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The AL Littorio Bundle (Roma clone+commander) is currently available for $12 or $9 with the coupon


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Posted (edited)

Title, in case there are those still unaware of this offer.

$12 for a tier 8 battleship is a rather good deal. 


I'm considering picking it up myself, but I also know I'll play it ten times at most. 


Edited by Unlooky
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42 minutes ago, Unlooky said:

Title, in case there are those still unaware of this offer.

$12 for a tier 8 battleship is a rather good deal. 


I'm considering picking it up myself, but I also know I'll play it ten times at most. 


The ship AL Littorio is fun to sail as "something different" than "the usual" Battleships, in my opinion.
And, for me personally, Commander Azur Lane Littorio is pleasant to listen to.  🙂 

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Awesome deal, I bought it two years ago with 30% coupon and 200% (before boosters rework) was very useful to level up my new Sansonetti

Might pick it up on one of my other accounts where I need Italian premium BB

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Posted (edited)

Smokin good deal. Wish I could use doubloons on it 


Edited by mashed68
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Picked her up a couple of hours ago, nice deal and thanks for the heads up Op.

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🗣️I can't wait to not use her at all and have two Littorio captains (Still a great deal though) 🔥

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9 hours ago, Unlooky said:

Title, in case there are those still unaware of this offer.

$12 for a tier 8 battleship is a rather good deal. 


I'm considering picking it up myself, but I also know I'll play it ten times at most. 


I read your post and for a brief moment thought its a good buy but after more thought I realised I have so many premiums that I cant play them all.


Some have become Port Queens by default, I'm a die hard KMS fan and I have not bought a German ship in ages.


I'm can get V. Veneto anytime I want as I have done all the grinding needed.


However for any player just starting out I would agree its a great buy



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Idk if I'd recommend a Roma clone of Roma herself without the ability to get the old economy boost. Just play Veneto. 

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Maybe a fairly good deal, but I think I am ok for not having it.

I know I wont play much since I rather prefer Massa for T8 ranked


I rather prefer to spend the money for a fairly good dinner instead.

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I have the Roma with the old economy boost.

The beer can camo is a classic!

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Bought the Al Littorio for my second account. Beautiful and very useful premium ship for 10 .- Euros / 111.- Norwegians crowns round about, a real, real bargain. Thanks for the tip!

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19 minutes ago, majmac said:

I have the Roma with the old economy boost.

The beer can camo is a classic!

I have over 500 games in the beer boat, it was the third premium I bought (with actual money). Probably the best investment I ever made in this game. It's a shame you can't get the eco booster anymore. 

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This is a surprisingly good offer by WG's usual standards; I vaguely wonder what they're up to.

I added her to my NA account last night, and probably will nab her for EU too later. Absolutely unnecessary as I have OG Roma with uber economic bonuses (and ludicrous beer can) already, but what the hell - Littorio is quite pretty...

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Two things stop me opening my wallet right now.

1) The Roma is already in my port, and with the Kobayashi $$$$ camo on it too.

2) Ever since WG made it possible to go back into battle with the same ship and commander immediately, there seems to be no justification for having a second Roma in my port. I can't see any way that I would build the ship differently, since she doesn't have a major gimmick like torpedoes or God-tier secondaries, and at Tier 8 she also lacks the sixth slot that would make the difference between longer reach and faster firing rate. 

If Roma were not already in my port, along with a couple of other premium Italian BBs that fell out of crates over the last few Christmases, this thing would be a done deal, especially as the availability of the Kobayashi $$$$ camo is now a moot point. 

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7 hours ago, Itwastuesday said:

Idk if I'd recommend a Roma clone of Roma herself without the ability to get the old economy boost. Just play Veneto. 

She is still a T8 premium which is not bad for generating credits by herself alone. And despite all those claims on new player turnover rate and the fact that communities are indeed primarily populated by veteran players, for various reasons, not everyone have purchased both Roma and its thematic camo (and economy boost) before the reworks. And now she comes with anime coating as well as an anime commander (if that is welcomed)!

The other part is more solid in my opinion. Veneto herself has been much better than her initial incarnation: now with identical AP and dispersion with Roma, SAP that in most situations much better and useful than the anemic Italian HE, and Italian full-throttle smoke (that temporarily reduces concealment to 2km with proper trigger discipline) at the cost of ~1km worse concealment. And that's before the debate on how viable Roma remains in today's meta.

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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Verblonde said:

This is a surprisingly good offer by WG's usual standards; I vaguely wonder what they're up to.

I added her to my NA account last night, and probably will nab her for EU too later. Absolutely unnecessary as I have OG Roma with uber economic bonuses (and ludicrous beer can) already, but what the hell - Littorio is quite pretty...

LittorioShipyardIcon.png  CommanderMcBraggApproves_meme_12-14-2022_.thumb.jpg.0ce5ff020cbd60fc7740c30ff0622401.jpg 

Edited by Wolfswetpaws
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2nd game out and 2600 base XP. The ship can work and I needed an Italian premium BB. 

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14 hours ago, tm63au said:

I'm can get V. Veneto anytime I want as I have done all the grinding needed.


Veneto and Roma are different ships. Roma doesn't have SAP or smoke and has noticeably more accurate guns with stronger AP, to my understanding. 


But yeah that's entirely understandable. I myself am probably not going to pick her up because I don't really play tier 8. 

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It's a nice price, but I already have a Roma and a Veneto so this seems superfluous, unless I've missed something about the ship (not the shipgirl) which is notable?

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2 hours ago, invicta2012 said:

It's a nice price, but I already have a Roma and a Veneto so this seems superfluous, unless I've missed something about the ship (not the shipgirl) which is notable?

Nothing beyond the mission chain for 200% freexp/commander xp, which I wouldn't exactly rate as $9 worthy. 

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It's a good deal but Roma is terribly underpowered and I don't think it's worth it even for 9 usd/63 cny.

I'll go for Marco Polo if I want an premium Italian BB, she's more capable at her tier plus getting her doesn't need to cost a single penny.

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Posted (edited)
20 hours ago, Verblonde said:

and probably will nab her for EU too later. Absolutely unnecessary as I have OG Roma with uber economic bonuses (and ludicrous beer can) already, but what the hell - Littorio is quite pretty...

Exactly my reasoning for getting her even with Roma in my port already. 8€ is just too much of a steal for such a beautiful ship like Littorio (don't give a fk for the weeb stuff).

Thanks to the OP for the heads up, never would have seen that myself.

Edited by Kruzenstern
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1 hour ago, New_Jersey_prpr said:

It's a good deal but Roma is terribly underpowered and I don't think it's worth it even for 9 usd/63 cny.

Sits #9 at T8 bb winrates for the recent months. 

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2 hours ago, Itwastuesday said:

Sits #9 at T8 bb winrates for the recent months. 

That may be.
But, in other topics, @SoshiSone has demonstrated that if one puts enough player behind a ship, one can make a brick fly.  🙂 

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1 hour ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

That may be.
But, in other topics, @SoshiSone has demonstrated that if one puts enough player behind a ship, one can make a brick fly.  🙂 

I mean, #9 is respectable and the ship itself is just normal. 

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