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PSA: Do not use Team Consumables in modes other than Clan Battles - it is exploit/cheating and WG will use penalties!


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I had some dude asking people to report me in a ranked game the other night for illegal mods. Nobody else including myself could understand what he was going on about. Maybe he thought I was using something like this? Freaking crazy that they know about it yet haven't fixed it yet. 

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7 hours ago, Ducky_shot said:

This is absolutely hilarious to watch unfold. No one wanted this stuff in clan battles to begin with, but WG insisted and screwed it up royally.

You mean like 99% of what they do?

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WedGie forgot the golden rule of: K.I.S.S and instead they F.A, and are now F.O how it goes

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So WG FUBAR:ed something with their game modes and gimmicks?! Shocker! ! Did the spaghetti run out?

Cant wait for all the CV altitude flying Vs. AA that works in different scenarios Vs when will a ship get spotted balancing to commence .............


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Posted (edited)
8 hours ago, mashed68 said:

I had some dude asking people to report me in a ranked game the other night for illegal mods. Nobody else including myself could understand what he was going on about. Maybe he thought I was using something like this? Freaking crazy that they know about it yet haven't fixed it yet. 

According to WeeGee they have a fix and it should be in place for today. But the must odd thing was they only disabled CB yesterday night at 18:38 instead if doing it in the morning so for almost 24 hours they let the bug be so people could exploit it 🤮

Edited by Cammo1962
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20 hours ago, Leo_Apollo11 said:

Hi all,

PSA: Do not use Team Consumables in modes other than Clan Battles - it is exploit/cheating and WG will use penalties!



This here made me laugh because it´s the most wake wording they could use lol. Instead they should have written: If you use this Team Consumables outside CB you will be banned. But no no not WeeGee 😂

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I wonder if that's why the NA server was down for about 20 minutes from circa 5 am this morning, WG fixing some crap and probably breaking something else.

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I find it humorous that WG is the one that screwed things up which allows this to happen but if a player simply does what they allowed to happen they can be banned. I mean I wouldn’t do it myself as it clearly is cheating but if the game allows it to happen then any blame goes to WG. As is so often the case THEY need to do better.

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10 hours ago, Cammo1962 said:

According to WeeGee they have a fix and it should be in place for today. But the must odd thing was they only disabled CB yesterday night at 18:38 instead if doing it in the morning so for almost 24 hours they let the bug be so people could exploit it 🤮

If they applied a fix, it doesn't work. 


This video was recorded and uploaded today. As per the description, the bug now requires more precise timing with the switch to perform. 

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2 hours ago, Unlooky said:

This video was recorded and uploaded today. As per the description, the bug now requires more precise timing with the switch to perform. 

It goes to YouTube, but I'm getting that it is private, so I'm unable to view it.

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I hear that they’re going to make a sequel to “When Harry Met Sally,” based on the story of the development of WG. The working title:

”When Dumb Met ****”

Yeah, and in the diner scene the PR person is gonna be in the both groaning “Oh, schnidt!!! Oh stupid FRIKKING SCHNIDT!!!!….”

Except in this movie, they ain't gonna have a li’l old lady saying “I’ll have what WG’s having.”

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24 minutes ago, HogHammer said:

It goes to YouTube, but I'm getting that it is private, so I'm unable to view it.

this one should be working? 


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3 hours ago, Unlooky said:

If they applied a fix, it doesn't work. 

So instead of fixing it, they made a band-aid that makes the timing harder to nail? And the underlying issue is not addressed?

This is what I'm hearing on the discord anyway.

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1 hour ago, SolitudeFreak said:

So instead of fixing it, they made a band-aid that makes the timing harder to nail? And the underlying issue is not addressed?

This is what I'm hearing on the discord anyway.

Yes. This is correct, to my understanding at least. 

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9 hours ago, AdmiralThunder said:

I find it humorous that WG is the one that screwed things up which allows this to happen but if a player simply does what they allowed to happen they can be banned. I mean I wouldn’t do it myself as it clearly is cheating but if the game allows it to happen then any blame goes to WG. As is so often the case THEY need to do better.

Despite the warning there is actually no penalties that WG can legally enforce w/out potentially being sued in this scenario...

Thus the continued videos still popping up...because those making them know WG doesn't have the right to penalize anybody for what can be done w/out using any actual hacks.

The warning is just to hopefully dissuade any that aren't aware of their hands actually being legally tied but if it can be done in game w/outbreaking any of the EULA rules (which it doesn't...WG supplied the tools to do it so it is officially a legitimate part of the game & exploiting it is not against the EULA) there isn't a legal precedence for them to ban accounts or even penalize them in any way whatsoever.

Shotgunning was a broken sub mechanic...but it was a mechanic that WG intentionally & willingly added to the game...

Despite the hilariously public egg in the face of it happening to the brownest nose WG has ever had working for them (he's got ring around the collar) shortly after he declared it couldn't be done they had no right to penalize any of the players for it because it was their mechanic that they put in the game...

These team consumables fall under the same category as that (along with plane squads that are basically immune to AA)...another (yet again) highly broken exploitable mechanic that is not the players fault & legally is not the players wrongdoing if they use it as it was willingly supplied by WG & made available (whether intended or not) for players to use w/out needing to alter or manipulate the game in any way whatsoever.

The real question is whether it was actually an accident on WG's part to allow this to happen.

Some of those consumables from the Pinata event (which is where they came from) did a lot more than just make a single ship invincible...

They can stop scores in matches with them & a lot of other stuff...

This is gonna be a feces dump of the highest order.

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I just came out as a merc in Clan Battles. They should nuke (eliminate) this gimmick across the board. For the life of me, I cannot understand why this was added to CBs in the first place. 

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Posted (edited)
On 5/21/2024 at 5:55 AM, Justin_Simpleton said:

Clan battles have team consumables.  Is this only in PT?


On 5/21/2024 at 6:33 AM, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

There are team consumables?


On 5/21/2024 at 6:37 AM, ArIskandir said:

Team consumables?  What did I miss?


On 5/21/2024 at 6:48 AM, Yedwy said:

The what now? 🤨

During the Pinata event there were team consumables...such as:

Makes teammates invincible for a time...

Makes a selected enemy take extra damage for a time...

Stops reds score progressing & greens score from decreasing for a time...

& Others..

They applied them to clan battles (intentionally) this season (at least some of them... don't do CBs so not sure if all of them or just some of them are being used... didn't do Pinata beyond test server so don't remember all of the options either) & apparently...

They also applied them to other modes (unintentionally...or not...sure there will be lots of clicks on account of this 1...

Maybe unintentional?).



Edited by IfYouSeeKhaos
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1 hour ago, IfYouSeeKhaos said:

The warning is just to hopefully dissuade any that aren't aware of their hands actually being legally tied but if it can be done in game w/outbreaking any of the EULA rules (which it doesn't...WG supplied the tools to do it so it is officially a legitimate part of the game & exploiting it is not against the EULA) there isn't a legal precedence for them to ban accounts or even penalize them in any way whatsoever.

I don't think this would hold up in court.

The outcome of the bug is clearly unintended and WG would be well within their stated abilities to penalize players, since they can do so for just about any reason (or no reason at all).

What I find astonishing is the idea that these kinds of essentially cheats were being rolled out for Clan Battles...which is basically the e-sports version of the game...never mind the fact that these kinds of cheats are the polar opposite of what an e-sport should be aspiring to.

What in gods name is anyone thinking at WG HQ?

Also, what should we be asking for as compensation for having randoms ruined by this kind of exploiting?


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2 minutes ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

The outcome of the bug is clearly unintended...

Apparently you were typing when I posted my last comment...

Is it clear?

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HI all,

Apparently 1st fix attempt failed...



We discovered that after yesterday's fix there is still a remaining, specific way of how to abuse the invincibility bug that stems from Team Consumables. We will be temporarily disabling Clan Battles for all servers to deploy a fix by 11:00 UTC on 24/05/2024, so that everyone is able to partake in Clan Battles over the weekend without significant disruption.

Exploitation of this bug is not only unsportsmanlike conduct but also a violation of the EULA, we do not tolerate intentional abusing of the system and will apply sanctions in such cases.

We apologize for the inconvenience this has caused and Thank you for your patience while we work to resolve this issue.


Leo "Apollo11"

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4 minutes ago, Leo_Apollo11 said:

Apparently 1st fix attempt failed...

This is my shocked face. :classic_ohmy: 

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Posted (edited)

Apparently when WG tried to fix the "God mode" bug (formelly knowns as "CVs") they created, they actually created a new bug 2.0 that is exactly the same ... so apparently still working as intended...


I so cant wait for WG spaghetti coders to try and re-balance CVs altitude flying Vs AA that will work sometimes Vs. when will a ship be detected or not...

If they manage to Scr3w the pooch this hard just with some consumables i Ranked ..... well Sweet babay Jesus and the holy mother Mary! Times will get really interesting really fast!

"Heey WG! Next time maybe test sheit before cramming it into Live server!" Food for thought..............

                        ........ and you know ....... maybe stop banning players that tries to report botters to you......


Edited by OldSchoolGaming_Youtube
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Back at home, didn't get eaten by mosquitos despite having dozens of them get into cabin thru a break in window's netting, likely result of a bird.


So, what did I miss? The bug still active or did disabling Ranked fixed that?

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On 5/23/2024 at 9:57 PM, Leo_Apollo11 said:


We discovered that after yesterday's fix there is still a remaining, specific way of how to abuse the invincibility bug that stems from Team Consumables.


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3 hours ago, aleksi111 said:

So, what did I miss? The bug still active or did disabling Ranked fixed that?

It was a bug related to support consumables, which are available in Clan Battles. Manipulating the interface with the consumables caused them to be available to the division in random and co op battles with the readied up ship. Doing this borked the game they queued into, causing the divisions' ships to not be destroyed when reaching 0 hp.

They then disabled Clan Battles, and deployed a fix, then re enabled Clan Battles. It was quickly discovered the fix did not work, and Clan Battles was disabled again. Another fix is to be deployed in time to make Clan Battles available for the weekend.

Tl;dr - Support Consumables are the worst thing to happen to this game, ever.

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