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The Wisconsin Dockyard progress topic.


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2 hours ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

I like that Asymmetric is an interesting "in between", when compared with Co-op and randoms.

It's a great way for those of us who only play PVE to grind lines, especially T9 since those can't be done in ops. I am currently grinding the Yamato line and I'm at Nagato. I'm also doing the St. Vincent line and currently at Duncan. I also reset the Worcester line for the research bureau, and I just finished Helena and will get Cleveland later today, doing those in Operations. Seattle will be done in asym. After I finish Duncan and pick up St. Vincent, I will grind the Montana line. I have over 800 blue XP bonuses, so it makes it quick.

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Yesterday thanks to @RX160S_Byarlant_CustomI managed to finish all 6 missions required for the week. I made sure to spam assym around 5 times to get rid of the cruiser torpedo mission which took two games. The DD hit ribbon mission took the other 3 assym games and a couple more random games. Otherwise the other missions were done in random battles, mostly by using Clausewitz my beloved (most underrated supership around imho)

- Boob

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Btw, which non-Japanese BBs has overmatch on cruisers bows? Thunderer?

Thinking of next chains citadel missions. Bot cruisers has a tendency to go bow into all Hooman BBs.

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4 hours ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

Btw, which non-Japanese BBs has overmatch on cruisers bows? Thunderer?

Thinking of next chains citadel missions. Bot cruisers has a tendency to go bow into all Hooman BBs.

Rep/Patrie, Ohio, Lauria, St.Vincent, Incomparable, Vermont, Kremlin/Ushakov, those overmatch most bows and decks (icebreakers excluded) but tehnically most 16” and above overmatch the standard 25/27mm bow as such IIRC

Edited by Yedwy
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And thus ends section 3 " Pacific Storms " 

Clio's Armada: Napoleon III and His Trireme – North Wind Heritage Consulting




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6 hours ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

Bot cruisers has a tendency to go bow into all Hooman BBs.

If you push in fast and hard you can get on their broadsides. You want to go to co-op, you'd better be prepared to be aggressive AF.

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6 hours ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:


Thinking of next chains citadel missions. Bot cruisers has a tendency to go bow into all Hooman BBs.


I plan on challenging them to a game of Dom-jot and hitting them as they turn towards the island with the table on it.



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6 hours ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

Bot cruisers has a tendency to go bow into all Hooman BBs.

If they don't have torpedoes, then perform a "Jousting pass" and blap 'em in their broadside when both ships are next to each other.
If they have torpedoes, either wait until they've launched their torps at a team-mate (and are now reloading) or get *very* close so that the torpedoes cannot arm.
Alternatively, hit them in the broadside from medium range (approximately 9 to 12 km), which allows you more time to dodge torpedoes.
If you're feeling froggy, then you can get closer, approximately 5 to 7 km.

 @Ensign Cthulhu and @Jakob Knight have shared similar sentiments.

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On 4/28/2024 at 11:40 PM, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

Btw, which non-Japanese BBs has overmatch on cruisers bows? Thunderer?

Thinking of next chains citadel missions. Bot cruisers has a tendency to go bow into all Hooman BBs.

I'm going to try the Illinois in Asym Battles. Obviously no overmatch, but I hope that the rate of fire of those Baltimore guns make up for that. And I'm hoping that more cruisers will be broadside in Asym Battles.

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6 minutes ago, tangofan said:

I'm going to try the Illinois in Asym Battles. Obviously no overmatch, but I hope that the rate of fire of those Baltimore guns make up for that. And I'm hoping that more cruisers will be broadside in Asym Battles.

Good luck.  🙂 

In my experience, the Illonois can do okay.  
She can get plenty of secondary-battery hits and main-gun hits.
But the main-gun's limitations become apparent when compared with the Iowa's main-guns or the main-guns of the Azuma.

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14 minutes ago, tangofan said:

I'm going to try the Illinois in Asym Battles. Obviously no overmatch, but I hope that the rate of fire of those Baltimore guns make up for that. And I'm hoping that more cruisers will be broadside in Asym Battles.

Could work, but I do think most cruisers will angle and even tho Illinois is pretty much a beefed up Des Moines I dont hink he gets the improved AP pen of the DM.

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3 hours ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

Could work, but I do think most cruisers will angle and even tho Illinois is pretty much a beefed up Des Moines I dont hink he gets the improved AP pen of the DM.

The guns of Baltimore, Buffalo, Des Moines, and Illinois all have identical performance. From a gameplay perspective they just have different ranges, reloads, and dispersion (in the case of Illinois).

Edited by Nevermore135
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1 hour ago, Nevermore135 said:

The guns of Baltimore, Buffalo, Des Moines, and Illinois all have identical performance. From a gameplay perspective they just have different ranges, reloads, and dispersion (in the case of Illinois).

Actually I believe that the dispersion of the Illinois' guns is the same as the others, it just seems more, because the range is bigger.

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Posted (edited)
53 minutes ago, tangofan said:

Actually I believe that the dispersion of the Illinois' guns is the same as the others, it just seems more, because the range is bigger.

Illinois uses the large cruiser/battlecruiser dispersion model, despite having 8” guns. The only other 8”-armed ship in the game that has the same dispersion is Haarlem.

Her maximum horizontal dispersion at max range (203.2m at 18.48km) is virtually identical to that of Agir (203.4m at 18.50km).

Edited by Nevermore135
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Posted (edited)

Honestly going forward the only week that I am worried about is Week 6. What are you all planning on doing for that week? I don't think I can reliably get myself a 215k damage game and knowing me I would try too hard and just get frustrated... I will be stuck doing the potential damage missions...

Edited by Schnitchelkid01_
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2 hours ago, Schnitchelkid01_ said:

Honestly going forward the only week that I am worried about is Week 6. What are you all planning on doing for that week? I don't think I can reliably get myself a 215k damage game and knowing me I would try too hard and just get frustrated... I will be stuck doing the potential damage missions...

Play my biggest, meanest battleship until I hit the 42m potential, hoping that somewhere in there I get lucky and hit the 215k; the key to hitting the big ticket missions is to just play and not worry about watching them.

My backup plan, I think, is the CV spotting mission. Honestly, CA tanking, in the right BC, or SS spotting are both pretty doable in my view. Weeks five and seven are the ones that look like the biggest pains to me.

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3 hours ago, Schnitchelkid01_ said:

Honestly going forward the only week that I am worried about is Week 6. What are you all planning on doing for that week? I don't think I can reliably get myself a 215k damage game and knowing me I would try too hard and just get frustrated... I will be stuck doing the potential damage missions...

Week 6 is indeed the killer. Worst of all is the achievement mission, since I only play PvE. And I haven't been playing Operations, so no idea, how reliably one can get achievements there.

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1 hour ago, Tricericon said:

Play my biggest, meanest battleship until I hit the 42m potential, hoping that somewhere in there I get lucky and hit the 215k; the key to hitting the big ticket missions is to just play and not worry about watching them.

My backup plan, I think, is the CV spotting mission. Honestly, CA tanking, in the right BC, or SS spotting are both pretty doable in my view. Weeks five and seven are the ones that look like the biggest pains to me.

Honestlay m8 215k is not that hard if you take out some heavy HE BB like Thunderer, Conqueror, Devastation an just start fires on all other BBs, maybe not in the frist run but withina a week for sure, easy

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5 hours ago, Schnitchelkid01_ said:

Honestly going forward the only week that I am worried about is Week 6. What are you all planning on doing for that week? I don't think I can reliably get myself a 215k damage game and knowing me I would try too hard and just get frustrated... I will be stuck doing the potential damage missions...


I might try Conq or Thunderer some games at the start. This way I can get both potential or a chance to pass 215...

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7 hours ago, Schnitchelkid01_ said:

Honestly going forward the only week that I am worried about is Week 6. What are you all planning on doing for that week? I don't think I can reliably get myself a 215k damage game and knowing me I would try too hard and just get frustrated... I will be stuck doing the potential damage missions...

I think I will:

20 Cits =  Elbing Vs Bot cruisers

20 Battles top 5 = Is probably not more than 20 games in a sub, its not that hard to get top 5 or even top 1.

4500 ribbons = Schleiffen in Asym

1 200 000 spotting in CV = Im not sure theres a huge difference in T10 fighter consumables, but will probably go with Malta/Cunningham

42 000 000 potential damage BB = Concueror and St.Vincent at mig to long range so you can disengage and heal up.

30 000 000 potential cruiser = Henri long range.

500 000 spotting damage DD= Probably Halland, can scare of planes, has heal and can still do work with long range torps while on youre spotting mission.

450 000 spotting in sub= Probably 4-5 games in a T8 sub.




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5 hours ago, tangofan said:

Worst of all is the achievement mission, since I only play PvE.

I'm a very strong co-op main though not an exclusive one - Admiral Thunder probably plays more PVP than me at the moment - but I'll be headed into Ranked or Randoms for sure. Normally I won't touch Ranked with a barge pole, at least not with any intention of ranking out, but it's a useful tool for things like this.

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25 citadels with battleships...5 games with ARP Kongo's and done!

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8 hours ago, Yedwy said:

Honestlay m8 215k is not that hard if you take out some heavy HE BB like Thunderer, Conqueror, Devastation an just start fires on all other BBs, maybe not in the frist run but withina a week for sure, easy

Sure, but the point is that having two strings to the bow means it doesn't matter if its hard or not.

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Just completed the third week of missions.

I'm not particularly interested in getting Wisconsin but I'm hoping to get twenty tokens to get West Virginia.

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The Labor Day holiday helped. I finished the planes task using the Annapolis and Des Moines. I have their commanders specialized for AA. With the Des Moines, I was lucky there were battles in Asymmetric that featured Yorktowns and Lexingtons on the bot side; and when there were no CVs, there were hybrids. With the Annapolis, most of the planes shot down were from hybrids like Delaware. Annapolis' AA is amazing, but it was not that productive compared to facing waves of planes from bot CVs.

It was also a renewed test of restraint. I stopped shooting at CVs so that they can send more planes to my cruisers. For the potential damage mission, there was a time when 2 Clevelands and a Baltimore focused on my Preussen. Fortunately, as I closed the distance, they switched to AP where it all bounced away, resulting to a lot of potential damage in exchange for zero to minimal actual damage. Other tasks auto completed like the citadel mission for BBs and the cause blah blah blah amount of damage to ships.

For the torpedo spotting mission, the hydro of the Des Moines also helped a lot. And having the UU made it easier to approach torpedo-armed bot cruisers and dodge their torpedoes.


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