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Trade-In returns at the end of 13.4.

Colonel Potter

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53 minutes ago, Volron said:

Wait, you can trade STEEL SHIPS in for....whatever????

*what the doodle*?


It's one thing to trade steel for steel, even at a loss, but steel for a gal that's gonna be either sold with real dollariedoo's and/or in-game sources like coal?????

I am now confuzzeled.  I mean, not an issue with guys who swim in steel, but for someone like me that is a HORRIBLE trade.....

I have 30 something thousand steel right now, enough to buy whatever. 

I don't have a single steel ship that interest me, even though I don't have single steel ship in my port. 
I have coal ships that interest me. 

I have coal commanders that interest me. 

So I spend steel on coal stuff. 

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On 4/4/2024 at 4:05 AM, Wulf_Ace said:


Nothing seems too much interesting, maybe I ll just get Karl Johan, he seems rare.

If yiou are getting something that "seems rare" buy a crappy low tier ship, trade it and doubloons. DON'T trade something impossible to get (like Smolensk) for any of these...

<edit> assuming that you would pay doubloons if it was available. There are folks who don't have doubloons, so this is a pathway for them to trade ships that they have (and hate) for ones that they don't have (and want)

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19 minutes ago, SureBridge said:

If yiou are getting something that "seems rare" buy a crappy low tier ship, trade it and doubloons. DON'T trade something impossible to get (like Smolensk) for any of these...

<edit> assuming that you would pay doubloons if it was available. There are folks who don't have doubloons, so this is a pathway for them to trade ships that they have (and hate) for ones that they don't have (and want)

yeah I was planing to trade Missouri for Dalian but you stopped me

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  In no rush here, but mildly looking at the F Sherman trade for the Karl, then buying back the F Sherman.  Now, to me, this might make sense, but has it been confirmed that the Karl is coming out for dubs?  If it comes out for coal, this seems like a waste of 1675 dubs.

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1 hour ago, mashed68 said:

I have 30 something thousand steel right now, enough to buy whatever. 

I don't have a single steel ship that interest me, even though I don't have single steel ship in my port. 
I have coal ships that interest me. 

I have coal commanders that interest me. 

So I spend steel on coal stuff. 

And you do exactly that.  It is your money, use it how you see fit. Smile_great.gif.ff9d4ab3002206b67ce1d47fd4d2411a.gif


I'm not one to judge if you feel like grinding your steel into a fine powder and smoke it. Smile_veryhappy.gif.0e8d9f242866cb0a7c73df1b523dbc30.gif

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1 hour ago, meatgrindr said:

  In no rush here, but mildly looking at the F Sherman trade for the Karl, then buying back the F Sherman.  Now, to me, this might make sense, but has it been confirmed that the Karl is coming out for dubs?  If it comes out for coal, this seems like a waste of 1675 dubs.

The ship was already available for cash/doubloons when it debuted during the 8th anniversary patch, with no announcement that it would later be released for an in-game resource like some other ships (Malta, for example). Based on past precedent, she is likely to remain a doubloon-only ship like Velos, Sun Yat-Sen, Dalian, and G. Verdi.

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What do you guys think of trading a GK in for Karl?

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, BigHeadShrimp said:

What do you guys think of trading a GK in for Karl?

I'll probably be making that trade with 1650 dubs.

Might also do it with the Minegumo.

But I'll probably use the F Sherman since it's cheaper to re-buy.

Edited by S7CentNickel
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What would you say is the 'better' ship, Pommern or Karl?  Which would be your priority as far as acquisition goes?  

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2 hours ago, BigHeadShrimp said:

What do you guys think of trading a GK in for Karl?

That's what I did, I traded GK for Karl and Immelman for Minegumo

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1 hour ago, Captain_Rawhide said:

Which would be your priority as far as acquisition goes?  

Karl because Pommern is easily obtainable with coal.

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16 hours ago, UnrepentantSinner said:

Look at the trade in value of Ohio and Colbert, Research Bureau ships, it's insultingly bad, worse than what you get for a coal ship.

Yeah that's my biggest gripe with this event.

I kind of like grinding RB points (between fxp, blue boosters and picking whichever line I want, it's really not that bad imho), so I was looking to trade Vampire 2 or Gibraltar or something and buy them back in a couple of weeks.

Turns out that even the my Slava is "worth" less than a GK 🤡

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3 hours ago, BOBTHEBALL said:

Karl because Pommern is easily obtainable with coal.

Or, being available for coal should automatically disqualify a ship for being a desired ship to be acquired by Trade-in.

And like the Champagne "salvage" event, it is likely that this is again a limited time offer of Karl Johan XIV which has only been offered for sale once. Though comparing with Champagne, "Bernadotte" does not have that one defining strength and is more of "uniqueness" of being a modern (in contrast to Viribus Unitis) Pan-European (Swedish) battleship (regardless of her fantastical background) that has a very uncommon strength (though as a whole her competitiveness has been questionable) for a battleship.


Traded Aegir and Z-44 for San Diego and Kidd, and acquired "Bernadotte" with the Forrest Sherman scheme. I am now hesitating on whether to go further, I've depleted my coal reserve again (now only enough for one ship and after some battles in Yoshino I have been considering acquiring Azuma for better "relative competitiveness") after the December 2023 Salvage and neither Dalian or Minegumo interests me that much.

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Karl, Minegumo and Dupliex are the only ones I don't have. Not really interested in another IJN DD or T6 premie but Karl caught my eye so I traded in Forrest Sherman and dubs for her then bought FS back with coal. I had to log out and back in to get FS. Rather painless. Haven't played Karl yet, we'll see.

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8 hours ago, Captain_Rawhide said:

What would you say is the 'better' ship, Pommern or Karl?  Which would be your priority as far as acquisition goes?  

Pommern, without any doubts. OFC if we here talk about sec. build. 

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5 minutes ago, SkullCowboy said:

Karl, Minegumo and Dupliex are the only ones I don't have. Not really interested in another IJN DD or T6 premie but Karl caught my eye so I traded in Forrest Sherman and dubs for her then bought FS back with coal. I had to log out and back in to get FS. Rather painless. Haven't played Karl yet, we'll see.

I traded the FS for the Karl, and will buy the FS back in a couple of days when I get enough coal. Anyway, I think it was worth it. Have played 2 Random games in the Karl so far and enjoyed them both. One a win, this morning was a loss, but I managed 166k damage and sinking 2 in that loss in a game with Super Ships. Survived the battle with 2.6million potential damage. Was second on my team with base XP. I think the Karl is better than what I have been told.  I don't regret making the trade.

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Posted (edited)

I will probably trade my Khaba and Moskva (2 ships I never ever play) for Minegumo and Karl Johan, 2 ships im pretty interested in trying, and Karl of course being a fellow Swede.

I know that the base rule is "Never to sell high tier Premiums" if not for something else, the chance of getting them back instead of a ship you actually would like to get in a container in the future, but in this case I just dont care. A bit sick of just keeping dusty port queens in my port just because.


Btw, has WG stated any logic ..... like at all ..... regarding the trade prices?

T9 BB Illinois = 12 750

T9 BB Kearsarge = 9 500

thats not really a small price difference. Do they value RB ships so much higher? 

But that doesn't make sense either because ...

T10 Vampire (RB) = 13 750

T10 Marceau (Coal) = 17 325 .....?!

Smolensk that is SUPER unique ship and massive OP is same price as pretty meeh Yoshino....?


Im confused....


Edited by OldSchoolGaming_Youtube
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Posted (edited)
15 minutes ago, Colonel Potter said:

I traded the FS for the Karl, and will buy the FS back in a couple of days when I get enough coal. Anyway, I think it was worth it. Have played 2 Random games in the Karl so far and enjoyed them both. One a win, this morning was a loss, but I managed 166k damage and sinking 2 in that loss in a game with Super Ships. Survived the battle with 2.6million potential damage. Was second on my team with base XP. I think the Karl is better than what I have been told.  I don't regret making the trade.

OK, or I am doing something wrong, or that ship isn't great with sec. build or something missing in my captain spec for that ship, so if you could help me with advice, I would be gratefull. My Karl is sec. build, sec spec captain (10 points, but instead of precision I gave 4 stars for concealment). My best score in ranked with that ship was 50 k dmg and that is it... What is problem in my case? Trust me, I know how to play sec. ships any nation, that isn't problem here, broadside isn't, but this ship still drives me crazy... I even try to trade him back but isn't on the list for trade. Thank you 🙂

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12 minutes ago, WildWind84 said:

OK, or I am doing something wrong, or that ship isn't great with sec. build or something missing in my captain spec for that ship, so if you could help me with advice, I would be gratefull. My Karl is sec. build, sec spec captain (10 points, but instead of precision I gave 4 stars for concealment). My best score in ranked with that ship was 50 k dmg and that is it... What is problem in my case? Trust me, I know how to play sec. ships any nation, that isn't problem here, broadside isn't, but this ship still drives me crazy... I even try to trade him back but isn't on the list for trade. Thank you 🙂

Wouldn't know about secondary builds for the Karl. I have mine geared towards the torps since I have unique commander Jerzy with the torp bonus after 8 torp hits. And I have been spamming HE, starting fires. Didn't even know it could be set up for secondaries to be honest. Seems like you and I are playing the Karl totally different, lol.

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Posted (edited)

I don't understand why so many posts are talking about trading in essentially unobtainable ships when you can trade in readily available ships, be they doubloons, steel, coal or RB points.  Why is the assumption that players will trade in their Thunderers, Befasts and Guilio Cesares?

I think I'll trade in a couple of Tier X coal ships I don't use, say Alvaro de Bazan and Khabarovsk, plus 4k doubloons for Karl XIV John and Minegumo, ships that don't seem to be available right now.  There aren't any coal ships that are appealing to me anyways so I can always get those DDs back.


I went ahead and made that trade.

Edited by Helstrem
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14 minutes ago, Helstrem said:

I don't understand why so many posts are talking about trading in essentially unobtainable ships when you can trade in readily available ships, be they doubloons, steel, coal or RB points.

As for me, I have exchanged Sherman + 1650 dubloons for Karl, Moskva for Brandenburg, and Azuma for Kidd. (Minegumo and Dalian do not suit my playstyle at all.) All the three ships I traded in can be obtained for coal later. 
Moreover, I have also earned Wisconsin for some doubloons and a lot of grinding.

Between the shipyard and the trade-in event, I think that folks at WG provided us players with excellent opportunities in terms of ship acquisition this summer.

If only I were able to somehow get Borodino as well 🙂 

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11 hours ago, Helstrem said:

Why is the assumption that players will trade in their Thunderers, Befasts and Guilio Cesares?

Because "the narrative" from the haters is that players are gullible rubes who will be fooled by evil WG into selling their priceless Banned-A-F monsters to obtain something mediocre.  

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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, WildWind84 said:

What is problem in my case?

Why would you build the BB with the concealment as low as 10.6 km to be a secondary brawler?

It is a perfect ambush and flanking ship that can heavily punish broadside cruisers with AP, plus use torps against ships that play around smoke as well as pushing BBs without hydro.
In a nutshell, it's a more comfortable Incomparable. 
Here's the link to my build:


Edited by 100 Krakens
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17 minutes ago, 100 Krakens said:

Why would you build the BB with the concealment as low as 10.6 km to be a secondary brawler?

In my case, it's because I'm a co-op main and I look at the hydro, the torpedoes, the main guns and the secondaries all as one integrated package suitable for using against bots in a close-in fight.

Your philosophy of use is just as valid, for your chosen way of playing the game. 

Your comparison with the Incomparable is interesting, but IMHO they are different ships designed to do different things. I just wish K14J's main guns were a little more toward the Puerto Rico end of the scale; they feel inconsistent sometimes. IN addition, Incomparable has overmatch on a lot of things that K14J doesn't, and can do some really nasty damage with face shots on ships that will shrug off K14J AP when bow-in. 

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10 hours ago, BOBTHEBALL said:

That's what I did, I traded GK for Karl and Immelman for Minegumo

I thought about trading CVs in but I just KNOW I'll get them back this Christmas.  The only ship I don't have on the trade list is the Minegumo,  but I want it.

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