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48 minutes ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

The Asym 'Bots are more sophisticated. 
For example Asym 'Bots know how to make temporary retreats to repair or at least remove themselves from focused firepower.  Co-op 'Bots are more fearless and will continue to charge forward towards their map objectives.

That said, the targeting priority of the Co-op 'Bots has evolved incrementally over the years.
Occasionally they sail over a "Bot only" power-up or rise to the occasion (of being out-numbered) and suddenly "Level-up!" well enough to sink three or more of their bretheren on the opposing team.  It's fun to watch.  I've seen them win a battle while doing it.  But, I digress.

Typically a Co-op 'Bot targets ...
~the nearest opponent it can see and has a line-of-fire to
~the most wounded opponent (thus the 'Bots *cooperate* to clear ships off of the map by sinking them, sometimes)
~the most dangerous threat, sometimes, when they remember to do so and only in more recent patches of the game.

Typcially, a 'Bot CV can send its planes to where a ship is, because all 'Bots know (on some level) where every ship is on the map, even if they haven't detected those ships and cannot fire upon them yet because of a lack of detection.
'Bot CV's rocket-planes can actually hit stuff, nowadays.  Which began in 2022, if I recall correctly.
Bombers are still hit-or-miss, especially if one is able to make significant maneuvers with their ship.
The Torpedo planes' approach can be observed from quite a distance, and I usually can avoid their torpedoes (even with my battleships) with a timely maneuver.  Paying attention to the mini-map is helpful, in my opinion.

Both the Co-op and Asymmetric 'Bots are able to beach themselves upon islands or get stuck in decision-loops which seem to involve "moving-forward/encountering-an-island/getting-beached/reversing-off-of-the-island/moving-forward-onto-the-island-again".
It's sad, sometimes, to see them get that way.
It's one thing to beach one's ship in a maneuver to avoid a torpedo salvo.  It's another thing entirely to not notice a huge island is there and to bump into it blindly and repeatedly.
Though, to be fair, one could argue that 'Bots are emulating human behaviors with this phenomena, even if they're taking it to the extreme.  🙂 

It's not unheard of to see 'Bots collide with each other.  Sometimes for no apparent reason, in my opinion.
One could make the "emulating human behaviors" argument, I suppose.

Friendly 'Bots in certain scenario operations have been given HUGE inertia values and strict pathing.
It happened sometime in late 2022 or during 2023, if I recall correctly.
The problem was that the CV in Raptor Rescue and the Cargo ships in Raptor Rescue and in other ops were going off course or getting stuck or otherwise having their sailing disrupted.  Sometimes by player intervention and sometimes for no apparent reason.
The developers got a number of complaints about it and eventually did something.
Nowadays, if a player gets in front of the Raptor while she's moving, one can expect their ship to get pushed along with tremendous force.  

That's what I can think of, off the top of my head.
Specific questions are welcome, and I imagine others will chime-in to share their perspectives and experiences.

A couple of things I noticed as you also pointed out, about the bots in Asym that I never seen bots do in Coop.

  1. They will disengage when getting low so they can heal up and then return to battle
  2. At Northen map I was spammed from a bot undetected in B cap when I fought 2 BBs in A cap, so he actually fired between the mountain peaks when he could get shots on target (me).
  3. If you play a submarine an ITA or IJN cruiser will use its Sub radar if you are nearby (so kind of six sense or like an experienced human) 
  4. They torpedo beats like there is no tomorrow and they are way better at timing their DCP for sub homing torps then any human player. Kind of pisses me of.....😄
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Posted (edited)
5 minutes ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

A couple of things I noticed as you also pointed out, about the bots in Asym that I never seen bots do in Coop.

  1. They will disengage when getting low so they can heal up and then return to battle
  2. At Northen map I was spammed from a bot undetected in B cap when I fought 2 BBs in A cap, so he actually fired between the mountain peaks when he could get shots on target (me).
  3. If you play a submarine an ITA or IJN cruiser will use its Sub radar if you are nearby (so kind of six sense or like an experienced human) 
  4. They torpedo beats like there is no tomorrow and they are way better at timing their DCP for sub homing torps then any human player. Kind of pisses me of.....😄

Heh.  Yeah.  I was playing one of my submarines in Asymmetric mode, yesterday, and I got too close to an Italian cruiser equipped with a submarine-surveilance consumable.  I got detected and all sorts of gunfire and depth-charges were fired at me.  I was sunk shortly thereafter.
Before that, I was having a pretty good game.  But one "oops" in my detection management got me sunk.
"Well played", 'Bots, "Well played".  🙂 

Edited to add


They torpedo beats like there is no tomorrow and they are way better at timing their DCP for sub homing torps then any human player. Kind of pisses me of.....😄

Step 1)  Aim at a target with your torpedoes.  Get your target-lock and lead-ahead information.
Step 2)  Either de-select the target, and then launch along the previously established aiming vector, or, launch when ready and then switch to firing your guns at another target.
Step 3)  If all goes well, the torpedoes will swim merrily along and the 'Bot will "forget" that they were targeted and won't noticed the torpedoes until the 'Bot can detect the torpedoes (by which time, it should be too late for them to maneuver or they'll only be able to avoid some of the torpedoes unless they're really good or really lucky or were doing some other maneuvers due to other in-game stimuli to their programming).


Edited by Wolfswetpaws
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8 minutes ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

Heh.  Yeah.  I was playing one of my submarines in Asymmetric mode, yesterday, and I got too close to an Italian cruiser equipped with a submarine-surveilance consumable.  I got detected and all sorts of gunfire and depth-charges were fired at me.  I was sunk shortly thereafter.
Before that, I was having a pretty good game.  But one "oops" in my detection management got me sunk.
"Well played", 'Bots, "Well played".  🙂 

Yes, experienced this as well. In Asym where there are usually so many cruisers and BBs if the cruiser sub radar catches you its "Good night sunshine" back to port. Bots ASW dont screw around and EVERYONE launches in perfect symmetry. Bot BBs and cruisers must have the same Aimbot Headshot hack like CVs has in random because they land their ASW in a perfect circle around you're position and all of them are red no orange. 

POP goes the weasel.....

8 minutes ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

Step 1)  Aim at a target with your torpedoes.  Get your target-lock and lead-ahead information.
Step 2)  Either de-select the target, and then launch along the previously established aiming vector, or, launch when ready and then switch to firing your guns at another target.
Step 3)  If all goes well, the torpedoes will swim merrily along and the 'Bot will "forget" that they were targeted and won't noticed the torpedoes until the 'Bot can detect the torpedoes (by which time, it should be too late for them to maneuver or they'll only be able to avoid some of the torpedoes unless they're really good or really lucky or were doing some other maneuvers due to other in-game stimuli to their programming).



Yeah, I learned this "hack" some time ago but even tho I always use this while grinding missions in Coop and Asym I feel like bots in Asym still do some amazing dodging. Feels like they always have a six sense about it somehow.

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2 minutes ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

Yeah, I learned this "hack" some time ago but even tho I always use this while grinding missions in Coop and Asym I feel like bots in Asym still do some amazing dodging. Feels like they always have a six sense about it somehow.

Unless it's the Ocean map, the islands can be used as "choke points" or "funnels".
With good timing, one might catch a group of ships sailing in the narrow waters between islands.
Won't matter if the torpedoes aren't acoustically homing.  Only need a decent spread fired into a cluster of ships.  🙂 

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Welcome to Week 5, where 15 caps is a required mission so, of course, you constantly pull Arms Race. Guess I need to farm that one in a lower tier.

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Abandoning the usual order of operations and my grind list pro tem in order to optimize the grind.

So far got the spots and the torps done in carriers, working on 90 fires or floods in cruisers. Flint is my current go-to as she has both torps and HE ammo and I can drive her like a DD to try to get caps. That will cover four. Fifth will be the credit task, and for the sixth I might try to go for 30 floods in submarines. That avoids having to do either of the BXP grinds or the rather large plane kill task.

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Completed 9.5 mil credits and "Set on Fire" tasks. In progress ones are 34/40 "Spotted", 2/50 "Torpedo Hits", 9/15 "Captured" and 12433/30000 BB BXP. This stage is going to take some time because of the BXP requirement.

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Update: got the 15 caps/shared and the 90 fires in cruisers done. Decided to take the I-56 out and see what the torps are like for getting floods. Answer: very nice, thank you. I think I'll get those 30 floods and then play whatever I want to finish off the credits task (which is already 43% done).

Am very displeased with the short-range torpedo nerfs; they took those WAY too far. OK, they wanted to stop a single-salvo shotgun devstrike and I understand that and agree with it on principle, but I just put TWELVE into a Tulsa at point-blank, 30 seconds apart, and didn't sink it; and that's going too far in the other direction.

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1 hour ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

I just put TWELVE into a Tulsa at point-blank, 30 seconds apart, and didn't sink it; and that's going too far in the other direction.

It is working as intended, Ensign. 

1 hour ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

Am very displeased with the short-range torpedo nerfs; they took those WAY too far.

A game session in Co-op is sadly not a healthy and rational basis for  displeasure of nerfs since balancing is appropriately done in PVP.

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Star date 1824

Captains log

As I stand on the balcony of the Harbour masters office and view the construction of the USN's latest battleship,realising phase 14 of section 4 is now completed.

Construction is long and slow however once finished this ship now !!  

Steam power | Royal Museums Greenwich


In 200 years will look like this !!!


USS Wisconsin SSBN 827 Association


If the workers stop going on strike 





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I've dealt with some RL stuff lately but I am starting to get the missions closer to being done. This week will take a little bit

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Posted (edited)

I started with the "25,000 BXP" task for destroyers.  I am playing in Random to maximize XP.  I am at 15,000 BXP at the moment and have completed the "4 kills" task, which removes the need to complete one of the other ship type tasks.  The "40 spotted" task, "50 torpedo hits" task, and "15 captures" task are nearly complete.  If I finish the destroyer BXP tasks before the "earn $9.5M credits" task, I will just take out Missouri for a game or two.  Those are my six tasks.

I will be out of town for the next three days, but I should finish up this stage before the end of the weekend.

*edit - by focusing on and finishing one of the most laborious tasks (25,000 base XP), I was able to complete 5 tasks while only focusing on the one.  I still have to earn $800,000 silver, which I can do in one Missouri game.

Edited by desmo_2
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10 hours ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

Update: got the 15 caps/shared and the 90 fires in cruisers done. Decided to take the I-56 out and see what the torps are like for getting floods. Answer: very nice, thank you. I think I'll get those 30 floods and then play whatever I want to finish off the credits task (which is already 43% done).

Am very displeased with the short-range torpedo nerfs; they took those WAY too far. OK, they wanted to stop a single-salvo shotgun devstrike and I understand that and agree with it on principle, but I just put TWELVE into a Tulsa at point-blank, 30 seconds apart, and didn't sink it; and that's going too far in the other direction.


8 hours ago, Frostbow said:

It is working as intended, Ensign. 

A game session in Co-op is sadly not a healthy and rational basis for  displeasure of nerfs since balancing is appropriately done in PVP.

I've played Submarines since "day 1", in all available game modes.
I was against nerfing the torpedo arming distances and the warhead potency as soon as the proposed changes were announced.

But, this topic is about our making dockyard progress, and we digress?
Perhaps we can agree that the discussion of the nerfs can take place in another topic?  🙂 

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Posted (edited)

I chose the 30,000 Base XP using battleships mission because Schlieffen in Asymmetric is never ending fun. 

Even Günther Lütjens' rather serious mien changed into what would be in other contexts the beginning of a smile. 



Edited by Frostbow
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I started out with the destroyer 25K base XP mission and simultaneously finished four other missions at the same time.  I finished up with the 90 fires/floods for cruisers.  By the way, 25K base XP in co-op took 57 matches to complete - quite a long grind.  The cruiser fires/flood mission had its own frustration with RNG taking 16 matches.  RNG was taunting me the entire time.  When I only needed 2 fires to finish the mission, I got 16 (yep, 16) on the last match.  

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30 sub floods done. 3.1 million creds to go and we're done for this week.

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Hey folks, a reminder that this thread is on the Wisconsin dockyard, so let's try to keep this on track!

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I have been doing the DD FXP mission in the Tromp, and having a hoot doing so in Assymetric Battles! I am well on my way with this week!

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Posted (edited)

If you have Helena you have one of the best firestarters for this cruiser task:




Unfortunately a defeat because our last remaining battleship did not want to hear my proposal not to go constantly broadside to both remaining enemy bot battleships.

"Need to get all guns on the enemy no matter what ..." 🫣


Edited by BlueMax1916
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32 minutes ago, BlueMax1916 said:

If you have Helena you have one of the best firestarters for this cruiser task:




Unfortunately a defeat because our last remaining battleship did not want to hear my proposal not to go constantly broadside to both remeining enemy bot battleships.

"Need to get all guns on the enemy no matter what ..." 🫣


I used my Smolensk in Asym, easy peasy took me less then 10 battles

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Finally done!

Was a pretty slow start trying to get a lot of floods in a sub, it was easier to get torp hits.40 spotted was 4 quick games in Nakhimov in Asym, just fly thru the map and spot all 12 bots then start to fight.

For some reason 15 cap captures is always easiest for my in Schleiffen in Asym, turn/kite the first wave with guns, torps, secondarys then turn around and take the cap, usually you also can take the B cap as well.

 Was struggling with 90 fires cruiser mission in Yoshino and Jinan, then I realized Golden Lion is amazing at setting fires both with guns and bombs.



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Nest week seems pretty good as well.


Earn 5 achievements isn't really hard, especially when you dont have to do it in 1 gamw.

20 citadels, im thinking Elbing in smoke Vs bot cruiser broadsides in Asym, maybe one game or two?! Got 14 in one game this week with Kleber when trying to do torp hit mission.

Be top 5 in 20 games, sure a bit of a grind but 20 games with Schleiffen in Asym, and there you will also do 4500 ribbons at the same time so 2 in 1.


450 K damage upon youre spottin in a sub is probably 5-6 games

215 K damage in any ship is not that hard as well if you have some decent ships.

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53 minutes ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

Nest week seems pretty good as well.

20 citadels, im thinking Elbing in smoke Vs bot cruiser broadsides in Asym, maybe one game or two?! 

 20 games with Schleiffen in Asym,

Don't forget, assym ends in 4 days so we won't be able to blow off missions as we have the past 4 weeks.

I guess that d-day mode will replace assym.

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17 minutes ago, palestreamer said:

Don't forget, assym ends in 4 days so we won't be able to blow off missions as we have the past 4 weeks.

I guess that d-day mode will replace assym.

Oh shit, didn't know that, so pretty much at same time next missions go online then? Is D-Day mode comparable to Asym? Know little about it.....

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27 minutes ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

Oh shit, didn't know that, so pretty much at same time next missions go online then? Is D-Day mode comparable to Asym? Know little about it.....

Lots of mines! There is a thread here: 


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