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On 5/25/2024 at 12:57 AM, Yedwy said:

Wow, you dont say? Mkay let me know how many coop matches it took you to finish the capping mission and how much fun you had going for that in every domination match you get before all bots get slaughtered by the rest of the team... 

18. Had a couple coop arms race modes. Did a couple random matches too. Napoli cannot be stopped.  

Finished all the missions yesterday. At this rate the final set of missions should be doable. 

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Posted (edited)

I am really pissed off at Wargaming right now! As many of you know, I have been looking forward to a respite in this final level of the dockyard, because my insane ability to shoot down planes in Essex was going to save me a mission.

WELL GUESS WHAT, EITHER I AM HAVING A BAD CASE OF MANDELLA EFFECT, OR WG CHANGED THE HEROIC MISSION FOR WEEK 8! I am certain it was to earn an achievement, which was easy for some of us and a welcome respite (I had been planning on using Essex to do this since week one, quite loudly). Well no more! Now we have to specifically get a kraken for the heroic mission. BS!

Moving the goalposts after people spend money is dirty and unethical, possibly illegal. Am I crazy, or does anyone have a screenshot of the mission the way I was remembering?

Edited by _KlRlTO_
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Posted (edited)
9 minutes ago, _KlRlTO_ said:

I am really pissed off at Wargaming right now! As many of you know, I have been looking forward to a respite in this final level of the dockyard, because my insane ability to shoot down planes in Essex was going to save me a mission.

WELL GUESS WHAT, EITHER I AM HAVING A BAD CASE OF MANDELLA EFFECT, OR WG CHANGED THE HEROIC MISSION FOR WEEK 8! I am certain it was to earn an achievement, which was easy for some of us and a welcome respite (I had been planning on using Essex to do this since week one, quite loudly). Well no more! Now we have to specifically get a kraken for the heroic mission. BS!

Moving the goalposts after people spend money is dirty and unethical, possibly illegal. Am I crazy, or does anyone have a screenshot of the mission the way I was remembering?

Frankly, an (singular) achievement would have been far too easy at this late stage in the dockyard.  I suspected something was in the works.


Edited by HamptonRoads
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2 hours ago, HamptonRoads said:

Frankly, an (singular) achievement would have been far too easy at this late stage in the dockyard.  I suspected something was in the works.

Well, they can always blame the poor slob who wrote up the text describing the mission saying, “we had always intended the achievement to be a kraken, the individual writing the in-game description text did not write it as instructed.”

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That single change is enough to piss you off? 

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On 5/25/2024 at 2:57 AM, Yedwy said:

Wow, you dont say? Mkay let me know how many coop matches it took you to finish the capping mission and how much fun you had going for that in every domination match you get before all bots get slaughtered by the rest of the team... 

I didn't find it to be that hard, either.  I sometimes got two caps in one game if the :bots: had a CV.  It was an even easier task with destroyers, but of course it came with a higher cap requirement.

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The final set of Dockyard Missions will open in a few hours.


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A Kraken early on the first day of the last stage to considerably ease my grind!

Konigsberg early in the morning is lethal against Random teams frequently filled with :bots: at this time of day.  It has nasty AP to citadel other cruisers, fast firing guns to sling HE at destroyers, and plenty of torpedoes to dispatch battleships.  Just don't get focused, as she is fragile.


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Posted (edited)
4 hours ago, desmo_2 said:

to considerably ease my grind!

You still have to finish any five of the following (list cribbed from here : )

  • 20 Kills (Token Task)
  • 3000 Ribbons (Token Task)
  • Earn 60,000 BXP (Token Task)
  • Earn 18,000,000 Credits (Token Task)
  • Cause 3,000,000 Damage (CV)
  • Cause 3,000,000 Damage (BB)
  • Cause 2,400,000 Damage (Cruiser)
  • Cause 1,900,000 Damage (DD)
  • Cause 1,300,000 Damage (Sub)

Which ones are you going for? If you're not a WV44 owner (i.e. prior to the event starting) or a booster buyer, you will have to do all four of the token tasks, leaving you to pick up one damage task to round it out. 

Edited by Ensign Cthulhu
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38 minutes ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

Which ones are you going for? If you're not a WV44 owner or a booster buyer, you will have to do all four of the token tasks, leaving you to pick up one damage task to round it out. 

*A pre-stage-20 WV44 owner, to be clear

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5 minutes ago, Utt_Bugglier said:

*A pre-stage-20 WV44 owner, to be clear

Good catch. Post edited to clarify meaning. 

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

You still have to finish any five of the following (list cribbed from here : )

  • 20 Kills (Token Task)
  • 3000 Ribbons (Token Task)
  • Earn 60,000 BXP (Token Task)
  • Earn 18,000,000 Credits (Token Task)
  • Cause 3,000,000 Damage (CV)
  • Cause 3,000,000 Damage (BB)
  • Cause 2,400,000 Damage (Cruiser)
  • Cause 1,900,000 Damage (DD)
  • Cause 1,300,000 Damage (Sub)

Which ones are you going for? If you're not a WV44 owner (i.e. prior to the event starting) or a booster buyer, you will have to do all four of the token tasks, leaving you to pick up one damage task to round it out. 

I got WV'44 from a free Santa crate last Christmas, so this will be a 100% free dock yard.

I started with cruisers this morning and I have a Commonwealth cruiser line to grind anyway, so I'm on my way with the cruiser task.  The 20 kill task is done, leaving me with three more tokens to earn.  I will probably earn all four at some point before the event ends.

Edited by desmo_2
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Hmm d day op on offense may be the way to go early. 5 kills, 818 ribbons, 1577 base xp in 15 minutes. Fort damage unfortunately doesn't count but still got 61k in Atlanta. 

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14 minutes ago, GandalfTehGray said:

Hmm d day op on offense may be the way to go early. 5 kills, 818 ribbons, 1577 base xp in 15 minutes. Fort damage unfortunately doesn't count but still got 61k in Atlanta. 

2nd game 100k damage 10.kills, 65 plane kills, 2,426 base xp. Definitely Atlanta friendly op, almost feels as good as Narai runs way back. 

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9 minutes ago, GandalfTehGray said:

2nd game 100k damage 10.kills, 65 plane kills, 2,426 base xp. Definitely Atlanta friendly op, almost feels as good as Narai runs way back. 

What's the credit payout like?  That's on the menu for the dockyard this week. 

Thanks  🙂

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8 minutes ago, Arcus_Aesopi said:

What's the credit payout like?  That's on the menu for the dockyard this week. 

Thanks  🙂

Feels about normal for operations so far

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9 minutes ago, Arcus_Aesopi said:

What's the credit payout like?  That's on the menu for the dockyard this week. 

Thanks  🙂

948k, 1.4 million, 1.2 million with blue boosters. 

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Here I am, just for check-up, half asleep in front of my laptop and waiting till last stage of dockyard open (around 30 min till opening) so I could go with my Agincourt try to catch that kraken... If this doesn't work, I guess that I will buy that 1 last stage (I was already bought 2 obligatory stage for Winsconsin)... Wish me luck for that kraken 🙂 

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Completed the 20 "Destroyed" ribbons and 3K ribbons token tasks of the Norfolk's Gem mission. I took the BB damage and CC damage ship specific tasks. They are at 1.6/3 mil and 1/2.4 mil respectively. The two other token tasks are at 17K/60K BXP and 6/18 mil credits. The allotted time for this mission is 2 weeks, so plenty of time to finish it.

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4.00 in the morning last stage of dockyard was open, 4.01 in the morning take my Agincourt and go to random. Kraken solved! 🙂

Good night and good luck to all 🙂 

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Still in last weeks tasks.  Guess I'll be happy with my new, free WV'44.

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Posted (edited)

18 kills out of 20 done, 1336/3000 ribbons.

Have met or exceeded daily damage quotas in BB (Schlieffen), Cruiser (Salem), DD (Kleber CLR, but normal Kleber would be just as good), sub (I-56), and met or exceeded daily quotas for BXP and credits. 

Edited by Ensign Cthulhu
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Star Date 1943 /44

Captains Log 

Section 7 of the ship has finally been completed today, the completion was late again thanks to the naval architects deciding to reconfigure the ship, this has been the longest ship building project in living history.






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Finished the kills and ribbons missions in the D Day operation pretty quickly. About a third of the way through the base xp and credit missions so far.

Definitely going to do the destroyer damage mission, since most of my current grinds are Tier IX destroyers and that'll be rather easy to complete. Probably going to do the cruiser damage one too, just because it's the lower requirement of the two.

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I grinded like heck today and finally, it is done!Screenshot(140).thumb.png.eece9f862170604134f992e4cce5b52e.png

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