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Keep up the good work WG


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Just my .02

I see more intentionally horrible players ( Just sailing around talking trash or colluding with the reds )  than "Confirmable " Bots.

That said, I saw one for SURE last week , it was a Petro if I remember correctly, just sitting in the spawn shooting off into the water.

At first I thought it was a live teammate so I went in to spot for it , but when the reds started focusing me the Bot just kept shooting the same spot and the same rhythm. A real player could have SLAPPED the CLs that were chasing me. That's when I knew it was a programmed bot.

They DO exist.

Some people have no life.

That is all

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10 hours ago, WES_HoundDog said:

I have no opinion on if botting is happening in this game or not.    I posted years ago of a player that i was pretty convinced was a bot.  However of course there are people that come on the forum to responded with excuses for the 'player' as there are here.     However you stated you have proof positive evidence that botting is in the game and is done "a lot in this game and is very obvious".    You also talked about how hard it is to put in shooting into the program. It sounded like you had in-depth knowledge of running and coding a bot program.  Apparently i was wrong, you don't have first hand knowledge. Your evidence ends at ONE person was banned how many years ago and that other ships do similar things.  So at this point,  how would you know it's hard to code shooting and launching torps?  I, as much as anyone would like to know if bot programs are an issue in WoW.   Hell i just had a match earlier today that i posted about that could have as much as 10 of the enemy ships be bots by the way they played.    So i was curious for hard evidence of botting and you sounded like you had it.           Sorry (not really) if you felt insulted to be asked for hard proof. 

I am not going to continue this debate as it is frankly foolish. If you need "hard proof" to accept people bot in WOWS I don't know what to say to that. I mean I am truly baffled you want to take this stance and say you need hard proof to accept it. You can't be serious? You have to just be trying to take the opposite view for the sake of stirring it up. That is the only thing that makes sense to me. 

Whatever. You do you. 

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4 hours ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

Scientific methods, and court cases, require evidence.

1st of all we are talking about botting in a video game not proving scientific theories and hypothesis nor are we in court. Asking people for that kind of level of proof for anything they say about this GAME would render forums a wasteland. And keep in mind, other than a few very high profile cases (like Johnny_Freedom botting to win an event and getting stripped/suspended, that Chinese clan cheating in some mode or tournament and being banned, etc...), WG is very hush hush. So we do have proof botting and other cheating occurs but it is limited because WG thinks this game deserves CIA level security on everything. 

Let me also add, when you do try and present that PROOF to WG they DON'T CARE! I sent a ton of replays of multiple individuals botting to CS and they always do the same thing = NOTHING! You get a canned response about use the in game reporting feature (there is no report for botting btw there WG - you removed it). They then tell you not to send them tickets about it and then they close the ticket. Follow up attempts get ignored or you get a repeat of the canned response and they keep closing the ticket out.

I tried going through CM's and other WG employees and only Bogzzy was willing to listen (he is actually a pretty good guy overall despite all the flak he gets for carrying the WG torch on everything - tbf it is his job to do so). I provided him with the replays of one person and a while later they stopped showing up in games at all never mind botting. Haven't seen them since. But even with him helping out it was clear he didn't really want to get involved so I haven't bothered him since.

The issue here is WG doesn't want our evidence and such because they truly don't care. If they did they would do something when a player does take the time to provide them the proof that shows it. They only care when it becomes huge and public and then they get forced to act (aka Johnny_Freedom). As far as providing proof to other players we can't post replays and screenshots of players doing it on forums because that violates no name and shame rules. So how are we to conduct our legal defense or scientific method sir?

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3 hours ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

I saw that! IIRC she wasn't really playing so much as making the critical decisions (go left, go right, target this, angle to that etc.) and holding the tactical plot in her head, while her sighted friends kept her updated and did the shooting for her. It's an impressive feat, very much akin to playing blindfold chess except the other side's pieces are moving in real time.

Botting is like p0rn0graphy - you know it when you see it. Garbage play is garbage play, but even then it's possible to tell the difference between a truly awful, badly inexperienced or handicapped player who is genuinely striving to their limit and a troll who doesn't give a F. 

Well said.  It is a sad commentary if an older game has to use BOTs just to keep a mode of play active enough for whomever is left in the game to participate...

Like I said, we are seeing small populations of COOP players in Prime Time hours !  The same game names and the 1x8 or 2x7 matches that simply occur....  I tried "gaming" the population by waiting a few minutes between games (instead of battle on or immediately opening another match) to no avail....  One match is all humans and then, 1, 2 ,3 or 4 humans.

That isn't a good sign. 

Why some simply want to argue about the content in this thread is almost as bad as seeing bots in games?  I wonder, are those hard over AI's or actual people???

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I'm thinking which is better, and which is worse. The game having scores of relatively bad players, or the game having bots pretending to be relatively bad players.


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38 minutes ago, Asym said:

It is a sad commentary if an older game has to use BOTs just to keep a mode of play active enough for whomever is left in the game to participate...

That's not what I'm talking about. I meant illegal scriptbots used to farm XP and make it appear as though there's a human at the helm. 

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2 hours ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

That's not what I'm talking about. I meant illegal scriptbots used to farm XP and make it appear as though there's a human at the helm. 

Thanks.  But, having abit of actual programming experience, it's not that hard to make anything, you see and interact in the game seem or behave or act........any way they want.   How in the heck would you know "for sure" what you are seeing is "X" or, is it "Y...."?  

In other games, our host actually used "old game names" and had the old performance data and they were bots....  What they didn't expect to happen, was that they used a game name our clan created and that player PCS'd to Germany for several years.......  They thought it was abandoned.  It was a PVP bot....

I can't see how any player could illegally get into the game mechanics without tripping all sorts of alarms....  Especially, since this is an older game???

I appreciate your reply and I'd love to see a video of one of these script bots....

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8 hours ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:
On 5/2/2024 at 12:28 PM, AdmiralThunder said:

Jingles even featured a blind girl playing (with help).

I saw that! IIRC she wasn't really playing so much as making the critical decisions (go left, go right, target this, angle to that etc.) and holding the tactical plot in her head, while her sighted friends kept her updated and did the shooting for her. It's an impressive feat, very much akin to playing blindfold chess except the other side's pieces are moving in real time.

Botting is like p0rn0graphy - you know it when you see it. Garbage play is garbage play, but even then it's possible to tell the difference between a truly awful, badly inexperienced or handicapped player who is genuinely striving to their limit and a troll who doesn't give a F. 

World of Warships - The Blind Leading The Blind
The Mighty Jingles


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Posted (edited)
17 hours ago, Admiral_Karasu said:

I'm thinking which is better, and which is worse. The game having scores of relatively bad players, or the game having bots pretending to be relatively bad players.


I will happily exchange a "Bot from Co-op" for a human player who has a "script-bot" as a designated substitute.
The Co-op 'Bots aim better, dodge torpedoes better, play to the map objectives and never lack for courage.  🙂 

Edited by Wolfswetpaws
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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Asym said:

Thanks.  But, having abit of actual programming experience, it's not that hard to make anything, you see and interact in the game seem or behave or act........any way they want.   How in the heck would you know "for sure" what you are seeing is "X" or, is it "Y...."?  

In other games, our host actually used "old game names" and had the old performance data and they were bots....  What they didn't expect to happen, was that they used a game name our clan created and that player PCS'd to Germany for several years.......  They thought it was abandoned.  It was a PVP bot....

I can't see how any player could illegally get into the game mechanics without tripping all sorts of alarms....  Especially, since this is an older game???

I appreciate your reply and I'd love to see a video of one of these script bots....

As you are familiar with computer programming, here's how I imagine it could be done.
Someone writes a program that will provide keyboard and mouse inputs while the World of Warships game is running, thus emulating human behavior barely well enough to avoid the built-in detection tools of the World of Warships game program.

Possibly some weird variation of a speech to text program, which interprets audio input to create keyboard input?
I'm not sure of the details. 
I'm merely confident of the concept involving scripted (and possibly mildly randomized?) inputs to keyboard and mouse that fool the game into thinking a human is at the keyboard.

How would you imagine it might be done, hypothetically speaking?  🙂 

Edited by Wolfswetpaws
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The only way I could enjoy reading this thread more would be if Id made a drink beforehand, but Im correcting that. 

Cheers, fellow Forumites!

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15 minutes ago, Pugilistic said:

The only way I could enjoy reading this thread more would be if Id made a drink beforehand, but Im correcting that. 

Cheers, fellow Forumites!


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I'm having great difficulty in finding any good work from WG being mentioned in this topic 😑.

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3 hours ago, Aethervox said:

I'm having great difficulty in finding any good work from WG being mentioned in this topic 😑.

We might have gotten an itsy bitsy derailed in places on this topic.

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Posted (edited)
13 hours ago, Aethervox said:

I'm having great difficulty in finding any good work from WG being mentioned in this topic 😑.



"And now, a word from our sponsor...."


"Have you felt the pull of the tides, the need to sail upon the sea and pit yourself against other naval commanders, but don't have the gross national product to do it?  Well, we've got the solution!


"Here at Wargaming Shipyards, our engineers and technicians labor long hours to produce high-quality ships and a detailed yet easy-to-use control scheme that lets just about anyone take the helm of some of the largest warships ever produced.  Not only that, but they consider and implement some that have never been produced, all while producing detailed terrain, buildings, and environmental features many of you may never even notice.  Attention to detail is our motto, with ships that you can actually look into the bridges and see the navigation charts!


"We offer several ways to test yourself as commander of one of these intricately detailed vessels, from being hard pressed against other similarly-minded individuals, to various battles against automated foes.  Or, should the fancy strike you, the ability to set up battles to your liking!  And, that is not all....


"We have managed to offer all of this without a dime demanded on the part of our participants!  Yes, that's right, this is all completely free to our users!  Our Special and Premium Departments are so confident that those who use our product will enjoy it so much that they will willingly give up part of their hard-earned incomes to keep the lights on and our employee's families fed on a regular basis by purchasing unique ships they build to the same standards of the regular vessels of our construction that we don't feel any need to require our players to pay a subscription!  And, our team of balance engineers has ensured no vessel we launch from any department is destabilized or exceeds balance requirements, ensuring that for the last eight years, our efforts to gain income for ourselves have not become an obligation for those who choose to use our products without supporting them.


"Wargaming Shipyards.  Where the commanders of the sea fight for free!"



"And now, back to our regularly scheduled show...."



Edited by Jakob Knight
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2 hours ago, Jakob Knight said:



"And now, a word from our sponsor...."


"Have you felt the pull of the tides, the need to sail upon the sea and pit yourself against other naval commanders, but don't have the gross national product to do it?  Well, we've got the solution!


"Here at Wargaming Shipyards, our engineers and technicians labor long hours to produce high-quality ships and a detailed yet easy-to-use control scheme that lets just about anyone take the helm of some of the largest warships ever produced.  Not only that, but they consider and implement some that have never been produced, all while producing detailed terrain, buildings, and environmental features many of you may never even notice.  Attention to detail is our motto, with ships that you can actually look into the bridges and see the navigation charts!


"We offer several ways to test yourself as commander of one of these intricately detailed vessels, from being hard pressed against other similarly-minded individuals, to various battles against automated foes.  Or, should the fancy strike you, the ability to set up battles to your liking!  And, that is not all....


"We have managed to offer all of this without a dime demanded on the part of our participants!  Yes, that's right, this is all completely free to our users!  Our Special and Premium Departments are so confident that those who use our product will enjoy it so much, that they will willingly give up part of their hard-earned incomes to keep the lights on and our employee's families fed on a regular bases by purchasing unique ships they build to the same standards of the regular vessels of our construction!  And, our team of balance engineers has ensured no vessel we launch from any department is destabilized or exceeds balance requirements, ensuring that for the last eight years, our efforts to gain income for ourselves has not become an obligation for those who choose to use our products without supporting them.


"Wargaming Shipyards.  Where the commanders of the sea fight for free!"



"And now, back to our regularly scheduled show...."



It's better than most of their advertising spiels...

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1 hour ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

It's better than most of their advertising spiels...


Yeah, but when you're close to something, it's easy to miss the points you should be making about your product.  Marketing probably tells them they have to hype up the big explosions and the sounds to attract gamers, not realizing that just telling people they can play completely free and still get the same gaming experience as people who put money into the game do will go a long way towards getting them to try it out.


And it's also easy to forget the good points of the game and what WG does right in the fog of the long years and the things they have done that have been poor indeed.  That they still don't charge to play the game, and have resisted the urge to include Premium ammo, overpowered ships for real money (heck, Superships are -tech tree- ships), and still maintain the degree of modelwork they have after so many years is no small credit to them.  We can criticize what we don't like, but do need to keep in mind the things we'd miss if the game shut down tomorrow.



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  • 4 weeks later...

On Assia;


There's a player

8k battles on a 4 month old account. His battle stats are simply amazing.

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