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Some players take this game too seriously.


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I'm a COOP player because I don't want to have to rely on anyone on my team playing reasonably. If everyone else on my team is an absolute potato, I can still have a good game. In fact I can have a great game if I realise soon enough that my team sucks and adjust for that.

But ... I will also note that the entire atmosphere in COOP is pretty laid back. I suppose it's because you KNOW that you're probably going to win, even if you personally mess up and die ... so there's less tension. Beyond that though, on the whole there isn't a LOT of chat, but it's almost invariably relaxed and mellow.

There's a player, and I'm kicking myself because I can't remember his name, who starts every match in COOP with (I'm paraphrasing) "Happy X Day everyone" where X will be whatever weird food day it is. Given that (right now in Australia) it's the second of September a quick trip to a search engine tells me that he might well start his matches with "Happy National Blueberry Popsicle Day".

I've never seen anyone complain about his greeting.

I like that kind of laid back attitude.

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7 hours ago, Asym said:

This isn't a sport....it's a game.  One extremely toxic Random match de evolved to that point and there were actual threats between several players - yes, they were reported;  but, the honeymoon was over from that point on.  Several of us left Randoms.

We haven't been back since (about three years now.)

That's one choice, among many.

"All that evil needs to triumph is for good men (and women) to do nothing."

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6 hours ago, SunkCostFallacy said:

There's a player, and I'm kicking myself because I can't remember his name, who starts every match in COOP with (I'm paraphrasing) "Happy X Day everyone" where X will be whatever weird food day it is. Given that (right now in Australia) it's the second of September a quick trip to a search engine tells me that he might well start his matches with "Happy National Blueberry Popsicle Day".

I've never seen anyone complain about his greeting.

I like that kind of laid back attitude.

Largeking.  And, what I didn't know, is that there are several "National Hot Fudge Brownie" lists in play !  There are several COOP mains on most of all day and they all are really nice people....  +1 until we run out each day.

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