japanese Kisaragi (hit by a bomb that either detonated its depth charges -OR- went through the deck and detonated its magazine)
  • French L'Adroit (hit by bombs. that started a fire, that detonated its magazine)
  • USA USS Laffey (hit by gun fire and torpedoes, that started a fire, that detonated its magazine)

I am going to stop there as this is just a start. You can check out the list that goes on and on (including BB's and Cruisers and also going back to the age of sail).


Detonations are NOT a BS mechanic. It is a real thing and something that has been part of naval combat since ships started carrying things onboard that go BOOM when they are hit or set on fire.

I see BB's detonate often, and it has happened to me, when they take a torpedo to the gun turret areas (this is where the magazine is). Have had it happen to me and have done it to others. As often as I see DD's detonate? No, but it is not super unbelievably rare either. I even got detonated once in my Giulio Cesare by AP. Thought I had enough angle on against the NY shooting me but didn't and it hit me under the front turret and I went POOF to a detonation. So even AP can do it to a BB. I actually feel forced to run a det flag on KGV for example because I sue both +% fire flags and one of them increase detonation chance. KGV is my most detonated BB so I started running the flag.  

You don't need massive math skills to figure out how often you detonate: 

  • Your profile shows 16,654 total Random battles played, 37 Ranked battles played, and 675 Ranked (Legacy) battles played for a total of 17,366 games played where a detonation was possible (not counting Co-op)
  • You show 125 Detonation Achievements
  • 125 is just 0.72% of 17,366 so you don't even detonate in 1% of your games played (all ship classes)

For DD specifically...

  • You have 6406 Random battles played, 9 Ranked battles played, and 238 Ranked (Legacy) battles played for a total of 6653 games played in DD's specifically where a detonation was possible (not counting Co-op)
  • I can't look up every Detonation to tell what ship class it was in (note - it does show what your last one was which was Castilla, a Cruiser not a DD, on January 30th) so I will just use your 125 total -1 for the known Cruiser game where it happened (this skews it but best I can do). So 124 Detonation Achievements.
  • 124 is just 1.87% of 6653 so you don't even detonate in 2% of your games played in DD's specifically
  • Note - the 1.87% would go down depending on how many of the 124 are non DD games.

So as said, this is a grossly overstated issue by yourself and so many others. Even though it happens more in DD's it is NOT something that happens often nor does it require anyone to be a mathematical genius to figure the #'s.  Detonations happened IRL and are a major and significant part of naval combat history. They belong in game. DD's are NOT crapped on by WG because they are part of the game. It doesn't happen as often as so many claim; it is actually quite rare. It can 100% be avoided by using the flag if it worries you so much -OR- run MM1 for a one time fee of 125,000 credits vs buying the detonation flag each time and reduce it by -70%.

WG has really screwed the game up no question and have added a lot of dumb stuff. But claims Detonation is BS, that it by design to crap on DD's more than other classes, and that is happens anywhere near as often as people claim, is just false and hyperbole. Your own stats and achievement count show what you claim is overstated, exaggerated, and just flat out false.

AT, you left out of your list the HMS Hood and the USS Arizona?

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Posted (edited)
11 minutes ago, Asym said:

AT, you left out of your list the HMS Hood and the USS Arizona?

I was specifically giving examples from IRL where DD's detonated. All of the ships listed are real Destroyers.

Both of those, along with countless other ships and even more DD's, are on the list in the link I gave.

Edited by AdmiralThunder
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1 hour ago, AdmiralThunder said:

I was specifically giving examples from IRL where DD's detonated. All of the ships listed are real Destroyers.

Both of those, along with countless other ships and even more DD's, are on the list in the link I gave.

I agree and thanks.......  I believe some of the reading audience was looking for !


A half a million pounds of Propellant is quite a sight ! 

Well said and thanks.

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Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, AdmiralThunder said:

With respect (seriously I am not starting anything or personally attacking you


I had to edit a bit because you wrote an entire novel and am half pissed on umbrella drinks by now.

Where is the "Special protection"? Is it in all game modes designed to Kill DDs exclusively?

They suffer a whole lot more than "Little" to this mechanic, hence why its mandatory for DDs to take this flag into ANY competitive mode, not so much tho for the other classes ... wonder why?

"Seem to fall to it more" Yeah thats one way of putting it! So, I was right in my earlier statement then that it mostly happens to DD, or should we start splitting hairs?

"DD's still operate under the same system BB's and Cruisers do; it isn't different for DD's" You mean the system that gives DDs least HP and for most no heals also has a higher percentage of getting detonated? Yeah, nothing wrong with that system ..... said all the BB players with 120 K HP and 5 heals on the 10-line screaming for "INTELLIGENCE DATA".

"CV's and Subs are the ones treated different here NOT DD's". Nope, CVs and subs are the protected class you were mentioning for DD earlier, DDs are the most unprotected class (Detonations, least hP and all game modes designed to force them into killboxes. Let me ask you how many times you steamed stright for an Arms race buff in the middle of the map at start of the game in youre BB? 10 times? 20 times? Or maybe Zero?! If you benefit for by the buff then why dont risk something for it?

Cool that you looked up every detonation in real life warfare but that has little to do with this ARCADE game, Nothing else is in this game is realism, so we should all be glad WG implemented the only thing that would drive the community insane? Also love when people start throwing realism into the discussion about this game.

Sorry I dont have any interest in reading thru my entire WOW history but kudos to you for doing all that research ..... I guess?

"As far as your comment that BB Captains don't feel compelled to run the flag. True. However, do DD's feel compelled to run the fire and flood extinguishing flags?" Well any DD captain with half a brain should! If a BB captain feels compelled with his 100 -130 K HP and 5 heals to run fire/flood flags for damage that his 5 HEALS will HEAL BACK 100%!!!!! of, dont you think a DD that already have 10-20% of the BB HP and NO Heals would consider having flags that stop fire and floods that THEY CANT REPAIR ANYTHING from? I think I would! Do you see any logic here?! (I hope so...)

So, no..... not "overstated" at all and it would take a blind man to not see all this in game, or maybe just a BB main? You already said it yourself many times that it happens to DD more then any other class so why the entire novel and 2 hour background search thru my entire WOW history?

Btw my stats just show X amount of game and X number of achievements, says nothing about how many of them was in DDs or any other class. And also 1 guys stats ... so that shows you're theory to be right....? Alrighty then!

And btw it doesn't have to happen often to clearly show it happens way more to DDs than any other class, which you yourself mentioned a couple of times now. Detonation is a BS mechanic that has nothing to do with an Arcade game that has little to no realism. It has nothing at all to do with skill which of course makes it perfect for WG and many of the playerbase. Most sane (skilled) players actually say "Sorry" in all chat when they make a guy detonate, does that seem "normal" for you in a game, for me that shows a lot.

Now I need to continue to grind missions!

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29 minutes ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:


I had to edit a bit because you wrote an entire novel and am half pissed on umbrella drinks by now.

Where is the "Special protection"? Is it in all game modes designed to Kill DDs exclusively?

They suffer a whole lot more than "Little" to this mechanic, hence why its mandatory for DDs to take this flag into ANY competitive mode, not so much tho for the other classes ... wonder why?

"Seem to fall to it more" Yeah thats one way of putting it! So, I was right in my earlier statement then that it mostly happens to DD, or should we start splitting hairs?

"DD's still operate under the same system BB's and Cruisers do; it isn't different for DD's" You mean the system that gives DDs least HP and for most no heals also has a higher percentage of getting detonated? Yeah, nothing wrong with that system ..... said all the BB players with 120 K HP and 5 heals on the 10-line screaming for "INTELLIGENCE DATA".

"CV's and Subs are the ones treated different here NOT DD's". Nope, CVs and subs are the protected class you were mentioning for DD earlier, DDs are the most unprotected class (Detonations, least hP and all game modes designed to force them into killboxes. Let me ask you how many times you steamed stright for an Arms race buff in the middle of the map at start of the game in youre BB? 10 times? 20 times? Or maybe Zero?! If you benefit for by the buff then why dont risk something for it?

Cool that you looked up every detonation in real life warfare but that has little to do with this ARCADE game, Nothing else is in this game is realism, so we should all be glad WG implemented the only thing that would drive the community insane? Also love when people start throwing realism into the discussion about this game.

Sorry I dont have any interest in reading thru my entire WOW history but kudos to you for doing all that research ..... I guess?

"As far as your comment that BB Captains don't feel compelled to run the flag. True. However, do DD's feel compelled to run the fire and flood extinguishing flags?" Well any DD captain with half a brain should! If a BB captain feels compelled with his 100 -130 K HP and 5 heals to run fire/flood flags for damage that his 5 HEALS will HEAL BACK 100%!!!!! of, dont you think a DD that already have 10-20% of the BB HP and NO Heals would consider having flags that stop fire and floods that THEY CANT REPAIR ANYTHING from? I think I would! Do you see any logic here?! (I hope so...)

So, no..... not "overstated" at all and it would take a blind man to not see all this in game, or maybe just a BB main? You already said it yourself many times that it happens to DD more then any other class so why the entire novel and 2 hour background search thru my entire WOW history?

Btw my stats just show X amount of game and X number of achievements, says nothing about how many of them was in DDs or any other class. And also 1 guys stats ... so that shows you're theory to be right....? Alrighty then!

And btw it doesn't have to happen often to clearly show it happens way more to DDs than any other class, which you yourself mentioned a couple of times now. Detonation is a BS mechanic that has nothing to do with an Arcade game that has little to no realism. It has nothing at all to do with skill which of course makes it perfect for WG and many of the playerbase. Most sane (skilled) players actually say "Sorry" in all chat when they make a guy detonate, does that seem "normal" for you in a game, for me that shows a lot.

Now I need to continue to grind missions!


My god man get some perspective. You are triggered over something that has happened to you a grand total of 125 times in over 17,000 games; 124 times (or less) in your 6600 DD games. Oh man what an evil thing WG did to DD's.

I went to your stats to show you just how badly you are exaggerating this thing based on your own personal game stats. Instead of looking at it and realizing your are engaging in hyperbole and are actually wrong you try and turn it against me as an insult because I looked it up. LOL whatever man. Something that took me all of 10 sec to do which you yourself could do if you wanted to be honest about it (but you clearly don't because then you couldn't proclaim it to be about BS mechanics WG intentionally adds to crap on DD's).

I added the ships to show this is a real thing. You call it a BS mechanic which implies it is something WG made up. In fact it is a very real part of naval warfare history and thus has a place in the game. I further broke it down to IRL DD's because I guarantee had I not you would claim it didn't happen to DD's IRL. Yes, there is a lot in the game that is not historically accurate but the premise of the game and a lot of stuff is. Detonation is not a BS mechanic is the bottom line.

Slightly under 1% for all your ships and slightly under 2% for your DD's. That is hardly a case where it happening more to DD's is a huge issues. I will again remind you that you have ONLY detonated 125 times in over 17,000+ games and 124 or less in your 6600 DD games. That is statistically insignificant and a non issue.

Yes I know, you can't track how many where in DD's. Thus I gave you the HUGE benefit of the doubt and did your stats based on 124 detonations being in DD's. You have 125 in total and it shows the last one you got as being in a Cruiser (Castilla on Jan 30th). So I used 124 even though it is probably less as you play Cruisers and BB's as well and probably have a couple at least there. Even if all 124 were in DD's you only detonate 1.87% of your DD games. That is miniscule over 6600+ of them.

As far as it just being your stats correct. You are the one who is now, and is constantly, griping about this. I used your own stats to refute your claims. With that said, we went through this exact thing on NA with hundreds of players checking their stats and it always came back the same = less than 2% of games played with detonations and when taken as a whole across all ships types generally it was at or below 1%. 

It's is a complete non  issue in general my friend and one that is exaggerated and grossly overstated by DD fans. WG is not out to get you with it either. It is completely avoidable with the flag or you can do the module for -70% and make it even less of an issue. But I guess complaining about it online and claiming to be a victim is more fun?

You are a decent guy. I have no issues with you. But on this one you are just wrong and way over exaggerating it. 

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Posted (edited)
35 minutes ago, AdmiralThunder said:


My god man get some perspective. You are triggered over something that has happened to you a grand total of 125 times in over 17,000 games; 124 times (or less) in your 6600 DD games. Oh man what an evil thing WG did to DD's.

I went to your stats to show you just how badly you are exaggerating this thing based on your own personal game stats. Instead of looking at it and realizing your are engaging in hyperbole and are actually wrong you try and turn it against me as an insult because I looked it up. LOL whatever man. Something that took me all of 10 sec to do which you yourself could do if you wanted to be honest about it (but you clearly don't because then you couldn't proclaim it to be about BS mechanics WG intentionally adds to crap on DD's).

I added the ships to show this is a real thing. You call it a BS mechanic which implies it is something WG made up. In fact it is a very real part of naval warfare history and thus has a place in the game. I further broke it down to IRL DD's because I guarantee had I not you would claim it didn't happen to DD's IRL. Yes, there is a lot in the game that is not historically accurate but the premise of the game and a lot of stuff is. Detonation is not a BS mechanic is the bottom line.

Slightly under 1% for all your ships and slightly under 2% for your DD's. That is hardly a case where it happening more to DD's is a huge issues. I will again remind you that you have ONLY detonated 125 times in over 17,000+ games and 124 or less in your 6600 DD games. That is statistically insignificant and a non issue.

Yes I know, you can't track how many where in DD's. Thus I gave you the HUGE benefit of the doubt and did your stats based on 124 detonations being in DD's. You have 125 in total and it shows the last one you got as being in a Cruiser (Castilla on Jan 30th). So I used 124 even though it is probably less as you play Cruisers and BB's as well and probably have a couple at least there. Even if all 124 were in DD's you only detonate 1.87% of your DD games. That is miniscule over 6600+ of them.

As far as it just being your stats correct. You are the one who is now, and is constantly, griping about this. I used your own stats to refute your claims. With that said, we went through this exact thing on NA with hundreds of players checking their stats and it always came back the same = less than 2% of games played with detonations and when taken as a whole across all ships types generally it was at or below 1%. 

It's is a complete non  issue in general my friend and one that is exaggerated and grossly overstated by DD fans. WG is not out to get you with it either. It is completely avoidable with the flag or you can do the module for -70% and make it even less of an issue. But I guess complaining about it online and claiming to be a victim is more fun?

You are a decent guy. I have no issues with you. But on this one you are just wrong and way over exaggerating it. 

I believe its you that is trying to create a sheitstorm out of nothing. I just pointed out that this is a BS mechanic, that has nothing to do with skill, experience or an ARCADE game and every player I ever spoken to views this as a BS thing, hence why they say "Sorry" when it happens. I never said it happens to me every other match. I said it happens mostly to DDs, which it does, which you also said so the whole "researching my stats-thingy" was totally waste of time.

Im NOT triggered, just trying to argue you're response to me, which I did quite well.

Doesn't need to happen every game to be a problem, as I said in my OP, just another BS thing that are designed to kill DDs most of all just like 99% of the game modes. So you didn't refute anything other then trying to use stats to make an argument when you lack a real one.

Am amazed that I need to explain all this to you. You seem perfectly fine that one class (DDs) will need to always equip a flag or module to avoid a BS mechanic while cruisers, BBs, submarines and CVs will have the luxury to build as they like and fook flags if they feel like it, and that seems perfectly fair to you...?!

I REALLY WISH all DD players would strike in the next couple of days, no DDs would suicide to go for Caps, Buffs, Airships, screen for DDs, Screen for Subs, Screen for torps, SPOT. Just play like a Huge EGO .... Like BB players mostly. I wonder if you would enjoy that. I think youre heads would explode! Nothing to snipe at?! So there they are, capping, getting buffs, stearing Airships that most BB players just waste sitting on the 10-line, or trying to sai lout of the map when center circle pops up. 

I dont think we play the same game. Or is it maybe that you have a different perspective when youre never in the fight and never effected by all this BS?

But lets agree to disagree on this, because im seriously loosing my Pina Colda Buzz here. BBs are the most fragile class, they get spammed by sooooo much healable HE and fires and they take all the risks. They have it sooo bad. They need to do everything in all the game modes. Feel better?


Edited by OldSchoolGaming_Youtube
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Posted (edited)
25 minutes ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

I believe its you that is trying to create a sheitstorm out of nothing. I just pointed out that this is a BS mechanic, that has nothing to do with skill, experience or an ARCADE game and every player I ever spoken to views this as a BS thing, hence why they say "Sorry" when it happens. I never said it happens to me every other match. I said it happens mostly to DDs, which it does, which you also said so the whole "researching my stats-thingy" was totally waste of time.

Im NOT triggered, just trying to argue you're response to me, which I did quite well.

Doesn't need to happen every game to be a problem, as I said in my OP, just another BS thing that are designed to kill DDs most of all just like 99% of the game modes. So you didn't refute anything other then trying to use stats to make an argument when you lack a real one.

Am amazed that I need to explain all this to you. You seem perfectly fine that one class (DDs) will need to always equip a flag or module to avoid a BS mechanic while cruisers, BBs, submarines and CVs will have the luxury to build as they like and fook flags if they feel like it, and that seems perfectly fair to you...?!

I REALLY WISH all DD players would strike in the next couple of days, no DDs would suicide to go for Caps, Buffs, Airships, screen for DDs, Screen for Subs, Screen for torps, SPOT. Just play like a Huge EGO .... Like BB players mostly. I wonder if you would enjoy that. I think youre heads would explode! Nothing to snipe at?! So there they are, capping, getting buffs, stearing Airships that most BB players just waste sitting on the 10-line, or trying to sai lout of the map when center circle pops up. 

I dont think we play the same game. Or is it maybe that you have a different perspective when youre never in the fight and never effected by all this BS?

But lets agree to disagree on this, because im seriously loosing my Pina Colda Buzz here. BBs are the most fragile class, they get spammed by sooooo much healable HE and fires and they take all the risks. They have it sooo bad. They need to do everything in all the game modes. Feel better?


You are clearly unreasonable about this and extremely DD biased. Also rude and insulting towards other players who like different classes. Just because I play BB does not mean I am never in the fight nor that I want everything. That is ludicrous, absurd, and ridiculous not to mention completely uncalled for on your part as I never made it about BB's or even complained about them. I mentioned I have been detonated in them too (it isn't just DD's it happens to BB and Cruisers too) and that they have to run fire and flood flags which is more costly than a det flag. That is all. Any mention of DD's is because YOU made this a DD topic not me. 

I am going to just leave it at that.

The simple fact is you are triggered and extremely overreacting to something that has happened to you a grand total of 125 times in over 17,000+ games played. At most 124 of which were in DD's over 6600+ games. That is fact and verifiable. If this was some huge anti DD conspiracy by WG or something that legit happens a lot and is an issue your numbers would show a different story. What they show is it almost never happens at all and is not the big issue you claim. You are, by definition, exaggerating this.

Best of luck. I will ignore you moving forward for the sake of forum harmony. 

Edited by AdmiralThunder
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He's mostly a co-op player. I don't ever remember being detonated in co-op ever. [DDs specifically] But when it was happening a little more in randoms, I started running signals. [and always in ranked.]

There really is no argument because you can eliminate the possibility 1oo % [costs an arm and a leg though] or 7o %. But even if it did happen in co-op which it could i suppose, it wouldn't really matter.


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6 minutes ago, thornzero said:

He's mostly a co-op player. I don't ever remember being detonated in co-op ever. [DDs specifically] But when it was happening a little more in randoms, I started running signals. [and always in ranked.]

There really is no argument because you can eliminate the possibility 1oo % [costs an arm and a leg though] or 7o %. But even if it did happen in co-op which it could i suppose, it wouldn't really matter.


So because I play Co-op mostly I don't understand how the game works or something? I have close to 1800 Random battles now and have been detonated myself and have detonated others. It isn't a big deal. You LOL when you do it and @#$% when it happens to you for about 2 sec then move on. If it happened a lot I would get the frutration but it just doesn't. I think it might be the single most overblown and exaggerated "issue" people make of the game. JMHO.

Yes you detonate in Co-op. No achievement but it happens there too. Have been detonated in DD's there (BB's and Cruisers too) a few times. 


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