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Dockyard Missions UGH


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Just now, desmo_2 said:

A few games in Smolensk to finish the cruiser task, and a few games in Friesland to finish the destroyer task.  A few more games in various ships to get the total damage task, but the rest were completed along with the cruiser and destroyer tasks.

The next couple of Dock Yard sessions don't look too bad, but things get pretty intensive during the last few sessions.

Agreed. First few look fine, even easy. The later missions are where the real difficulty will be, clearly. I've already completed this week's missions with 8 games (Colbert and Marceau make any ribbon tasks trivial.)  Last few look extremely annoying, especially capping. I'll probably be doing that in Asym. 

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25 minutes ago, Unlooky said:

Agreed. First few look fine, even easy. The later missions are where the real difficulty will be, clearly. I've already completed this week's missions with 8 games (Colbert and Marceau make any ribbon tasks trivial.)  Last few look extremely annoying, especially capping. I'll probably be doing that in Asym. 

Asym only lasts five weeks. 😬

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Just now, Tricericon said:

Asym only lasts five weeks. 😬


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31 minutes ago, Tricericon said:

Asym only lasts five weeks. 😬

Noticed that too. I was going through the missions and pretty much determined that, with asym at least, all the missions were easily doable. I was considering a starter pack for the first time, but then I noticed that aysm ends after this patch, so the last 4 weeks worth of missions potentially(depending on what next patch offers, who knows) won't have a fun game mode to grind out missions. Given past experience, when the dockyard grind is at the mid or end points, the game becomes extremely frustrating to play when people start playing intentionally throwing games in order to complete the missions.

if asym lasted the whole dockyard, this whole thing would be one of the easiest dockyards to date to complete.

Edited by MBT808
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Okay, now that I have a roadmap, these are the ships I will use to grind tasks: 

(Thank you @AdmiralThunder for this list)

  • Week 1 (3 Building Phase Tokens Available)
    • 10 Plane Kills - Essex
    • 20 Incapacitations - any
    • 20 Kills (Token Task) - Shinonome in Co-op if needed
    • Cause 1,200,000 Damage (Token Task) - Thunderer if needed
    • 250 Ribbons (Sub)
    • 800 Ribbons (CV) - Essex
    • 950 Ribbons (DD)
    • 1000 Ribbons (BB) - Tirpitz in Ranked
    • 1500 Ribbons (Cruiser)
    • 120,000 Spotting Single Game (Randoms & Ranked)


  • Week 2 (3 Building Phase Tokens Available)
    • 30 Fires - Thunderer if needed
    • 15 Floods - Somers/Shimakaze
    • Earn 19,000 BXP (Token Task) - any
    • 8 Solo -OR- Asst Caps (Token Task) - Somers/Shimakaze
    •  150 Torpedo Hits (CV) - Ark Royal
    • 1200 Main/Secondary Hits (BB)
    • 1700 Main/Secondary Hits (Cruiser)
    • 42 Torpedo Hits (DD) - Somers/Shimakaze
    • 100 Torpedo Hits (Sub)
    • Cause 175,000 Damage Single Game (Randoms & Ranked)


  • Week 3 (3 Building Phase Tokens Available)
    •  800 Ribbons - Tirpitz in Ranked
    • 1200 Main/Secondary Hits - Tirpitz in Ranked 
    • Earn 5,700,000 Credits (Token Task) - Any
    • Earn 130,000 XP (Token Task) - Any
    • 450 Rocket Hits (CV) - Enterprise/FDR
    • 100 Plane Kills (BB) 
    • 20 Torpedo Hits (Cruiser) 
    • 1500 Main Battery Hits (DD) - Friesland/Groningen
    • Earn 20,000 BXP (Sub)
    • Receive 3,000,000 Potential Damage Single Game (Ranked & Randoms)


  • Week 4 (3 Building Phase Tokens Available)
    • Spot 120 Torpedoes - Friesland/Groningen
    • Receive 15,000,000 Potential Damage - Tirpitz in Ranked if needed
    • 250,000 Spotting Damage (Token Task) - CV (Not Essex)
    • Cause 2,000,000 Damage (Token Task) - Thunderer if needed
    • 250 Bomb Hits (CV) - Indomitable
    • 25 Citadels (BB)
    • 120 Plane Kills (Cruiser)
    • 15 Solo -OR- Asst Caps (DD) - Friesland/Groningen
    • 17 Kills (Sub)
    • Earn 2400 BXP Single Game (Randoms & Ranked)


  • Week 5 (3 Building Phase Tokens Available)
    • 40 Spot Ribbons - CV
    • 50 Torpedo Hits - Essex and Somers
    • 15 Solo -OR- Asst Caps (Token Task) - Somers/Shimakaze
    • Earn 9,500,000 Credits (Token Task) -  Any
    • 200 Plane Kills (CV) - Essex (Trollface)
    • Earn 30,000 BXP (BB)
    • 90 Fires -OR- Floods (Cruiser)
    • Earn 25,000 BXP (DD)
    • 30 Floods (Sub)
    • 4 Kills Single Game (Randoms & Ranked)


  • Week 6 (4 Building Phase Tokens Available)
    • Earn 5 Achievements (Randoms, Ranked, & Scenarios) - Essex (I almost average a defensive AA Expert)
    • 20 Citadels (Token Task) - Konigsberg in co-op if needed
    • Finish Top 5 20X (Token Task) - Tirpitz in ranked
    • 4500 Ribbons (Token Task) - Tirpitz in ranked
    • 1,200,000 Spotting Damage (CV) - Essex then Midway
    • 42,000,000 Potential Damage (BB) - Tirpitz in Ranked
    • 30,000,000 Potential Damage (Cruiser)
    • 500,000 Spotting Damage (DD)
    • 450,000 Spotting Damage (Sub)
    • Cause 215,000 Damage Single Game (Randoms & Ranked)


  • Week 7 (4 Building Phase Tokens Available) (This week really sucks!)
    • Cause 1,000,000 Damage Main/Secondary Battery - Thunderer 
    • Cause 180,000 Fire/Flood Damage (Token Task) - Thunderer
    • Earn 250,000 Capt XP (Token Task) - Red tokens
    • Earn 50,000 FXP (Token Task) - Red tokens
    • 325 Spotted Ribbons (CV) 
    • 45 Kills (BB) - Thunderer
    • 12 Solo -OR- Asst Caps (Cruiser)
    • 24 Solo -OR- Asst Caps (DD) - DD?
    • 210 Torpedo Hits (Sub)
    • Earn 2500 BXP Single Game (Randoms & Ranked)


  • Week 8 (5 Building Phase Tokens Available)
    • 20 Kills (Token Task) - Shinonome in co-op if needed
    • 3000 Ribbons (Token Task) - Flint
    • Earn 60,000 BXP (Token Task) - *what the doodle*???
    • Earn 18,000,000 Credits (Token Task) - Red tokens
    • Cause 3,000,000 Damage (CV)
    • Cause 3,000,000 Damage (BB) - Thunderer
    • Cause 2,400,000 Damage (Cruiser)
    • Cause 1,900,000 Damage (DD)
    • Cause 1,300,000 Damage (Sub)
    • Earn 1 Achievement (Randoms & Ranked - note Scenarios does not qualify for this one) - Essex! (Trollface 32 plane kills per battle = quick def AA achievement)
Edited by _KlRlTO_
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I'll be on vacation for a week and a half, and missions 6-8 look... wooh that's a bit of a grind, and Assym may not help much for those. I really want Whiskey, but I'm probably gonna skip the starter phases and see if I can make it all the way to the last mission.

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I will be buying both starters packs then just play as usual until the last day. If I don't have enough to finish I will purchase the required stages with birthday doubloons hopefully I wont have to. Either way I will finish the dockyard.

Edited by clammboy
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11 hours ago, AdmiralThunder said:

So yeah, come week 6 it really goes a bit nuts. While not OG Puerto Rico levels of insane I think it is a bit much. It's why I bought both Starter Packs. Those 11, coupled with the 3 I will get for WV44 (already own it), will mean I only need to finish week 5 to get Wisconsin (with 1 extra to spare). I can ignore it week 6+ if I choose.

I'm wondering, if phase 6 is designed on purpose that way, so they can sell more of the starter packs. I'll be travelling during week 6 and 7, so I'd have to buy both starter packs anyway, if I want the Wisconsin. Still a few days to decide.

Though - if you have the WV44 - the larger starter pack should be enough, since three token tasks from weeks 6 look doable.

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After looking at the dockyard grind, I told my wife that if you ask for a divorce over me neglecting you, I will understand.  I need to grind hardcore all day every day for the next two months or so. Oh, by the way, honey, could you make me a sandwich?

Edited by 3LUE
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27 minutes ago, 3LUE said:

After looking at the dockyard grind, I told my wife that if you ask for a divorce over me neglecting you, I will understand.  I need to grind hardcore all day every day for the next two months or so. Oh, by the way, honey, could you make me a sandwich?

This is the reason I never bother with the Dockyard events.  I did the Musashi one because I was recovering from a heart attack but I have a good life, filled with people I love. The game takes away from the things that truly bring me joy. Besides now that it is getting warmer, the wife is showing more cleavage and side boob.....

That keeps me busy and entertained. 

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17 minutes ago, Taylor3006 said:

Besides now that it is getting warmer, the wife is showing more cleavage and side boob.....

That keeps me busy and entertained. 

I love the side boob when I was a kid I dream of Jeanie was all I had.

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Thanks to having had it all explained to me a while back (cheers to @AdmiralThunder) I was considering doing this dockyard. I've accumulated dubs for free over the years and currently have 19963, and this seemed a suitable time to spend some.

But I've done the math, and it doesn't work. The grind towards the end is too much for me to be reasonably sure I could actually complete the dockyard just buying the 2 phase pack, and (no disrespect to the BB mains out there) ... the ships aren't my preferred class so I can't see myself spending 12 thousand dubs to get 2 BBs which I just won't play all that much.

Fingers crossed that we see a dockyard in the future that's not too grindy that has a cruiser focus.

Good luck to everyone who's going for it.




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I am going to try and do it without spending cash. I have the 44 so that should help. 

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I wont buy any starter packs this time, I will wait the end, see where I am and then decide if its worth it or not, endless grind of port queens kinda lost its appeal for me a while back…

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17 hours ago, Jakob Knight said:

I'm on the fence on this one.  I like the idea of having a T10 Iowa in my fleet, but I already have Missouri.  If the missions are prohibitively extensive, I may just pass on this.  Especially if I suspect I may have a better use for the doubloons later in the year if New Jersey makes its appearance.



Genuinely. I rarely particpate in dockyards. However this is the ONE I would participate in. Wisconsin is an amazing ship and you're definitely capable of completing all the missions. Trust me on this.

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4 hours ago, BOBTHEBALL said:

Genuinely. I rarely particpate in dockyards. However this is the ONE I would participate in. Wisconsin is an amazing ship and you're definitely capable of completing all the missions. Trust me on this.


While the other rewards for it are tempting, I already have Montana and Vermont, so I am having doubts if I'd even use Wisconsin.  It would require a lot of grinding to finish, and I don't know what the ship has that would make the investment worth it.  I may just do a casual pass through what I can complete and leave the two ships for those who have a greater need for them than myself.



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Some good tips I thought in this video regarding the missions and what game mode you might wanna play which ship and stuff like being top 5 best scorer 20 times seem to be good in Asymmetric since the entire team is 5!? etc etc


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6 hours ago, Yedwy said:

I wont buy any starter packs this time, I will wait the end, see where I am and then decide if its worth it or not, endless grind of port queens kinda lost its appeal for me a while back…

I dont think this is a port queen tho. Double funny button, Battlecruiser dispertion with 2.0 sigma, hydro, 24 km range. I AM interested in playing this and I detest playing BBs.

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Never bothered with DY before, but when they say you get 3 stages for free for having the W.V44, does that mean 3 missions where you earn a token each or does that mean 3 entire mission chains with the 8 sub missions?! 


(Im guessing the first one.....)

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12 hours ago, Taylor3006 said:

This is the reason I never bother with the Dockyard events.  I did the Musashi one because I was recovering from a heart attack but I have a good life, filled with people I love. The game takes away from the things that truly bring me joy. Besides now that it is getting warmer, the wife is showing more cleavage and side boob.....

That keeps me busy and entertained. 

I see a pattern .............


                 ...sorry ...... I just had to ...... it was the perfect layup...     


                                                                                          I will go now .....


Edited by OldSchoolGaming_Youtube
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Yup, Schleiffen in Asymmetric was quite decent pick


Progression after one game




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42 minutes ago, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

I dont think this is a port queen tho. Double funny button, Battlecruiser dispertion with 2.0 sigma, hydro, 24 km range. I AM interested in playing this and I detest playing BBs.

Trust me, you'll enjoy it.  Nowadays, I tend to play mainly with DDs and cruisers.  This is only the second DY I've whaled.  I have wanted Wisconsin since the early whispers of development, and really for historical reasons.  I will say she is a blast to play, hands down.  There is no way this will turn into a port queen, at least for me.

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10 minutes ago, HogHammer said:

Trust me, you'll enjoy it.  Nowadays, I tend to play mainly with DDs and cruisers.  This is only the second DY I've whaled.  I have wanted Wisconsin since the early whispers of development, and really for historical reasons.  I will say she is a blast to play, hands down.  There is no way this will turn into a port queen, at least for me.


I wasn't aware there was history, I thought this was some kind of paper/fantasy design.

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17 hours ago, MBT808 said:

Given past experience, when the dockyard grind is at the mid or end points, the game becomes extremely frustrating to play when people start playing intentionally throwing games in order to complete the missions.

This is true and it is something I have observed to happen each time there is a Dockyard going on. I've seen players rush forward with their GKs and Montanas to farm potential damage. Very frustrating.

Good thing there's Asymmetric Battles now. If there's one who would waste their ships early, so much the better—the remaining players can dominate the score board and earn much more progress than those who were yoloing.

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14 minutes ago, Frostbow said:

Good thing there's Asymmetric Battles now. If there's one who would waste their ships early, so much the better—the remaining players can dominate the score board and earn much more progress than those who were yoloing.

My experience from past instances of Asymmetric Battles is that it is still quite easy to lose if one or two players on the team are careless with their ships. It’s just as frustrating seeing allies throw their ships away, arguably more so than Randoms because they represent 1/5 of the team’s strength rather than 1/12.

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