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Some players take this game too seriously.


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I was in a random match last night where one player on our team was very irritating. They began the match by constantly pinging the map and telling everyone on the team where to go and what to do. When I ignored his request to cap right off the bat this guy went off the deep end. He next drove his Montana into half of the red team screaming for support. He burnt down very quickly. Soon he descended into trash talking and team blaming. After the match I looked him up on the stat site (thanks again for that info guys!) expecting him to be from a top clan. Nope. I don’t want to stat shame, but this player was terrible. 42% WR and sub 500 PR. Now having low stats is one thing, but to act like an armchair admiral when you clearly have no idea of the game is just asinine.  I don’t have many battles under my belt but are these guys out there a lot or was this just a bad luck draw of MM? 

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And now you have experienced why so many of us are PVE mains !  It is simply counter intuitive to subject yourself to that level of toxicity and threats in a "game you play to try and de-stress after work....."  

So, we are PVE and Operations Mains !

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You gonna meet a lot of guys like him as you play. I'm only a PVE player, but even in Coop are some guys like that one. Best thing you can do to blacklist him, then you never gonna see his messages again if you meet in battle.

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Sounds like you were in a DD during this battle.  Playing DDs, yes, capping is important, but more so staying alive to help the team during the duration of the battle. I totally understand where you are coming from.  Yes, it is frustrating, but it sounds like you were more into "teamwork" than the Montana player was.  All I can say is just move on and play your best.  

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1 hour ago, pew_pew_magoo said:

I was in a random match last night where one player on our team was very irritating. They began the match by constantly pinging the map and telling everyone on the team where to go and what to do. When I ignored his request to cap right off the bat this guy went off the deep end. He next drove his Montana into half of the red team screaming for support. He burnt down very quickly. Soon he descended into trash talking and team blaming. After the match I looked him up on the stat site (thanks again for that info guys!) expecting him to be from a top clan. Nope. I don’t want to stat shame, but this player was terrible. 42% WR and sub 500 PR. Now having low stats is one thing, but to act like an armchair admiral when you clearly have no idea of the game is just asinine.  I don’t have many battles under my belt but are these guys out there a lot or was this just a bad luck draw of MM? 

Report for chat abuse and blacklist, works like a charm

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I play Random and Ranked and only see that sort of thing very rarely (1-100).

just ignore and play your game.

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5 hours ago, pew_pew_magoo said:

I was in a random match last night where one player on our team was very irritating. They began the match by constantly pinging the map and telling everyone on the team where to go and what to do. When I ignored his request to cap right off the bat this guy went off the deep end. He next drove his Montana into half of the red team screaming for support. He burnt down very quickly. Soon he descended into trash talking and team blaming. After the match I looked him up on the stat site (thanks again for that info guys!) expecting him to be from a top clan. Nope. I don’t want to stat shame, but this player was terrible. 42% WR and sub 500 PR. Now having low stats is one thing, but to act like an armchair admiral when you clearly have no idea of the game is just asinine.  I don’t have many battles under my belt but are these guys out there a lot or was this just a bad luck draw of MM? 

Meeting such players is merely a chance encounter (most of the time, in my opinion).

If someone is a "ping spammer", I tend to simply chat-block them and tell them so just before doing it.  Then I move-on with my life and the rest of the battle.
Pings are the most vague form of communication and multiple map-pings in quick succession is really annoying.

If someone behaves in a "toxic" manner, just chat-block them and perhaps put them on your "black list" if you think their actions merit such a response.

We're not paid to be in-game referees and we don't have the tools to be referees.

What we can do is take screen-shots and set-aside the relevant replays and enclose them with any "Customer Service Ticket(s)" we choose to create via the support pages on World of Warhsip's website.

Block.  Blacklist.  Report.  Create Ticket.  And then get on with our lives.  🙂 

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7 hours ago, Verytis said:

I'd ask them how is it they take the game so seriously yet suck so bad.

Caution.  I would give you a book worth of reasons.

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9 hours ago, Verytis said:

I'd ask them how is it they take the game so seriously yet suck so bad.

Please, it's best to simply not say anything; block/report/ignore..... 

Please, do not under estimate hatred and violence in today's world. 

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20 hours ago, pew_pew_magoo said:

I was in a random match last night where one player on our team was very irritating. They began the match by constantly pinging the map and telling everyone on the team where to go and what to do. When I ignored his request to cap right off the bat this guy went off the deep end. He next drove his Montana into half of the red team screaming for support. He burnt down very quickly. Soon he descended into trash talking and team blaming. After the match I looked him up on the stat site (thanks again for that info guys!) expecting him to be from a top clan. Nope. I don’t want to stat shame, but this player was terrible. 42% WR and sub 500 PR. Now having low stats is one thing, but to act like an armchair admiral when you clearly have no idea of the game is just asinine.  I don’t have many battles under my belt but are these guys out there a lot or was this just a bad luck draw of MM? 

To be fair I have many issues with many players in this game and their lack of skill but most their reluctant to gain any skill.

The one you mention I usually come across when playing a DD. He know (with his 45% WR) where everyone should go and everyone should do, then he dies in first 4 min and go on a rage for 16 min in chat.

Then there is the other side of the player base that treats their ships like its their IRL life and if they die in the game they die IRL, so they must hida all game behind an island preferable in a 120 000 HP BB while they ping their 15 000 HP DD to go and spot and cap (and suicide).


Or the majority that is pretty clueless and go sail to the farst corner in any Arms race or 3 cap dom game and if someone tries to inform them of the fault in their way they usually reply (your title "you take this game to seriously". And I fookin hate that guy! This is a team game, if your not in it to win it play Fookin Tetris (like many say ingame chat). its like, if your favorite football team was playing the World championships would you be satisfied if their star player would say "hey man, you take it to serious"?.

Im not a douche, I many times play this game a bit tipsy (read: shitfaced drunk), but even then I actually play to win. So there is a lot of players that sucks in this game. Some ping the map and some sai lto the corner and dont take this serious and sometimes when someone pings the map its because half his team has sat behind and island going jack shit for 10 min or he actually knows what need to be done to win in a underdog position.

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Just now, OldSchoolGaming_Youtube said:

To be fair I have many issues with many players in this game and their lack of skill but most their reluctant to gain any skill.

The one you mention I usually come across when playing a DD. He know (with his 45% WR) where everyone should go and everyone should do, then he dies in first 4 min and go on a rage for 16 min in chat.

Then there is the other side of the player base that treats their ships like its their IRL life and if they die in the game they die IRL, so they must hid eall game behind an island preferable in a 120 000 HP BB while they ping their 15 000 HP DD to go and spot and cap (and suicide).


Or the majority that is pretty clueless and go sail to the farthest corner in any Arms race or 3 cap dom game and if someone tries to inform them of the fault in their way they usually reply (your title "you take this game to seriously". And I fookin hate that guy! This is a team game, if your not in it to win it play Fookin Tetris (like many say ingame chat). its like, if your favorite football team was playing the World championships would you be satisfied if their star player would say "hey man, you take it to serious"?.

Im not a douche, I many times play this game a bit tipsy (read: shitfaced drunk), but even then I actually play to win. So there is a lot of players that sucks in this game. Some ping the map and some sai lto the corner and dont take this serious and sometimes when someone pings the map its because half his team has sat behind and island going jack shit for 10 min or he actually knows what need to be done to win in a underdog position.


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On 8/31/2023 at 1:05 PM, KJ82 said:

You gonna meet a lot of guys like him as you play. I'm only a PVE player, but even in Coop are some guys like that one. Best thing you can do to blacklist him, then you never gonna see his messages again if you meet in battle.


On 8/31/2023 at 1:03 PM, Asym said:

And now you have experienced why so many of us are PVE mains !  It is simply counter intuitive to subject yourself to that level of toxicity and threats in a "game you play to try and de-stress after work....."  

So, we are PVE and Operations Mains !

An they they on reddit that the pve community is small sounds like it is growing to me

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Welcome you guys who just joined us recently.

I've been playing a lot of Brawls here in the last four weeks and I've run into a few players who act similarly in varying degrees. I do what others prescribe here - I spend no more energy than what it takes to report them and add them to my block list.

My concern with these guys is not what they are doing to me, but that they would do this to others who may take this to heart and leave the game.

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On 8/31/2023 at 4:03 PM, Asym said:

And now you have experienced why so many of us are PVE mains !  It is simply counter intuitive to subject yourself to that level of toxicity and threats in a "game you play to try and de-stress after work....."  

So, we are PVE and Operations Mains !

You cant let people drive you out of a game you like because there idiots. Honestly I would rather listen to some idiot babble then be forced to play coop everynight. 

Coop is for sure fun sometimes but I'm not playing there very long or letting idiots dictate my game play. 

 This whole notion that random games are some cease pool of nasty people bullying you is false from my experence.

I have meet lots of nice people had tons of fun and civil games in randoms.


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30 minutes ago, clammboy said:

You cant let people drive you out of a game you like because there idiots. Honestly I would rather listen to some idiot babble then be forced to play coop everynight. 

Coop is for sure fun sometimes but I'm not playing there very long or letting idiots dictate my game play. 

 This whole notion that random games are some cease pool of nasty people bullying you is false from my experence.

I have meet lots of nice people had tons of fun and civil games in randoms.

All it takes is "one" toxic encounter... Then, it is no longer a game.  

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52 minutes ago, Asym said:

All it takes is "one" toxic encounter... Then, it is no longer a game.  

We don't stop playing Ice-Hockey because we had the wind knocked out of us by a solid body-check.
Hockey Players get back up on their skates and play.

Team sports have had "trash talk" and "cheering" or "jeering" for decades.  
It's part of the "mental game" aspect of sports and play. 
Heck, even Chess Players sometimes talk in a manner intended to psyche-out their opponent.

Don't let the figurative "jive turkeys" get one down, eh?  🙂

Are there mature ways of handling people who cross some threshold into the realm of unhealthy behavior?  Sure there are.

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9 hours ago, Asym said:

Please, it's best to simply not say anything; block/report/ignore..... 

Please, do not under estimate hatred and violence in today's world. 

Ok, firstly I'll admit my original comment was in an overly aggressive tone and without context. A more careful approach is often more likely to get through than a provocative one.

The kind of person described by the OP exhibits 2 problems:

  • Inability, unwillingness or ignorance towards reviewing their own performance
  • Deflecting blame onto others for their errors.


Sure, just blacklisting/reporting/ignoring will hide the problem from view. Its a perfectly acceptable choice if you don't want to handle the additional stress of an argument. But they're unlikely to improve either.

As someone whose been scammed of their in-game items and once broke their own mouse in anger during my younger years, I'd argue there is a merit to letting them learn a few lessons inside a video game as opposed to taking it outside. It is safer and less costly, even if it means tipping them over a little.

Again, I'll stress that a careful approach is best. Not everyone will care. I also admit sometimes I'm not really helping, but just venting too.



I also find your use of "today's world" interesting. Lets just say that a society reaps what it sows. As much as I find this an interesting topic, it is dangerously off-topic and something I'm not knowledgeable in, so I'll try to avoid going further.

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2 hours ago, Asym said:

All it takes is "one" toxic encounter... Then, it is no longer a game.  

So what do we do when we have a toxic encounter quit and run to coop? Sorry unless there family or people I look up to I dont care what people say about me never have never will.

Edited by clammboy
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2 hours ago, Wolfswetpaws said:

We don't stop playing Ice-Hockey because we had the wind knocked out of us by a solid body-check.
Hockey Players get back up on their skates and play.

Team sports have had "trash talk" and "cheering" or "jeering" for decades.  
It's part of the "mental game" aspect of sports and play. 
Heck, even Chess Players sometimes talk in a manner intended to psyche-out their opponent.

Don't let the figurative "jive turkeys" get one down, eh?  🙂

Are there mature ways of handling people who cross some threshold into the realm of unhealthy behavior?  Sure there are.

This isn't a sport....it's a game.  One extremely toxic Random match de evolved to that point and there were actual threats between several players - yes, they were reported;  but, the honeymoon was over from that point on.  Several of us left Randoms.

We haven't been back since (about three years now.)

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7 hours ago, lordholland4293 said:


An they they on reddit that the pve community is small sounds like it is growing to me

It varies by server.  I think WG admitted to 20-25% on NA, less on EU.  Yes, it's not insignificant.


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1 hour ago, iDuckman said:

It varies by server.  I think WG admitted to 20-25% on NA, less on EU.  Yes, it's not insignificant.


Well the EU is double the size of na but even it has a breaking limit, and the na server is reaching that where people will end up leaving randoms for co op or pve. I have seen alot of posts from players all over the sites I look at.

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