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Gonna try to stay in the TOS here....


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4 hours ago, Type_93 said:

You can tell from this thread that many of you grew up not playing sports or were never in the military. You wanna see toxic? Spend a day with an infantry platoon.

Yeah ...uh no Bruh..

HUGE difference.

Kids mouthing off from the safety of their moms house ( or they act like kids )  is not the same as the Brotherhood of any sports team much less a Military unit.

Even opposite teams have a respect.. because we are DOING it.

Could not be more different than Apples and Bowling Balls.

Sports teams,  too many to List at high competitive levels.

VET 101St 82-86

BTW ....Had fun the next game after I potatoed in the one we were in.  Now up to 101 Krakens. Wish I could freeze that number for old times sake!

Didn't you top that game?


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5 hours ago, Admiral_Karasu said:

Nothing in this game comes even close to the kind of toxicity that exists in real life environments.

Yeah you're 100% right here. It's just a game and nothing people say in it matter. Grown men and women should be able to realize that and should also be able to brush off what randos say in a video game 😭it's a game lmao people stay stuff and if you get Offended by the Well Done x3 that's just sad.

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32 minutes ago, Col_NASTY said:

Didn't you top that game?

lol. Heck no. I put myself in a bad spot and got sunk. 

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Lot's of spirited convo going on here! LOVE IT!

Had to say I had a GREAT day in chat now that I am back.  I had the ULTIMATE compliment today and it was awesome!

In a single game I was called a Cheater , but the BEST thing was a long time player who was really giving me a run for my money ( read that as had me running scared ) When I finally killed him and began capping for the win he said. " Best DD player I have played against in years! "

The others on the red team sent me <0

Talk about Dynamic opposites of what we usually see.

I +1 every single one I could.

Last game I played...  Devstruck their CV and this guy 

was doing the WD WD WD the entire game every time a teammate died.

His team was PO'ed

He didn't do anything to actually fight us.. he just hung in back taunting his team.


I've seen a ton of posts on this issue and it's great that some people don't care about what people say to them.. it's cool.  Someone has to be the Pope.

It's a generational thing too according to my DMs.

You had to be face to face and be ready to throw hands back in the day.

No such thing a talking trash without either getting your face pushed in or vice versa.

It sort of made people think before talking ...

SO people who grew up in the times you can tell a grown Man to CRY MOAR and go get some snacks from moms fridge will always be comfortable and unbothered.

Funny you don't see them EVER do that in person..

I like the reply I saw about the single word reply and I'm Stealing THAT for sure!!

Just going to Call them KAREN🤣

Have fun!!

PS.. Can one of you young guys tell me what a NAK Moment is?

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58 minutes ago, Asym said:

Well, I am from the SWC and Armor sides of the Army;  and, I can say that "language" and all forms of communications can be and are "colorful" in the finest traditions of the military.  It is amazing how few words can convey such utter contempt for someones inabilities, excuses or lack of Esprit de Corps...  Foreign students........oh my.....

Heck, it's why Green Zone training was conducted on Campus:  veterans are not "normal" people it seems.  Oh gosh, there wasn't a day where we, the Veterans Center on campus, was not called on to litigate, mitigate or deescalate some conflict somewhere on campus.  I had a Marine NCO wander in to talk to me one day because he simply felt like he was pulling the wings off of helpless flies....  "Sir, are they all this pocking stupid....."  Sigh.........

Language.......sigh.  Especially, if a Veteran was in charge of a "team effort" for a lab or class....  Oh my.......  It seems that communicating Army or Marine simply causes tears.....  It's First Person; Active Voice; Bottom Line Up Front; Directive in nature; and, clear and concise....Hooah !    O-U-C-H....    Tear making material too funny for someone to make up...

"When in Rome..."
Being cognizant of the jurisdiction or environment that one is operating in *is* part of military training, right?
Being a defender of the Citizens of our homeland does not entitle us to destroy those we swore to defend, correct?

As much as we would like to prepare the unprepared for whatever may await them, there are ways which might do so in "small doses" and using methods that "don't kill the patient while curing the disease", eh?  🙂 


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13 minutes ago, Col_NASTY said:

PS.. Can one of you young guys tell me what a NAK Moment is?

There are several Urban Dictionary definitions.  But, based upon our internet game context ....



Netspeak for "naked (or nude) at keyboard". Be careful before starting cybersex because it can also stand for negative acknowlegement, and after all, no means no.


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Posted (edited)
8 hours ago, Admiral_Karasu said:

Let's assume someone pops up smoke...about 5 seconds into the match.

"Damn...Premature Esmokulation...

I HATE when that happens"

Edited by IfYouSeeKhaos
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5 hours ago, Type_93 said:

You can tell from this thread that many of you grew up not playing sports or were never in the military. You wanna see toxic? Spend a day with an infantry platoon.  The way we used to talk to each other would have some of you in therapy.  Bottom line is, play how you want.  If you want to just play shooty pew pew pixels boats and play poorly, be ready to get flamed for it. If you don’t like that, then turn chat off.  It’s best to grow a thick skin.  


4 hours ago, Jakob Knight said:

I really hope you weren't talking about me.  Sailors do have a reputation to uphold in regards to getting in curses that would curl the mustache of a third world dictator (just before making said dictator the problem for the next world, of course).

However, there is a place and a time for it, and a need to know what one is doing with one's weapons.  Using them when inappropriate has it own consequences, after all.  Is a video game played among people you don't know anything about really the place and time to lay choice words reserved for when someone you know is qualified to know better has actually screwed up in the real world?

With "great power" comes "great responsibility", eh?

While I smiled with the quip about curling dictator's moustaches, and, as a US Marine Corps veteran, I appreciate witty banter and inter-service rivalry and joking around, aren't we supposed to abide by the TOS and EULA we signed when we became players in the game?

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Posted (edited)
14 minutes ago, IfYouSeeKhaos said:

"Damn...Premature Esmokulation...

I HATE when that happens"

"I got so excited."


Edited by Wolfswetpaws
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1 hour ago, Unlooky said:

Not even any of that. It's clear who actually plays more than one online game. I'm not even a MW2 kid and this is making me laugh. 


Your assumption is wrong. I play multiple online games.

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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Unlooky said:

All online games have some degree of banter/trashtalking. Nobody takes it seriously, which is presumably where the line is drawn regarding the EULA. If I triple Well Done someone or get triple Well Done'ed, I've already forgotten about it 4 minutes later. If someone truly wants to insult you, it won't be in the form of a triple Well Done. If someone says to you in real llife "Well done" sarcastically, are you actually insulted/attacked? Are you really going to find the nearest authority to report such harassment to? 


That is entirely the prerogative your actions have given me at that point.  If I do or do not, that is my decision, and you will take the consequences.  Saying 'I didn't mean any harm' or 'you can't be taking this seriously' is no longer up to you at that point, but up to that controlling authority (in this case, WG) .  You may have forgotten it 4 minutes later, but has the person you insulted?  Your assumptions mean nothing when it is grounds for your account to be suspended.  You don't control the results of your actions, only if you take them.


And I assure you that there are people out there who will take it seriously.  If you want to bet your account and access to the game, that's your choice.



Edited by Jakob Knight
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Posted (edited)
52 minutes ago, Wolfswetpaws said:


With "great power" comes "great responsibility", eh?

While I smiled with the quip about curling dictator's moustaches, and, as a US Marine Corps veteran, I appreciate witty banter and inter-service rivalry and joking around, aren't we supposed to abide by the TOS and EULA we signed when we became players in the game?


Quite so.  Was I in violation of either of those?  If so, let me know, because I do take them seriously for myself as much as I may for others.  


Edit:  Okay, I can see where that quip was inappropriate, and you are right that I should have omitted it.  Thank you for pointing it out.  I don't know if editing it out at this point would be disruptive to the thread continuality, but I will do so on my end.  I would ask you to also remove it from your quote of that post, but that is a personal request and not binding.


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10 minutes ago, Jakob Knight said:

That is entirely the prerogative your actions have given me at that point.  If I do or do not, that is my decision, and you will take the consequences.  Saying 'I didn't mean any harm' or 'you can't be taking this seriously' is no longer up to you at that point, but up to that controlling authority (in this case, WG) .  You may have forgotten it 4 minutes later, but has the person you insulted?  Your assumptions mean nothing when it is grounds for your account to be suspended.  You don't control the results of your actions, only if you take them.


And I assure you that there are people out there who will take it seriously.  If you want to bet your account and access to the game, that's your choice.

You're absolutely correct. If we get into the same match, please do submit a ticket if/when I triple Well Done someone, and we shall see if I am in violation or not. Crazy that this is where we draw the line, instead of something actually offensive. 

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8 minutes ago, Unlooky said:

You're absolutely correct. If we get into the same match, please do submit a ticket if/when I triple Well Done someone, and we shall see if I am in violation or not. Crazy that this is where we draw the line, instead of something actually offensive. 


Offensive is in the eye of the victim, as many people find out too late.  No one can stop someone from being offended, even if it is a ridiculously low standard they are using.  That's why WG gets to decide how to handle things in their game and not any player who wants to cry foul because someone stole their kill or told them they were not playing correctly in chat.  Point is, if you do something that you know is insulting and intended to insult (again, abusing Well Done in that way isn't intended to make the target feel they did well or communicate solidarity with them, so it falls into a range of insults), then don't be surprised if you are called on the carpet for it.


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17 minutes ago, Unlooky said:

Crazy that this is where we draw the line, instead of something actually offensive. 

Do you realize the futility of arguing what is offensive for another person? The conflicting perspectives are endless...

The only practical response is acceptance... that at some you'll offend someone. It's within their rights to feel offended, nothing can be done about it.

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30 minutes ago, Jakob Knight said:

And I assure you that there are people out there who will take it seriously.  If you want to bet your account and access to the game, that's your choice.

Considering the amount of actually serious bad behavior that slides by, such as certain widely despised Ranked griefers who have ruined countless experiences for years, I wouldn't hold your breath. It would be frankly somewhat shocking and hilarious if such a trivial and meaningless bit of sass such as the triple Well Done actually got someone sanctioned at all, much less seriously so. While said griefing individuals are meanwhile allowed to run rampant lol.

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17 minutes ago, MnemonScarlet said:

Considering the amount of actually serious bad behavior that slides by, such as certain widely despised Ranked griefers who have ruined countless experiences for years, I wouldn't hold your breath. It would be frankly somewhat shocking and hilarious if such a trivial and meaningless bit of sass such as the triple Well Done actually got someone sanctioned at all, much less seriously so. While said griefing individuals are meanwhile allowed to run rampant lol.


Oh, I don't necessarily think it would get taken seriously by WG either, unless they already had a record against the player and decided to use it as the final straw.  As I said, they get to determine their game, not any of us.  I'm just giving notice it is insulting and could be so used if WG wished to pursue the matter.


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1 hour ago, Jakob Knight said:


Quite so.  Was I in violation of either of those?  If so, let me know, because I do take them seriously for myself as much as I may for others.  


Edit:  Okay, I can see where that quip was inappropriate, and you are right that I should have omitted it.  Thank you for pointing it out.  I don't know if editing it out at this point would be disruptive to the thread continuality, but I will do so on my end.  I would ask you to also remove it from your quote of that post, but that is a personal request and not binding.


No I'm not saying you should omit the quip.
I'm simply trying to say that while in-game our chat should remain within the TOS & EULA.
Just as we strive to do so here on DevStrike!


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35 minutes ago, meatgrindr said:
3 hours ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

There are several Urban Dictionary definitions.  But, based upon our internet game context ....


  Great- now I gotta picture @Col_NASTYgaming  in his skivies!  WTH?

Well, it was either that or Nursing At Keyboard.
And, I'm fairly sure that @Col_NASTY isn't equipped for lactation.  So ...

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If there is a player who is about to commit a questionable move, like a DD rushing forward to cap, players double click on that DD on the mini map to call attention to that player. 

Apparently there are those who deem it to be offensive.

And when said DD player becomes the first kill of the battle:

Well done!

Well done!

Well done!


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What we need is more commanders that spew insults. I think Starcream goes "Can't you morons do anything right?" or so. It's very appropriate when you watch the battleship squadron in their voyage to spectate every island that exists while the triangles sank in 2 minutes. 

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There is certain group of clans on EU server that is full of very toxic and whiny "superunicums" (not so super in solo stats BTW), who often start battle with insults and then it goes downhill. They are especially irritating in ranked, as in randoms they play in divs only, so probably they keep toxic comments to div chat.

When I'm in team with member of one of their clans, I just blacklist and I'm done with that. I'm well past benefit of the doubt for anyone from these clans. Also when someone starts to spam quick messages or starts insulting anyone in chat, I just blacklist and forget about this player.

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On 5/10/2024 at 12:22 PM, Itwastuesday said:

What we need is more commanders that spew insults. I think Starcream goes "Can't you morons do anything right?" or so. It's very appropriate when you watch the battleship squadron in their voyage to spectate every island that exists while the triangles sank in 2 minutes. 

Tbh......nothing beats Jingles with his "That didn't completely sucked"  with setting on Pirate,  so you are "broadcasting"....CAF207FC-4197-4D6D-93A9-604272B8A9CB.gif


You don't even need to push it trice, just ping the map Smile_coin.gif.4108231dd8f1e8ec6de0cb87b

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On 5/7/2024 at 1:14 PM, Col_NASTY said:

Then my first chatban ever.

Your first? I can't even begin to recall how many I have had 😑

On 5/7/2024 at 2:34 PM, Asym said:

In a game designed for eight year olds....

Designed for some 'young & dumb' legal age group, perhaps, eighteen year olds?

On 5/7/2024 at 4:46 PM, Col_NASTY said:


This is not referencing anything but the thread topic, itself (& this meme showed up right on time 😁).

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