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"History Revived" bundle chains in the Armory

Ensign Cthulhu

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1 hour ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

A move to prevent disproportionate farming of doubloons by people who already have the ships.

Don't get the disproportionate farming bit,  they charge 12500 dubs for a ship (Alabama) in the armory and then in the same breath say that 2500 is fair compensation for said ship, because you already got it. I'd say the compensation is disproportionate to the point of insulting.

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2 minutes ago, Daniel_Allan_Clark said:

Oh, I have.

They are smarter than most assume.

You don't make as much money as they have made without being intelligent.

Smart people don't keep losing customers by bungling their actions, while having an effective monopoly.

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I got real lucky, this was the first drop, and I already had the ship, and about 5k dubs laying around so I'll take the extra 1250 dubs and "free" mission for the ship


Shame the second drop was only a container, so I'll just stick with the first bundle

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20 minutes ago, a252 said:

Clicked the bundle to see the first one, it was some crates so I am not interested.

Yep. They aren't even the premium crates, either. They are just the standard version with terrible loot and a miniscule chance of actually getting anything good.

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4 minutes ago, Zaydin said:

Yep. They aren't even the premium crates, either. They are just the standard version with terrible loot and a miniscule chance of actually getting anything good.

Yes... but WG has been so successful at implementing Dr. Pavlov's ideas that just having a crate there will trigger the desired response.

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50 minutes ago, Efros said:

Don't get the disproportionate farming bit,  they charge 12500 dubs for a ship (Alabama) in the armory and then in the same breath say that 2500 is fair compensation for said ship, because you already got it.

That's what I'm getting at. They're offering 2500 compensation to prevent you from farming > 10,000 dubs for the expenditure of 1250. So you get your money back and an extra shot besides.

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59 minutes ago, Ensign Cthulhu said:

That's what I'm getting at. They're offering 2500 compensation to prevent you from farming > 10,000 dubs for the expenditure of 1250. So you get your money back and an extra shot besides.

Given their odds I'd hardly call it farming, unless you got a stash of Felix Felicis.

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My first item in the bundle chain is "Cleaving of the Air" container, which contains 5 "Wings of Freedom" containers.


Given the odds of actually getting a ship from the bundle, I think I'll pass.

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19 hours ago, MidnightPhoenix07 said:

No ship in my first bundle. Which means, just like every other chain like this, there won't be a second bundle. If the main item(s) aren't in the first draw, my resources stay with me.,

This. And I have all the premiums offered anyway. It's good to have as many ships as possible, it removes temptation.

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21 hours ago, CM1903 said:

Leningrad was the first item for me.  I had it, bought it and got credit in doubs.  So, 1250 free doubs for hitting a button.

I got lucky for once with these "deals", but I'll continue to get det flags from my not-so-super containers going forward as a result.

If you got 1250 Doubloons as compensation you didn't end up with 1250 free doubloons. You ended up breaking even as you spent 1250 Doubloons to get 1250 Doubloons -OR- was compensation 2500 Doubloons so -1250 for the purchase leaves you +1250?

Edited by AdmiralThunder
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 Forgive me lord for I have sinned. I played PVP.
PVE Clan Commander

I am still not sure that ^^^^ was possible without some sort of Cosmic and Global calamity?

Extenuating circumstances:  COOP is dead.  You rather dislike playing in teams (Random Operations, Ranked and Clan Battles are out).

You are forgiven.....  :classic_rolleyes:

Some of us did that same thing the other way:  we played Randoms and simply couldn't take it anymore;  and then, went to COOP and all things PVE......and, have stayed PVE since then (mostly, sort of and kind of with a few Ranked and Clan Battles and an accidental random match or two)....??? 

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I have all the ships that will drop normal and all but Chkalov (have B version), Borodino, and Halford from the various crates. None of those 3 interest me at all and with the rest of the content from the bundles and crates being pretty meh for 1250 Doubloons a shot (that is $5 USD) I will pass. 

Now as to the ridiculous comments about the compensation for duplicates being so low (apparently 2500 Doubloons) to stop people from Doubloon farming and that it is ok for WG to do that. Just stop.

  • It isn't "farming" because you still have to buy the random bundle and then rely on RNG to drop a ship from said bundle (or crate in the bundle). The drop rate is low across the board so hardly farming anything and all the while you are trying to get a crate/bundle to drop a ship WG is racking up $5 USD a pop sales. 
  • If WG is willing to give a pixel ship worth X real $$$ then they should be willing to give equal compensation in pixel Doubloons. Doubloons have NO value outside the game so it isn't like WG is giving us real money. It is all just pixel goods they have assigned a real $$$ value to.
  • Giving 2500 Doubloons ($10 USD) as compensation for ships ranging from 3000 ($12 USD) to 19,300 ($77.20) Doubloons in value is insulting. Like I said if WG is willing to give a player a pixel ship with a defined value if they don't have it already they should give a player who has said pixel ship drop, who already has it, equal and fair compensation in pixel Doubloons. They are still giving the same overall value and it is all just GAME PIXELS in the end no matter what it is with no real world $$$ return/ability.
  • Giving full Doubloon compensation to a player who has a ship drop (note - I am fine with them giving another ship you don't have off the list if possible - this is more about if you have them all so "other" compensation applies), who already has said ship, is the ONLY fair and right thing to do. Giving a reduced amount of Doubloons to "avoid farming" is asinine. Giving credits as they try and do a lot is even worse.
  • Not only do they players lose here but so does WG and they are too stupid to see it. I used to be a massive whale in this game and spent TONS of $$$ with them (literally thousands upon thousands of USD annually). Santa crates especially. But when they started messing with fair compensation it has reduced what I spend to a mere trickle. Their efforts to stop "Doubloon Farming" only resulted in stopping me from buying anything where compensation comes into play. Even if I come out a little ahead from compensation (like 2500 here resulting in +1250) it is insulting to me that it is not the value of what dropped which they are perfectly willing to give away; just not as compensation if you already have it. So I just don't buy in those cases anymore.
  • So what has WG saved vs lost here in their efforts to stop "Doubloon Farming"? Let's say someone bought 20 of these random bundles and out of those 20 got the T8 Alabama (12,500 Doubloons = $50 USD).  In a fair scenario, with the person having all other possible ships that can drop so alternate compensation applies, the person would get 12,500 Doubloons ($50 USD as said). WG's anti Doubloon "farming" system means it is just 2500 Doubloons ($10 USD). So with fair compensation applied the player spent 20X1250=25,000 Doubloons ($100 USD - $99 USD for 25K chest). Whether WG gives Alabama itself or 12,500 Doubloons they are still giving $50 USD value so they come out $50 USD to the + side (yes I know other items in there had value - but that applies if they gave the ship itself too so my point stands). How does this hurt them if they give the full Doubloon value? They would end up profiting exactly the same either way on the bottom line.
  • Giving 2500 Doubloons ($10 USD) value helps WG if you take the short view because they are now + $90 USD. But where they fail miserably on this (as does anyone who says this is right) is that it is no incentive to go spend and buy crates for those like me who have all the ships now. If I got fair value if a ship dropped I would do so but for such a tiny compensation just NO! If I could profit like a player who didn't have the ship already I would be willing to spend some in the hopes of getting the prize. But if that prize is vastly reduced in value because I am a long time customer and already has it so the compensation is piddly, well, they can shove their bundles and crates. So WG would rather reduce compensation to avoid paying fair value, and make a little more, in the limited instances where this comes into play vs taking the smarter view of huge numbers of crates sold with no compensation given so overall profits are much higher. They are DUMB!

WG isn't stopping "Doubloon Farming". They are stopping people who would willingly spend from doing so because they have stripped all incentive to spend. They just don't get it and apparently some here don't either.

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1 hour ago, AdmiralThunder said:

WG isn't stopping "Doubloon Farming". They are stopping people who would willingly spend from doing so because they have stripped all incentive to spend. They just don't get it and apparently some here don't either.

This is the feedback the CMs are too afraid to share...but it is increasingly my view as I earn more content in game.

The rewards for investment are getting worse by the patch cycle.

Most of my feedback in surveys these days is to implore WG to stop being so cheap and miserly.

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My first bundle is “Cleaving the Air”.  I really dislike the rework carriers so no reason to spend the 1250 doubloons on 5 chances in Wings ofFreedom containers.

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The doubloon compensation issue, IMO, has its roots in the old WG practice of them compensating the player for the full doubloon value of the ship if the player already had that ship in port. That was the fair practice, because ship drops were and still are rare, and had they only compensated you nominally you would have felt disappointed because you had no way of influencing which ship the crate dropped.

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