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Asymmetric Battles: Games and Scores


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Not exactly a "good" score in asymetric, but just because I wanted to play this german DD since I changed the captain.


Edited by Silence_CN
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3 hours ago, OT2_2 said:

Not supposed to win ... ! Almost perfect game play from my side, but at the end of the battle I realized that I should not secure victory for my team (and not getting the full number of credits of course). Bots hitting you from 20 km with the first salvo although perfectly angled, any HE hit means you burn and you self are aiming at point blank range and are not making enough or any dmg. All of a sudden! These a typical reasons people feel cheated on by WG and believe battles are rigged in general.  

Skjermbilde 2024-05-03 111744.jpg

Skjermbilde 2024-05-03 111755.jpg

Skjermbilde 2024-05-03 111811.jpg

Got the replay? 

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My highest Base XP so far, at 1,801. With just 11 days to go before WG will once again remove Asymmetric Battles, I wonder if I can repeat the 2,289 Base XP I had before. 


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This one was (a) a lot of fun and (b) a lot of work.

It's a good thing that the Saint-Louis was there to give the CV someone else to concentrate on, because I wouldn't have pulled it off if the CV was hammering me along with the rest of the bots.





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Just trying to satisfy my curiosity on super ships. Been wondering how the overpowering combination of Speed Boost, Main Battery Reload, and Funny Button feel like in Asymmetric Battles. 

I thought it would be a walk in the park, but, plot twist: the bots gave me pause as they ripped apart our GK, Napoli, and Sherman. 😅


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1 hour ago, Frostbow said:


Just trying to satisfy my curiosity on super ships. Been wondering how the overpowering combination of Speed Boost, Main Battery Reload, and Funny Button feel like in Asymmetric Battles. 

I thought it would be a walk in the park, but, plot twist: the bots gave me pause as they ripped apart our GK, Napoli, and Sherman. 😅

I like the Conde', as she is now.  I don't feel she's over-powered.
And I oppose the soon-to-be-implemented nerfs to her.

Yeah, Supership battleships can "delete" a poorly positioned opponent if they score a lot of hits from a full salvo of weaponry.  The Supership battleships can also take quite a while to sink, due to their armor and HP.
In comparison, the Conde' guns aren't that potent, in my opinion, considering the opponents she's expected to encounter.
One has to make-up-the-difference with multiple hits scored over a period of time and augment that with some torpedo hits and secondary battery hits as a "total package" endeavor, in my experience.

Good play is not over-powered in my opinion, and poor play should be rewarded with a trip back to port.  🙂 

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38 minutes ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

Good play is not over-powered in my opinion, and poor play should be rewarded with a trip back to port.  🙂

I saw a EU-based super unicum's stream last week where he played the Annapolis. He rushed forward to an island but was then flanked by the enemy team from both sides. As it became increasingly clear that there was no other way except a return to port, he began talking about players 'not respecting the game' as the enemy Annapolis who was kiting and maneuvering to keep all 4 turrets locked and firing on him, burned his super ship down. 

I was laughing at how pathetic it was. As a super unicum player, we all know he's really good at what he does, and he was using an overpowered ship. But to deride the Annapolis player who punished him for his poor play live on Twitch was the stuff of non-stop comedy.

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On 5/4/2024 at 5:57 PM, pepe_trueno said:



Do you have screenshots of detailed report?

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Very nice game on "Lexington". Last man standing and pulling both game and victory. 

Skjermbilde 2024-05-06 093450.jpg

Skjermbilde 2024-05-06 093522.jpg

Skjermbilde 2024-05-06 093609.jpg

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"Sniper" Adatara at work. Her HE is brilliant, her AP on bigger units fully usable from a distance of ca. 15 - 18 km. Accuracy is brilliant with the "eye in the sky" IMHO.  

Skjermbilde 2024-05-06 181033.jpg

Skjermbilde 2024-05-06 181049.jpg

Skjermbilde 2024-05-06 181123.jpg

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Something funny happened here. Our F. Sherman rammed and tried to push my battleship. The DD must have mistaken my Schlieffen for a clown that he came prematurely out of excitement. 😄


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My favorite Tier VI cruiser for Ranked Battles saw Asymmetric for the first time. This was hilarious—the bots sunk my ship first (I was so used to playing ships that carry a Repair Party that I forgot the Nürnberg does not have any), yet I did not expect to land 1st on the scoreboard.  


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It is not everyday that the top 2 ships have the same number of kills, and the same amount of Base XP earned. 😄


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On 5/5/2024 at 8:32 PM, DoW_ said:

Do you have screenshots of detailed report?


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Just 7 days left and Wargaming will remove Asymmetric Battles once again. I went to Moskva for some bow tanking action. I was alone on my flank, and as expected the ship tanked damage like a champ, making at least 2.4 million potential damage.

But what captured my attention was when Moskva penetrated the citadel of the Bismark from behind...



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I dont recommend anyone taking a CV in Asym's for a variety of reasons. 1) being primarily DoT ships, most CV's cant put out the damage needed to kill ships quickly. 2) other players not accepting that they will have to take/tank more damage as its now 12v4 targets and should play conservatively. 3) statistically speaking, most CV players just arent that great at it, and despite probably being two tiers higher, there is a lot of flak to dodge.

In this match, my team died early and I had to reset our cap for almost 10 minutes until the match ran out. My last two strikes were done with the bots nearly completing the cap. I was nearly out of planes, only being able to launch single flights at the end.



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My best BXP score so far. This game was lots of fun. It was down to the wire with just the Wisconsin and my Ohio fighting 5 remaining bots. We squeaked by.





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Posted (edited)

a few i forgot to post last week  

happy  with results . not bad for a co-op main 












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I have played asym very much this period. 

This Gneisenau game is quite alright.



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Some recent battleship games, will probably record the Soyuz game and upload it.  

World of Warships 5_12_2024 12_04_50 PM.png

World of Warships 5_12_2024 12_04_59 PM.png

World of Warships 5_12_2024 12_07_01 PM.png

World of Warships 5_12_2024 12_25_51 AM.png

World of Warships 5_12_2024 12_25_59 AM.png

World of Warships 5_12_2024 12_26_07 AM.png

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11 hours ago, GandalfTehGray said:

Some recent battleship games, will probably record the Soyuz game and upload it.  



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Posted (edited)

My greatest achievment, is to have replied politely to a champion-to-become-Schlieffen who said I did not do my job as a DD and that I had not spotted enough (understand : to spot on his side of the map).

PS : I checked the stats of this unpolite guy. I should not have done it, now I have to take an appointment to the ophtalmologist : I lost at least 1/10th on each eye. Easily. 🙂 


I also had a mission for the dockyard : 50 torp hits. I think this will suffice...

EDIT => @any moderator, maybe this post should be moved to asym results ?

Edited by Silence_CN
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