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Dockyard Missions UGH


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1 hour ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

Never bothered with DY before, but when they say you get 3 stages for free for having the W.V44, does that mean 3 missions where you earn a token each or does that mean 3 entire mission chains with the 8 sub missions?! 


(Im guessing the first one.....)

This is the first time this type of compensation has ever been offered. In the past duplicate ships in the dockyard were given doubloon or credit compensation.

When you reach the appropriate stage of the dockyard, you will be credited 3 tokens (stages) in compensation for the duplicate WV’44. It doesn’t affect the dockyard combat missions in any way.

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Aaaaaaan were Done!


A little over an hour of spamming Schleiffen and Napoli in Asymmetric battles.


Schleiffen is a bit of a MONSTER in AB....




Edited by OldSchoolGaming_Youtube
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23 hours ago, AdmiralThunder said:

Good to see you made it to the forums.

To be clear I never said the CV task in week 6 HAD to be done. I was basically just commenting that it is at week 6 where the stupid stuff starts to really show up and that is one of the most stupid of the lot. I saw that task and it was all I needed to see to know the rest of the tasks and weeks would be ridiculous. 

So you are correct that you don't have to do that CV task week 6. But it isn't like avoiding that one means there are a bunch of other easy choice. The rest are almost all as bad. It's a pick your poison week.

Week 6 tasks:

  • Earn 5 Achievements (Randoms, Ranked, & Scenarios)
  • 20 Citadels (Token Task)
  • Finish Top 5 20X (Token Task)
  • 4500 Ribbons (Token Task)
  • 1,200,000 Spotting Damage (CV)
  • 42,000,000 Potential Damage (BB)
  • 30,000,000 Potential Damage (Cruiser)
  • 500,000 Spotting Damage (DD)
  • 450,000 Spotting Damage (Sub)
  • Cause 215,000 Damage Single Game (Randoms & Ranked)

So we need 6 total and we have to do 3 of them for the token. Of the ones left the 5 Achievement one should be fairly easy if you regularly play and do well in the qualifying modes. Honestly if I bother with week 6+ of this Dockyard I will probably go into Randoms for that one as it would be easier than the PD and Spot tasks. If a person plays PVP and can do a 215K+ damage game with reasonable effort that helps (I think for a lot of people that is a stretch though). But the others are pretty foolish (IMHO). The Potential Damage ones are just a big get bent WG from me. It's too high a number to do in a reasonable # of games. The DD 500K Spotting is probably the most reasonable of them all but still a pain.  In the end I will shoot for the 5 Achievements, 500K DD Spotting, and 30M PD in Cruisers "IF" I bother. 

Ops to knock out the first mission for me followed by lots of Colbert solo play. May try to div up to work on the Dd spotting mission, can't ever get random people in coop anymore that understands I'll let them get all the damage if they stay in the smoke 😛

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Posted (edited)
27 minutes ago, GandalfTehGray said:

Ops to knock out the first mission for me followed by lots of Colbert solo play. May try to div up to work on the Dd spotting mission, can't ever get random people in coop anymore that understands I'll let them get all the damage if they stay in the smoke 😛

Spotting in Co-op drives me nuts for that very reason. I literally chat just stay back so I can spot (CV planes) and I will let you do all the damage. As a rule no one will do it and many even F2 Negative. WHY??? I am temped to take a new US Support CV and smoke the red ships so they can't see them at all just to spite them.

Edited by AdmiralThunder
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2 hours ago, Frostbow said:

This is true and it is something I have observed to happen each time there is a Dockyard going on. I've seen players rush forward with their GKs and Montanas to farm potential damage. Very frustrating.

Good thing there's Asymmetric Battles now. If there's one who would waste their ships early, so much the better—the remaining players can dominate the score board and earn much more progress than those who were yoloing.

Asym won’t be available in the mid/end point of the Wisconsin dockyard. it’s gone next patch when those missions are live.

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2 hours ago, AdmiralThunder said:

Spotting in Co-op drives me nuts for that very reason. I literally chat just stay back so I can spot (CV planes) and I will let you do all the damage. As a rule no one will do it and many even F2 Negative. WHY??? I am temped to take a new US Support CV and smoke the red ships so they can't see them at all just to spite them.

Do it.

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2 hours ago, AdmiralThunder said:

Spotting in Co-op drives me nuts for that very reason. I literally chat just stay back so I can spot (CV planes) and I will let you do all the damage. As a rule no one will do it and many even F2 Negative. WHY??? I am temped to take a new US Support CV and smoke the red ships so they can't see them at all just to spite them.

Honestly, it's might be simplest to bring a div-mate with a big damage ship and "blindfold" her with smoke when farming spot points in co-op.

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3 hours ago, AdmiralThunder said:

Spotting in Co-op drives me nuts for that very reason. I literally chat just stay back so I can spot (CV planes) and I will let you do all the damage. As a rule no one will do it and many even F2 Negative. WHY??? I am temped to take a new US Support CV and smoke the red ships so they can't see them at all just to spite them.

Lol why I still run Radar and radar mods even in coop. 


When that week comes I'd happy to work in it with you 😛

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9 hours ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

I dont think this is a port queen tho. Double funny button, Battlecruiser dispertion with 2.0 sigma, hydro, 24 km range. I AM interested in playing this and I detest playing BBs.

Wisconsinussy is in no way a port queen. It looks like an amazingly powerful ship which is well worth it.

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Besides week 6 I don't think these missions are actually that hard. I think everyone here will definitely be able to get Wisconsin!

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13 minutes ago, BOBTHEBALL said:

Wisconsinussy is in no way a port queen. It looks like an amazingly powerful ship which is well worth it.

For now.

I wouldn't be surprised to see WG nerfing it in a year or two.

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2 minutes ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

For now.

I wouldn't be surprised to see WG nerfing it in a year or two.

If that's what you think, feel free to not get any new powerful ships WG releases. 🤷‍♂️

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12 minutes ago, BOBTHEBALL said:

If that's what you think, feel free to not get any new powerful ships WG releases. 🤷‍♂️

I get ships based on their unique gameplay, not on whether they are OP or not.

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2 minutes ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

I get ships based on their unique gameplay, not on whether they are OP or not.

I'm sure you'll find another hyper accurate BB with F key at tier 10 no problem.

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47 minutes ago, BOBTHEBALL said:

Besides week 6 I don't think these missions are actually that hard. I think everyone here will definitely be able to get Wisconsin!

Not everyone here.  You're probably right for the majority, who play this game quite a bit.  But for casual players (of course defining casual players is a debate itself) it's not going to be easy.  I've never completed a dockyard and I don't expect that to change this time.

But as much as I'd like to get both of these ships, I'm not really upset that I won't.  I'm used to it in these types of games (free to play).  If they calibrated the effort to someone like me, it would be trivial for those of you who play a lot.  So good luck and have fun.

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2 hours ago, BOBTHEBALL said:

I'm sure you'll find another hyper accurate BB with F key at tier 10 no problem.

Indeed I shall.

In fact, it might even be Wisconsin...once I save up enough and WG gets desperate to make another sale.

Or something better than Wisconsin, especially since WG will want to ensure folks who chase OP will always have something to buy.

If all WG are offering is FOMO, then I'm afraid I don't see the need to buy in.

I've been around this game long enough to realize that there is no point in rushing to buy anything. Something else will come along presently to be the new 'shiny.'

If I miss out on something? Eh.

I've got more cool ships than I can play in my port already.

So give up trying to be the used car salesman with me. There are plenty of others who will want to buy your pitch.


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4 hours ago, BOBTHEBALL said:

Besides week 6 I don't think these missions are actually that hard. I think everyone here will definitely be able to get Wisconsin!


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6 hours ago, BOBTHEBALL said:

Besides week 6 I don't think these missions are actually that hard. I think everyone here will definitely be able to get Wisconsin!

I feel the same and I had no interest in even trying the DY events in the past. I know this was just week one mut I finished all the missions for the first week in a bit over an hour yesterday, playing secondary specced Schlieffen and Napoli in Asymmetric Battles.

When I "guy scanned" the list yesterday I felt that most missions even further would be pretty doable, especially since most of them include Asymmetric.

In the past I usually spammed Kleber/Mogador in Coop to finish "Get X amount of Kills/Torp hits/Damage/Fires" done quickly, but now I feel playing Asymmetric is just so much more efficient, fewer teammates to share with and more Ships/Damage to get.

Looking forward to a new free strong Premium T10.

6 hours ago, BOBTHEBALL said:

If that's what you think, feel free to not get any new powerful ships WG releases. 🤷‍♂️


EVERYTHING in this game is of risk of getting nerfed or massively powercrept at any moment. Even "Unique gameplay" can get "nerfed" thru new mechanics, new ships new classes (latest exemple DDs after implementing Subs etc).

So really NOTHING is "safe" in this game and the reason I haven't spent a dime on this game in many years. Its like buying a Porsche car today but after one year the Porsche company will nerf it to a Fiat.

But I will enjoy a pretty Broken/OP FREE ship until WG decided it should be a Fiat.

Edited by OldSchoolGaming_Youtube
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17 minutes ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

I feel the same and I had no interest in even trying the DY events in the past. I know this was just week one mut I finished all the missions for the first week in a bit over an hour yesterday, playing secondary specced Schlieffen and Napoli in Asymmetric Battles.

Yep lol, it took me like an hour to finish them all. Now I can relax and just play a couple games a day until the new ones are unlocked.

17 minutes ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

When I "guy scanned" the list yesterday I felt that most missions even further would be pretty doable, especially since most of them include Asymmetric.

In the past I usually spammed Kleber/Mogador in Coop to finish "Get X amount of Kills/Torp hits/Damage/Fires" done quickly, but now I feel playing Asymmetric is just so much more efficient, fewer teammates to share with and more Ships/Damage to get.

Before I started on the first day I scanned over them quickly. I didn't see anything particularly hard. Afterwards I dived a bit deeper with some friends and all I can say is week 6 will require a bit more time and effort but still shouldn't be too bad at all.

19 minutes ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

EVERYTHING in this game is of risk of getting nerfed or massively powercrept at any moment. Even "Unique gameplay" can get "nerfed" thru new mechanics, new ships new classes (latest exemple DDs after implementing Subs etc).

So really NOTHING is "safe" in this game and the reason I haven't spent a dime on this game in many years. Its like buying a Porsche car today but after one year the Porsche company will nerf it to a Fiat.

But I will enjoy a pretty Broken/OP FREE ship until WG decided it should be a Fiat.

And yeah, I can't really add anything to say here. It's all true and enjoy it while it lasts.

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LOL at the idea that most players have a Schlieffen and a Napoli to complete tasks...

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11 hours ago, BOBTHEBALL said:

Wisconsinussy is in no way a port queen. It looks like an amazingly powerful ship which is well worth it.

For PvE players, it regrettably IS a port queen. WG really needs to get in gear and give us Tier9 and 10 Ops as they did in Russia (or did they? Some patchnotes from there said that they did....)

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24 minutes ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

LOL at the idea that most players have a Schlieffen and a Napoli to complete tasks...

What do you mean?

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6 minutes ago, Kruzenstern said:

For PvE players, it regrettably IS a port queen. WG really needs to get in gear and give us Tier9 and 10 Ops as they did in Russia (or did they? Some patchnotes from there said that they did....)

Lesta wisely did it. Wargaming has so far offered only excuses left and right.

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Just now, Frostbow said:

What do you mean?

I mean most players don't have a ship collection that would make completing the dockyard missions as easily as guys like Bob and Old-school are making it out to be.

Plus, the Wisconsin is only 'free' with 'purchase' of WV'44...

We often forget how rich we are in game resources. Claiming that our wealth is true of everyone is a major self delusion.

Things like Wisconsin are not free or necessarily an easy grind for newer players.

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