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The Wisconsin Dockyard progress topic.


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4 hours ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

It's happened to me so infrequently that I doubt the veracity of your claim. Most of the incomplete caps I suffer are due to the bots being annihilated or pointed-out before the cap is even half finished.

 ^^^^ How does this report your progress or contribute to others' efforts to make progress?  

26 minutes ago, UnderTheRadarAgain said:

Your personal anecdote does not negate my personal anecdote. Why be contrarian all the time?

I'm inclined to agree with the first sentence.  Was the second sentence necessary?

21 minutes ago, Frostbow said:

He's only good at being contrarian. LOL

As with the first of the posts I've quoted above, "How does your post report your own progress or contribute to other player's efforts to make progress?".

Fellow Forum Members, I ask, that everyone stay on-topic, please.


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Please, stay on topic here.

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Damn I was so close of finishing the 2500 Base XP mission in my Missouri .... so close ....







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I’m probably going to buy out the final two stages of the dockyard. I’ve got three to go right now

Only six kills left to get 45 BB kills, and eight CA Caps left to get the needed twelve, and that will net me the 28th stage.

Going in, I knew that already having WV44 gave me a free path through the dockyard, but I bought the two-stage starter pack to have an easy glide path through the final mission set, needing to grind out only two of those final stages.

But, real life kicked in: My older sister died late last month, and it was six days away for funeral and to be with family and console my mom, who had to bury her firstborn the day before Mother’s Day.

Given all that, I’m surprised that I’m as close to caught up as I am.

On the better side of life, I’m taking a week’s vacation the first week of June, so it straddles both of the final two weeks of the dockyard. It’s the reason why I bought the starter pack in the first place.

But with all that’s gone on, I have no real fire in my belly to wedge in a bunch of grinding in before & after vacation over the approaching final two weeks.

So, I’m going to grind only enough to complete one more stage, then it’s 4200 doubloons minus the balance I have, and be done bothering with it.

Sometimes, “life is too short” is more than just a thing to say.

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I found this stage pretty easy since I largely play DD's. Ran cruisers (San Martin, Hindenberg and Sejong) in ranked a bit more than usual to get the caps. I also ran Napoli (the cruiser most often spotted in this brawl) but it was way more fun to brawl Napoli with Sejong (and win) than the other way around. 

All I have left is my CXP mission (finished FXP the first night of clan battles - when they were still happening) and picked up the "fire damage" missions by driving Schlieffen in Brawls (setting the world on fire)

Kleber / Marceau gets lots of caps in 2v2 brawls because no one is playing DD's anymore, although I did have a fun fight with a Gearing: worth mentioning that both of us had RPF, so we "knew" where the other DD was hiding on the other side of the rock. The BB's were pretty irrelevant to the battle.

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Got it the next game ... didn't have to play Subs at all 



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1 hour ago, Utt_Bugglier said:

I’m probably going to buy out the final two stages of the dockyard. I’ve got three to go right now

Only six kills left to get 45 BB kills, and eight CA Caps left to get the needed twelve, and that will net me the 28th stage.

Going in, I knew that already having WV44 gave me a free path through the dockyard, but I bought the two-stage starter pack to have an easy glide path through the final mission set, needing to grind out only two of those final stages.

But, real life kicked in: My older sister died late last month, and it was six days away for funeral and to be with family and console my mom, who had to bury her firstborn the day before Mother’s Day.

Given all that, I’m surprised that I’m as close to caught up as I am.

On the better side of life, I’m taking a week’s vacation the first week of June, so it straddles both of the final two weeks of the dockyard. It’s the reason why I bought the starter pack in the first place.

But with all that’s gone on, I have no real fire in my belly to wedge in a bunch of grinding in before & after vacation over the approaching final two weeks.

So, I’m going to grind only enough to complete one more stage, then it’s 4200 doubloons minus the balance I have, and be done bothering with it.

Sometimes, “life is too short” is more than just a thing to say.

Sorry for your loss ... may your sister RIP 😔

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1 hour ago, Utt_Bugglier said:

But, real life kicked in: My older sister died late last month, and it was six days away for funeral and to be with family and console my mom, who had to bury her firstborn the day before Mother’s Day.

My condolences on your loss.


(Week seven finished.)

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21 minutes ago, CFagan_1987 said:

Sorry for your loss ... may your sister RIP 😔


1 minute ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

My condolences on your loss.


(Week seven finished.)

Thank you both, and for those sending PMs, as well.

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Posted (edited)

I gotta say this weeks missions are exceptionally retarded even by WG cryteria, capping ribbons for cruisers for instance, jesus tapdancing christ...

Edited by Yedwy
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1 hour ago, Yedwy said:

I gotta say this weeks missions are exceptionally retarded even by WG cryteria, capping ribbons for cruisers for instance, jesus tapdancing christ...

Dude for potential cruiser damage I was doing coop in Napoli. I literally sailed strait forward, fired my guns every 8 seconds to get spotted asap, and then didn't actually shoot my main guns at anyone. I got caps, killed ships from secondaries, survived, and was top of the XP board way more then I had any right to be. Its absurd how easy coop is to get away with zero skills. 

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Done! Week 7 is finished and so am i,  i overdid it a bit today, the last mission took way longer than i hoped for. I will take things slowly till week 8 starts, probably try to finish the Tier II - III mission chain.

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4 coop games and 2 ops tonight. 

876k/1 mil gun damage

136k/180k fire/floods

86k/250k commander xp

16k/50k free xp 

4/12 & 4/24 caps for cruisers/dds

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8 hours ago, mashed68 said:

Dude for potential cruiser damage I was doing coop in Napoli. I literally sailed strait forward, fired my guns every 8 seconds to get spotted asap, and then didn't actually shoot my main guns at anyone. I got caps, killed ships from secondaries, survived, and was top of the XP board way more then I had any right to be. Its absurd how easy coop is to get away with zero skills. 

Wow, you dont say? Mkay let me know how many coop matches it took you to finish the capping mission and how much fun you had going for that in every domination match you get before all bots get slaughtered by the rest of the team... 

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Posted (edited)

I found capping to be simpler at tier 6, takes more time to kill everything. Tried speedy Weimar at 7, was dragged into tier 9 Arms Race twice in row, went 6 after that.  It’s been 8 coop matches with Budyony to collect 9 caps. 

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Hmmm, all I gotta do is get a kraken in a BB that will net me more than 2500 BXP and I'll be done with this week's mission chain. So, just one more battle.

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Posted (edited)

Star date 1904

Captains Log

Things have gone from bad to worse, first off there seems to be a time jump of the years happening around 40.

I finally get to stand on the partly completed bridge of my ship though the configuration has once again changed.

But that's not the worst of it, that fool I tried to get court marshalled some how dodged the firing squad.

Section 6 of the ship was even further delayed as the last mission needed to be completed was put on hold as my squadron which was suppose to finish off the last 12 million potential points for Battleships on the last day was commandeered.

Someone higher up the chain of command thought invading Morocco was more important so my ships under the command of TM spent 3 vital days in Tangiers while Marines were running around scaring goats and the locals.

This is a catastrophe for the construction of my new ship as we have lost 3 days.






Fortunately I borrowed some ships from The Kaiser's Navy and finished the task myself.





Note to the President

Dear Theodore

Next time you feel like having some " Gun Boat Diplomacy " fun in The Mediterranean , don't use my ships.!!!!

Mr President   






Edited by tm63au
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Hi all,

I did all missions in Brawl and Ranked - I only have 10 CAPs for DD in CoOp to do...


Leo "Apollo11"

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Posted (edited)
15 hours ago, Yedwy said:

I gotta say this weeks missions are exceptionally retarded even by WG cryteria, capping ribbons for cruisers for instance, ...

Well, I completed Week 7 last night, finishing with the cruiser capping mission. It wasn’t too hard.

 Did it in co-op. What you need is:

1. A cruiser that can get to the cap FAST. Co-op games are short.

2. You need enough DPM or Alpha strike damage to OWN the cap when you get there - empty the cap of reds and approaching reds fast. Torps help.

3. Reasonable tankiness (admittedly by cruiser standards)

For me, the only cruiser that ticks off all those boxes is Conde. 41kts plus on speed boost. Hilarious DPM,  and world-ending alpha for DDs. Between MBRB and funny button and torps, it clean caps faster than a Dyson in one hand and a Shop Vac in the other.

It’s a WAR out there, and caps are tightly rationed in Co-op battles. Anyone who has any anti-Supership conscience, check it at the door. 

Advanced Conde techniques:

1. Use Funny Button (FU Button for short) in coordination with MBRB: With FU button OFF, fire at target. Hit MBRB. Fire second shot. NOW reach for the FU Button. Fire when ready. That’s four shots on target in a blindingly short time.

2. Observe the spawn positions. Count heads. Abandon your spawn group and head to another cap. Especially if you’re in a 4-spawn in map center, head for the one near you that’s a 2-spawn. Speed boost. Speed boost regardless. Going for the two spawn will give that group a likely 3-2 advantage, making for a quick chance at capping. It also leaves the group you left weak, extending their fight, and possibly the battle, increasing your group’s chances to cap. If the battle has high bot contents for the greens, the group you left weak may have enough trouble that you can help them cap after you’ve taken care of Priority 1, and get 2 for the battle.

I expect everyone reading this to have the cruiser capping mission done before bedtime.

Also, if anyone is a week behind and still dealing with potential damage missions, Conde is great for that, too.



Edited by Utt_Bugglier
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Posted (edited)

Done. I'll take it easy until the next mission is available.


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2 hours ago, Utt_Bugglier said:

For me, the only cruiser that ticks off all those boxes is Conde.

I did it with Brest, but your analysis on what's needed is sound.

The other alternative, I guess, is to take a French cruiser to Ranked. You usually have one cap that is somewhere between very close and not that far away; and if you hit speed boost at the start, you should be able to get to either of them and share the cap before a friendly DD steals all the glory. If it goes on for a while, who knows? You might even get another cap out of it.

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Posted (edited)
8 hours ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

I did it with Brest, but your analysis on what's needed is sound.

The other alternative, I guess, is to take a French cruiser to Ranked. You usually have one cap that is somewhere between very close and not that far away; and if you hit speed boost at the start, you should be able to get to either of them and share the cap before a friendly DD steals all the glory. If it goes on for a while, who knows? You might even get another cap out of it.

To be honest, I’ve not done much with the French battlecruisers.  As far as the French cruiser line goes, the last one I really liked was the Charles Martel; the shells get too floaty in T9 and T10. Not sure I would have enough confidence in its durability to go cap contesting.

But, yeah, something French is made of the right stuff for these cap missions: speed to get there, and rapid fire to help take the cap over.

I used both Conde and Bourgogne for the CA and BB potential damage missions: long range to get spotted and focused early, speed to get there and be threat #1.

In the potential damage missions, you had to do a measured amount of not shooting the reds. But when it would become obvious a given red was never going to give me what I needed, I would become like the enraged jilted lover: “If I can’t have your p…(uhhh, potential damage), HE can’t either!!!”  And then blow them away.

Edited by Utt_Bugglier
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My best co-op ships for potential damage were Henri IV and Hindenberg (with spotting plane). Both have a massive detection bloom, both can tank a lot of damage.

Another easy thing to do for potential damage in BB's is to take the concealment mod and captain off a GK. spotted from spawn, and under continuous fire does "good things" for damage totals.

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Finally got a solid chance to play this week today and knocked out 4/6 missions, the Ranked dubs, the Brawl coal, "Hood", and "Bismarck". Jutland is reduced to triviality, and I'm just a couple games with blue boosters away from the XP missions... I'm usually playing a couple rounds a day anyway, so free and clear on Week 7. "Week 8" looks like a relative breeze, so the hard part is officially over.

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10 hours ago, Justin_Simpleton said:

Hmmm, all I gotta do is get a kraken in a BB that will net me more than 2500 BXP and I'll be done with this week's mission chain. So, just one more battle.

Turns out, I needed seven more kills with a BB and I got it done in three battles.  Then, I needed to get 5 caps.  After several battles, I had just one more battle to go.  I got the cap and the mission chain is done. 

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