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The Wisconsin Dockyard progress topic.


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Hi all,

It will be done... 10 days to go...




Leo "Apollo11"

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Finally finished up the sixth stage last night, polished up the fire damage task today so got the WV44 my only real goal for this one. Didn't feel like the stress of trying to finish the whole dockyard so happy now.

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I am pleased to announce that I have successfully run my raggedy red pirate flag up over Wisconsin, marking the 22nd Tier X commissioned into my fleet.


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Done! Probably my last Dockyard, we'll see.


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Posted (edited)

About halfway done with my final Dockyard stage on both EU and NA, so on schedule.

Cruiser damage will be done in D-Day Ops or Co-op (just spam Salem).

Spamming Conqueror games on EU, and Jean Bart games on NA to get the BB damage done, and do the Base XP and Credit mission at the same time. 



Edited by Dutchy_2019
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45 minutes ago, Dutchy_2019 said:

About halfway done with my final Dockyard stage on both EU and NA

Having one account to do the dockyard is a challenge, but having two accounts...well...

Congratulations and great job.

By the way, welcome to the forum.

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Cruiser damage mission finished, Wisconsin acquired.


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Done 5/6 mission with Atlanta in Utah operation and successfully got the ship, working on the dd dmg mission with re-grinding kita so it wouldn't be too much trouble.

I am sure it will be done within the timeframe, even if I can't I am sure it won't be too much hustle in coop.


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My Wisconsin dockyard construction is complete.  🙂 


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48 minutes ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

My Wisconsin dockyard construction is complete.  🙂 


Hell Yeah!!!!

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2 hours ago, a252 said:

working on the dd dmg mission with re-grinding kita

Yep! The key to these events is finding ways to do them so that they serve your agenda, as you have done here. Milk it for all it's worth. 

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Done, da done done....


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5 minutes ago, Arcus_Aesopi said:

Done, da done done....



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Posted (edited)

I stopped playing for a month after having finished the second stage of missions. I decided to not go for the grind. Still, somehow I got started playing again 15 days ago and finished the last 6 stages within that time. It needed around 100 random matches, and who knows how many co-ops. About 50 hour playtime. So far I’m dissapointed with the gimmick button, as it’s very hard to activate because of the short cooldown compared to other F-keys. The tankiness is nice, just tanked 2.6k while kiting. I had only two random matches so far, but it’s far from being OP angainst players who angle properly. Those streamers showing you superb damage records play at times of the day when the broadsiding kids (aka paid actors) return from school, not the kind of match you get at your normal 5-8pm playtime.

Edited by Ocsimano18
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16 hours ago, UnrepentantSinner said:

Done! Probably my last Dockyard, we'll see.

Yeah I was kinda thinking in same lines, this def stoped being a game and become a job a while back, but now its more like a full time job of late and I already have one of those...

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2 hours ago, Yedwy said:

Yeah I was kinda thinking in same lines, this def stoped being a game and become a job a while back, but now its more like a full time job of late and I already have one of those...

My sentiments exactly, i want to enjoy playing, grinding for me is the opposite of that. It has indeed become more like a second job, one you can't take a few days off from, without missing a lot of content, you may never get again.

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Posted (edited)
12 hours ago, Ocsimano18 said:

I stopped playing for a month after having finished the second stage of missions. I decided to not go for the grind. Still, somehow I got started playing again 15 days ago and finished the last 6 stages within that time. It needed around 100 random matches, and who knows how many co-ops. About 50 hour playtime. So far I’m dissapointed with the gimmick button, as it’s very hard to activate because of the short cooldown compared to other F-keys. The tankiness is nice, just tanked 2.6k while kiting. I had only two random matches so far, but it’s far from being OP angainst players who angle properly. Those streamers showing you superb damage records play at times of the day when the broadsiding kids (aka paid actors) return from school, not the kind of match you get at your normal 5-8pm playtime.


As I said in another thread, the Combat Instructions isn't the real gimmick of this ship, but more of an add-on (mainly to boost your repair party in brawls).  The real gimmick is the battlecruiser level dispersion, which gives the ship unbelievable grouping of its shells if you build for that.  The accuracy of Wisconsin is the real reason this ship is T10.


For a long time, players wondered why the Iowa class was put in a lower tier in the game.  Wisconsin is what the Iowa class, with its radar-assisted gunnery, would have been if they had more of a need to portray that from the start and not had the Montana to put in.  Makes you wonder what a Montana with this kind of dispersion would be like.



Edited by Jakob Knight
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Got it

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Done. The rest is just steel now lol.

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Posted (edited)

Star date 2024

Captains Log

I walk to the naval Dockyard to see the final view of my new warship only to find its gone, vanished like it was never here, 200 hundred years of construction, countless redesigns and the ship has done a Philadelphia Experiment on me.     




4000 Kriegsmarine Naval personal disguised as dockyard workers and USN sailors walked right past USN guards at the Americana Naval Base checkpoints and boarded two brand new warships that had just been completed, sailed them out of port under the nose of the enemy and have now made safe passage to Hamburg port.




The Grand Admiral at the presiding ceremony at the dockside where the ships berthed proclaimed glory to the Fatherland adding these ships will be a great asset to the Navy.




I don't want to another bloody dockyard for 6 months   


Edited by tm63au
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HI all,

5/6... only BB damage to do.. 2M to go...



Leo "Apollo11"

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Finally finished the 42 mil BB PD... So I'm at 5/6.

Yeah; screw the rest, I'm done.

I refuse to play Randoms. And even in that; none of the rest of Temper Temper can get done in a week.

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22 hours ago, Jakob Knight said:

Makes you wonder what a Montana with this kind of dispersion would be like.

33% stronger. Very nasty. Likely to get nerfed.

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7 hours ago, Estimated_Prophet said:

Finally finished the 42 mil BB PD... So I'm at 5/6.

Yeah; screw the rest, I'm done.

I refuse to play Randoms. And even in that; none of the rest of Temper Temper can get done in a week.

Are there any missions you think a division in PvE could help with? I actually didn't have to do randoms for the mission I thought I would (DD spotting) because a divmate helped me in co op.

I think there's still a week and a half left, so it might be doable.

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29 minutes ago, SolitudeFreak said:

Are there any missions you think a division in PvE could help with? I actually didn't have to do randoms for the mission I thought I would (DD spotting) because a divmate helped me in co op.

I think there's still a week and a half left, so it might be doable.

For the last segment, no. 

All of the ship-type missions are to deal damage, the others are to sink ships (20,) get ribbons (3000,) earn credits (18 million,) an earn base XP (60K.)  

All of these are achievable in co-op.  The 60K base XP might be the hardest in PVE, but if you figure that is only ~7.5K per day it is certainly manageable.  (The Utah Beach operation might be a good option to get base XP.)

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