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Finished 5 of 6 tasks. The Torpedo spotting task is at 86/120. The Five Stars for Victory Mission should be done by tomorrow.


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Can definitely recommend taking Ark Royal into asym for the bomb hits. 


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Starting the newest week.

Just got Yumihari last week. I'll complete my minimum five games in it, (PVE,) then switch to GkF to spam task completion until I'm done with the BB task.

Will see from there.

Because reasons; already on stage 25.

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Man the Gouden Leeuw makes the Plane Mission Really easy!



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Day 1 of Week 4: Here is what I have left

I haven't been focusing on spotting damage so it really hasn't been utilized fully


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22 hours ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

I'm a very strong co-op main though not an exclusive one - Admiral Thunder probably plays more PVP than me at the moment - but I'll be headed into Ranked or Randoms for sure. Normally I won't touch Ranked with a barge pole, at least not with any intention of ranking out, but it's a useful tool for things like this.

I agree, Randoms I just want to avoid during this whole thing because I want to keep my winrate at a stable level when I am grinding these types of things it tends to drop. Anyways it is just helpful to do Ranked instead

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Posted (edited)

Day 1, in co-op. CV bombing mission done (British CVs for the win), and spotting mission done as a consequence (go find the enemy bot CV when everything else is dead and let the team farm it).

Damage to ships 1.3 million out of 2 million

Spotting damage ~5.7 million out of 15 million

8 out of 25 BB citadels. 

50 torpedoes spotted out of 120 (nearly half done on the first day!).

I can finish the rest of this in battleships alone. I'm using Illinois, but anything fast with lots of decent-calibre guns should do the job.

3 hours ago, Schnitchelkid01_ said:

Man the Gouden Leeuw makes the Plane Mission Really easy!



Holy moley!!!


Edited by Ensign Cthulhu
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Finished the "Cause 2,000,000 HP of damage to ships" task within the "Five Stars for Victory" mission-chain.
Which rewarded me with a dockyard phase.
Thus I have progressed to phase 10.

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Finished the "Help your team cause 250,000 HP of damage upon your spotting" task.
Did so while sailing only Battleships.  Go figure.  😉 
Progressed to Dockyard phase 11.

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Finished the "Get 25 Citadel Hits ribbons (while sailing a battleship)" task.
Which was the sixth task I needed to fulfill the "Five Stars for Victory" criteria and earn 1 more dockyard phase.
This brings me to dockyard phase 12.

Dockyard phase 12 rewarded me with a "premium flags container" which @Asym recently created a topic about.

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Posted (edited)

25 citadels complete; 2 million damage complete. 

So right now I need to finish...

12.9 million potential damage out of 15 million. 

80 torps spotted out of 120. 


Once my daily grind list is finished tomorrow, it's probably French DD time. That should do both things nicely.

Edited by Ensign Cthulhu
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All finished for this week's missions, quite a bit more of a grind than the previous ones.

The spotting torps one was the the one that took the longest, all depended on the matchmaking and spawn position.

Instead of doing the cruiser mission for 120 planes, took the good advice above and did the CV mission in Ark Royal, took no time at all. I don't like CV's but if it gets the job done more easily then why not.

Asymetric battles for all, 21 in GK and 4 in Ark Royal.

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Hi all,

4 done in Brawl / Ranked - must still do:

  • few more citadels with BB
  • 15 CAPs with DD


Leo "Apollo11"

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Hi all,

Ops... done the "Super" mission...




Leo "Apollo11"

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26 minutes ago, Leo_Apollo11 said:

done the "Super" mission

Always nice when that happens! Well done.

Now go to the chiropractor and get that post-carry backache seen to. 

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Blew through week 4 without trouble. I got fed up try to harvest bomb hits with Essex and instead used Bearn, which made it easy. Next week will be more "interesting".

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I had done every mission except one to finish this week out. Had 40 spotted torps so was considering doing that. Thought to go for the 250 bombs in a CV but managed 12 in one Malta game ..... 🤪

Looked at the 2400 base XP game and thought "fook it" and entered a T10 game in my T8 Sub ....



Done and Done .......!


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On 5/2/2024 at 1:58 AM, Schnitchelkid01_ said:

Man the Gouden Leeuw makes the Plane Mission Really easy!



That's amazing, what mode let you face so many planes? 

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6 hours ago, mashed68 said:

That's amazing, what mode let you face so many planes? 

Coop, had the enemy Gouden Leeuw and a CV targeting me all game long

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Week 4 finished, I found it easier than last week to do!

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I've completed the "Get 17 Destroyed ribbons" while sailing a submarine task.  🙂 

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Finished bomb hits tonight for 1/6 done. I've only played 3 games between yesterday and today though. 

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5 hours ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

I've completed the "Get 17 Destroyed ribbons" while sailing a submarine task.  🙂 

Same here, was quite fast with U 4501 and its donut torp spam in Asym.

7 hours ago, Schnitchelkid01_ said:

Week 4 finished, I found it easier than last week to do!

Same here. Was a bit hesitant with my last mission (bombs or spot torps) but then got it in the base XP with sub


Regarding the bots in Coop and Asym, do anyone know how they "work"? I always believed that they usually will target the closest target first but in a game in Schleiffen in Asym I was kiting away a bit futher back while another player was just full sending it into 2 BBs and 2 cruisers but then suddenly both bot BBs and the bot CV started to shoot me while the other guy was in close brawling range with them.

Just wonder how their target selection works.

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2 hours ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

Same here, was quite fast with U 4501 and its donut torp spam in Asym.

Same here. Was a bit hesitant with my last mission (bombs or spot torps) but then got it in the base XP with sub


Regarding the bots in Coop and Asym, do anyone know how they "work"? I always believed that they usually will target the closest target first but in a game in Schleiffen in Asym I was kiting away a bit futher back while another player was just full sending it into 2 BBs and 2 cruisers but then suddenly both bot BBs and the bot CV started to shoot me while the other guy was in close brawling range with them.

Just wonder how their target selection works.

I just kinda run straight at the CV's and things with planes and they tend to target me, idk

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2 hours ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

Regarding the bots in Coop and Asym, do anyone know how they "work"? I always believed that they usually will target the closest target first but in a game in Schleiffen in Asym I was kiting away a bit futher back while another player was just full sending it into 2 BBs and 2 cruisers but then suddenly both bot BBs and the bot CV started to shoot me while the other guy was in close brawling range with them.

Just wonder how their target selection works.

The Asym 'Bots are more sophisticated. 
For example Asym 'Bots know how to make temporary retreats to repair or at least remove themselves from focused firepower.  Co-op 'Bots are more fearless and will continue to charge forward towards their map objectives.

That said, the targeting priority of the Co-op 'Bots has evolved incrementally over the years.
Occasionally they sail over a "Bot only" power-up or rise to the occasion (of being out-numbered) and suddenly "Level-up!" well enough to sink three or more of their bretheren on the opposing team.  It's fun to watch.  I've seen them win a battle while doing it.  But, I digress.

Typically a Co-op 'Bot targets ...
~the nearest opponent it can see and has a line-of-fire to
~the most wounded opponent (thus the 'Bots *cooperate* to clear ships off of the map by sinking them, sometimes)
~the most dangerous threat, sometimes, when they remember to do so and only in more recent patches of the game.

Typcially, a 'Bot CV can send its planes to where a ship is, because all 'Bots know (on some level) where every ship is on the map, even if they haven't detected those ships and cannot fire upon them yet because of a lack of detection.
'Bot CV's rocket-planes can actually hit stuff, nowadays.  Which began in 2022, if I recall correctly.
Bombers are still hit-or-miss, especially if one is able to make significant maneuvers with their ship.
The Torpedo planes' approach can be observed from quite a distance, and I usually can avoid their torpedoes (even with my battleships) with a timely maneuver.  Paying attention to the mini-map is helpful, in my opinion.

Both the Co-op and Asymmetric 'Bots are able to beach themselves upon islands or get stuck in decision-loops which seem to involve "moving-forward/encountering-an-island/getting-beached/reversing-off-of-the-island/moving-forward-onto-the-island-again".
It's sad, sometimes, to see them get that way.
It's one thing to beach one's ship in a maneuver to avoid a torpedo salvo.  It's another thing entirely to not notice a huge island is there and to bump into it blindly and repeatedly.
Though, to be fair, one could argue that 'Bots are emulating human behaviors with this phenomena, even if they're taking it to the extreme.  🙂 

It's not unheard of to see 'Bots collide with each other.  Sometimes for no apparent reason, in my opinion.
One could make the "emulating human behaviors" argument, I suppose.

Friendly 'Bots in certain scenario operations have been given HUGE inertia values and strict pathing.
It happened sometime in late 2022 or during 2023, if I recall correctly.
The problem was that the CV in Raptor Rescue and the Cargo ships in Raptor Rescue and in other ops were going off course or getting stuck or otherwise having their sailing disrupted.  Sometimes by player intervention and sometimes for no apparent reason.
The developers got a number of complaints about it and eventually did something.
Nowadays, if a player gets in front of the Raptor while she's moving, one can expect their ship to get pushed along with tremendous force.  

That's what I can think of, off the top of my head.
Specific questions are welcome, and I imagine others will chime-in to share their perspectives and experiences.

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