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United States secondary Battleship branch: Rollin' n' Trollin'

That WoT Player

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I may offend some US Navy enthusiasts here but so be it , from a small country myself (Sweden) but interested in Naval matters since I was around 6 years old so 50 years now.

I am in the more historical corner, i.e. I have nothing against further US lines but I A/ Do prefer ships that were built and there are some US BBs missing and B/ I also think that there should be some semblance to reality. That means that US have their traits more or less as designed and f.e. German Battleships and other nations with a 6-inch Secondary arnament should have better secs. than US battleships who have other virtues.

If there are schemes that are variants with heavier guns than 5 inch, no problem but a 5-inch guns are not strong compared with other nations so should no be so in game IMO.

That is my 2 ören = 0,005 cents 

But I find the OPs post very interesting from a historical standpoint.


Edited by Gnirf
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