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The Wisconsin Dockyard progress topic.


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2 hours ago, Frostbow said:

The 2023 Santa Containers from the New Year's Certificates gave me the WV44. I guess I'm lucky I don't have to buy anything for the Wisconsin. I can get the battleship without making any purchases from the Premium Shop.

That's amazing!

2 hours ago, Frostbow said:

I wish everyone will be able to finish the grind successfully. From what I've seen online I think she's overall a decent ship. 

I saw some stuff and I'd say she's quite strong.

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3 hours ago, Frostbow said:

The 2023 Santa Containers from the New Year's Certificates gave me the WV44. I guess I'm lucky I don't have to buy anything for the Wisconsin. I can get the battleship without making any purchases from the Premium Shop.

I wish everyone will be able to finish the grind successfully. From what I've seen online I think she's overall a decent ship. 

Yes, I bought her from the CT T7 box in the Santas Process as this was the only ship I did not have so it seems like a 3200 dbl refund. It is basically similar to you. 

I have btw decided to get this ship without any starter pack, i have always more or less bought the large (not both) and get some extra steel but have decided to not buy the large this time, I have enough steel to cover next coupons steel ship + nearly two more so no urgent need.

Edited by Gnirf
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Even if I'm experiencing "technical difficulty" expressing it, I am also glad people are making progress.  🙂 

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Finished the Italian Commander side quest. I know it isn't related but, it took longer to grind that out then Week 2 did sheesh.....

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39 minutes ago, Schnitchelkid01_ said:

Finished the Italian Commander side quest. I know it isn't related but, it took longer to grind that out then Week 2 did sheesh.....

I enjoyed both the EU and the Italian side-quests.  🙂 



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Hi all,

I only have 8 Capture / Assisted Capture to do... others done in Asymmetric battles with USN CV Yorktown 8grind done) and 8 Grosse Kurfurst Ranked games...


Leo "Apollo11"

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So far things have been very easy, but I'm a bit concerned about week 6 (particularly since I'll be traveling during that week and have to try to catch up later). So far I've done all the dockyard missions in PvE.

  • I usually don't play CV, but I noticed that week 6 has spotting damage for CVs, and so I'm wondering, if it is viable (and easy enough) to get the Yorktown (120k FXP) and use the smoke support consumable to get spotting damage somewhat reliably.
  • Also I haven't played much Operations in a long time, so I'm wondering, if getting 5 awards in Operations is doable. If so, what's the best approach? Otherwise I'd have to do three of the ship-type specific missions, which seems like a major pain point.

I appreciate any advice on how to tackle that week's missions in an effective manner.

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15 hours ago, Gnirf said:

Yes, I bought her from the CT T7 box in the Santas Process as this was the only ship I did not have so it seems like a 3200 dbl refund. It is basically similar to you. 

Similarly here, though I had 3 more ships in the list:

  • Yukon and Boise
  • Florida, which I'll probably go for in the trade-in event

Maybe I should've spent the 3200 dubs and saved the CT container for later, after getting the WV '44 in the normal progression, but I kind of wanted to get the Wisconsin for free...

Plus, honestly, after the next CT ship I'm probably not going to have much use for them anymore, other than some funky permacamo...

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when you want to call it a day and log off



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8 minutes ago, pepe_trueno said:

when you want to call it a day and log off

Go ahead, one more battle.

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19 hours ago, tangofan said:

So far things have been very easy, but I'm a bit concerned about week 6 (particularly since I'll be traveling during that week and have to try to catch up later). So far I've done all the dockyard missions in PvE.

  • I usually don't play CV, but I noticed that week 6 has spotting damage for CVs, and so I'm wondering, if it is viable (and easy enough) to get the Yorktown (120k FXP) and use the smoke support consumable to get spotting damage somewhat reliably.
  • Also I haven't played much Operations in a long time, so I'm wondering, if getting 5 awards in Operations is doable. If so, what's the best approach? Otherwise I'd have to do three of the ship-type specific missions, which seems like a major pain point.

I appreciate any advice on how to tackle that week's missions in an effective manner.

I'm skeptical about the CV and smoke thing in Co-Op. Yorktown is a poor spotter in the general case since her fighters have negligible spot radius.

If you have or can find friends, I'd suggest a division with your best CV and two buddies with high DPM smoke ships. They can sit next to each other and intentionally blind themselves with smoke; Then, just dog the bots with fighters while your div mates gun them down.

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3 hours ago, Tricericon said:

I'm skeptical about the CV and smoke thing in Co-Op. Yorktown is a poor spotter in the general case since her fighters have negligible spot radius.

If you have or can find friends, I'd suggest a division with your best CV and two buddies with high DPM smoke ships. They can sit next to each other and intentionally blind themselves with smoke; Then, just dog the bots with fighters while your div mates gun them down.

Thanks so much for the info. Even if it's not what I hoped, at least it saves me the FXP and the credits to get the Yorktown.

The idea with buddies helping sounds great, but unfortunately I'll need to complete the missions on my own. Perhaps I go with potential damage instead, but that is certainly a huge grind.

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1 hour ago, tangofan said:

Thanks so much for the info. Even if it's not what I hoped, at least it saves me the FXP and the credits to get the Yorktown.

The idea with buddies helping sounds great, but unfortunately I'll need to complete the missions on my own. Perhaps I go with potential damage instead, but that is certainly a huge grind.

I ran a quick Co-Op game with my Yorktown to test my theory and came away with 22k spot, which is not a practical number. The map was too open to obstruct the sight lines of more than one ship, and they closed to proximity detection range before I could drop my third smoke screen. Sample size is one but that doesn't seem like a promising number.

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29 minutes ago, Tricericon said:

I ran a quick Co-Op game with my Yorktown to test my theory and came away with 22k spot, which is not a practical number. The map was too open to obstruct the sight lines of more than one ship, and they closed to proximity detection range before I could drop my third smoke screen. Sample size is one but that doesn't seem like a promising number.

Thanks so much for trying this out. Yeah, 22k spotting damage would be about 55 to 60 coop missions to reach 1.2M spotting damage. ☹️ A tough week indeed...

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Just started on them yesterday.   Thinking ima regret the 2 stage starter pack.

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Mission line-up for Stage 3, opening Wednesday.

Any six of the following to pick up one token and open the next phase when the time-gate unlocks.

  1. 800 of any ribbon, 115/day
  2. 1200 primary or secondary gun hit ribbons, 172/day (but see the DD task)
  3. (Token) earn 5.7 million Credits before cost deductions, = 814,286 per day
  4. (Token) 130,000 ship XP = 18,572 per day (the third daily crate is almost exactly twice this!)
  5. CV - Score 450 rocket hits (65/day)
  6. BB - Shoot down 100 aircraft (15/day)
  7. Cruiser - Get 20 torpedo hits 
  8. Destroyer - Get 1500 main battery hits (see that doing this finishes two of the nonspecific tasks), 215/day
  9. Submarine - Get 20,000 BASE XP (2,858 per day)
  10. In Ranked/Randoms only: Get 3 million potential damage in a single battle.


Note that 130,000 is 6.5 x 20,000, which means that if you take on the submarine task and use blue boosters, you should finish the ship XP task also. Anyone working a Tier 6 sub up to Tier 8 should take note; this will take a fairly significant chunk out of that grind.

However, anyone who plays to the third crate every night in any ship will finish the ship XP task easily.

Unless you are divisioned with a CV routinely, the BB shootdown mission is dependent on the whims of matchmaking and I would advise against deliberately trying to complete it.


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Finished 2, waiting on 3.  Won't open it until I get closer to the WV44, just in case I need to buy a level or two with the discount.

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Wait did they Removed Asymmetrics from the Dockyard Missions????? Its not appearing anymore..... Oh No....



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Disregard the Above Post, I restarted the game and it shows up again.... Weird just weird

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8 hours ago, WES_HoundDog said:

Just started on them yesterday.   Thinking ima regret the 2 stage starter pack.


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13 hours ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

Mission line-up for Stage 3, opening Wednesday.

Any six of the following to pick up one token and open the next phase when the time-gate unlocks.

  1. 800 of any ribbon, 115/day
  2. 1200 primary or secondary gun hit ribbons, 172/day (but see the DD task)
  3. (Token) earn 5.7 million Credits before cost deductions, = 814,286 per day
  4. (Token) 130,000 ship XP = 18,572 per day (the third daily crate is almost exactly twice this!)
  5. CV - Score 450 rocket hits (65/day)
  6. BB - Shoot down 100 aircraft (15/day)
  7. Cruiser - Get 20 torpedo hits 
  8. Destroyer - Get 1500 main battery hits (see that doing this finishes two of the nonspecific tasks), 215/day
  9. Submarine - Get 20,000 BASE XP (2,858 per day)
  10. In Ranked/Randoms only: Get 3 million potential damage in a single battle.


Note that 130,000 is 6.5 x 20,000, which means that if you take on the submarine task and use blue boosters, you should finish the ship XP task also. Anyone working a Tier 6 sub up to Tier 8 should take note; this will take a fairly significant chunk out of that grind.

However, anyone who plays to the third crate every night in any ship will finish the ship XP task easily.

Unless you are divisioned with a CV routinely, the BB shootdown mission is dependent on the whims of matchmaking and I would advise against deliberately trying to complete it.


The poor synergies between those missions and my current projects are pretty funny. I'm pushing torp-focused CVs, gun-only cruisers, and torp-first DDs. The BB mission is just bad.

It's still an easy week. As you note, the 1,500 main battery hits for DDs counts triple. The only question is whether I slog it out the slow way while pushing for Shimmy or speed-run it with a machine gun boat in Co-Op.

I'll knock out the 20 CL torp hits with a speed-boosting Frenchy in Co-Op, and if 3 & 4 haven't cleared themselves by casual play a few blue boosters on my grinds and a couple rounds of Musashi will straighten them up right quick over the weekend.

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13 minutes ago, Tricericon said:

The poor synergies between those missions and my current projects are pretty funny.

Some of mine are good and others not so much. My current projects as a co-op main are:

Yorktown - not less than 2000 XP per day, then stop as soon as I reach or exceed that.

Parseval - not less than 2000 XP per day, as above.

FDG, Riga, Brindisi, Felix Schultz - not less than 1000 XP/day as above. 

(To borrow an old phrase, the wheels grind slow, but exceedingly fine. Most of these will be done by the Anniversary.)

The carriers are meh-ish for hits, since the Yorktown's rocket planes have Tiny Tims and Parseval's don't do much unless they hit a soft-skinned cruiser in exactly the right place (and then they are devastating). But I'm practicing with the rockets anyway, so that's not too bad.

FDG I'm just going to play to the minimum and leave that task alone.

Riga is gun-only. Fortunately, Brindisi has torpedoes so I can get this week's cruiser mission done with a grind ship without too many problems. 

Felix Schultz doesn't fire all that fast compared to some other destroyers (six guns at ~10rpm each), but once I have the worklist ships done on Wednesday and thereafter, I'm going to dust off my Star Kitakaze and let rip. That will take care of three missions, then I can pull Kitakaze back to reserve and bring in some torp-spewing cruisers to supplement Brindisi. After that, I can bring in carriers with large numbers of rockets (hello Aquila, among others). The credits mission should be done well before the time gate, which will make six - and if by some chance I still haven't got the XP task done then it can roll on naturally as I start on Phase 4.

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Done with phase 2 last Thursday or Friday... Just finished the loot dash thingie... Just waiting for the next phase to open and earning bxp for naval battles...

It's a Monday...

Fair winds and following seas!

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Completed the "1,700 main-battery or secondary-battery gun hits" ribbons mission.
In doing so, I finished the six required missions to gain the "Forward for Freedom" (complete 6 missions) shipbuilding phase.

This places me at the 6 Dockyard phases completed position of the dockyard progress.

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8 hours ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:


Cause apparently i'm way late in starting it.

Don't think i finish most of the dockyards.   But the mainz is some sort of wonderful in ops.

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