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Finished first set of missions in an hour or two, asymetric battles definitly helps to grind it ultra fast.

5 of 6 missions done with Schliffen in asymetric, press W and win, and finish missions...


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I bought the starter pack a moment weakness ( madness probably ) so now I'm committed finished stage 1 or section 1 whatever you call it in 2 days and that's a record for me even though it was relatively easy, I somehow doubt the rest will be that quick to finish.

So now have to wait 5 days for the next section to open.  

Edited by tm63au
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First set of missions was easy enough to do while farming naval stars in randoms and couple of asyms to finish off, used dds ans cruisers

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Hi all,

On 4/12/2024 at 2:45 PM, Leo_Apollo11 said:

I only have BB mission to do (1.000 hits)... with use Schlieffen in CoOp...

I forgot that I could bring Schlieffen to Asymmetric battles as well... much faster... 🙂



Leo "Apollo11"



Game was lost because our last surviving BB (Musashi) had more HP than 2 remaining BOTs  and he still managed to lose the battle... he didn't kill anything in game... he has a around 3.000 Random battles but WinRate of just above 40%... 100% useless... you simply can't be worse that that... 😦


Edited by Leo_Apollo11
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2 minutes ago, Leo_Apollo11 said:

you simply can't be worse that that... 😦

giphy-downsized-large.gif  giphy.gif  


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When we start getting to the harder weeks (Week 5,6 and 7 in particular) it will be valuable to see what everybody here is doing and I hope I can replicate it, I think for the Cruiser potential damage mission I will just play the Petro and Napoli until I go blue in the face lol

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4 hours ago, Schnitchelkid01_ said:

it will be valuable to see what everybody here is doing and I hope I can replicate it

Write down all the tasks in one column, and then in another, the same value divided by seven. Cut it into daily chunks. 

Remember that the goal is to have the next directive available when its time gate opens, which is not necessarily the same as having all the token tasks in that mission set complete. Those just need to be finished by the end of the entire directive period (which is just over eight weeks from now). 

That 60,000 Base XP task LOOKS horrendous, but there's only one of them this time; you can do it in ANY Tier 5-plus ship; and assuming you are ready to go as soon as it drops, you will have two weeks to do it. 60,000 divided by 14 is 4,286 base XP a night (rounding up to the next integer), which is four decent random wins. To put it in a different context, it is less base XP than you would have needed to finish the Daily Chains in the pre-battle-pass days.

Some of the other missions, e.g. in Mission set 5 "Earn 30,000 base XP in battleships", also look kind of crazy, but dividing by seven puts them in context too. Obviously it gets much easier if you can do one of the "In one battle..." tasks along the way, and while most of them are beyond my reach, one - "in one battle, get one achievement" - is not. So I might just toddle off into Randoms and leave the det flags at home, right?

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12 minutes ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

Write down all the tasks in one column, and then in another, the same value divided by seven. Cut it into daily chunks. 

Remember that the goal is to have the next directive available when its time gate opens, which is not necessarily the same as having all the token tasks in that mission set complete. Those just need to be finished by the end of the entire directive period (which is just over eight weeks from now). 

That 60,000 Base XP task LOOKS horrendous, but there's only one of them this time; you can do it in ANY Tier 5-plus ship; and assuming you are ready to go as soon as it drops, you will have two weeks to do it. 60,000 divided by 14 is 4,286 base XP a night (rounding up to the next integer), which is four decent random wins. To put it in a different context, it is less base XP than you would have needed to finish the Daily Chains in the pre-battle-pass days.

Some of the other missions, e.g. in Mission set 5 "Earn 30,000 base XP in battleships", also look kind of crazy, but dividing by seven puts them in context too. Obviously it gets much easier if you can do one of the "In one battle..." tasks along the way, and while most of them are beyond my reach, one - "in one battle, get one achievement" - is not. So I might just toddle off into Randoms and leave the det flags at home, right?

So what do you do when you get off work?

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8 minutes ago, Admiral_Karasu said:

So what do you do when you get off work?

My work involves cutting people and parts of people into chunks. It's a natural progression to gaming at home.

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13 minutes ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

My work involves cutting people and parts of people into chunks. It's a natural progression to gaming at home.


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5 hours ago, Admiral_Karasu said:


I believe the appropriate phrase is, "Well, you asked".  

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On 4/14/2024 at 5:52 AM, Ensign Cthulhu said:

Write down all the tasks in one column, and then in another, the same value divided by seven. Cut it into daily chunks. 

Remember that the goal is to have the next directive available when its time gate opens, which is not necessarily the same as having all the token tasks in that mission set complete. Those just need to be finished by the end of the entire directive period (which is just over eight weeks from now). 

That 60,000 Base XP task LOOKS horrendous, but there's only one of them this time; you can do it in ANY Tier 5-plus ship; and assuming you are ready to go as soon as it drops, you will have two weeks to do it. 60,000 divided by 14 is 4,286 base XP a night (rounding up to the next integer), which is four decent random wins. To put it in a different context, it is less base XP than you would have needed to finish the Daily Chains in the pre-battle-pass days.

Some of the other missions, e.g. in Mission set 5 "Earn 30,000 base XP in battleships", also look kind of crazy, but dividing by seven puts them in context too. Obviously it gets much easier if you can do one of the "In one battle..." tasks along the way, and while most of them are beyond my reach, one - "in one battle, get one achievement" - is not. So I might just toddle off into Randoms and leave the det flags at home, right?

Thankfully I can play Warships at my job because I work Swing and Grave shifts, so I will be able to get alot of grinding done

Edited by Schnitchelkid01_
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On 4/14/2024 at 9:14 AM, Ensign Cthulhu said:

My work involves cutting people and parts of people into chunks. It's a natural progression to gaming at home.

I hope you don't get many customer complaints... 😄

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17 minutes ago, Jakeshuffle said:

I hope you don't get many customer complaints... 😄

Only "silent rebukes"?

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Finally bothered to knock out the last mission of the first set (DD ribbons) in a couple rounds of Smaland Sat AM after I finished Independence Friday night. Grabbed the starter pack, so I'm all in now.

For week two, I'll attack the missions in the following fashion:

I'll open by pushing hard on my Yorktown; I snuck in a game before work this morning and finished the stock grind so I am prepared for tomorrow. That should rapidly clear "15 floods", "150 torp hits in a CV", get big chunks of "30 fires" and "19k BXP", and get me a good portion of the way to Essex to boot. If I somehow get Essex before torp hit 150 (I have so many blue boosters there's no point in not using them), I'll finish that mission off with Essex in Asymmetries.

I'll follow up by taking a DD - I may rotate which one - that can contest caps out in ranked until I clear "8 caps". This should finish pushing "19k BXP" over, and progress "30 fires" and "42 torp hits in a DD". If remain unfinished, I'll run Smaland in co-op until one or the other is, and then Jager in co-op until done if it's "42 torps" left or Yoshino in Asymmetries if it's "30 fires".

If Yorktown hits the magic 175k I'll bypass the DD torps mission, but I'll probably still run ranked while chasing caps in the interest of progressing my DD lines faster.

I estimate roughly 25 games total to accomplish this. I could probably get that down to 15-20 if I really optimized, but this week isn't high intensity yet and I have other objectives I'm pursuing. Ruthless Wisconsin grinding won't come until at least Stage Five.

Edited by Tricericon
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6 hours ago, Jakeshuffle said:

I hope you don't get many customer complaints... 😄

They were in no condition to complain even before I started on them. 

4 hours ago, Tricericon said:

For week two, I'll attack the missions in the following fashion:

You have a plan, which is the important thing - and more importantly, it is a plan that:

a) Attacks multiple aspects of the task at once,

b) Furthers your own agenda (advancing DD lines, advancing the Yorktown grind) while completing the missions,

c) Minimizes stress,

d) Has contingency and fallback positions.

I am planning to do at least three of the combat tasks this week, possibly even four, so that I can ignore the base XP task and it will complete over the following weeks if it's not already done before phase three unlocks. I anticipate that the floods and fires will mostly take care of themselves, and most likely the caps will too. I decided to add a DD to the list of the ships I'm grinding and I chose the Felix Schultz because I'm REALLY liking that ship and I need to finish working up the B hull. I will probably not add a submarine, mostly because I'm not doing well in those in co-op at the moment and I have things I'd rather be doing than setting time aside to improve my sub play.

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16 hours ago, Tricericon said:

Finally bothered to knock out the last mission of the first set (DD ribbons) in a couple rounds of Smaland Sat AM after I finished Independence Friday night. Grabbed the starter pack, so I'm all in now.

For week two, I'll attack the missions in the following fashion:

I'll open by pushing hard on my Yorktown; I snuck in a game before work this morning and finished the stock grind so I am prepared for tomorrow. That should rapidly clear "15 floods", "150 torp hits in a CV", get big chunks of "30 fires" and "19k BXP", and get me a good portion of the way to Essex to boot. If I somehow get Essex before torp hit 150 (I have so many blue boosters there's no point in not using them), I'll finish that mission off with Essex in Asymmetries.

I'll follow up by taking a DD - I may rotate which one - that can contest caps out in ranked until I clear "8 caps". This should finish pushing "19k BXP" over, and progress "30 fires" and "42 torp hits in a DD". If remain unfinished, I'll run Smaland in co-op until one or the other is, and then Jager in co-op until done if it's "42 torps" left or Yoshino in Asymmetries if it's "30 fires".

If Yorktown hits the magic 175k I'll bypass the DD torps mission, but I'll probably still run ranked while chasing caps in the interest of progressing my DD lines faster.

I estimate roughly 25 games total to accomplish this. I could probably get that down to 15-20 if I really optimized, but this week isn't high intensity yet and I have other objectives I'm pursuing. Ruthless Wisconsin grinding won't come until at least Stage Five.

Good tips!


I was considering running Jinan in Asymmetric for the Torp hits, floods and fire missions. Just flood the pushing bots with tons of torps using TRB and hten smoke up and set tons of fires. 

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A little practice run for tomorrow's mission chain. "Set 30 fires" and ""15 Cause flood".


Im guessing that fires will be done first so then I might switch to Kamikaze R in Coop for the rest of the floods (IJN torps and non-existent T5 BB torp protection)

19 000 Base XP is pretty doable in T8 German sub.

Is Haku best for the CV "150 Torp hit" mission?

"1200 secondary hits" in BB is a breeze in Schleiffen. Same in cruiser is a breeze in Napoli.

 "42 torp hits" in DD should be a breeze in Coop with Kamikaze.

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21 minutes ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

Is Haku best for the CV "150 Torp hit" mission?

Kaga in co-op if you have it, since the plane reserves are deeper and each drop gives you four torpedoes.

If you don't, Hakuryu at least puts the same number of torpedo bombers in the air. 

Midway has three drops of six in a full flight, but you might not hit with all of them.

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Done with the second segments.

for the Torpedo hits in the DD = 4 matches in a Benham (10+ each)

That is all for this week - Asym out...

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39 minutes ago, DoW_ said:

Dockyard easy button

And I thought the DY easy button was "just whale."

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1 hour ago, DoW_ said:

😁 Dockyard easy button


DaaaYYYmmmn! Cant wait to get that ship.

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The Leeuw makes the Fire Mission Really Easy



Screenshot (88).png

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I bought a 2 stage starter pack, and have 1 stage complete since starting last night. With asym battles back, and an average 250-300k damage, 5 kills, and 300 secondary hits per battle, this is going quickly. Mass shreds bot planes too if a CV is in game. Prinz rupp shreds ships. This is too much fun. And all of this in the name of getting the WV44 lol. 

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