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New Commonwealth Cruisers - what is your experience thus far?


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Hi all,

New Commonwealth Cruisers - what is your experience thus far?


In event I got ships up to Tier V "Delhi" and I played her only in CoOp to gain XP to reach Tier VI "Hobart".

I played Tier VI "Hobart" in new "Ranked Bronze" and had more than OK experience - I finished grind in just 7 games with over 79% WInRate. 🙂

I am now playing Tier VII "Uganda" also in new "Ranked Bronze" but I have absolutely terribad experience with her... dreadful ship... 😞


What is your experience thus far?


Leo "Apollo11"

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35 minutes ago, Leo_Apollo11 said:

Hi all,

New Commonwealth Cruisers - what is your experience thus far?


In event I got ships up to Tier V "Delhi" and I played her only in CoOp to gain XP to reach Tier VI "Hobart".

I played Tier VI "Hobart" in new "Ranked Bronze" and had more than OK experience - I finished grind in just 7 games with over 79% WInRate. 🙂

I am now playing Tier VII "Uganda" also in new "Ranked Bronze" but I have absolutely terribad experience with her... dreadful ship... 😞


What is your experience thus far?


Leo "Apollo11"

ignoring them for the most part

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Posted (edited)


I have Delhi Elited, and that'll as far as I care to progress with the line

  • Don't care about them
  • They don't seem to bring anything new
  • High tier ones look bit eye-sore


Cerberus is good example what I find jarring with last few lines:

  • Very obviously interwar (Late 20's/Early 30's hull and superstructure)
  • >1945 design date
  • T10
  • Existing assets re-gurgutated
Edited by aleksi111
Expanding on train of thought
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I had accrued the XP necessary on the Auckland to get Encounter as soon as she came out of early access. I've only had a couple of battles in Encounter so hard to say what I think of her, not as playable as Auckland so far but we shall see over the course of the next few weeks.

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Working on Hobart, taking advantage of the current Ranked Season that may help save the Free XP to reach Auckland (as T7 6-inch CLs with HE have been rendered invalid in Randoms thanks to the IFHE rework), and leveling up the commander, intended for Delhi and Perth eventually after the Hobart and Uganda grind, for SE skill (I have been bugged by any T5 cruiser that has lower HP than T4 Kuma) in this process.

I have been genuinely interested in them despite some unpleasant events in the community regarding representation of Commonwealth and Pan-Asian factions in game last year, and I have a pool of Commonwealth commanders to staff the entire line: Matilda Kelly from the Brisbane event (intended to drop on Auckland once she is reached), historical commander Leonard Murray from the Early Access and his... doppelganger, Lionel Morrow (Allied Heroes collection reward), and two passers-by from Perth (now the one on Hobart) and Yukon acquired earlier (4th Anniversary prize and KotS collection reward respectively).


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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Leo_Apollo11 said:

Hi all,

New Commonwealth Cruisers - what is your experience thus far?


In event I got ships up to Tier V "Delhi" and I played her only in CoOp to gain XP to reach Tier VI "Hobart".

I played Tier VI "Hobart" in new "Ranked Bronze" and had more than OK experience - I finished grind in just 7 games with over 79% WInRate. 🙂

I am now playing Tier VII "Uganda" also in new "Ranked Bronze" but I have absolutely terribad experience with her... dreadful ship... 😞


What is your experience thus far?


Leo "Apollo11"

I'm glad they're in-game.  
Like the other early-access cruiser events, I've still got some grinding to do, in order to research and welcome ships above Tier-6 or Tier-7.
Now that they're here, and the early access event is over (and other current tasks beg for my attention), I'm not in a rush to grind-up the line.
I'll get there, someday, eventually.  Just as I have with the Italian and the British cruisers.

Edited to add:  I am looking forward to including them in my creative-writing endeavors.


Edited by Wolfswetpaws
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Don't own the Perth so having the Hobart as a free tech tree ship is pretty nice lol. Gonna go for the Auckland after finishing more dockyard missions. 

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I have Hobart, FXP'd up to it. I love cruisers and cruiser play and Hobart is ok, nothing to write home about. Right now pondering if I just want to FXP my way to the tier 8 and just ignore playing them but ended up with some premium time so will just play them a bit and see what happens. The biggest reason I find them "meh" is the slow turret traverse so it can be a struggle to get the guns pointed at the bots. Everything else is fine. 

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4 hours ago, Leo_Apollo11 said:

What is your experience thus far?

I got most of them in EA (because I'm an idiot), although not the T10 (not *that much* of an idiot - even I have limits).

As usual (as a blithering incompetent in cruisers) mine have been living in PvE; I moderately like them so far, although they're unlikely to displace my existing favourites. My impression - for PvE - is that they're serviceable but don't sparkle. Liking that the lower tier ones are historical. I suspect the higher tier ones will get periodic use, and will be helpful for the inevitable missions. Not regretting getting hold of them.

All that said, I wouldn't put them high on a new player's list to work through; there are several better lines to do first (unless you have an emotional connection of some sort to the ships).

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They are excellent at keeping subs out of matches.  I've only had two matches using them in which a sub was present.  Subs are almost always present, often in multiples as high as three be side, when I use other ships.

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so ppl use ranked to grind lines now one more reason to stop playing ranked

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Its tolerable, but not too enjoyable.

Delhi: 7 games with 57% WR

Hobert: 4 games with 75% WR

Speeding through with blue xp bonus in random, If you ask me if I want to touch it after finish off the grind... No I won't.


I wish there is free early access upto T7... Save me a bit of time and blue xp bonus

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I'll grind to Tier IX in Operations and if the experience is decent enough, I'll grind Tier IX → Tier X in Random Battles; if not, I'll do it in Co-op.

But not now. Maybe a month before the game's anniversary I'll try to finish the grind.

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1 hour ago, takedashin said:

so ppl use ranked to grind lines now one more reason to stop playing ranked

People do that since Ranked exists

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Only played a handful of games in the T10 Cerberus. Decent-good guns. Low concealment. Has utility. Weakish armor. Slow turner.

Can be a good dmg farmer with the smoke and utility present.



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1 hour ago, takedashin said:

so ppl use ranked to grind lines now one more reason to stop playing ranked

It's always been like that


People take ranked seriously? Bronze teams are literally the rejects from randoms. 

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1 hour ago, takedashin said:

so ppl use ranked to grind lines now one more reason to stop playing ranked

It's always been a useful mode for that, although I only used to do so if I had a ship that needed grinding that was also a decent pick for the mode.

These days, it's not remotely surprising: if you dislike submarines, it's the about the only decent consistently available PvP mode left (not because it's sub-free entirely, but you do get fewer of them).

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I got the 2 commonwealth Cpts before these Cruisers went free access.

As a Cdn & as a player who doesn't care too much about fantasy ships I will only obtain the Caradoc & the Uganda.

I will play them as they dice roll up on my lists of ship to play in randoms (I do not play kindergarten mode).

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3 hours ago, Unlooky said:

It's always been like that


People take ranked seriously? Bronze teams are literally the rejects from randoms. 

I play bronze ranked to relax...I'm usually the best player on either team...and that's not saying much.

I'm definitely just good, not great or unicum.

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Got to Dunedin with the early access...

...so my tech tree grind is still against bots mostly. No smoke yet.

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14 hours ago, Rollingonit said:

Only played a handful of games in the T10 Cerberus. Decent-good guns. Low concealment. Has utility. Weakish armor. Slow turner.

Can be a good dmg farmer with the smoke and utility present.



Trenlass has been playing it on his Twitch channel and says it is a strong boat and he recommends it.

Of course the armour is a trade-off for its strong HE; smoke; and, strong anti-sub capabilities.

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Posted (edited)

Playing the Auckland. In ops. Well......its a mixed bag. Kinda good HE but abysmal reload and sometimes quite wonky disp. Irian has 8 s reload !! also much better guns. And WHAT is that conceal Smile_amazed.gif.28479b334f88f3e0b24d84b..... not really a fav so far.... 

Was kinda lookin; for em, even got the BP but kinda disappointed .. 

Edited by Andrewbassg
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14 hours ago, Unlooky said:

It's always been like that


People take ranked seriously? Bronze teams are literally the rejects from randoms. 

I play Ranked primarily for steel, and thanks to the related reworks, now steel ships are largely available to any player with average performance who is willing to play ranked and pay for Dockyard events.

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Hi all,

Auckland is very very fragile but crawling smoke (albeit at 1/4 speed) is somehow useful for farmimg...


Leo "Apollo11"


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Auckland feels ok. I even got to bomb a sub with it. Wish it had armor instead of goofysmoke, tho. 

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