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Improved repair party readiness


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On 2/28/2024 at 4:42 PM, WES_HoundDog said:

How many BB players out there take this?  I don't think i have it on any ship or even tried using it.

I probably hit 2mill potential in less than half my battles and far fewer use all my repairs.

How do you all feel about this ability?

To my knowledge (and I *should* know about my own fleet, eh?), none of my Battleship Commanders have taken the improved repair party skill.
I've spent the skill points on other stuff.

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3 hours ago, Kynami said:

Then I'd imagine you'd be very surprised that I can on occasion hit two million potential with tier 7 and 8 cruisers. And that I've got a record game in the Gneisenau of 2,965,283 potential damage also at tier 7. Granted one won't get that every game, but to say its something that only a few very high tier battleships can achieve is also not true.

I'll agree that at T6 and below many would find it hard to benefit from the extra heal portion of the skill. But that is more a matter of base health and armor schemes not being as good. Because this skill is quite good for the likes of Sinop. And really any of the battleships with particularly good icebreakers and/or turtleback can consider taking it.

i managed over 2 millions in t5 ships but because it can happen  does not make it a good option, 2 million is simply too rare for low and mid tiers.

As said before the threshold should be based on the ships health like 20 times the ship health not a flat number.  

Edited by pepe_trueno
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On 2/28/2024 at 4:42 PM, WES_HoundDog said:

How many BB players out there take this?  I don't think i have it on any ship or even tried using it.

I probably hit 2mill potential in less than half my battles and far fewer use all my repairs.

How do you all feel about this ability?

I take it over BoS now on my standard BB build. In games where it comes down to the wire, I've found the repair cooldown buff and extra heal to be absolutely crucial. The ships I find it most useful on are Kremlin and Lauria. It's not hard to get 2 million potential damage in either ship (currently averaging 1.66 and 1.75 million respectively.) It's especially nice on Kremlin which gets 3 heals base and of course is a very survivable platform.

Edited by Unlooky
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14 hours ago, Admiral_Karasu said:

How do you get exactly one fire onboard to fulfill your curious desire to have a raging fire on your ship? We don't have something like a 'Careless Smoker' captain skill. I usually can farm up to 3 fires easily, even four, I might be limited to one or two if the enemy ship stops firing at me for some reason. Can't imagine why they should, though, and typically, neither can they.

You cant control that, but with combination of these skills you limit the number of fires that can be set while still get the most out of the reload buff. Not running Fire Prevention is pretty much a suicide in most games.


11 hours ago, Sailor_Moon said:

👆 All of this.

Furious and Fire Prevention combo makes perfect sense, because you only want ONE fire, that's actually controllable. Fire Prevention actually helps you in that regard because you have only 3 burn areas. More often than not, you're only catching ONE fire with FP on, which is what you need. Without FP, you'll catch fire too much, in too many places, often. You won't be able to survive that for long.

As for IRPR, I'm not entirely sure I'm sold on it. It's definitely useful if you're taking a lot of potential damage (I don't always hit close to 2 million potential damage in a ship like California, for instance) AND you have standard 80s heal cooldown. Not so useful on ships that already have quick heals. I can definitely see the use of it on superheal ships though, ANYTHING to get those crazy heals faster...

That said, it's worked out pretty darn well on my Musashi....so I'll test it more and see how it works out.


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Double post due to bad connection.


Edited by Nevermore135
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On 2/29/2024 at 4:11 PM, Admiral_Karasu said:

I gathered from the earlier posts that the IRPR is worth it on those BB's with superheal, so not so much with others. The conditions where you only get one fire going, when you mention position do you mean distance to the potential HE spammers? What I've noticed is that the closer they are, the higher the probability of having three fires going on. Three or four fires burns HP's at an alarming rate.

I’m talking about positioning and good situational awareness is general. Part of that is distance from HE-slinging cruisers, but it’s also using terrain to block enemy LOS/firing lanes, being mindful of the positions of enemy ships (including the ones you don’t have eyes on), not overcommitting/overextending too early in the match where you are likely to be focused, leaving yourself a way to disengage if things get too hot (no pun intended), etc.

With FPE one fire is fairly easy to manage, especially given that most long-range HE-slingers are going to be aiming center of mass at the superstructure.


Edited by Nevermore135
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