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Thoughts on Abruzzi?


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So this just rolled out of a container.

If you have it what are your thoughts, I didn't have time to play it yet.

I don't seem to recall seeing it in battle (yes I call ships 'it', not 'she' or 'her' etc 😛 )

Wouldn't surprise me if it's a steaming pile of horse turd as that's my sort of luck (last ship I got from a container was the Yukon).



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A relic from times when the defining characteristics for Italian ships hasn't been decided yet and shackled with an "accurate" recreation of protection scheme as well as later the IFHE Rework.

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It is an IFHE reliant light cruiser because her fire chances suck. But unlike her tech tree counterparts she gets no smoke and no SAP. She does get a heal, but the value of it is... not great. Horrible firing angles that require you to show far too much broadside if you want to bring all guns to bear. Her torps are good though. Oh and flat out do not bother loading AP ever. 🤣

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If you know what you're doing she can be quite capable. Abruzzi is a jack-of-all-trades-master-of-none light cruiser, so to have consistent success requires a lot of map- and matchup-knowledge, situational awareness and foresight. Here's what she brings to the table:

- Very good concealment (9.7km max)

- Good speed (36.7kts with signal)

- Good survivability (4 heals + 30mm ice breaker)

- Okay DPM (behind most light cruisers but higher than the heavies)

- Okay brawling ability (3 torps per side, hydro, ice-breaker)

There is no category among T7 cruisers where she is the best (other than beauty, of course 😉). She is not made for BB farming, island lobbing, or dominating at close quarters. But she has tools to deal with a lot of situations as well as the speed/stealth to reposition where needed. She can support DDs on their initial cap push, she can trade decently with most T7 cruisers that don't have heals, and in a pinch she can brawl out most of the non-brawling-optimized ships. Again, where and why and how to do all of those things is all up to the captain, which is what makes her so satisfying to play 😃

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Even when its not the best of ships, its my favorite Italian ship. Liked her before commander-skill rework and like her today.

Its always nice to shine in an underdog.

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1 hour ago, Capt_Kremenski said:

don't seem to recall seeing it in battle (yes I call ships 'it', not 'she' or 'her' etc 😛 

Sexy Italian CL. Just look at those lines. Defiantly a She.  

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1 hour ago, Aragathor said:

An average ship nerfed by WG with global changes for no reason.

This, she used to be pretty decent in old ANrai times but nowadays why bother

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Kites beautifully, you can get rudder to 7.1 and it will hold 29kts with the helm full over. Torps are sea mines (51kts) but with Atago-like angles you can use then offensively or leave 13K damage trouble in your wake. Good accuracy and gun handling. Capable all-rounder, but like all cruisers, subject to the constant overmatch creep. I hadnt played her in quite awhile, so I took her out just before writing this. 


Edited by Pugilistic
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7 hours ago, Capt_Kremenski said:

So this just rolled out of a container.

If you have it what are your thoughts, I didn't have time to play it yet.

I don't seem to recall seeing it in battle (yes I call ships 'it', not 'she' or 'her' etc 😛 )

Wouldn't surprise me if it's a steaming pile of horse turd as that's my sort of luck (last ship I got from a container was the Yukon).



A Tier-7 premium Italian Cruiser equipped with a Repair Party Consumable.

A skilled player could cause a lot of damage and mayhem with this 'Bote, in my opinion.  🙂

Because she's Tier-7, she can enter Scenario Operations, which adds to her versatility.

If one were in the market for a premium Italian 'Bote and was fond of "light cruisers" then she's a viable "contender", especially if one had a coupon.

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7 hours ago, Kynami said:

It is an IFHE reliant light cruiser because her fire chances suck. But unlike her tech tree counterparts she gets no smoke and no SAP. She does get a heal, but the value of it is... not great. Horrible firing angles that require you to show far too much broadside if you want to bring all guns to bear. Her torps are good though. Oh and flat out do not bother loading AP ever. 🤣

I find that the forward gun angles are just OK, its pretty good for 3 turrets, but getting X turret engaged requires more exposure, but the rear angles are quite good. Forward its often best to just engage 8 guns in turrets A, B, Y. Accuracy is nice. I dont know why youre not having good results with the AP, it does nicely against peers. Its not something to try for, but I found decent damage with AP vs BB upper belt & works at ~9km.

Im kind of a light cruiser enthusiast, the masochists of WoWS.

Played another solo Random in it:  

Screenshot (954).png

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16 minutes ago, Pugilistic said:

I dont know why youre not having good results with the AP, it does nicely against peers.

I prefer the improved pen angles from the American lines, and at range the penetration value rapidly falls off unless you are hitting something super squishy like a Fiji and friends. So with how often the AP fails for when I'd like to use it? Generally not worth unless stupidly close in.

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I haven't played mine for donkeys; she used to be quite worthwhile for Narai, but these days why pick her over a healing T8 cruiser, say?

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8 hours ago, Verblonde said:

I haven't played mine for donkeys; she used to be quite worthwhile for Narai, but these days why pick her over a healing T8 cruiser, say?

Lower costs of operation & servicing? 
Chance for higher rewards (by scoring damage on Tier-9 ships)?
Lower initial price?
Simply like the ship?

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Thanks for all the replies 🙂 

I actually got round to playing it today and I gotta say I like it.

I probably should have said in my initial post I'm a PvE main so...

I've no idea how old this thing is and so no idea if it's been power crept but it works for me - decent speed, reload, very decent concealment (which matters not one Iota in COOP but I'm not complaining), Hydro and Def AA in separate slots plus Repair party.

Considering I usually get absolute crap (see previous mention of Yukon) I'm pretty happy with it.

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12 minutes ago, Capt_Kremenski said:

Thanks for all the replies 🙂 

I actually got round to playing it today and I gotta say I like it.

I probably should have said in my initial post I'm a PvE main so...

I've no idea how old this thing is and so no idea if it's been power crept but it works for me - decent speed, reload, very decent concealment (which matters not one Iota in COOP but I'm not complaining), Hydro and Def AA in separate slots plus Repair party.

Considering I usually get absolute crap (see previous mention of Yukon) I'm pretty happy with it.

Congratulations.  🙂

I just finished a "12 citadel hits or sinkings ribbons" Megadeth collaboration event mission while sailing the Raimondo Montecuccoli.
The Italian Cruiser line offers some lively game play, especially if you sail them like a Ferrari stolen from the person who rented it.  🙂

Edited by Wolfswetpaws
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