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Trade-In returns at the end of 13.4.

Colonel Potter

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Ditto. Swapped an Immelman (no use for a Tier X CV) for Minegumo. Looking forwards to trying it out!


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Posted (edited)

For those who still have doubts about the Karl XIV Johan, here is my T10 Kraken:

World of Warships Screenshot 2024.06.09 - - Copy.png

World of Warships Screenshot 2024.06.09 - - Copy.png

World of Warships Screenshot 2024.06.09 - - Copy.png

World of Warships Screenshot 2024.06.09 - - Copy.png

World of Warships Screenshot 2024.06.09 - - Copy.png

World of Warships Screenshot 2024.06.09 -

Edited by Ocsimano18
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Nothing Wedgie 🤑 offers will induce me to trade in (at 50%) any premium (or rarer) ship for 'anything' that Wedgie 😝 offers . 💩

Edited by Aethervox
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I traded in something  I didn't want for something I did. No great problem, really. 

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3 hours ago, Aethervox said:

Nothing Wedgie 🤑 offers will induce me to trade in (at 50%) any premium (or rarer) ship for 'anything' that Wedgie 😝 offers . 💩

Never trade in doubloon only ships, nor preferably steel ships, potentially not RP ships either. Stick to coal ships only, and pick something you know you will like or a ship that's rarely available and very likely also only for doubloon. My picks for this round are Minegumo (which I have) and Karl XIV Johan (farming coal currently).

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19 minutes ago, Admiral_Karasu said:

Never trade in doubloon only ships, nor preferably steel ships, potentially not RP ships either. Stick to coal ships only, and pick something you know you will like or a ship that's rarely available and very likely also only for doubloon. My picks for this round are Minegumo (which I have) and Karl XIV Johan (farming coal currently).

For bold part - some of them are really crap TBH, I got some of them hoping it will be better over time but OFC it was quite the opposite, also dubs only ships...

Well we do get some form various drops here and there, if they are crap why not exchange them for something more to your liking... Anyway all money and time one pours into a game esp one that has all its content on a server is esentially a waste as the game dev can pull the plug at any moment, only value one gets is entertainement so if you are better entertained by say playing Brandenburg instead of IDK Gibraltar od Flint instead of Tirpitz why wouldnr you...

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17 minutes ago, Yedwy said:

For bold part - some of them are really crap TBH, I got some of them hoping it will be better over time but OFC it was quite the opposite, also dubs only ships...

Well we do get some form various drops here and there, if they are crap why not exchange them for something more to your liking... Anyway all money and time one pours into a game esp one that has all its content on a server is esentially a waste as the game dev can pull the plug at any moment, only value one gets is entertainement so if you are better entertained by say playing Brandenburg instead of IDK Gibraltar od Flint instead of Tirpitz why wouldnr you...

Well, so far I only have the so-called Slava, a better name for it would be Pita... but it's a t10, brings me the rewards a couple of times a year, and if it were possible to trade it in for another RP ship I'd do that... but trading it in and paying dubs to boot would mean I've kinda of wasted a lot of RP's.

It's kind of a psychological thing, I guess.

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I'm currently looking at:

  • Tulsa (meh, I much prefer Salem) ---> Florida (one of the last T5-7 remaining for me)
  • Odin (my first Tier 8 premium, yet also one of my least-played...) ---> K14J
  • F. Sherman (could buy it back within the month) ---> Minegumo
  • Siegfried/Vampire 2/Hector (could buy it back within the week) --->Brandenburg
  • Yoshino (no reason to play her over Azuma) --->Dalian

I feel a bit guilty about trading the Odin: I still remember getting to Rank 1 (in the old format) with her, after my Lightning hit a wall...but she's kind of overvalued in this thing, and even in Operations I've ended up playing her less than Tirpitz and GZ, which I got much later. Brandenburg should be better even at that.

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After watching MaddyJade's Twitch stream, this morning (her evening), I became curious about the Minegumo.

Visiting the Armory trade-in section, I discovered the San Diego is available, too.

I have enough coal to get a ship that I don't want, to exchange for a ship that appeals to me more.
::: sigh ::::  I'll think about it.

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Thinking about trading in Anchorage for Karl XIV Johan?

And there is no way I'd trade in Giulio Cesare or my Kamakize R (which I got through the pearl missions way, way back) for any of those ships they are offering.  Anyone trading those I wonder about.

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12 hours ago, Admiral_Karasu said:

Never trade in doubloon only ships, nor preferably steel ships, potentially not RP ships either. Stick to coal ships only, and pick something you know you will like or a ship that's rarely available and very likely also only for doubloon. My picks for this round are Minegumo (which I have) and Karl XIV Johan (farming coal currently).

This was what I decided made sense too.  I can rebuy coal ships just by playing the game.  Doubloon ships require me to spend real cash.  Karl XIV Johan may have been a mistake, but WG haven't announced what it will be sold for on its return.  Same with Minegumo, though I think that one is more likely to be doubloons.  In any case, neither are available any other way at this time.  The other ships I picked up, Dalian, Brandenburg and San Diego are all doubloon ships.  Flint, which I also did/do not have, does not make sense to trade for as its 168,000 coal price is less than that of any coal ship that would pay for it.  I already owned all other available ships.

Like Admiral_Karasu said, the idea of trading a rare/removed, doubloon, Steel or RB point ship was absurd and never entertained.  Even Coal ships that I get reasonably frequent use out of such as Forrest Sherman, Hayate, Marceau, Napoli and Yoshino were never considered.

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It looks like there are 18 ships that can be acquired. 

Six are available for coal (T5 Agincourt, T6 Gallant, T7 Flint and T10's Forrest Sherman, Max Immelmann and Napoli).  It's hard for me to imagine what circumstance would make it worth using this mechanic to get any of those.

Four are currently unavailable through any other means (T6 Dupliex, T7 Yudachi, T9's Minegumo and Karl 14 Johan).

The rest are available for doubloons/cash.  Purely from a collecting point of view, the 4 that aren't otherwise available seem the obvious choices to consider.


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HI all,

After I got 3 ships I wanted (Karl, Minegumo, Brandenburg) I can only get:

  • San Diego
  • Dalian

I am not interested in those two so that will be it for me this time around...


Leo "Apollo11"

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49 minutes ago, Leo_Apollo11 said:
  • San Diego
  • Dalian

I am not interested in those two so that will be it for me this time around...

San Diego is very historical and, in my experience, pretty good overall. If I hadn't gotten her in last year's trade-in, I would've happily traded Siegfried or Hector for her this time around. I could always regrind those...

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On 6/10/2024 at 10:00 AM, Wowzery said:

Thinking about trading in Anchorage for Karl XIV Johan?

Silly idea!

I mean, silly to wait a year. I dumped that tub during last year’s trade in.

(just kidding - about the silly, not about dumping mine last year)

In retrospect, I might have done better to wait a year - couldn’t trade it for Johan last year, I don’t think. I believe I traded it for Bayard.

Edited by Utt_Bugglier
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I’m starting to think in heretical terms here: can’t get enough value out of a coal ship to get the K14J without doubloon outlay…

…and I’m a cheapskate.

But I can, with even the cheapest steel ship I have. And I have steel to replace the ship.

I have 645 doubloons, 1030 short of the 1675 needed for being able to use a coal ship for trade. If I win three ranked battles tonight, that total reduces to 830 doubloons, or a tad over six bux.

 I want every steel ship I have, but have no real fire in my belly for what steel ships are on offer right now.


1) Shrewd?

2) Stone cold dumb?

3) Heresy - burn this one at the stake?

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3 hours ago, Utt_Bugglier said:

830 doubloons, or a tad over six bux.

Isn't it more like $3?

3 hours ago, Utt_Bugglier said:

But I can, with even the cheapest steel ship I have. And I have steel to replace the ship.

I'd keep in mind that the cheapest T10 coal ship is 232k, while the cheapest steel T10, converted to coal 10:1, is 270k. You'd be paying 38k coal for 1675 dubs, the same as spending 10-11k dubs for a T10 coal ship (when it's actually the price of a T8).

And if you trade a coal ship you can always spend some steel to get her back earlier, but not the other way around.

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On 6/9/2024 at 11:49 PM, invicta2012 said:

Ditto. Swapped an Immelman (no use for a Tier X CV) for Minegumo. Looking forwards to trying it out!


Good idea, I tried Minegumo in ranked, it was quite fun. Managed to dev strike a Kitakaze haha

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I had enough coal to buy Sherman twice and so I cashed her in and got Brandenburg, bought Sherman back with coal and cashed her in again and got Johan for a few doubloons I had kicking around and bought Sherman once again. The only coal ship I had available to me was Gato and so this was a good destination for the coal.

Edited by Efros
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On 6/11/2024 at 12:53 AM, tocqueville8 said:

I'm currently looking at:

  • Tulsa (meh, I much prefer Salem) ---> Florida (one of the last T5-7 remaining for me)
  • Odin (my first Tier 8 premium, yet also one of my least-played...) ---> K14J
  • F. Sherman (could buy it back within the month) ---> Minegumo
  • Siegfried/Vampire 2/Hector (could buy it back within the week) --->Brandenburg
  • Yoshino (no reason to play her over Azuma) --->Dalian

I would say all of those are good ideas besides Odin, as it's very rare (Dockyard ship) so if you can use something else I'd advise that.

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2 minutes ago, Efros said:

I had enough coal to buy Sherman twice and so I cashed her in and got Brandenburg, bought Sherman back with coal and  cashed her ina gain and got Johan for a few doubloons I had kicking around. The only coal ship I had available to me was Gato and so this was a good destination for the coal.

That's a good set of purchases in my opinion. Karl is great for ranked, same with Branden (Which is also great in OPs)

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31 minutes ago, tocqueville8 said:

Isn't it more like $3?

Yes, my math wasn’t hitting on all cylinders this morning.

31 minutes ago, tocqueville8 said:

And if you trade a coal ship you can always spend some steel to get her back earlier, 

I would never do that. This is not a steel vs. coal question, but rather a steel vs. Money question. It’s just that the amount of money is on the smallish side.

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Contrary to what I said earlier, I took one last look at the options before closing down for the day, in case I changed my mind. And that's when I saw it, ASASHIO on the trade-in list, with a trade-in price as high as that as a T10 coal ship. Why? Because she is as banned as f***. 

That's when I looked at the Asashio in my port, which I got out of a Santa crate at least two Christmases ago (2022), when I had no use for her (I'd already bought her Black version outright). One unwanted, un-needed ship and 1675 dubs later, and Minegumo was mine. I even got to equip my Minegumo's first five slots with the Asashio's un-needed modules, and once I have a few more credits and can get the sixth slot module without dropping below 160 million, I'll pick up the slot six torp reload module and be fully good to go. Even without it, I'm sitting at a 90 second reload. Not bad at all, and she works well against the bots:


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12 hours ago, BOBTHEBALL said:

I would say all of those are good ideas besides Odin, as it's very rare (Dockyard ship) so if you can use something else I'd advise that.

Thx for the feedback, but I'm good:

  • I didn't want to trade away more than a couple T10 coal ships, lest I fall behind on them
  • I couldn't possibly trade a steel ship nor, given their lower valuation, a T10 RB ship
  • Brandenburg, which I got for Illinois, is arguably even better, including in Operations 
  • the rarity argument does little for me: I've only ever gotten one ship in the "T10 or rare" category, the Immelmann, after years of playing, and I still have 25 or so left outstanding
  • besides, K14J is also "rare", in a sense. She's not normally in the Armory and, even if she were, I'm never going to buy a T9 for dubs, even with the coupon. They're just too steep.
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Decided to put a crowbar in tge walket and got a smattering of doubloons, enough to execute a couple of trades, rather than have to use a steel ship for a “straight-up” trade 

Going out 1: Heizen. Yeah, dockyard, rare and all that, but I always perceived it a turd in my eyes or in my hands. Unsanitary, and smelled bad, so I washed my hands and eyes of it. I really thought I had traded it away last year. No re-buy with any resource possible, but having forgotten I still had it, a lack of re-buy is no problem.

(Maybe I did trade it last year, and getting it back in a subsequent crate was such a non-event it didn’t register in the memory banks? I honestly don’t know. 

Coming In 1: In trade for Heizen: K14J. Obtained another T9, so no loss in terms of snow/anniversary flake rewards.

Going out 2: Forrest Sherman. Did do the buyback (without using coupon) with this one.

Coming in 2: Minegumo. Slowly branching into more destroyer play.

Being shopped around the league before training camp starts: Yoshino. Never reach for it, have other T10 cruiser options I like better, rides the pine. Wanted to trade it last year, but didn’t pull the trigger. Teams potentially interested in working a deal: San Diego and Brandenburg, but scouting reports (LWM reviews) suggest insufficient return on the deal.

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