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Flimsy Lunch Tray Comments on Lopsided Games


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8 hours ago, Navalpride33 said:

Blowouts are only complained about when you're not the benefit of them.

Not true at all.

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3 hours ago, Navalpride33 said:

Players' have tried to inflate their WR, by doing known tricks like using comms in battle.

The game has "voice chat" as a native feature.
Using comms (for example, voice communication via the website known as Discord) to communicate with teammates is okay.

Playing low-tier battles over & over to win slightly more often and improve one's win rate is more questionable than using comms.  And both are "legal" as far as the game is concerned.  🙂 

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8 hours ago, Navalpride33 said:

The Yamato is now a port queen due to power creep..

The Yamato and the ARP Yamato are not "Port Queens" in my Fleet.  🙂 

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11 minutes ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

Not true at all.

Yes. Queue up for battle. Shoot a target. Match over. Win! Yay? 

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While I can appreciate razor-sharp wit and friendly banter, I've read a few posts in this topic that appear to have fun afoul of DevStrike! "naming & shaming" rules.
I'm not a moderator. 
So, I'm tagging one who doesn't seem to have a proverbial dog in this figurative contest.
 @Chobittsu, could you provide some of your time and impartial guidance, with regards to the lower half of page two of this topic?

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37 minutes ago, Itwastuesday said:

Yes. Queue up for battle. Shoot a target. Match over. Win! Yay? 

My USN standard battleship has barely got into the fight and the match is over?

My CV has been able to make only 2 or 3 attacks and the match is over?

My DD has done nothing but spot and the match is over?

I might as well play Co-op if the game is going to be this short...

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12 minutes ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

My USN standard battleship has barely got into the fight and the match is over?

My CV has been able to make only 2 or 3 attacks and the match is over?

My DD has done nothing but spot and the match is over?

I might as well play Co-op if the game is going to be this short...

Personally, if a Co-op battle lasts longer than 7 minutes, I begin to wonder if my teammates are slackers.  🙂 

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39 minutes ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

My USN standard battleship has barely got into the fight and the match is over?

My CV has been able to make only 2 or 3 attacks and the match is over?

My DD has done nothing but spot and the match is over?

I might as well play Co-op if the game is going to be this short...

Under such circumstances, playing something like the Colorado might risk a penalty for unsportsmanlike conduct.

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2 hours ago, Admiral_Karasu said:

Isn't it wonderful how DevStrike! brings old friends together. New friends too!


They probably still say this in the USN but a b!"£$ing sailor is a happy sailor.

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Isn't skill the application of knowledge and experience?

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9 minutes ago, Nav999 said:

Isn't skill the application of knowledge and experience?

We could say skill refers to the practical application of knowledge in specific situations. Experience also gives you knowledge which you need to know how to apply for it to count.

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2 hours ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

The game has "voice chat" as a native feature.
Using comms (for example, voice communication via the website known as Discord) to communicate with teammates is okay.

Playing low-tier battles over & over to win slightly more often and improve one's win rate is more questionable than using comms.  And both are "legal" as far as the game is concerned.  🙂 

Didn't stated anything on its legality...

Its use does manipulate or get better chances of getting an inflated WR.

There's other means players' use to try to inflate WR.. None was to say if it was legal or not, it was not the question.

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4 hours ago, Frostbow said:

What your replies have revealed is the literal understanding of that game mechanic, not the nuanced understanding and application of skill. 


You have been consistently trolling even during the time when the old NA forum was still up, and your posts wrongly influence new players. 

New players need to learn skills in the game to help them and their teams avoid being stomped in Random Battles. 

OK, is this game a meritocracy?  

  • Does it have, in the game itself, a universal server "Leader Board" that changes with every game you play?? [No] 
  • Are there "skill gates" new players have after they reach tier 5 for match placement or purchases>?  [No]
  • Do we have a game metric that defines "individual contribution(s)"; to a win or loss, that reflects to use of game weapons or individual contributions?  [No....] 

BTW, Win Rate says "we did something".........a metric like Combat Effectiveness (CE) says "I did this...."   👍

If all that ^^^^ is true; or, if even most of those observations are accurate, the game isn't a skill based system.

This game is an Arcade Cooperative Shooter designed for young adults whom have an interest in the past or like ships.  It's really not all you attempt to make it !   Want to know why?    Because, if it was, our game populations would not be stalled for years now and we'd be seeing all sorts of new content....  Have we>>?  [No] 

We are a mature game.....at the end of a trip in a Red Ocean....    Not something shiny and new.  Most, not all, Mature games exist in a Red Ocean paradigm;  where, if you start seeing Stomps and endless clones of clones, you just have to accept that nothing "can change".   And, the game will be here, in this same condition for many more years....

And, thanks for the conversation........


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2 hours ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

The Yamato and the ARP Yamato are not "Port Queens" in my Fleet.  🙂 

Since the Yamato is a victim of power creep. Some will still have fun in her, cool.

Not everyone agrees and must importantly, its not a skill issue, as I pointed out... There's no skill needed in WOWS, especially playing BBs.

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8 minutes ago, Navalpride33 said:

There's no skill needed in WOWS, especially playing BBs.

Why am I better at playing BBs now than I was four years ago?

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18 minutes ago, Navalpride33 said:

There's no skill needed in WOWS, especially playing BBs.

Take your trolling somewhere else. 

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10 minutes ago, Justin_Simpleton said:

Why am I better at playing BBs now than I was four years ago?

Because of the skills you have developed along the way. 

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Just now, Justin_Simpleton said:

Why am I better at playing BBs now than I was four years ago?

If I remembered correctly, you learned how to read your stats properly... (if not its mistaken identity).

Didn't came from me.. If it did I would've told you just press fire and the W key.

If you went to seek out How To videos on the subject...Then, that was probably me but I wasn't thinking how that can be a bad thing. (I've last battles because BBs followed the wrong advise on these how to videos... Now, I'm hesitant on sending people to see them). 

To answer your inquiry. You learned mainly and largely by just playing the class.

BBs are so easy to play (WG words, I just pass the word.) Its hard to do fail in a BB... Even AFK ships win and do damage (with secondaries).


If you're say a beta player.. Now that's different. BBs in beta were much harder compared to today's meta.

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9 minutes ago, Justin_Simpleton said:

Why am I better at playing BBs now than I was four years ago?

Because, there are fewer good BB players left in the game???  

Because, BB's simply are targets anymore in PVP and all the BB players went to PVE? Along, with everyone else...

Maybe, you just found your niche and are having fun???

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23 minutes ago, Asym said:

OK, is this game a meritocracy?  

You should be the one to answer that question because my replies have so far been focused on the causes of lopsided games—the lack of skill, among others—and will not venture into the immateriality of your question.

Moreover, my reply to the dumb assertion that there is no skill involved in World of Warships is not the post to be asked your question "is this game a meritocracy?".

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23 minutes ago, Navalpride33 said:

Its use does manipulate or get better chances of getting an inflated WR.

That’s the whole point of divs with coms. Players who can communicate will do better.  It’s not manipulation, it’s good sense.  

21 minutes ago, Navalpride33 said:

Not everyone agrees and must importantly, its not a skill issue, as I pointed out... There's no skill needed in WOWS, especially playing BBs.

Maybe you have no skill, but it takes skill to achieve a better WR it stats in general. Claiming there is no skill to the game is just a cop out for bad stats. 

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Everyone should remember that this is a game, and our discussions should reflect that. One cannot bring one's own field of professional expertise, exact science, or interpretations of certain words to this or any other game. All games have a degree of randomness, and WoWs is no exception, be it win rate or the salvo you fire at a ship.

Regarding WR (win rates), I'll stick to PvP here. The vast majority of people want to win, or perhaps better said, "succeed" in an objective. Going into a battle, I know I have a "probability" of winning or losing. That is a 50-50 chance of an outcome.  What changes during a battle is your knowledge and acquired skills in relationship with others on your team and your opponents.  You also have to factor in the degree of randomness that the game has baked in.  You can easily observe this in a training room.  Each time you fire your guns, your salvo does not follow the same trajectory or land at the same point of impact as previously fired salvos.

Can one influence this "probability" in win rates? Absolutely. One can hope your team works together, but more likely, a positive outcome is working in a division of known players who bring a set of skills and knowledge into the game.  Be well aware that the "red team" is probably thinking the same.  Here is where WoWs matchmaking comes into play, for better or worse.

So, what is the "generally accepted" definition of skill: 

  • the ability to use one's knowledge effectively and readily in execution or performance
  • dexterity or coordination, especially in the execution of learned physical tasks
  • a learned power of doing something competently: a developed aptitude or ability

To say that skill is not part of WoWs is perhaps imposing your own definition of skill.  

One of the most common complaints I hear and read is that players don't know how to play the game - they lack the knowledge (skills) to effectively influence the "probability" of winning a match.  Is that a WoWs or a player issue?  I would say, to a certain extent, it starts with WoWs.  However, it is up to the player to decide whether to learn or not.  I would also add that the constant addition of ships and changes adds to this knowledge deficit.  There is a constant learning curve to this game.

One cannot influence a battle in WoWs without a level of knowledge (skill) of the game.  Some are clueless. Many know the generally accepted basics, while others, usually the best of the best, know down to the number of rivets in each ship (just joking).  

Which leads us back to the original post/topic.  Why so many blowout matches?  

I would say it is a combination of things, and for some reason, seems or is perceived to be getting worse.  Personally, I feel and what I can observe in a battle is that there is a growing player base that lacks knowledge of the basic objectives required to win a match and the knowledge of their ship or opponent's ships and its ability.  These are acquired skills by definition.

If anyone here can admit, while in battle, they have not wondered or said to themselves:

  • Why is that person not capping
  • Why is that person firing HE
  • Why is that person on the back line
  • Why is that person behind the island the entire game

Please raise your hand.  This is a lack of overall knowledge of the game.  Your knowledge of the game translates to your overall skill, which can impact the outcome.

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8 minutes ago, Frostbow said:
20 minutes ago, Justin_Simpleton said:

Why am I better at playing BBs now than I was four years ago?

Because of the skills you have developed along the way. 


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10 minutes ago, Type_93 said:

Maybe you have no skill, but it takes skill to achieve a better WR it stats in general. Claiming there is no skill to the game is just a cop out for bad stats. 

In WOWS, no such thing as "bad stats"

In every post in this thread, I've recused my stats because as I stated, stats are trophy based... I admire what I've done for fun in the game.

I'll repeat it again for you.. There's no skill in WOWS, the last class requiring skill was retired in 0.8.0.

There's no stats to show quality or skill of a player... None, zero.

If there's stats in WOWS, its not compiled.

Anyone, who says there's skill in WOWS and can use stats to show forth, are only stating an opinion. An opinion that's not universally adapted.

Its bad etiquette, for any analyst to interpret ones' achievement and infuse it with other statistics to make a misleading narrative.


There's no skill in WOWS because.. There's nothing in WOWS to compile/measure/indicate other then just in game visualization of a player.. My stats, do not add nothing to the narrative as a whole..

Sorry but no stat shaming allowed.

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