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The Wisconsin Dockyard progress topic.


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44 minutes ago, Schnitchelkid01_ said:

I grinded like heck today and finally, it is done!Screenshot(140).thumb.png.eece9f862170604134f992e4cce5b52e.png

Bit dangerous berthing your ship in Axis occupied Norway ? 😅

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I look forward to see everyone else's progress! The ship is alot of fun!

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Finally completed the grind last night and my mooring crews pulled the Wisconsin into her berth.  My body is ready for a break from the weeks of grinding and the pressure of time.  

Dockyards.  I need to get my Sub past enemy lines and put a pair of torpedoes into each and every one of those monstrosities.  

Then, we shall have...peace.



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Man, you guys are finished already? I haven't found time for ten games yet this week. :classic_laugh:

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Posted (edited)






Now I just gotta build this Monster!


Edited by OldSchoolGaming_Youtube
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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:



Now I just gotta build this Monster!

giphy.gif  giphy.gif  

Edited by Wolfswetpaws
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3 hours ago, Tricericon said:

Man, you guys are finished already? I haven't found time for ten games yet this week. :classic_laugh:

Well, I keep letting myself get drawn into these after enough time passes for me to forget how they drain all the joy from playing the game.  I started it thinking I'd just make as much progress as I could, and then the dual impetus' of having done enough to see the Wisconsin as a possibility and knowing I couldn't pass up the chance to get a Premium T10 USN BB into my fleet just compelled me to grind hard.  Much more than I probably should have and I now remember why I stay away from the Dockyards and Research Bureau parts of the game.

Time to play for fun instead of a second job.



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Posted (edited)

Ok so as someone who has only had two Tier X BB's and those being the GK and Preussen (I have been focusing mainly on Cruisers over the past year ever since coming back to the game), (also I am grinding the Yamato right now) and I am what you call an average player. My stats are not terrific, I am an average player. However!!!  This thing is the most consistent BB I have ever had the pleasure of playing on live or test servers. It shoots like a railgun! I am used to battleships and Tier X which end up like a crap shoot but the Wisconsin is pinpoint accurate. My first Random Battle game in it after several high damage coop games turned into a pretty good game especially when it was my first random game in the Wisky. It is a joy to play, I love it and it is TOTALLY worth the grind.

Those are my 2 cents.



Edited by Schnitchelkid01_
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Solved most of it, BUT I STILL have to finish half of bb dmg to ships and half of base xp... This day was 1 looong grind... 

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Finished the kills and ribbons missions. 

Daily quotas for credits, BXP, damage in DD, CR, BB, SS met or exceeded. 

After two days, I am currently at: 

9433 BXP out of 60K (15.7% complete), daily quota 4615

4 million credits out of 18 million (22% complete), daily quota 1.3 M

502K BB damage out of 3 million (16.7% complete), daily quota 231K

482K cruiser damage out of 2.4 million (21% complete), daily quota 185K

370K DD damage out of 1.9 million (19.5% complete), daily quota 147K

263K sub damage out of 1.3 million (20.2% complete), daily quota 100,000

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Done an hour ago.  For a ship I most likely will never use !........

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I finally got a few solid games in. 8-6 in randoms, kicking tail in my DDs (19-5 in last 24 DD games at 9+) but really struggling in Musashi. I gotta figure out what I'm doing wrong in her; only 2 of the 4 losses could be blamed on AFK CVs.

Kills at 19/20, credits about 5/6ths done, ribbons halfway, BXP 1/3rd, BB and DD dmg 1/4th each. Missed that Kraken mission by one kill twice. I have tomorrow off so I'll probably bite off another large chunk before getting down to chores.

Intend to continue pushing T9 with blue (or better) credit boosters, need to have enough credits to rebuy Zao and Shimmy when the RB double resets and at present I ain't close.

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Yeah, I bought out the last two stages a couple of days ago, but I found myself thinking, "I wonder if "Ol' Reliable" (Giulio Cesare) can pull out a kraken for me in case I want to bag a little steel?"

Got it on first try:



The battle was half bots, and it started out very poorly for the green team. We lost ship and caps early, but then I finally found my groove and nailed six. Just me and a bot Wyoming at the end. I also had to run the table on caps  to keep from getting overrun on points. Only the red Hosho was left. Out of my six kills, four of them were humanoids:


Ended on points with 21 seconds remaining, with only one salvo remaining to drop the Hosho, as well:


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Grabbed a clan mate and played some more dday. Up to 15.5 million silver and 28k base xp so way ahead of schedule. 

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Going to have to " Up The Anti " with 11 days to go 5 more tasks including getting 15 mill bucks and 52 k base points which is taking to long in Coop,  looks like its random and its still going to be close.


 Orcs wouldn't know what a menu is lol" is a bad take | ResetEra

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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, tm63au said:

Going to have to " Up The Anti " with 11 days to go 5 more tasks including getting 15 mill bucks and 52 k base points which is taking to long in Coop,  looks like its random and its still going to be close.


 Orcs wouldn't know what a menu is lol" is a bad take | ResetEra

Blue credit boosters and the best-performing T8 & T9 premiums you have.

Red boosters if you have ‘em. For ships that are both best earners and best performers.

Edited by Utt_Bugglier
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Posted (edited)

This shows me like solid road:

1. Agincourt with sec. build (lucky who have Gulio cesare, but I haven't) in early hours for kraken

2. 3000 ribbons: sec. build Napoli in coop or Schanhorst 43 (sec. build with Lutjens) in coop

3. Kills: see number 2. again and choose

4. Base xp  - ranked

5. credit - boosters + ranked or random (I prefer silver ranked)

6. dmg see number 2. and 3. and choose (ranked, random or even coop with theese 2 ships)


My road was and are: kraken with Agincourt (random in 4.01 in the morning), credit mostly ranked (t8-t9) and random with boosters, 3000 ribbons - ranked; kills - ranked and random (in random was Kraken), base xp need 24000 more and I am doing it in ranked, dmg (with bb) need around 600 000 more and doing it in ranked. 

If this helps anyone 🙂

EDIT: I don't play subs or CVs, so that option was out and I am not good with dds so that option also was out for me.

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I bought the last three phases with doubloons and now I have the Wisconsin. Playing BBs in the D-day event netted me the 20 kills and 3000 ribbons.  I got about 750k dmg. with the BBs.  Now, on to other things. 

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26 minutes ago, Justin_Simpleton said:

I bought the last three phases with doubloons and now I have the Wisconsin. Playing BBs in the D-day event netted me the 20 kills and 3000 ribbons.  I got about 750k dmg. with the BBs.  Now, on to other things. 


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My last remaining mission task was to earn credits.  To get over the last hump, I called on OG Missouri  to do Missouri things.

And with that, ship #497, Wisconsin, has joined my port!  Completely free, too, since I got West Virginia '44 last Christmas in a free Santa crate.


Edited by desmo_2
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Just finished the "Get 20 destroyed ribbons" task and progressed to Dockyard phase 27.

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Posted (edited)

After 2 days of grinding in ranked and random - Dockayrd IS FINISH! 😄 Winsconsin is in the port 🙂 

P.S. I really after this grind need a time-out of few days from game...

EDIT: SRY haven't picture, don't know how to make picture from the game or port...

Edited by WildWind84
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I finished up stage 30 today and Wisconsin is in my port.  Fortunately, I already had the WV '44, so the extra free stages helped a great deal.  

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Completed the BB damage and CC damage ship specific tasks. With the 2 previous completed tasks, I am now at 4/6 for the mission. The two other token tasks are at 45K/60K BXP and 15.4mil/18 mil credits. Taking it slow and steady.

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