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The Wisconsin Dockyard progress topic.


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2 hours ago, SolitudeFreak said:

Are there any missions you think a division in PvE could help with? I actually didn't have to do randoms for the mission I thought I would (DD spotting) because a divmate helped me in co op.

I think there's still a week and a half left, so it might be doable.


1 hour ago, HamptonRoads said:

For the last segment, no. 

All of the ship-type missions are to deal damage, the others are to sink ships (20,) get ribbons (3000,) earn credits (18 million,) an earn base XP (60K.)  

All of these are achievable in co-op.  The 60K base XP might be the hardest in PVE, but if you figure that is only ~7.5K per day it is certainly manageable.  (The Utah Beach operation might be a good option to get base XP.)

I'm still on Temper Temper.

Everything else easy in that is done,

Rest easy. I'm just grousing about getting any extra Steel.

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35 minutes ago, Estimated_Prophet said:

I'm still on Temper Temper.

I could help you cause damage upon spotting in a DD if you haven't done that one already.

Or any divmate, really. You smoke up the cruiser partner and keep heading in while they farm damage.

The nest two phases are relatively simple, just grinding.

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I think the only one I'll write off for sure is the 60k BXP mission. Doubt very much I'll have enough fun to want to do that for 250 steel.

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4 hours ago, MnemonScarlet said:

I think the only one I'll write off for sure is the 60k BXP mission. Doubt very much I'll have enough fun to want to do that for 250 steel.

Yeah, unless you play enough every day (4.5K BXP or higher) to knock it over automatically, I wouldn't go chasing it too hard if I'd already done everything else and picked up the Wisky to boot. 

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I am still working on the credits mission of the final stage. Once I get it, I will just buy the last two phases, because I am not going to bother earning the Base XP or the complete 6 missions. If I then somehow roll the Base XP on accident, then extra steel then.

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2 hours ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

Yeah, unless you play enough every day (4.5K BXP or higher) to knock it over automatically, I wouldn't go chasing it too hard if I'd already done everything else and picked up the Wisky to boot. 

With the way I see games going a lot, my stamina for playing that much regularly has just dropped down a hole, unless it's low impact like doing coops I don't really need to think about. Even playing Satsuma and doing the point and click adventure takes more effort lately. So that BXP mission just isn't worth it at this point, but it's not surprising since dockyards tend to intensify this a lot near the end.

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OK been a busy few days so just coop to hit my 1500 base xp last two nights. 


Up to 45k base xp (only need this to unlock Wisconsin) 

Cruiser damage is at 2 million of 2.4 milliom

DD damage is at 1.4 of 1.9 million. 


Since the twitch mission this week is win 3 dd events I anticipate finishing cruiser damage and knocking off at least 5k base xp tomorrow. Dd damage will come on my Kita 1 game per day. 

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On 6/3/2024 at 7:03 PM, Jakob Knight said:


As I said in another thread, the Combat Instructions isn't the real gimmick of this ship, but more of an add-on (mainly to boost your repair party in brawls).  The real gimmick is the battlecruiser level dispersion, which gives the ship unbelievable grouping of its shells if you build for that.  The accuracy of Wisconsin is the real reason this ship is T10.


For a long time, players wondered why the Iowa class was put in a lower tier in the game.  Wisconsin is what the Iowa class, with its radar-assisted gunnery, would have been if they had more of a need to portray that from the start and not had the Montana to put in.  Makes you wonder what a Montana with this kind of dispersion would be like.



Yes, but it makes her an average T10 BB, except if you get broadsiding noobs on the red team. The capability of activating the gimmick more than once or twice in a random match would have made her a good boat. I also tried using the reload mod instead of the dispersion one. I managed to activate the gimmick a bit more often, but the salvos were very dissapointing dispersionwise. Now I’m running furious instead of concealment, to get a bit of reload buff here and there, but it’s far from being consistent.

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Bok svima,

Schlieffen in CoOp... 5 minutes for 100K-150K... 🙂



And we have Wisconsin:



Leo "Apollo11"

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Posted (edited)
10 hours ago, Ocsimano18 said:

Yes, but it makes her an average T10 BB, except if you get broadsiding noobs on the red team. The capability of activating the gimmick more than once or twice in a random match would have made her a good boat. I also tried using the reload mod instead of the dispersion one. I managed to activate the gimmick a bit more often, but the salvos were very dissapointing dispersionwise. Now I’m running furious instead of concealment, to get a bit of reload buff here and there, but it’s far from being consistent.


Actually it makes her anything but an average T10 BB, and I think that's going to be what makes many players discount her.  The average T10 BB concentrates on bringing maximum gunpower to the fight, mounting as many guns as possible to bury the enemy in shells.


Wisconsin on the other hand brings only the gunpower of a T9 BB, but she concentrates on making every one of her shells count.  Where other BBs accept some misses and count on the number of shots fired to score hits, Wisconsin ensures almost all of hers will strike the target (if the aim of the player is true).  That's a very harsh attack to take, especially if the range is close enough to permit accurate aiming at specific parts of the target for effect.


As for broadsiding targets, some enemy ship will give you that during a battle if they aren't all reversing or keeping their bows towards you alone.  Wisconsin is one of those ships that can make that cost.



Edited by Jakob Knight
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I have 10k base XP left to earn and I'll be finished. 60k base XP takes some time which I don't have a lot of lately. 

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Posted (edited)

I finally got to the last set of missions of the Dockyard. I need 4 stages to get Wisconsin and I should be able to complete 3 of them before the missions end. I'm going for 20 ships sunk, credits and 3000 ribbons. I'm not going to try for BXP which means I will need to buy 1 stage and I'm good with that. The only other Dockyard I've finished in my 3+ years was Admiral Schroder.

Edited to add that most of the modes I played were Asym, coop and operations. I did try to finish both cruiser and BB potential damage in randoms, but after 3 or 4 games I quickly abandoned that folly. I did not want to be a further hindrance to good players in random that have to deal with other potatoes.

Edited by Jagerbomb_2021
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OK update after tonight's games, 7,117 base xp, 24,359 cruiser dmg, 456k dd dmg left. 

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Finished Temper, Temper tonight.  One token and I'll have the WV 44 I was hoping to get.

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Posted (edited)
11 hours ago, Jagerbomb_2021 said:

I need 4 stages to get Wisconsin and I should be able to complete 3 of them before the missions end. I'm going for 20 ships sunk, credits and 3000 ribbons. I'm not going to try for BXP which means I will need to buy 1 stage and I'm good with that.

If you were a previous owner of WV44, you can skip the BXP task so long as you finish the actual directive. That means farming a whole lot of damage in three ship types, which is probably best done in co-op, or playing T5 randoms when the servers are a ghost town and you have more bots, to try for a Kraken and reduce the amount of damage you have to farm.

Can you do 430,000 damage a day in BB, 343,000 in cruisers and 272,000 in DD? Then you can finish this. I believe in you. 

It's still potentially within your reach! Save buying the stage until the very last minute.

Edited by Ensign Cthulhu
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Fell for it. American guns too much fun to use + the other real TX bb. 

You can blame me for encouraging WG.

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4 hours ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

If you were a previous owner of WV44, you can skip the BXP task so long as you finish the actual directive. That means farming a whole lot of damage in three ship types, which is probably best done in co-op, or playing T5 randoms when the servers are a ghost town and you have more bots, to try for a Kraken and reduce the amount of damage you have to farm.

Can you do 430,000 damage a day in BB, 343,000 in cruisers and 272,000 in DD? Then you can finish this. I believe in you. 

It's still potentially within your reach! Save buying the stage until the very last minute.

I did have WV44 prior to the event. I'll have to see about damage in those classes since I didn't pay attention when looking at it. The only potential problem I see is 2 of the remaining days I really only have time to play a couple of quick coop game to collect my first daily container. Mondays and Fridays are typically 14 hour work days for me, so I pretty much only stay up for an hour before hitting the sack.

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8 hours ago, Jagerbomb_2021 said:

I did have WV44 prior to the event. I'll have to see about damage in those classes since I didn't pay attention when looking at it. The only potential problem I see is 2 of the remaining days I really only have time to play a couple of quick coop game to collect my first daily container. Mondays and Fridays are typically 14 hour work days for me, so I pretty much only stay up for an hour before hitting the sack.

Aw damn. I've worked those hours; I know how it feels.

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Good news everyone. 

After my Kita/Uganda/Andalucia games I'd finished my cruiser damage missions. Needed about 5800 base xp 400k dd damage. Pulled out something I hadn't played in a long time and finished the grind in 13 Paolo Emilio matches in roughly an hour and half while watching some YouTube. 


She is a beauty. 


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23 hours ago, Bomont said:

Finished Temper, Temper tonight.  One token and I'll have the WV 44 I was hoping to get.

Got the 50k FXP quite quickly last night.  Hoarding red boosters paid off.  WV 44 in port.  Good luck to everybody on the Wisconsin hunt.

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This ship is actually a bunch of fun. I value shell volume and rapid fire over accuracy, but these excellent battlecruiser values combined with good sigma and still decent number of rifles and caliber is a pretty delicious combination. It's not like the stupid bungholeline where you still do nothing with your goofy sniper gimmick, and not a pushover entirely useless to the team like the nippon battlecruiser. No regrets.

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I've completed the "Cause 1,300,000 HP of damage to ships (while sailing a Submarine)" task in the Norfolk's Gem mission-chain.

While I already have the Wisconsin in my Port, this satisfies the requirement of getting 6 tasks completed to earn one more dockyard phase of rewards and earns me 10,000 credits as a reward for completing the task itself.

Mostly, I did this task just for my own personal satisfaction.  🙂 


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Posted (edited)
17 minutes ago, Itwastuesday said:

This ship is actually a bunch of fun. I value shell volume and rapid fire over accuracy, but these excellent battlecruiser values combined with good sigma and still decent number of rifles and caliber is a pretty delicious combination. It's not like the stupid bungholeline where you still do nothing with your goofy sniper gimmick, and not a pushover entirely useless to the team like the nippon battlecruiser. No regrets.


Also, reminded me of this commercial.  🙂 


Edited by Wolfswetpaws
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I used the trade in even to trade my Texas for the Agincort. Took her out for a few battles, she slaps tier 5 around like red headed step children. Got the last of the base XP I needed super fast and have the Wisconsin in my port finally. 

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