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The Wisconsin Dockyard progress topic.


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On 4/20/2024 at 5:03 PM, tangofan said:

So far things have been very easy, but I'm a bit concerned about week 6 (particularly since I'll be traveling during that week and have to try to catch up later). So far I've done all the dockyard missions in PvE.

  • I usually don't play CV, but I noticed that week 6 has spotting damage for CVs, and so I'm wondering, if it is viable (and easy enough) to get the Yorktown (120k FXP) and use the smoke support consumable to get spotting damage somewhat reliably.
  • Also I haven't played much Operations in a long time, so I'm wondering, if getting 5 awards in Operations is doable. If so, what's the best approach? Otherwise I'd have to do three of the ship-type specific missions, which seems like a major pain point.

I appreciate any advice on how to tackle that week's missions in an effective manner.


It will also depend on if they rush the CV changes and they hit before or during that week.  Having your Carrier's planes unable to spot is going to alter that requirement significantly.



Edited by Jakob Knight
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1 hour ago, Jakob Knight said:

It will also depend on if they rush the CV changes and they hit before or during that week.  Having your Carrier's planes unable to spot is going to alter that requirement significantly.

There's no way they're rushing the changes that much. They are still in closed test, and a time for open test hasn't even been whispered about yet. The changes were described long before these missions were even issued, and if there were any possibility of them going live during this dockyard, the missions would have been crafted differently.

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Anyone know what the point is of making us wait for the next stages to open up? I don't understand why when we complete one section the  next isn't just available right away? 

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9 minutes ago, mashed68 said:

Anyone know what the point is of making us wait for the next stages to open up? I don't understand why when we complete one section the  next isn't just available right away? 

Engagement metrics. Different psychological tricks. 

Keep you logging in. Increase the opportunities you might purchase something. Being annoyed by timegates also might make you buy boosters. 

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I finished the second stage Yesterday. It has been fairly easy so far. It's not until week 5 and beyond that it will get really bad, and I am prepared to buy two more stages if needed, because that base XP mission in stage 7 is just plain awful! I may only need one, though, as the heroic mission in week 7 will likely prove surprisingly easy for me, given my way of rattling off Defensive AA experts since acquiring Essex. Speaking of which, I think its time for me to log on and torment some unsuspecting CV player.

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5 hours ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

There's no way they're rushing the changes that much. They are still in closed test, and a time for open test hasn't even been whispered about yet. The changes were described long before these missions were even issued, and if there were any possibility of them going live during this dockyard, the missions would have been crafted differently.


One would hope so.  On the other hand, common sense would also have noted that the proposed changes would leave CVs dangerously crippled, so my faith in the supply of good sense and logic at WG is strained at the moment.

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11 hours ago, Jakob Knight said:

On the other hand, common sense would also have noted that the proposed changes would leave CVs dangerously crippled

I noticed this from the start, and I hope it fails the closed test.

As a CV driver, I would be happy for the spotting circles of player-controlled aircraft to be markedly reduced and deployed CAPs not to spot at all (i.e. all like interceptors). I think this is reasonable. 

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1 minute ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

I noticed this from the start, and I hope it fails the closed test.

As a CV driver, I would be happy for the spotting circles of player-controlled aircraft to be markedly reduced and deployed CAPs not to spot at all (i.e. all like interceptors). I think this is reasonable. 

So, what comes next?
Para-troopers air-dropped onto the ocean to spot from rubber rafts (as a consumable)?  😉 

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2 minutes ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

So, what comes next?

Introduction of a scout-aircraft type or consumable, I guess? All surface spotting, p1$$-weak damage.

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3 hours ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

I noticed this from the start, and I hope it fails the closed test.

As a CV driver, I would be happy for the spotting circles of player-controlled aircraft to be markedly reduced and deployed CAPs not to spot at all (i.e. all like interceptors). I think this is reasonable. 

I run every type of ship in this game and love them all.  I also wouldn't be against a nerf like that, but throwing every other kind of nerf at them as well seems more than just overkill.  You never want to reduce any unit type in the game to the point it can't function and participate as an equal asset on a team, but it seems in the rush to meet all complaints, WG forgot that.  There's good reason to call this the Second Rework, and I had hoped WG had learned from their past mistakes.



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Just finished second section " forward for freedom " and she is looking good so far.

Vasa ship in dry dock | Vasa ship, Abandoned ships, Shipwreck

8 phases completed YAY





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Finished 4 tasks of the Pacific Storms section. The cruiser task was done with Brisbane. The destroyer task was done with Groningen. The remaining 2 tasks (XP and credits) should be done leisurely before the end of the week.

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On 4/22/2024 at 4:44 PM, mashed68 said:

Anyone know what the point is of making us wait for the next stages to open up? I don't understand why when we complete one section the  next isn't just available right away? 

Makes you stick around week after week hoping you will buy more premium time. Also makes it harder to complete it without spending cash. 

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After one night in co-op, I have five tasks done:

1500 DD gun hits, 800 any ribbon, 1200 main or secondary gun ribbon - Mostly Star Kitakaze, contributions from my grind ships and Druid.

20 cruiser torp hits - Brindisi, Hindenburg, Emerald, Defence.

450 CV rocket hits - mostly Aquila, a tiny bit of Yorktown and Parseval

Currently on 30,856 out of 130,000 ship XP, 2.79 million of 5.7 million credits. Well ahead of schedule on these. At this rate I could easily have the credits mission done by the weekend and the next directive unlocked when the time gate kicks in, leaving the XP task to wind on and give me its token at leisure. 

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Another easy week.  This is by design to lure the casual player into thinking he/she has hope of completing the Wisconsin dock yard event for a minimal cost.  WG is sowing the seed of hope.

Later weeks will dash those hopes with much more time-intensive tasks.  But, WG believes the hook of hope will have already snagged many a player.  What will those players do?  Relinquish early progress and come away with nothing?  Of course not.  Many of those players will cling to that early hope and shell out cash to achieve the completion they had already envisioned.

Some dock yard events have been a pretty good deal for a high tier premium ship.  Because that particular dock yard ship was mediocre.  But, THIS dock yard event awards WISCONSIN!  A historically valid ship for the NA folks, and one that has favorable early reviews to further sweeten the bait!  Except...this dock yard will get quite grueling at the end.  I'll bet a lot of casual players won't look ahead to see that.

I am fortunate.  I have been playing since 2015 and have amassed a fleet of ships, and for most tasks I have a ship that excels in that task.  And, I am recently retired, so I have the spare time to grind the Base XP missions.  I obtained West Virginia '44 from a free Santa crate last year.  So, I will earn Wisconsin for free.  But, I am not the average WoWS player.

For the average WoWS player, I would suggest the following:

  • skip dock yard events if you are opposed to spending that amount of cash on a game.
  • if you intend to spend cash to complete a dock yard event, scrutinize ALL of the weekly mission strings and look at your schedule for the duration of the event.  If you can swing it, buy the minimum starter pack for a discount at the outset to achieve completion, then commit to the grind for the rest.  This is a gamble...if real life throws in some road blocks, you will either lose that initial investment or you will have to pony up more cash later to achieve completion.  But, this is the path for most dock yards to obtain the reward ship for the least amount of cash expense.
  • start the grind and see where you are near the end of the event.  You will need to buy the remaining stages at full price.  You may spend more, but there is no gamble because you will know how many stages you were able to grind out and how many you will have to pay for.  You will know at the end how much cash any particular dock yard event ship will cost you.


Edited by desmo_2
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2 hours ago, desmo_2 said:

Another easy week.  This is by design to lure the casual player into thinking he/she has hope of completing the Wisconsin dock yard event for a minimal cost.  WG is sowing the seed of hope.

Later weeks will dash those hopes with much more time-intensive tasks.  But, WG believes the hook of hope will have already snagged many a player.  What will those players do?  Relinquish early progress and come away with nothing?  Of course not.  Many of those players will cling to that early hope and shell out cash to achieve the completion they had already envisioned.

Some dock yard events have been a pretty good deal for a high tier premium ship.  Because that particular dock yard ship was mediocre.  But, THIS dock yard event awards WISCONSIN!  A historically valid ship for the NA folks, and one that has favorable early reviews to further sweeten the bait!  Except...this dock yard will get quite grueling at the end.  I'll bet a lot of casual players won't look ahead to see that.

I am fortunate.  I have been playing since 2015 and have amassed a fleet of ships, and for most tasks I have a ship that excels in that task.  And, I am recently retired, so I have the spare time to grind the Base XP missions.  I obtained West Virginia '44 from a free Santa crate last year.  So, I will earn Wisconsin for free.  But, I am not the average WoWS player.

For the average WoWS player, I would suggest the following:

  • skip dock yard events if you are opposed to spending that amount of cash on a game.
  • if you intend to spend cash to complete a dock yard event, scrutinize ALL of the weekly mission strings and look at your schedule for the duration of the event.  If you can swing it, buy the minimum starter pack for a discount at the outset to achieve completion, then commit to the grind for the rest.  This is a gamble...if real life throws in some road blocks, you will either lose that initial investment or you will have to pony up more cash later to achieve completion.  But, this is the path for most dock yards to obtain the reward ship for the least amount of cash expense.
  • start the grind and see where you are near the end of the event.  You will need to buy the remaining stages at full price.  You may spend more, but there is no gamble because you will know how many stages you were able to grind out and how many you will have to pay for.  You will know at the end how much cash any particular dock yard event ship will cost you.

Yes, it is another easy week like the first two. 

The way the difficulty progresses in throughout the Dockyard Event is standard sales and marketing, and it works. 

It is nice to see players report their results for completing the easy ones. What is going to be really interesting will be the speed of their completion of the hard or difficult to finish phases. 

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Week 3 Day 1: Progress Update



Still Working On:


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4 hours ago, Frostbow said:

Yes, it is another easy week like the first two. 

The way the difficulty progresses in throughout the Dockyard Event is standard sales and marketing, and it works. 

It is nice to see players report their results for completing the easy ones. What is going to be really interesting will be the speed of their completion of the hard or difficult to finish phases. 

You think so ? I agree getting 20 Torpedoes with cruisers is easy 1500 DD hits is not so specially with my aim, I'll  grant you its not the worst but its time consuming.

Then theirs getting 100 planes in BB's better not hope there is a try patch of non participating CV's, I don't use recon float planes at all only fighters and they are short range, if others follow suite that makes it hard to shoot down 100.



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3 hours ago, tm63au said:

You think so ? I agree getting 20 Torpedoes with cruisers is easy 1500 DD hits is not so specially with my aim, I'll  grant you its not the worst but its time consuming.

Then theirs getting 100 planes in BB's better not hope there is a try patch of non participating CV's, I don't use recon float planes at all only fighters and they are short range, if others follow suite that makes it hard to shoot down 100.

20 torpedo hits with a cruiser isn't bad.  Five or six Co-op games with Tier 5 tech tree ship Agano and that was done.

The next three tasks get completed simultaneously:  get 800 ribbons, get 1,200 main battery or secondary battery hits, and get 1,500 main gun hits with a destroyer.  Again, Co-op is the most reliable mode for this.  Having a fast firing destroyer (I used Friesland) and not allowing yourself to be focused by the :bots: also makes this a five or six game task.  Ships like Gearing have good rates of fire, but their lofty firing arcs can make hits harder to get, especially from range.  Get in fairly close, smoke up, and blast away.

The next two tasks are token tasks:  earn 5.7M credits and earn 130K XP.  This is not a Base XP requirement, so XP boosters will speed this up.  If you are already working on a tech tree ship grind, I would certainly use those ships.  I use Random mode for XP tasks because I can reliably earn 1k-2k Base XP.  Some players abhor Random mode, but you can still use Asymmetrical mode for now.  You should earn 5.7M credits while playing for XP.

You can ignore every other task.  I agree shooting down planes with a battleship could prove frustrating if you can't find a game with CV's (which of course you can't when a mission requires them!).

Edited by desmo_2
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Good progress made today on both my accounts. Only have the 130k ship xp and the credits tasks to complete on both accounts.

Main account - 5 co-op games in Friesland and 5 co-op games in Emerald to complete 4 of 6 tasks.

Alt account - 6 co-op games in Marceau and 4 co-op games in Emerald to also complete 4 of 6 tasks.

Didn't even raise a sweat.

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13 hours ago, desmo_2 said:

I'll bet a lot of casual players won't look ahead to see that.

The inability of a player to plan ahead is not a WOWS problem; it's a player problem. 

My philosophy is that I never put any doubloons in at the start, preferring to pay a bit more at the end so that I can be sure I finish as many phases as possible and that play by early adopters has demonstrated the ship to be of worth to me. Your next paragraph agrees with this system perfectly, but I think you should clarify the post to indicate that these are alternative methods.

Anyone who already has the WV44 won't have to do the 60K base XP mission. However, this one is much easier than for previous Dockyards since it can be completed with any eligible ship of any type, rather than having to be done twice, in each of two different types, and upwards of 50,000 BXP per type.

I can say right now that if it hadn't been for that little bonus quirk with the WV44, or if I didn't have the WV44, I'd be leaving this dockyard well alone. But the potential to pull a T10 Dockyard ship at no financial cost was too much of an opportunity to resist, so here I am. 

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Another easy week, all done in about an hour and 40 min.

6 battles using GK in asymmetric battles and 3 Co-op battles in Kitakami for the torp cruiser mission.

Using the most appropriate ships if you have them, makes life a lot easier. 

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3rd week is vastly easier than 2nd week.  Finished 4 the first day using Harugumo and Kitakami mostly, with a light sprinkle of Brisbane, Yoshino and Marceau.

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In the "Pacific Storms" mission-chain, I've completed the following tasks:

~ Get 800 ribbons
~ Get 1,200 Main battery hits or Secondary battery hits
~ Get 100 Aircraft shot down or Shot down by fighter ribbons

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