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Dockyard Missions UGH


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Ok, for anyone wondering if we would get an easy dockyard the answer is no. For those wondering if we would get something like the OG Puerto Rico dockyard it is also a no. But it definitely falls on the harder side. I stopped reading task requirements in week 6 when I saw a 1.2 Million Spotting task (CV).

Do yourself a favor and read all the tasks and make sure you will be able to finish before spending on starter packs (or buy them if you need the help before playing too much and not being able to).

I was hoping to do this on 2 accounts but after looking at it that may be a non starter.



I wanted to finish week 1 before spending time doing the rest of what I wanted to post. Now that week 1 is out of the way I will post the missions for each week (week 5 is where it kicks off with the hard(er) stuff) and also what the building phase rewards are 1-30...

Note - unless specifically noted all missions show Randoms, Ranked, Co-op, Scenarios, Brawls, and Asymmetric Battles as qualifying modes (special modes may not be available however in all weeks but they are shown at least). T5-T10 & SuperShips.

Weekly Missions: (believe they all call for 6 tasks but it doesn't say for locked weeks so? - week 1 was 6)

  • Week 1 (3 Building Phase Tokens Available)
    • 10 Plane Kills
    • 20 Incapacitations
    • 20 Kills (Token Task)
    • Cause 1,200,000 Damage (Token Task)
    • 250 Ribbons (Sub)
    • 800 Ribbons (CV)
    • 950 Ribbons (DD)
    • 1000 Ribbons (BB)
    • 1500 Ribbons (Cruiser)
    • 120,000 Spotting Single Game (Randoms & Ranked)


  • Week 2 (3 Building Phase Tokens Available)
    • 30 Fires
    • 15 Floods
    • Earn 19,000 BXP (Token Task)
    • 8 Solo -OR- Asst Caps (Token Task)
    •  150 Torpedo Hits (CV)
    • 1200 Main/Secondary Hits (BB)
    • 1700 Main/Secondary Hits (Cruiser)
    • 42 Torpedo Hits (DD)
    • 100 Torpedo Hits (Sub)
    • Cause 175,000 Damage Single Game (Randoms & Ranked)


  • Week 3 (3 Building Phase Tokens Available)
    •  800 Ribbons
    • 1200 Main/Secondary Hits 
    • Earn 5,700,000 Credits (Token Task)
    • Earn 130,000 XP (Token Task)
    • 450 Rocket Hits (CV)
    • 100 Plane Kills (BB)
    • 20 Torpedo Hits (Cruiser)
    • 1500 Main Battery Hits (DD)
    • Earn 20,000 BXP (Sub)
    • Receive 3,000,000 Potential Damage Single Game (Ranked & Randoms)


  • Week 4 (3 Building Phase Tokens Available)
    • Spot 120 Torpedoes
    • Receive 15,000,000 Potential Damage
    • 250,000 Spotting Damage (Token Task)
    • Cause 2,000,000 Damage (Token Task)
    • 250 Bomb Hits (CV)
    • 25 Citadels (BB)
    • 120 Plane Kills (Cruiser)
    • 15 Solo -OR- Asst Caps (DD)
    • 17 Kills (Sub)
    • Earn 2400 BXP Single Game (Randoms & Ranked)


  • Week 5 (3 Building Phase Tokens Available)
    • 40 Spot Ribbons
    • 50 Torpedo Hits
    • 15 Solo -OR- Asst Caps (Token Task)
    • Earn 9,500,000 Credits (Token Task)
    • 200 Plane Kills (CV)
    • Earn 30,000 BXP (BB)
    • 90 Fires -OR- Floods (Cruiser)
    • Earn 25,000 BXP (DD)
    • 30 Floods (Sub)
    • 4 Kills Single Game (Randoms & Ranked)


  • Week 6 (4 Building Phase Tokens Available)
    • Earn 5 Achievements (Randoms, Ranked, & Scenarios)
    • 20 Citadels (Token Task)
    • Finish Top 5 20X (Token Task)
    • 4500 Ribbons (Token Task)
    • 1,200,000 Spotting Damage (CV)
    • 42,000,000 Potential Damage (BB)
    • 30,000,000 Potential Damage (Cruiser)
    • 500,000 Spotting Damage (DD)
    • 450,000 Spotting Damage (Sub)
    • Cause 215,000 Damage Single Game (Randoms & Ranked)


  • Week 7 (4 Building Phase Tokens Available)
    • Cause 1,000,000 Damage Main/Secondary Battery
    • Cause 180,000 Fire/Flood Damage (Token Task)
    • Earn 250,000 Capt XP (Token Task)
    • Earn 50,000 FXP (Token Task)
    • 325 Spotted Ribbons (CV)
    • 45 Kills (BB)
    • 12 Solo -OR- Asst Caps (Cruiser)
    • 24 Solo -OR- Asst Caps (DD)
    • 210 Torpedo Hits (Sub)
    • Earn 2500 BXP Single Game (Randoms & Ranked)


  • Week 8 (5 Building Phase Tokens Available)
    • 20 Kills (Token Task)
    • 3000 Ribbons (Token Task)
    • Earn 60,000 BXP (Token Task)
    • Earn 18,000,000 Credits (Token Task)
    • Cause 3,000,000 Damage (CV)
    • Cause 3,000,000 Damage (BB)
    • Cause 2,400,000 Damage (Cruiser)
    • Cause 1,900,000 Damage (DD)
    • Cause 1,300,000 Damage (Sub)
    • Earn 1 Achievement (Randoms & Ranked - note Scenarios does not qualify for this one)


So yeah, come week 6 it really goes a bit nuts. While not OG Puerto Rico levels of insane I think it is a bit much. It's why I bought both Starter Packs. Those 11, coupled with the 3 I will get for WV44 (already own it), will mean I only need to finish week 5 to get Wisconsin (with 1 extra to spare). I can ignore it week 6+ if I choose.

As far as what you get for each building phase reward (in the Dockyard - not weekly missions):

  1. 1,000,000 Credits
  2. 7 Days Premium Time
  3. 2X Stars-n-Stripes Perma Camo
  4. 20X +40% Credits (Green)
  5. 20X +200% XP (Green)
  6. 20X +200% Capt XP (Green)
  7. 20X +600% FXP (Green)
  8. 400 Steel
  9. 2X Victorious Perma Camo
  10. 7 Days Premium Time
  11. 400 Steel
  12. 1X Premium Flag Crate (ie; Commemorative Flags)
  13. 5000 Coal
  14. 400 Steel
  15. 2X Smoldering Fire Perma Camo
  16. 10X +160% Credits (Blue)
  17. 10X +800% XP (Blue)
  18. 10X +800% Capt XP (Blue)
  19. 10X +2400% FXP (Blue)
  20. T7 US Premium BB West Virginia 44 (3X Building Phase compensation if you already own it)
  21. 2,000,000 Credits
  22. 10,000 Coal
  23. 400 Steel
  24. 5X +320% Credits (Red)
  25. 5X +1600% XP (Red)
  26. 5X +1600% Capt XP (Red)
  27. 5X +7200% FXP (Red)
  28. 15,000 Coal
  29. 400 Steel
  30. T10 US Special Premium/Ship Wisconsin + War Paint Perma Camo + Commemorative Flag + 10pt Capt
  31. Duplicate Building Phase Compensation = 250 Steel each

I think overall these rewards are pretty good. Have seen far worse Dockyard rewards.

Hope this helps and GL with the Dockyard to you all.



Edited by AdmiralThunder
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1 minute ago, AdmiralThunder said:

Ok, for anyone wondering if we would get an easy dockyard the answer is no. For those wondering if we would get something like the OG Puerto Rico dockyard it is also a no. But it definitely falls on the harder side. I stopped reading task requirements in week 6 when I saw a 1.2 Million Spotting task (CV).

Do yourself a favor and read all the tasks and make sure you will be able to finish before spending on starter packs (or buy them if you need the help before playing too much and not being able to).

I was hoping to do this on 2 accounts but after looking at it that may be a non starter.


Are the missions at least doable in Asymmetric battles?

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3 minutes ago, CFagan_1987 said:

Are the missions at least doable in Asymmetric battles?


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3 minutes ago, AdmiralThunder said:


That's a big relief ... personally I'm going to get the 3,200 doubloon package and hope to get the WV '44 ... the Atlantico and the Marlborough are the only dockyard events I've completed and both required spending lots of doubloons.

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1 minute ago, CFagan_1987 said:

That's a big relief ... personally I'm going to get the 3,200 doubloon package and hope to get the WV '44 ... the Atlantico and the Marlborough are the only dockyard events I've completed and both required spending lots of doubloons.

I bought both starter packs to cut what I have to do. Note there are a ton of 400 steel rewards along the way for doing a building phase.

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17 minutes ago, CFagan_1987 said:

Are the missions at least doable in Asymmetric battles?

Not the last few stages. Although Asymmetrics show under the list of valid battle types for all stages, they are only here for five weeks. You'll be doing stages 6 thru 8 in conventional modes or a different event mode; I forget when D-Day ops start.

19 minutes ago, AdmiralThunder said:

Do yourself a favor and read all the tasks and make sure you will be able to finish before spending on starter packs (or buy them if you need the help before playing too much and not being able to).

Anyone know what the price tag for two stages without the starter pack discount is?

Edited by Tricericon
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1 minute ago, Tricericon said:

Not the last few stages. Although Asymmetrics show under the list of valid battle types for all stages, they are only here for five weeks. You'll be doing stages 6 thru 8 in conventional modes or a different event mode; I forget when D-Day ops start.

Anyone know what the price tag for two stages without the starter pack discount is?

12,000 Doubloons for 9 Stages

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It looks like I'm 243 doubloons short for buying the starter pack and after five building stages I can no longer buy the starter pack.  The fifth building stage is awarded on the second mission chain.  I see no hope of getting the Wisconson. 

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28 minutes ago, AdmiralThunder said:

1.2 Million Spotting task (CV).

That is not too difficult, is it?

About 15-20 games in randoms at tier 10...

Of course, I don't play enough to do this and I'm a CV main....but I also don't play a lot for real life reasons...

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I'm on the fence on this one.  I like the idea of having a T10 Iowa in my fleet, but I already have Missouri.  If the missions are prohibitively extensive, I may just pass on this.  Especially if I suspect I may have a better use for the doubloons later in the year if New Jersey makes its appearance.



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Just now, Justin_Simpleton said:

It looks like I'm 243 doubloons short for buying the starter pack and after five building stages I can no longer buy the starter pack.  The fifth building stage is awarded on the second mission chain.  I see no hope of getting the Wisconson. 

New Ranked Sprint (200 dubs for 12 wins, no penalty for losses, assuming you're in Bronze) starts today. Ranked is a pain in the neck but even at, say, 50% win rate that's easy to do in a week.

The "Early Harvest" free drops in the Armory include a 50-dub set. You're ~50% (7/15) to get it inside the first week, and almost guaranteed to get it the second (14/15). The first few Whisky stages are easy, so staying out of matches to avoid completing Stage Five until you get the booster won't kill your chances of getting BB-64. Those two together get you over the line. The event is going to a pain to grind, tho.

If you're desperate and have Community Tokens you can bet on Recruiting Station Containers to get doubloons. I scraped out enough Free-To-Play dubs for Scarlet Thunder that way when she dropped first in my "premium bundles" for that event.

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4 minutes ago, Tricericon said:

New Ranked Sprint (200 dubs for 12 wins, no penalty for losses, assuming you're in Bronze) starts today. Ranked is a pain in the neck but even at, say, 50% win rate that's easy to do in a week.

The "Early Harvest" free drops in the Armory include a 50-dub set. You're ~50% (7/15) to get it inside the first week, and almost guaranteed to get it the second (14/15). The first few Whisky stages are easy, so staying out of matches to avoid completing Stage Five until you get the booster won't kill your chances of getting BB-64. Those two together get you over the line. The event is going to a pain to grind, tho.

If you're desperate and have Community Tokens you can bet on Recruiting Station Containers to get doubloons. I scraped out enough Free-To-Play dubs for Scarlet Thunder that way when she dropped first in my "premium bundles" for that event.

This information definitely cheered me up a lot. This will be the first dockyard where I have a spitt'n chance.  

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16 minutes ago, Jakob Knight said:

I'm on the fence on this one.  I like the idea of having a T10 Iowa in my fleet, but I already have Missouri.  If the missions are prohibitively extensive, I may just pass on this.  Especially if I suspect I may have a better use for the doubloons later in the year if New Jersey makes its appearance.

NJ showing up so soon would be an alarming development. It wouldn’t be good business sense to release the remaining two Iowas so close to each other unless there was a pressing need to generate short-term revenue regardless of the long-term implications. If that happened I would be greatly concerned for the long-term outlook of the game.

If we do see the “release” of another Iowa, I think a (potentially permanent) return of MO would be more likely. It’s been a few years since the “Return of Missouri” event and the baggage associated with it.

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Like the previous Dockyards, particularly with the last Tier X, the Lushun, I will play as usual, and refrain from purchasing starter packs. If I get it on time, good; if not, better luck next time for me. I do have the West Virginia '44, so I don't have to buy anything; however, real life commitments and responsibilities are many, and they sometimes eat up time allotted for gaming. LOL


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Has someone got a full list somewhere?

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1 hour ago, Tricericon said:

Anyone know what the price tag for two stages without the starter pack discount is?

4200 doubloons. 2100 per stage.

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I think I got the FOMO since I don't have any American BBs I've been really into.

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Definitely doesn't look as difficult as I thought it might be. Looks pretty doable, and I can do it for free if I want since I have the W. Virginia '44 already.

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Yeah. Too much grind for ships I don't need. If these were of infinite duration I'd probably pay, but I just don't have the time or motivation.

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Hi all,

2 hours ago, AdmiralThunder said:

Ok, for anyone wondering if we would get an easy dockyard the answer is no. For those wondering if we would get something like the OG Puerto Rico dockyard it is also a no. But it definitely falls on the harder side. I stopped reading task requirements in week 6 when I saw a 1.2 Million Spotting task (CV).

Do yourself a favor and read all the tasks and make sure you will be able to finish before spending on starter packs (or buy them if you need the help before playing too much and not being able to).

I was hoping to do this on 2 accounts but after looking at it that may be a non starter.


From Reddit - Final Missions:




Leo "Apollo11"

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2 hours ago, AdmiralThunder said:

I stopped reading task requirements in week 6 when I saw a 1.2 Million Spotting task (CV).

This one in particular is likely to be pretty easy in Coop with the new US CVs. You can use your smokescreen to block your allies’ line of sight and just circle your planes outside of AA range while your allies farm damage.

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2 hours ago, AdmiralThunder said:

Ok, for anyone wondering if we would get an easy dockyard the answer is no. For those wondering if we would get something like the OG Puerto Rico dockyard it is also a no. But it definitely falls on the harder side. I stopped reading task requirements in week 6 when I saw a 1.2 Million Spotting task (CV).

Do yourself a favor and read all the tasks and make sure you will be able to finish before spending on starter packs (or buy them if you need the help before playing too much and not being able to).

I was hoping to do this on 2 accounts but after looking at it that may be a non starter.


Any pics? (Im on EU)

I already own the W.V.44 from somewhere so I will probably try and actually grind this DY event for the first time ever, since I have a small chance at a Free Wisconsin and Ghost of Tsushima on PC isn't getting released in 5 weeks anyways.

So, time to put on the old Try Hard Grind Pants again! 

Im guessing some mission stages will be a bit easier if you would go so low as to play CVs and Subs.

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2 hours ago, Tricericon said:

New Ranked Sprint (200 dubs for 12 wins, no penalty for losses, assuming you're in Bronze) starts today. Ranked is a pain in the neck but even at, say, 50% win rate that's easy to do in a week.

The "Early Harvest" free drops in the Armory include a 50-dub set. You're ~50% (7/15) to get it inside the first week, and almost guaranteed to get it the second (14/15). The first few Whisky stages are easy, so staying out of matches to avoid completing Stage Five until you get the booster won't kill your chances of getting BB-64. Those two together get you over the line. The event is going to a pain to grind, tho.

If you're desperate and have Community Tokens you can bet on Recruiting Station Containers to get doubloons. I scraped out enough Free-To-Play dubs for Scarlet Thunder that way when she dropped first in my "premium bundles" for that event.

If he’s not behind on daily login rewards, he can have 100 doubloons by the 22nd, just 12 days away. Can flip the bird to any bad RNG that the armory daily bonus sends his way.

With the mission sets being time-gated, he can flog Ranked this week for the 200 dubs without fear of going over the stage limit, and only has to be careful and “dog it” for five days in Week 2. (If the stage time gate rollovers occur on a Wednesday-to-Wednesday schedule)

Edited by Utt_Bugglier
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Thousands of asymmetric battles, wooo away we go!

On, Wisconsin!

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