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New Commonwealth Cruisers - what is your experience thus far?


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Hi all,

Done... Blue Boosters in "Ranked Silver"... fragile as hell... I have been DevStriken at least 4 times... and that never happens to me... never... now Encounter...



Leo "Apollo11"

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Hi all,

Grind done... terribad line... would never touch them again (except for CoOp Snowflakes)... 😞



Leo "Apollo11"

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Hi all,

In total I don't recall having so little fun with new ship line... paper thin armour... dead after smallest mistake... total dependence on 1/4 crawl smoke but you have HUGE gun firing penalty... damage output is extremely situational and you 100% rely on you team for spotting... ships can't carry in any sense of the word... port queens for the rest of life.. IMHO one of the worst ship lines in WoWs... 😞




Leo "Apollo11"

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I have Encounter right now. Honestly - worst for me was Uganda, but I am not happy with this line... Very difficult to play, very very dependant, smalest mistake=sink. But, to be truth, I am not sure still is it because ship and I was't on same level of knowledge or it is because line is just like that?

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My opinion only goes to T8 right now.


The T7 is a worse Fiji.  The only thing it improves on is getting fires on bow ships.  Just about everything else is worse.  It's a bad trade and the paper Fiji hull needs that heal. 

T8 is better but still inferior to other T8 cruisers in terms of carry potential.

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After playing them a few times now, I quite like them. Commonwealth Ships (historical only) are fine by me. They are the 'three' low-mid tier alternate Brit lines.

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Tier 4 and 5 haven't been terrible...but thats probably just my experience making them ok.

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Posted (edited)

Delhi TV, Hobart TVI and Uganda TVII have been pleasant experiences so far. Powerful, good armed ships for being cruisers. Cruisers have no easy standing in this game. 

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I find them quite underwhelming. Delhi and Hobart are ok, but Uganda and Auckland are just weak and not fun to play.

Seeing as there are better ships at tier for what the Commonwealth cruisers are trying to do, I won't play them much.

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As targets, the commonwealth ships are a pita.  They keep disappearing right as I'm about to blap them back to port and they leave a parting gift of enduring fires.

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On 5/26/2024 at 6:24 AM, Leo_Apollo11 said:

IMHO one of the worst ship lines in WoWs... 😞

It might be you are suffering from 'rushuptheline-itis' 😏.

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T8 pretty painless, I kinda liked it as I tend to do with T8 healcruisers 



The T9 is yet another FXP sink. Blatantly so. Much worse armor. Worse AA. Worse agility. Worse torp protection (?) +2k more hp and a bit longer range torpedoes. Minor dpm and gun range increase. Worse secondaries (?). Gets T9 upgrade slot and T9 matchmaking. 

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Posted (edited)


Not crazy about them, but they seem alright so far. Not pictured: Brisbane, at 56% after 34 games.

Auckland appears to sit in a "sweet spot": she gets the 32 mm of HE pen at a tier where it's very useful. Also, in Tier 8 MM targets don't camp quite as far and as often as they do in Tier 10 MM, so she has stuff to farm...

What I hate about this line is the turret traverse: at Tier 9-10, unless you're willing to sacrifice dispersion, you have to get accustomed to 30s/180° turrets in a CA that often plays near the caps...

Edited by tocqueville8
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