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Trade-In returns at the end of 13.4.

Colonel Potter

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2 hours ago, WildWind84 said:

OK, or I am doing something wrong, or that ship isn't great with sec. build or something missing in my captain spec for that ship, so if you could help me with advice, I would be gratefull. My Karl is sec. build, sec spec captain (10 points, but instead of precision I gave 4 stars for concealment). My best score in ranked with that ship was 50 k dmg and that is it... What is problem in my case? Trust me, I know how to play sec. ships any nation, that isn't problem here, broadside isn't, but this ship still drives me crazy... I even try to trade him back but isn't on the list for trade. Thank you 🙂

After the skill rework, the only battleships I run secondary builds on are those with “MA” secondary dispersion (like the German battlecruisers). Even “standard” German BBs with their -20% base secondary dispersion are questionable, and Karl doesn’t even get that. Karl’s secondary battery also has a lot of 120mm guns with only 20mm of penetration, meaning over 60% of her secondary DPM can only pen superstructures and destroyer hulls at tier VIII+. IFHE bumps that up to 25mm, but there is still a lot of 27mm+ plating at high tiers that can’t be penned, so you lose a lot of fire-starting potential for questionable gain.

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Posted (edited)

And the idea behind Karl XIV Johan is to make use of her different playstyle. If you want to play secondary focussed T9 BB then go Prinz Rupprecht or even Georgia.

Karl is a welcome change to already known playstyles.

I had one game with her yesterday after I made the Sherman -> Karl exchange. It was so funny being 11 km near a Lepanto without him seeing me. I sneaked up to him after we got rid of their DD on this flank and waited for him to turn around and show broadside. Hilarious.

Before that I stealth torped an Alaska. Outside of his radar range.

Was more like playing a large DD.

Edited by BlueMax1916
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1 hour ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

In my case, it's because I'm a co-op main

Oh I see. Well then you'd probably want to build her for secondaries. However, I'd say that Pommern or Brandenburg will still perform better in this role.

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1 minute ago, 100 Krakens said:

Oh I see. Well then you'd probably want to build her for secondaries. However, I'd say that Pommern or Brandenburg will still perform better in this role.

Pommern (which I got from a Santa crate) doesn't have as many torpedoes and I think Brandenburg lacks hydro.

I've had my K14J since the initial release - I bought her outright. Secondary build has worked well for me. 

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Trade in already pays for itself methinks... 😁



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7 minutes ago, Yedwy said:

Trade in already pays for itself methinks... 😁



What build did you go for?  I am trying to make one I am happy with.  Potato Quality pitched the secondary DPS, even with the poor accuracy, being fun, but I hardly got any secondary hits in the match I did.

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57 minutes ago, Helstrem said:

What build did you go for?  I am trying to make one I am happy with.  Potato Quality pitched the secondary DPS, even with the poor accuracy, being fun, but I hardly got any secondary hits in the match I did.

I went sec skills at T3 and 4 as well as sec module in slot 6, reload on main guns is already ok at 25s and those secs do make dds more careful when around you even if they are not KM level, FP and conceal as well as AR and brisk

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37 minutes ago, Yedwy said:

I went sec skills at T3 and 4 as well as sec module in slot 6, reload on main guns is already ok at 25s and those secs do make dds more careful when around you even if they are not KM level, FP and conceal as well as AR and brisk

Did you take main battery dispersion or secondary range on the third slot?

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just did my trade-ins:

2x F Sherman for Karl XIV Johan & Minegumo

Total 464000 Coal and 3350 Dubs

Plus I still have my F Sherman!

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Posted (edited)

Thank you all, I will posible try and diferent spec. (but not in ranked). 

Why sec. build? Because, to be honest, I like close fight, sec. bb and I am mainly play ranked. And love that playstyle 🙂 Iwami, Massa, Georgia, Brandenburg, Tirpitz, Schanhorst 43, Kii, Pommern, GK, Ohio, Agincourt, etc... plus all tt sec. brawlers - they all are answer why I still love play this game (even WG screwed up my Massa with ASW!).

Edited by WildWind84
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9 hours ago, Col_NASTY said:

I thought about trading CVs in but I just KNOW I'll get them back this Christmas.  The only ship I don't have on the trade list is the Minegumo,  but I want it.

For me it's worth trading in coal ships because you can simply buy them back again. That's why I chose Immel and GK cause I don't really play them.

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51 minutes ago, BOBTHEBALL said:

For me it's worth trading in coal ships because you can simply buy them back again. That's why I chose Immel and GK cause I don't really play them.

Yeah coal is easy enough to get your hands on and is why I grabbed a couple of the doubloon ships using a ship bought with coal. Just a no brainer to me when you can easily replace the coal ship. 

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10 hours ago, Helstrem said:

Did you take main battery dispersion or secondary range on the third slot?


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13 hours ago, Yedwy said:

I went sec skills at T3 and 4 as well as sec module in slot 6, reload on main guns is already ok at 25s and those secs do make dds more careful when around you even if they are not KM level, FP and conceal as well as AR and brisk

I was hesitant to do this exchange, but finally gave in and traded my Sherman for the Karl Johan. She turned out to be the most fun ship I've played in the last few months. I went with FP and Health, as the conceal without module is already good enough. I also took the slot 6 secondary module, but changed the slot3 secondary module for the gun dispersion one. I perfected this build on my Tirpitz over 500+ matches. You get usable main guns, while retaining your secondary power at a bit lower range. At close range, I managed to kill a 3/4 health Hindenburg with one salvo. Also got a double strike and 190k in my fourth T10 match. With the gun dispersion module, fire flags and fire captain skill, you can easily set fires at distance, your AP becomes usable at short ranges. Also, most people don't expect your torps, you can surprise them. I use Swirksi, with enhanced adrenaline rush, as the captain and could trigger his torp reload skill.

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I just went ahead and traded in coal ships for all the premium and not available ships that I didn't already have since coal ships are pretty easy to get back once you trade them in.  Figure that way, I won't get these trade in ships from containers in the future. Plus, have all the Unique Coal Commanders already, and had every coal ship, so didn't really have anything to spend my coal on. Now I do, lol.

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2 hours ago, Colonel Potter said:

I just went ahead and traded in coal ships for all the premium and not available ships that I didn't already have since coal ships are pretty easy to get back once you trade them in.  Figure that way, I won't get these trade in ships from containers in the future. Plus, have all the Unique Coal Commanders already, and had every coal ship, so didn't really have anything to spend my coal on. Now I do, lol.

Just make sure to build back up your coal reserves in case Wargaming announces they are going to remove a coal ship from Armory.  If there are more than one coal ship you want back, save up enough to buy one, then keep saving until you can buy two before you buy back the first one. You never know if they might try and remove one without much notice. 

 (hopefully that makes sense, looks convoluted to me). 

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44 minutes ago, Taylor3006 said:

Just make sure to build back up your coal reserves in case Wargaming announces they are going to remove a coal ship from Armory.  If there are more than one coal ship you want back, save up enough to buy one, then keep saving until you can buy two before you buy back the first one. You never know if they might try and remove one without much notice. 

 (hopefully that makes sense, looks convoluted to me). 

They were all ones I never play, only to "blow off flakes" when there are events. They've always given at least a couple updates notice before they remove a ship from the Armory to give players a chance at getting the ship before removing it, so I'm not worried about it. Took all that into consideration before pulling the trigger.

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4 hours ago, Colonel Potter said:

They were all ones I never play, only to "blow off flakes" when there are events. They've always given at least a couple updates notice before they remove a ship from the Armory to give players a chance at getting the ship before removing it, so I'm not worried about it. Took all that into consideration before pulling the trigger.

Cool, as long as you put some thought into it is all that matters. I agree that they usually give some warning about a ship being removed but history isn't always indicative of what they will do in the future. 

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Well, I decided that trading coal ships for doubloon ships made sense for me, so I traded Salem, Moskva and Groningen for Dalian, Brandenburg and San Diego.

Haven't played San Diego yet, but Dalian and Brandenburg produced excellent results in their first matches.  Dalian in particular produced one of the best matches I've had lately even though the team lost.  Shame I forgot to put boosters on it as I probably left 1.5 million credits on the table.

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I'm still planning on trading in one ship for something new. I just haven't got that ship yet that I'm planning to trade in, a slight technical hitch but there's still a few days' time to come up with it.

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I ended up trading in Khabarovsk and Constellation for Minegumo and Yudachi. I never really played Constellation, prefering both Massachusetts and Alabama over it, and Khaba I can re-buy for coal later. Minegumo and Yudachi are both destroyers that are rarely available, and before I got them, my only premium Japanese destroyer was Shinonome. They definitely filled a need.

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I traded F. Sherman twice to get Karl XIV Johan and Minegumo, then bought back F. Sherman for coal.

Total cost (with a resources coupon) = 3,350 doubloons and 406,000 coal.

I figured if all the cool kids are doing it...

I have burned all my coal again (last time was for Kitakami), so time to restock.  Fortunately, nothing else in the Armory for coal interests me.

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I did find it interesting how Wargaming sees the value of earned ships.  Based on the trade in values of Ohio, Shikishima and GK they see it as:


Steel>Coal>RB points


i, and I strongly suspect the majority of players, see it as:


Steel>RB points>Coal


I also found the rare ship (not that I ever considered trading a rare ship) compensation boost inconsistently applied.  Tier X Thunderer, long since removed, has the same value as readily available Tier X GK.  Tier VIII Massachusetts has the same value as Tier X Thunderer, 17350. Massachusetts even has a clone that is available each year.I don’t remember what Smaland’s compensation was.  Drop one tier to Tier VII and Belfast’s compensation is only about 6500.  Tier X Coal ships all have the same value, 17350, regardless of how much coal they cost.  Tier X Steel ships have different compensation depending on how much steel they cost.  Compensation is just all over the place.

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On 6/7/2024 at 8:27 AM, Col_NASTY said:

I thought about trading CVs in but I just KNOW I'll get them back this Christmas.  The only ship I don't have on the trade list is the Minegumo,  but I want it.

I traded Salem for Minegumo, and may trade Yoshino for the Karl. I play DD a lot (CB/KoTS) so more DD's are always good. Haven't played a lot of BB's so the Karl is a "maybe" - got a few days to decide. But I have enough coal to buy Salem again if I need her, and I have the "black" version of the Yoshi (came in a Black Friday crate last year) so that's an easy "loss" to recoup if I need to.

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2 hours ago, SureBridge said:

I traded Salem for Minegumo, and may trade Yoshino for the Karl. I play DD a lot (CB/KoTS) so more DD's are always good. Haven't played a lot of BB's so the Karl is a "maybe" - got a few days to decide. But I have enough coal to buy Salem again if I need her, and I have the "black" version of the Yoshi (came in a Black Friday crate last year) so that's an easy "loss" to recoup if I need to.

Yeah I just added some gold on top of Yoshino to get mine as well, I can always get her back later if i choose... 😁

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