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The duality of the WoWS community.


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1 minute ago, ArIskandir said:

It really isn't important if it was made in good faith or not, the underlying useful data point is for this player there's no Big difference between being sunk by a Sub or a DD. From his perspective it is equally Bad. 

I get what you mean, but the problem is people are less likely to look at it objectively, thus failing to see (or even outright ignoring) the underlying point which may be valid, if they feel the argument is coming at them in a confrontational way.

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Posted (edited)


We might disagree on a LOT of things, but there is NO NEED to "fight". There is no benefit from it, other than some ego petting. Wedgie doesn't listen to any of us and they are not here. That's a fact.

Some people think that the Earth is flat, but that doesn't mean that they are lesser humans. If you disagree with someone ... use arguments.....or not. There is always humour BUT use it in a.......non abrasive way. We are here for the good stuff. 14728F2B-B3A1-4254-850F-95D0D4BC5353.gif

Thank you.

Edited by Andrewbassg
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5 hours ago, ArIskandir said:



Doesn't mean there ain't some truth on OP's statememt...

I can gun down 2-3 BBs in a Tashkent with very little risk to myself and honestly little effort, and I'll be praised. 

If I Shotgun a couple BBs in a Sub, even at a potential greater risk and similar level of effort, I'll be loathed.  

There's a clear double Standard.

There is a ton of risk and a lot of Wasd as that Tashkent assuming open water/heal variant. 

You may be closer to the guns/asw but half of the sub operating band is immune to gun damage. Do you speed juke in a sub? I feel the Wasd for that class is way less used. 

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, GandalfTehGray said:

There is a ton of risk and a lot of Wasd as that Tashkent assuming open water/heal variant. 

You may be closer to the guns/asw but half of the sub operating band is immune to gun damage. Do you speed juke in a sub? I feel the Wasd for that class is way less used. 

Yes, there's a lot of WASD when dodging shells but that's a simple mechanical skill once you master it, for someone with good reflexes and coordination it is rather easy. Also there's very little 'thinking' involved, to put it in some way. As for the risk, there isn't really much but for some 'accident' like RNG dispersion playing a prank on you or the BB player having superior cognitive abilities to accurately predict your move. 

For the Sub there's little 'mechanical' expertize required (no WASD), but you require other skills like patience, timing and good situational awareness to pull close range attacks and survive. It isn't like it is particularly difficult if you have those skills, it is lighter on the 'mechanical' side but requires a bit more 'thinking'. 

The point is, both accomplishments are similar in difficulty, they just require different skill sets. How easy or difficult they are for you depends on your particular skill set, but the 'Public' is giving more value to the 'mechanical' WASD skills over the more 'contemplative' skills involved on pulling a Submarine shotgun attack.

A small caveat, a Submarine shotgun attack can be gifted ... to no particular credit of the Submarine user. It's like people falling through an open manhole, the manhole has little agency on the event.

Edited by ArIskandir
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People say that Dd's dis and that. Look what I had to do get second place.





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21 hours ago, Aethervox said:

Your opinion. My opinion is that high tier reworked CVs are too powerful versus the other classes

Everything at high tier in today's meta is way too powerful.

Balance is whats needed instead its non-existent.

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On 5/22/2024 at 9:43 AM, ArIskandir said:

Doesn't mean there ain't some truth on OP's statememt...

I can gun down 2-3 BBs in a Tashkent with very little risk to myself and honestly little effort, and I'll be praised. 

If I Shotgun a couple BBs in a Sub, even at a potential greater risk and similar level of effort, I'll be loathed.  

There's a clear double Standard.

On 5/22/2024 at 10:49 AM, ArIskandir said:

It really isn't important if it was made in good faith or not, the underlying useful data point is for this player there's no Big difference between being sunk by a Sub or a DD. From his perspective it is equally Bad. 

There's some, but it's mostly just a data point to how x thing can feel like it's taking y thing's agency away when you confront it directly even in unfavorable situations. DDs benefit the most from WoWs' flawed vision system out of the surface types, but like, there are not a lot of other ways to balance them where they'd be playable. And I've definitely seen OP butt heads directly with the game's design and lose his player agency by challenging things better worked around - it's a decision-making issue sometimes.

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On 5/22/2024 at 8:22 AM, RX160S_Byarlant_Custom said:

Wait, you're saying DDs are bad for the game because they do their job?

The way DD spotting is superior is because it is constantly spotting on one flank, but it does not spot on demand nor can it spot across the whole map like a carrier can. Carriers also do not risk their own HP to spot like DDs do and a misplay typically does not cost them their ship like a DD, on top of counterplay options like hydro or radar being minimal issues to them (true to an extent on subs, before you say ASW can damage on near miss they now outturn destroyers and are more than able to dodge something with a 10+ second lead time). Meanwhile, all it takes is for a CV to accidentally fly over a destroyer for it to be permanently harassed and spotted for the next 2 minutes, in response it can use one of its precious smokes delaying its death for another 2 minutes and putting it at a tactical disadvantage or lose half its HP if not outright dying.

DDs are THE most overworked class in the game. Provide all the spotting, provide zoning, fight the enemy DD, cap etc, on top of having to deal with shenanigans like planes or radar means they have the most game impact while being one of the hardest classes to draw potential out of fully. And as others have pointed out there are actual counterplay options against them. 


I couldn't have said it better myself!

Its pretty clear in this forum which has actual experience in playing DDs (and not just dabble in them on occasion) and those who mostly play the other classes. Its like people in here talk about two different games all together.

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On 5/20/2024 at 9:43 AM, Wolfswetpaws said:

And @Sailor_Moon has done her fair share of examining main-guns and AA guns, too.

Secondaries as well! ~-~°(^.~)°v~-~ 

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On 5/22/2024 at 11:36 AM, Andrewbassg said:


We might disagree on a LOT of things, but there is NO NEED to "fight". There is no benefit from it, other than some ego petting. Wedgie doesn't listen to any of us and they are not here. That's a fact.

Some people think that the Earth is flat, but that doesn't mean that they are lesser humans. If you disagree with someone ... use arguments.....or not. There is always humour BUT use it in a.......non abrasive way. We are here for the good stuff. 14728F2B-B3A1-4254-850F-95D0D4BC5353.gif

Thank you.

I shut off notifications because I was getting tired of being insulted for my opinion. You're allowed to disagree with it but making personal attacks is going too far. I have tried to avoid it myself.

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2 hours ago, Zaydin said:

I shut off notifications because I was getting tired of being insulted for my opinion. You're allowed to disagree with it but making personal attacks is going too far. I have tried to avoid it myself.

And the Zaydin cycle completes itself once again.

See you all in a month or so.

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